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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I wouldn't say the country is actually poor. Naesala's PoR Chapter 14 complaint is that Kilvas is a small country, being just a couple islands. He wants size and wealth, but Kilvas isn't exactly suffering- Naesala just wants more. According to the Recollection artbooks, Kilvas and Phoenicis are actually fertile land, though not used for farming since the Bird Tribe prefers to hunt and forage. And then there is RD and that reason I'd rather try to forget, but that reason is not poverty either. Like Travant's Kingdom of Thracia, Kilvas was born of schism, and has a king of dubious methods seeking to better his country, including being hired help. But while South Thracia is actually bigger than the northern Munster District, it is poor. Kilvas seems smaller than Phoenicis, but isn't from what we're aware worse off than it, just a more openly ambitious leader. My question for Naesala is where he got the portal to ~1950s-1970s(?) for the jacket and hair grease.
  2. That would be Fuga, 100, but he like Gunter, 50, is an outlier. Shura has 190, Reina and Yukimura have 195, given these three units are all old Corrinsexual prepromotes, you can still call them outliers, but not so radically as Gunter and Fuga. The lowest "normal" character is Setsuna, 225. Going from lowest to highest, here are all of them for Fates. None of these factor in class growths, which add 55 (Dark Mage/Sorcerer) to 95 (General) in additional growths.:
  3. Hinata has only 1 HP and 5 Def over Ryoma at 20/15, losing everywhere else. And Ryoma offers much more with the Rajinto's 1-2 cost free range. Hinata also suffers from having one of the lowest growth rate totals in Fates- 235, while the royals are 300 or more, and Hana is still 265, with others still yet higher than her. Oni Savage access is unique, since few have it, but it kisses Hinata's chances of doubling goodbye unless you're a heavy stat stacker. And since there is no Wary Fighter without Knight, Hinata is also liable to be doubled. Not to mention the class line, though unique, lacks good skills and Clubs are sorta meh. His bases are okay, and he does make at the very least an excellent Defensive Stance battery. Swordmaster means he can give Spd, Oni gives Str and Def, Master of Arms gives a little of both. Coming at level 10, he can promote whenever you get a spare Master Seal. He is cute though.
  4. I believe IS tends to keep the date from formal announcement to release down to just a couple months. Perhaps they meant to do this with the first trailer, but for issues we can only speculate on, did not. Whenever the next trailer drops, which I'd assume to be the big one with as many juicy details as arils in a pomegranate, I'd expect the game to be released shortly thereafter. If we get that in February or March, then by June at the latest I would think. June is also E3, which although it has been dying, could be a chance shortly before release for Nintendo to hype up a bit with an hour of gameplay or so.
  5. Close, but it's Artur, no "h". And in Japan, he is Asseray. You won't have choice on the price. Since this is a Switch game, no more cheap 3DS $39.99, it'll be $59.99.
  6. The Wolves come from Hatari, a country unseen but said to lay on the other side of the Desert of Death. They live apart from the other Beasts. The rest of the grounded beasts live together in the heavily forested and humid kingdom of Gallia. They consist of the Cats, Tigers, and Lions, sharing a single monarch- the Lion King Caineghis. Although the history of the Gallian monarchy isn't explored, it seems Lions are always their foremost leaders, since in Laguz countries, the strongest have the right to rule, not hereditary lines. And Lions are the most powerful of Gallia's three groups. Of the three Cat Laguz playable in RD, Ranulf is the highest ranking militarily, being the righthand aide to Prince Skrimir, Caineghis's nephew and chosen heir (he has to prove himself as worthy of the title though first).
  7. But weren't they the ones who did the Tellius games? I can't consider them the worst if they gave us Bastian, Marcia, the "Father of Sothe's children" line, the "rancid butter" one, the BK "why I survived excuse" fix, and other great stuff. Sure they botched a couple lines and names, and left out the Extended Script and all its juicy details, but they for the good alone cannot be the worst. Again, if it was them. Not to mention I've seen much worse translations. Shall I introduce you to Breath of Fire 2 for instance? Also, just pretend that IS is assigning its interns to FEH, while allocating the better ones to FE3H. And FE3H will as a result have an accurate and lively script of few errors.
  8. Wow that sounds sloppy. I guess the IS translators aren't used to constantly having to update a game, as opposed to every other FE where you translate once and done (barring some DLC).
  9. And you forget his personal B Skill- Chaotic Rebirth. Once per battle, when KO'ed, revives at half of max HP with +5 to non-Mov stats for 1 turn. I hope they find a way to reference Ashy's second form when he rolls around. It was that, or I was thinking something like coming with Miracle + a skill that gives extreme Atk/Spd buffs when at 1 HP. Ashy liking to live dangerously on the edge and all. Or Defiant Spectrum + Brash Assault. He probably has a whole lot of options to consider if they went with such a theme. They could possibly retroactively fix Julius, isn't he kinda eh as is? Perhaps via an eventual refinement? Although have GHBs gotten those yet? How would they make those work I wonder? Just really lithe grounded dragons? Or perhaps they have their horse/other ground vehicle (ya know, maybe they shoulda put Fae in a sleigh) drag them somewhere, and then they get off it for battle?
  10. Excellent news that Naenae, despite being a freebie, is going to be a great unit. Although I am concerned from this SI stuff that there will be 4 and 20 thousand blackbirds baked into pies. If only they gave him Wheeling Corby (and Tibarn King of the Sky), that would be icing on the cake. Why on nine continents hasn't FE continued to give lore and plot war gods their own personal battle themes? Have they shown his GHB's battlefield yet? If not, PoR Chapter 19: Entrusted- the one where he appears as a boss, would be my first guess. Second would be RD 4-P: Chaos Named, the first where he is playable in RD. Either way, it should be snowy. Unless they went for his first appearance chapter- PoR Chapter 13: Guiding Wind- a ship battle.
  11. I placed my wager on Breaths. And as said in another topic, they could possibly pick up both kinds of buffs, just as Armor Dragons can. It'd give them something unique.
  12. If you've any interest in the sequel Bravely Second, it does fix the lategame bloat issue. The plot never quite sinks to the lows of BD, but never does it have quite the same highs, overall it's more chill and more lighthearted. Gameplay is a general refinement of the same mechanics. Some jobs got buffed, others nerfed (not always fairly), a couple removed and divided and reworked among the new ones.
  13. I saw Glyphcalibur once, and ran with it because f = ph is a thing, like phlegm, I ignored the a. And because it sounded like a possible word, as opposed to random letters, which admittedly wouldn't be unheard of in FE, el-tomes and all. Although "Grafcalibur", even if the "Graf" is supposed to be an actual word or part of one, could perfectly reasonably be used officially, since we also have Bolganone. I don't think Bolganone is an actual thing, and I think I saw at least one fan translation call it Volcannon, which sounds to me Bolganone is actually supposed to be Volcano. But what do I seriously know? Or maybe it's Gryphcalibur? Like a Gryphon- a mythical winged beast. According to SF's mythological references page for Jugdral, Graf is probably right. As Graf in German means "Count", not wholly inappropriate for Jugdral. Mea culpa. Also, thinking on a weapon for Kempf, I decided to toss his Venin Edge (it's Poison Sword in FEs 8 & 9, Venin Edge in Tellius) and Thoron in a blender. Sipping a Pure Water made the lightning bolts shooting out less painful, and I chugged an Antitoxin afterwards so I don't get tetanus or worse from the shards of metal that went flying. A Miracle Ring was worn just in case, and Claud was on standby. The result was Venin Thoron, which was too coarse and flavorless, so I added a lock of Valtome's hair, turning it into Valthoron. That still being too rough, I pulsed three times and got the smooth concoction called Valthunder, because it rolls off the tongue so easily. If I took a little more license with the recipe, I could make it into Liar Thunder. Since Kempf is scheming and evil, he does have those Portcullis and Murder Hollace traps in T776, the idea of a corrupted Thunder tome, like Valtome's Valaura, would make sense. The effect can be whatever, and like Valaura in RD, I'd want it be usable by any Blue Tome. Just an idea.
  14. We both made an error. Kempf is indeed a Mage Knight, dunno why I got that wrong when that makes sense given his hated "companions" both being Mage Knights. He has a Venin Sword and Thoron, so Blue Tome. A Freege thing. Ronan is Bow Infantry. Robert is the Bow Cav.
  15. Using CYL 2's rankings for T776 characters not yet in: If we want to splice together a banner + TT/GHB, I'd take Mareeta, Orsin, Asbel, and just throw Sara on there for the heck of it, even though she isn't close to Leif (Asbel) or a Fiana Freeblade (Mareeta, Orsin). Eyvel for TT, but if GHB instead, Galzus. No Blue and double Green, but an Axe is good.
  16. I wasn't being truly serious with that. Who would with Lorazieh? Should've struckthrough that it make it clearer; although I thought my description of how desperate one would have to be to include either made that apparent. And Prince Kurth of Grannvale better come along tomorrow.
  17. King Lorazieh has a headshot somewhere in the Tellius Recollection. And Princess Lillia has a zoomed out nondescript look at her body in an ingame CG. FEH is no stranger to giving dead/will die people, what does it matter it happened 20 years ago? And being permanently bedridden until the ending to RD is even less of a concern. Hatari isn't hostile to Beorc. She even says the Branded, although not numerous, live in peace as ordinary folk amongst everyone in a boss convo. Lyre and Selkie get the Armor silly. I'd love to see Skrimir get the stat bump, he gets fairly well done character development in RD. Plus Caineghis is a good old King of Red Lions, and Giffca is decently cool. Zihark isn't a bad character I would say, arguably the best Navarre we've had actually. But on surface appeal, which is what matters to IS, he should outdo Tormod. Zihark has young adult male badass with his Killing Edge, while having a gentle enough personality and handsome expression to charm the female players. Mayhaps they go with Jill somewhere around Chapter 17 PoR? Which is to say when she is internally conflicted- not knowing whether to trust what she has grown up with and been told, and what she now sees with her own eyes. Her on a banner with Lethe makes sense, since Lethe is one of only two characters who can give Jill the resolve to confront her father in battle and not betray. Do they really have to go with base personality? I know she's a red and all, but would her Daein jingoistic and racist original self have any appeal to a mass audience? Well yeah, there were Laguz Stones and Laguz Gems, albeit they were just energy drinks basically. (And a beta version of Tellius had dragonstones, but that is besides the point.)
  18. I think I'd agree with this criticism. I've heard people say Mother 3 would be better off as not being called Mother 3. Why? Because there is next to nothing plotwise which actually carries over from the prior two games. It could keep the PSI and aesthetics and quirk without being tenuously bound to Mothers 1 & 2.
  19. But we had a Fates banner not that long ago! I'd rather they Charlotte a 3DS beast girl.
  20. So then PSI only applies to Ness and Lucas then? For such a giant cast, equips should not be so narrowly restricted. Mewtwo is a Psychic type, some of its attacks deserve to be considered PSI. I'm sure there are plenty of users of whatever elements the attacks that aren't PSI but should be, are. Reminds me of a problem with Badges in 4- did characters like ROB, Duck Hunt, and Mr. Game & Watch really need each their own equipment either? Why not make a universal retro-equip type?
  21. If SS were to get a remake, a lot of people would agree that making both Eirika's journey to Jehanna and Ephraim's campaign in Grado should be playable side by side on a single playthrough. It'd make the game a bit longer, and if Gaiden from over a decade before could do two independent characters simultaneously, why couldn't SS? However, making this happen would present a number of issues, and one of these is character quantity. SS has a mere 33 playable characters besides Orson in its main story, smaller than any FE other than original Gaiden and the generations of FE4 individually. To put it in perspective, if you divided everything evenly, per route, you'd have: Now you do get additional characters over the course of the routes, but it isn't enough for simultaneous routes. It is 14 additional characters total. Sounds like a good number, but not all of them come right away. Knoll doesn't come until the split is practically over, and Rennac, who is just chest-and-steal utility, its final battle. Plus Amelia and Ewan are trainees and not everyone wants to grind, so if that is your playstyle, you can scratch them off the list. If you love trainees and hate prepromotes, well then you'd be writing off Saleh, Duessel, Dozla and Innes instead. These are just some of the ways of showing the inadequacy of the route split additions. So getting to the point, from any set of perspectives you like, how would you fill in the roster during the route split? What characters would you create? Where would they go, when, what class, what their place in the world is, and of course, what is their personality? Looking at things from a purely gameplay perspective, and giving them purely utilitarian names, I'd do:
  22. Couldn't you just downgrade to more casual play? Being seriously invested is probably a chore after a certain point. And to be fair, mobile games are supposed to, in some perspectives, just supposed to be something that you play whenever you have a little free time. The only real issue I see is Orbs. Without those, one cannot get the characters they want to enjoy in their casual play. So they kinda force I would think play a little more than casual. Could people stop being such downers? It makes me feel like I've booked a ticket on Fall Airways. And I'm sure for whatever issues of FEH, there are 100 gatchas that are far far worse. Finally IS gives us more Tellius representation, and are promising FE6 stuff in the future, there is still hope for the most important thing- diverse game representation; don't kill this game for me before it actually ends.
  23. Uhhhh.... Quickclaw? Howl? -Beast skills she doesn't actually innately have in RD. A way for Hector lovers to stop feeling the guilt? Regardless of the issues, and regardless of whether I've hopped onto a ship that'll be at the Hadal Zone in five minutes, I'll be going for this. Just have to ignore a bunch of the discussion here and let subjectivity rule the day- unusual for me.
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