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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I never really quite noticed any thorns to Micaiah outside of the Sothe's children line. Maybe they just weren't pointed enough for me, perhaps I just fail at understanding subtlety. I guess there was her threatening/slightly peering into Naesala's heart, maybe I picked up on that as a pricking?
  2. Perhaps because it's been quite a while since I cleared all of RD, but I forgot that existed and what it looked like. And I can indeed see him looking different in heron form. Adding weight to this is the unused PoR generic Heron models (which when viewed from the wrong angles have really wonky colors- they obviously didn't complete it). Wings unshifted and shifted match up in colors. So Lehran's would probably be brown. Nothing too odd, since we already have some pretty big color variation among the other Laguz. And wow PoR really did have N64-quality models.
  3. If he has to stay black, then how about one of these? Option 1: Option 2: Option 3: MOAR ARMOR! I think I'll make my ballot: Sephiran Asbel Nils Ranulf Melady Lena Presently undecided More a personal statement than anything else, but what can one do? Not sure if I should swap Ranulf, on grounds of expecting his entry, so a CYL vote isn't needed. It's why I included Melady, I'm assuming the Fire Emblem Family Reunification Project is going to bring Lugh on the upcoming FE6 banner.
  4. Not if it's Blue Fire, then it's cold. Who is going to place 233rd on CYL3? It's the most important rank after all.
  5. Turn him into infantry by replacing the black armor with a black leotard that covers all of his body including the head and face. With a little give so as to blur his exact contours somewhat. Less kidding and more serious, well they can repaint his armor Part 4 Disciples of Order gold. Since his true allegiance is to someone allied to Order. That is something at least. Nor TMS either. I am disappoint.
  6. There will be no denying that Camalamamama, Azurahurasura, and Eirikararekamerica will still rank very highly though, even if denied the top spots. And knows? With four others knocked out, even with alt distaste, a lack of effective competition could see them rise to the top. I guess I'll vote for this, but I'd rather spread them out among the characters. I'd rather that than vote for the same character multiple times- it'd spread the tally and makes things more telling and competitive that way. Not like I'd bump up Seph all that much if I concentrated them. If Marth tops the male side, and they again go with some loose theme of "family/loved ones", I can see him being the Colorless Brave with Aum. Not too bad I'd say. I've no attachment to Alm, and who knows who is going to win on the female side? Chances are, I think I'd actually take Marth. Although Pantless Marth with NES melee-non-Breath-attack-nulling-Falchion sounds fun too. And can he have the Geosphere as an exclusive skill? The only issue is this would be Red, and I'd think that spot would be competitive on the Brave 3 banner. Also, any weird candidates this time? Is Amy back? Brigand Boss? Black Knight Sword Rank Maximum: SS Lance Rank Maximum: SS Levail! Oh loyal knight who had this to say of me: Hand me your Wishblade once belonging to my nominal Four Rider comrade Bryce of Daein. Why did I even let you have it? You've a mere 24 Spd, and even with Resolve you are far too slow.
  7. I wish I could play the Sagas, but alas, I cannot presently do so. I need somebody to throw me their cheap, used, in good working order PC. I've decided on my Marlon choices for some time (Lee and the good infantry guy), and I really want to feel out Berwick, its radical differences are so fascinating. I'm already using Czene as my badge.
  8. Just to provide an example in literature, Paradise Lost. The book begins with Lucifer and all the other fallen angels having just been banished to Hell, still aching from their failed rebellion and yet to construct the city of Pandemonium. The actual story of why and how Lucifer revolted and the details of the war in Heaven, aren't told until later by Michael to Adam. To be fair, English wasn't the official language of the English government until just that century. And France I think took about another century before French acquired the same status. Maybe I'll hop in this time for once. Maybe.
  9. I'm feeling this might be a reason why they got rid of WLV and went to Weapon Ranks. There is not very often a totally superfluous on paper Weapon Rank, each adds something new. WLV, as you identify, might as well cap at eight points lower than actually can for most units, consider any level up just WLV empty ones at that point. Weapon Ranks are also RNG-free. You can't make a Silver Sword need 16 WLV, since RNG means it might be possible few units will ever get to use it, how unlucky that would be. Ranks, unless FE4 or at a cap, grow without RNG, and thus if you use Nino enough, it is possible to get her A Staffs. And because WR screwage isn't possible, IS could set the Weapon Rank demands higher than they could with WLV. Another issue I've heard with WLV is Mages promoting before Staffers and thus making Staffers save the personal ones obsolete, since WLV is only one stat applying for all weapon types. WR made unpromoted healers still valuable, and later games let other unit types toy with variety through specified WRs, like Geitz's B Bows giving him a little advantage over Dorcas and Bartre. Although I still can't help but wonder if WLV could ever return and coexist with WR. I've considered some ideas, like making WTA dependent partly on WTAer's WLV vs. the enemy's. Well now his bro is Catria, I'm going to assume it's platonic. And it means Tatiana fell for a redhead in this alternate universe, even though it was Camus who fell in battle that one time. Abel I guess is now unrequitedly in love with Elice, Astram the same and later a pole dancer. And Abel has Xane and Warren as big brother and little brother, with Warren breaking up with Catria- which actually makes some sense. I'm guessing, Ogma is the King of Macedon now, Luke his adorable little brother. And Hardin fell madly in love with Arran, only for him to prefer a blonde cavalryman, but somehow only be awakened by a new flame in Cain. Marisha and Rody are dear lovers, and Yuliya is their best friend. Cecil is Arlen's lover, and Merric her brother. Julian and Matthis are rivals in Khadein studying under master Rickard. Matthis alone can rescue his lover Marth (you have poor taste Marth). Castor is an edgy mystery mercenary and Caeda won't just leave him alone. Linde is at risk of degenerating, but loves her caretaker who it looks like she should be taking care of, JuJu.
  10. In case you didn't see it, we do have "black", more grey, Heron official artwork. Not Sephiran's though. For Sephiran specifically, we do have one CG with the wings on display. But due to the lighting, it is hard to discern what color they definitely are, but it isn't white, that is for sure. Three does seem excessive. I'd just go for "just a pilgrim costume" PoR Sephiran with the Ashera Staff, since he does heal Ranulf onscreen (from a technically fatal wound) and Neph and Brom offscreen. And then have Lehran-Sephiran in his RD Chancellor attire with Creiddylad. I'll say Blue Tome Infantry. BORING! but I like canonical. And although I'd doubt it'd get in with that full gorgeous animation, I still love Creiddylad. Helping is that, although I understand why you don't get it, he doesn't bring Creiddylad during his final battle stint and has to borrow Rexaura from Micaiah instead. This said, I'd be up for alts of Sephiran. And even without a Blue Tome version, the Ashera Staff would make Sephiran unique, since personal Staffs are indeed so far so rare (it'd also make him not at all redundant with Micaiah). I'd be fine with Flier Refresher too, but only as alt later. His power loss is essential to his despair, and if he despaired without it, Tellius wouldn't have happened as is, since then he would have sung Galdrar of Release right away. Ike would have been at most a gamete in his mom. And @XRay Here, will this make you happy?
  11. Happy to help! I've been trying beneath a little dislike to bring some levity to this topic. A dried seabed is desolate and hard, but lift the grains up and saline air ain't so bad, some love it even. Can I be a judge too? He'll get my vote as well. I actually did that for an entire year myself. Just login every day, every SH/NH you skip, its another 13 Summonspheres if I have it right. Plus additional bonuses. The further one goes in from casual play, the more the agony of "bad" banners are. Take a more transient view of this game, and it isn't so horrible. What do I care about some colorless ocean? Just having Nailah makes me happy, just having Reyson makes me happy. I don't need much, not their art, not their VAs, not their quips, all I need is somebody named and looking kinda like them and I'm good. And as long as there is some mindless fun those characters can have. But that's just me I admit. Aw darn! I forgot there is a blood moon outside right now! Gotta go look at it. Next isn't until 2022! Then I must strip and the stand on the dais in time, I need that Spirit Orb.
  12. So then the developers will have no lessons to learn the next time and they'll just do the same? Being unable to draw lessons from history, they will be doomed to repeat it until something. But who knows what that something is? It's like capsaicin, the hot chemical compound in chiles. Sure it can cause burns and blisters, but at the same time, used in proper medical applications, it can be an analgesic pain reliever.
  13. Well we're in the Luxendarc Airship Rubadub together then! Full steam ahead! -But keep the water warm helmswoman!
  14. *Soaking in the hot springs* Elise: ??‍♀️ Camilla: ?‍♀️ Elise: ? Camilla: ? Elise: ? Camilla: ? Elise: ? Camilla: ? Elise: ? Camilla: ? Elise: ? *Later in the onsen* Camilla: ? Elise: ? Camilla: ? Elise: ???? Camilla: ? Elise: ? ...And she was not yet satisfied. This will be my first TT, not sure how much I'll play of it. Probably won't be using a single bonus unit. But oh well.
  15. @IS Bath Salts HQ Beautiful. Gotta laugh, because crying over something so incredibly minor in the course of our lives and the universe is just pathetic. I offer my pity. I wish I could give you my spare Nailah, she won't be doing anything with me being too indecisive. I wouldn't ask for anything in return either. Although if you really wanted to reward me, I could prep up a list of things I'd like. Hasn't Tales burnt through a number of gatchas? And yet they still keep making them. Perhaps we can hope for better with Fire Emblem: Brave We Are All.
  16. Ugggggggggggggggggh, I abhor that "joke" too! However, it'll be done with a twist this time. You see, Anna will lead Ryoma into making the wrong choice. Why? Because she runs Yen Onsen and saw Ryoma passing by. She then stuck a camera he couldn't possibly notice on his towel, and viola, pictures! Why doesn't she just put them on the ladies? Uhhh. Maybe she does! In the next hot springs banner! Which reminds me of a Buddhist proverb where someone wakes up and is panicking because they can't find their head (or some part of the face). Then they come to remember they obviously had it all along. It is supposed to have something to do with the Buddhist belief in there being no true eternally enduring "self".
  17. *Snacks on some corn on the cob* Anyone want some? I've got salt, butter, pepper, garlic, and avocado butter. All this steam is good for something, like powering my Rhino Launcher. I wish I had a sauna. I'd also like to visit an onsen once- at least on paper, thinking about going to one more seriously, I'd be too nervous and uneased for that. So Ryo the boy toy this time? I'll take a peek later, but then no more. I prefer it that way. If they're giving tickets again, I'd be flabbergasted if any of these showed up- t'would be a great way to stab me game. I suggest Vampire Camilla, after the vampire Carmilla. With so many alts, we should also get Solid Camilla, with some sexy facial hair, and armored via a cardboard box. Queen of Nohr Camilla, from an alternative universe where she became. Fashion Model Camilla, thank you my little nephew Forrey! A wild Giramilla approaches! Catch this Ghost Dragon FE character! Camilla Oda- the man who began the reunification of Japan during the Sengoku period if he were Camilla. So very Musou! Lorithia-Camillia for a GHB, the massive lategame headache boss from Xenoblade Chronicles returns! Counts as a Flying Armor Beast unit. Twinrova Camilla- a sorceress of fire and ice is sexy and nice. Bowser Camilla, because do you know who Bowser Jr.'s mother is? I do. Camilla of Altea- to honor the original hero of FE. 2C Camilla. You didn't know she is actually a robot from the moon, did you? Respect for the Aged Day Camilla- because Japan presently has 26% of its population over the age of 65. She is still gorgeous in old age, why it's almost like she hasn't aged a day, is she immortal? Hanami (flower festival) Camilla- for she is the dark rose of the battlefield. And lastly Return to Basics Camilla. Just her in usual outfit and as a Flier, albeit drawn by a different artist, with slightly changed stats, and she uses a Blue Tome instead. Phew! That was harder than I thought it'd be. ?????✊????? I shall begin working on my dissertation the same. @Ice Dragon Be useful for once and translate our voices for us! And make it as insulting yet proper as possible, add some keigo, but make it facetious. (I joke.) Well this is fun. But I should get back to what I was doing before I saw this pop up- fanficting the battle following the Miracle of Darna. I just about to get the moment when after the Crusaders effortlessly chopped down the Loptyrian cavalry and armored infantry, Bragi went forth and with a blessed voice preached to the approaching third wave of Loptyrian forces telling them to surrender their arms peacefully and hear the coming of holy salvation for Jugdral. Freedom shalt come to all who repent and to all who suffer!
  18. They can get pretty darned close to it though. Leen was enslaved more or less in FE4. Lifis sounds like he asked Saphy, a cleric, a favor in return for sex, which she didn't quite understand. Then Perne threatens Tina, Saphy's little sister, with what the player thinks is rape- but only turned out to be putting a bug on her. (So a bunch of the nastier stuff is in Jugdral.) There is unseen but stated to be tortured to death Laguz in a chamber in Path of Radiance, and I thought I recall hearing the details of Scarlet's CQ murder hinting at being a grisly one. Probably a few other moments I could possibly name if I looked. And nice to see you grace us with your presence of hope and joy our local Eevee!
  19. Well that's a dark thought. And all the more reason why I wouldn't want her on this banner. I'm a bit surprised she wasn't dead, or alive and scarred and unable to sit after her kidnapping in Valentia. Maybe that would've happened in Jugdral, but somehow the bandits never seemed to have done the one bad thing they're known for other than pillaging.
  20. If it is hot springs themed, she is yet another I wouldn't want to see here. And for a different reason, the Abel breakup, Valentine's and Bridal are also not where I'd put her. But I do think that she deserves a Seasonal. I find it weird only Catria has a Seasonal and not her sisters. Starring in three different games to me means the Whitewings are worthy of Seasonal alts, they were worthy of being ultra-hard DLC Einherjar in Awakening.
  21. I think it is just more front-loaded. Mystery Book 2 gives you 45 characters. For comparison PoR gives 44 (because Ena/Nasir and Giffca/Tibarn/Naesala reduce the 47 total in practice). New Mystery has the most at 77, RD is 72, Revelation is over sixty. Now let us count the character distribution in Book 2: Halfway in at Chapter 10, you already have 32 of the 45, if you ignore the four maidens, you've only nine characters left. As you see, there are triple zeroes after C10, and much lower recruitment numbers beyond it. Path of Radiance I brought up before, because it is so very anti-front-loaded in comparison to Mystery. The first eight chapters give you an incredibly small roster, just a handful of the GMs. Despite being a little longer, it spaces out its characters much more evenly even after the starting eight battles. Because I like to gather data: So by the time we're done with Chapter 16, a little over halfway with the long C17 being a good break point due to no recruits there, we've 27 of the 44. 17 units remain unobtained. The number of "empty" chapters after C7 is both absolutely and as a percentage of the total game much lower than for Mystery, despite being a smaller cast and a little longer game. FEs tend to be frontloaded to some extent with the characters, Fates gives you all but two prepromotes and the kids (which you can get whenever) by the start of Chapter 14 on BR, the same at the start of Chapter 17 on CQ. Frontloading is good in ways because it gives you plenty of options from the start, and increases the likelihood more of the characters you'll like will be usable for most of the game. Anywho, enough dissection... Glad to see the Cain will be dishin' the pain. Early Tiki looks to be an MVP of this run, probably couldn't have happened if dragonstones had the durability they did in the later games. The older games clearly did better here. These two and Est aside, everyone looks fairly tame.
  22. I tried making one of these called "Four Degrees of Knoll", but I can't screenshot it. Really should be doing this on a mobile device. It went: Is Knoll: Knoll Supports Knoll: Duessel Natasha Lute Supports Somebody Who Supports Knoll: Ephraim, Amelia, Cormag, Joshua, Artur, Seth, Franz, Ross, Vanessa, Kyle Supports Somebody Who Supports Somebody Who Supports Knoll: Eirika, Forde, Tana, L'Arachel, Myrrh, Marisa, Gerik, Tethys, Moulder, Syrene, Garcia, Innes, Gilliam, Colm, Neimi, Ewan SSWSS x2 Who Supports Knoll: Dozla, Saleh, Rennac I think I'll do "Degrees of Volke" next, for an even more extreme case of support linkages.
  23. Besides the OC weapon route, they could do Nohrian Excalibur. A Green instead of Red Tome for him for once. Flier effectiveness, massive crit, and that increased AS for both sides. Much like any other Green Tome perhaps, but it is still unused, and only Nyx could otherwise claim it (forget Iago), since only Sorcerer has the S rank to use it. Leo as a Dark Flier would be a fair move for variety's sake. It's technically Nohrian, and I found it to be really really good for him in Fates, since with Spd +2 it gives him 6 Spd over Dark Knight, not like I found DK's Def all that useful.
  24. So you are on hard! Good to know. Unlike other FEs, the final boss, Ashnard of course- why do I need to hide it?, will move. If you ever enter his range, he will come at you. And even if you don't, Ashnard will start moving out on the 9th turn. Also, won't say what exactly, but although the final battle is really only one phase unlike some other games, there is something of a shift in it partway in. Since Ashnard could easily slaughter your squishes (although he has a splendid boss convo with Reyson- SF has it though in the PoR section on the main page, so you can safely look it up afterwards), you'll want to surround Ashy with units who can survive a round of combat against him. Also, Physics will be buyable for the final battle, since Ashy has range, you'll want a couple to safely heal up.
  25. In agreement here, I'm never a fan of the perversion of hot spring scenes. And Sakura is just too young to be a victim of it. I thought I might have heard somewhere Kagero originally had Hinoka's role? Doesn't she always get captured for a chapter regardless of route? Sounds like something a damsel princess would suffer. Exclusive B Skill: Hydroplane- Slips and slides in the direction chosen to move without regard for their total Move. This unit will continuing moving the chosen direction until they collide with a not-traversable space, map boundary, or an enemy unit, or an enemy with active Obstruct. Incredible movement- but at the price of being unable to control it entirely. Add Pass on her weapon for extra fun.
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