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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Bac too ye olde n' notte foregetton inne Tokio Myrage Sessiones. I tried to make these kinda balanced and not too crazy powerful, which my first set of TMS characters may or may not have been. Making so many and having already done some, at many points I had to deviate from a strict basing of skills and effects on what a given Class Change offers, and not everything here is bound to be good. Honestly, this is a mess. I was going to include stat guidelines, but I left them out, too much work. I also mostly left out filler generic skills. The epithets are my own. First, my main reason for doing this round of writeups, Conquerer!Chrom (he has very little personality? Does Possessed Celica offer an argument?): Lord (Conqueror): Mirage Chrom (Sword Infantry, maaaybe Armor for variety's sake) Darkfire Knight: Mirage Cain (Technically it be just Dark Knight, but why not improve it a little?) Lance Cavalry Gilded Wyvern (Wyvern Knight): Mirage Caeda (Lance Flier) (Sorcerer) of Chaos: Mirage Tharja (Red Tome Infantry) Gentleman (Assassin): Virion (Red Bow Infantry) Steel (Berserker): Draug (Axe Armor) Fierce (Swordmaster): Navarre (Sword Infantry) Phew! That gets through all the "dark" Mirage Class Changes. And onto the "light".: (Great Lord) of Thunder: Mirage Chrom (Blue Tome Infantry) Protective (Paladin): Mirage Cain (Lance Cavalry) Azure (Falcon Knight): Mirage Caeda (Lance Flier) Sanctimonious (Sage): Mirage Tharja (Staff Infantry) Squall (Sniper): Virion (Colorless Bow Infantry) Golden (General): Mirage Draug (Axe Armor) (Hero) of Fortitude: Navarre (Sword Infantry)
  2. Agreed on this! I haven't even played Genealogy, and I like her for some reason, ideally in the Treasure attire. Simple, yet beautiful and nice. For optional comedic effect, if it weren't for that chandelier, maybe you should've hung the Mystletainn from the center snowflake. Mystletainn is just Norse for mistletoe.
  3. Hopefully the game won't disappoint. Being held up to as this legendary godly classic, there is the chance that if you set your expectations too high, you'll come to hate it as overrated. Keep in mind it's a product of its era. Add Frog for Slurp Kiss, and you have a pretty amazing team. Although following the Rule of Fun, everyone is perfectly usable, so pick whomever you wish when you can choose your team members.
  4. HOW MANY TIMES MUST IT BE SAID THAT THE "ARCHER" IN QUESTION IS A SNIPER? Honestly, I'd rather have the 2-F Thunder Sage, because I cannot ever recall its Boltings hitting anything. Actually, nominate the entire Allied Daein Army from Part 3- they deserve some love. Or give me the decorative General in SS C19, it doesn't do anything, but it looks nice. And if Einherjar count, I'll go for that packet of allies in Lost Bloodlines 1 in the lower left, for some reason I'm fond of them. Also, the Mercenary who comes with Rath in his re-recruitment chapter, long ago he once fought and died against the chapter's boss. And how could I forget Tanith's Reinforcement Falcoknights? Those have amazing stats, even more so on Maniac. And I thought I heard T776 lets you get a squad of generic cavs consisting of old men who have lived terrible lives they tire of, and want to die helping Leif by eating Ballistae bolts intended for his forces. There are plenty of memorable NPCs in FE. At least according to me.
  5. Well Yune does give that 4-F-3 weapon blessing while in Micaiah, and if one can bless weapons, armor is wholly possible too. With practice, I'd think Micaiah could in theory do that on her own, not as strong as if she were an outright goddess, but something good. True, could be. Since I don't see FE4's battles lasting a just single day. Every other game, that is feasible. FE4's giant maps makes me think it was longer than that, otherwise it'd be way too easy to traverse entire kingdoms. We just don't see the day & night cycling, which would have put even more stress on a 16-bit game, in an era when storage space was limited.
  6. Or she could take lessons from Grandpa or get some help unique to her via a little bird and apply a blessing that makes you closer to invincible. You have less need for a bodyguard if your skin and clothes are coated in magic enough to make most attacks go *tink!*. I think you're being a little excessive here. Sigurd had a job of enforcing Grannvalian policy in Agustria. Technically he could have commanded from the castle, but I guess that just wasn't something he likes to do. Deidre on the other hand wanted to care for their baby, which is fine, since she wasn't the greatest of fighters anyhow. The heir to Chalphy should've had a token few bodyguards though. Also, Manfroy is hard to beat in the "warp and win" department. He spends FE4 doing this successfully until he just doesn't in the final chapter.
  7. Plus a minigame where you play as Lyn in a Santa costume accompanied by Eliwood and Hector dressed in reindeer suits. Your goal is to throw presents at children to satisfy them. Eliwood and Hector satisfy children by 1 point ("HP") when they throw presents, but Lyn gives 2 points. However, starry-eyed children will be drawn to Lyn Claus, and if they get too close, she will swarmed and knocked over by them, being unable to give presents until the kids are gone. Thus, while tossing presents, you must defend Lyn using Hector and Eliwood to block the kids from approaching her. This is done in real time, and it is impossible to back Lyn into a corner guarded by Hector and Eliwood where she can't possibly get knocked down. There are a finite number of kids in each stage, your score being determined by how long it took you to complete the stage, and whether Lyn was knocked over or not at all. There are multiple difficulties, with the highest, Zenith, giving the children quintuple the HP of Normal. Good luck! -Plus an Endless Mode as well.
  8. Reminds me of a species of fish (there might be several actually) where a female, if they wish to challenge the dominant male, is able to naturally turn into a male. The process is irreversible, but once done, they can mate with females perfectly fine.
  9. Honestly though, I don't think you get much of a choice with using Titania early on. For Chapters 1 & 2, you've three other characters to feed EXP to, that is it. Chapter 3 gets rid of two of them, and replaces them with a questionable prepromote and a Knight who is already highly leveled for this point and won't get a ton. Only Ike needs EXP, and he certainly doesn't need every last drop. C4 gives Soren, for a whopping 2 units who can load up on EXP easily. On a map that is open and covered in enemies, so it is very dangerous for Ike, Soren, and Rhys. Either you play it real slow, or you use Gatrie and or Titania to tank stuff. C5 returns the missing duo of Oscar and Boyd, but there is enough action here you can use Titania and still be able to feed Ike, Soren, Boyd, and Oscar some levels. I tend to send all three of those but Ike to the west and then use Ike, Shinon, Titania, and Gatrie facing south, so that I can kill the boss at some point. C6 is good for EXP for those who need it, Titania is largely optional. C7, Titania makes getting rid of the Thief if you care real easy. Otherwise, I don't think she is absolutely needed here. C8, you practically need everyone for this fight, which means everyone will be getting levels. Normally even on Hard with Titania use, I tend to get Ike to level 20 here, well before his promotion time. I can't see much of an alternative to Titania for defending the south entrance, or killing the boss. After C8, one no longer really needs Titania and you can go slow. Although she is certainly still quite useful, mounted units being bonkers in PoR and all. I get the impression Dayni is an experienced player, who knows how to moderate Jagen use. And feeding Titania specifically boss kills speaks of intimate knowledge of FE to me, as it echoes the "feed Marcus bosskills" thing in FE7, since even as a prepromote, they'll get plenty of EXP from it.
  10. The Isadora support, combined with Matthew's explains Legault's capabilities to me.: Legault could just be humble, and that he is past his prime, but this isn't enough to convince me Legault isn't fairly weak among BF elite. I think his stats in gameplay are, if not wholly reflective of the reality, are closer than they are not. Maybe if Linus was asleep he could kill him, due to Linus being more a dumb brute. Lloyd would probably wake up unless thoroughly drugged and remove Legault's head in an instant. Cunning is power, but not raw power. Cunning needs proper circumstances to function, raw power in enough quantities doesn't care about circumstances. Legault's cunning is significant, but not enough that he could overcome all the raw power of all but the FFs.
  11. Everything I know comes from what is said on this site, I've never watched a FEH Direct or read the news on the app. And I was on hiatus back from late October till a few days ago, so they escaped me. There is always some cynicism that they'll load up this new category with alts of already popular characters who already have plenty of alts again. Mythic Lyn anyone? Or OCs that may or may not be so underbaked the judges will refuse to eat them, but nonetheless are popular or perceived to be that way. To be optimistic, they could use this for actual mythical characters, like Athos and Dheg (and Bramimond). If they've paid enough attention to fan criticism, then they might just add these. Light Priestess Micaiah would indeed be suitable since she channels Yune, an actual goddess. And if you believe Yune's one little comment, she is supposed to be strong enough to tackle the entire Tower of Guidance on her own (ahahahaha!- yeah she won't have the stats to do that, why didn't she get massive promotion bonuses?). Light Sage Micaiah is also a reasonable alt; perhaps make her lines oriented towards being very stressed out, imagine she was ripped from her world after 3-12. Just to show a different side of her, one which few other lords are faced with. Although speaking of Micaiah, a Mythic Ike has the issue of Vanguard already being used up. He still has Lord Ike and Hero Ike, but those pale in being mythical. For every other lord, other than Leif, Seliph, and Alm perhaps, I find it difficult for them to come up with something even more glorious than what they already have. Is there a more perfect Marth? Or a more perfect Ephraim? Unless they choose to go over-the-top like SoV's Overclasses. Or they can go radically different, like bad universe Deadlord Chrom (but I just want Conqueror!Chrom!). Maybe we could at last get Old Eliwood and Old Hector? Or if Roland and Durban are too forgettable to add, make a Sword Infantry Eliwood that is supposed to represent him as Roland, and a shirtless metal headband Hector to stand in for Durban. And I'd be fine with that. We have magic and we have modern swimwear and Christmas garb, why keep shapeshifting restricted to shapeshifters on holidays? I've been wanting a kid character who isn't a dragon for Halloween who eats so much candy they turn into a dragon and exhale Saccharine Breath (although with beasts coming along, why not make Delthea SOHYPERACTIVETHATSHETURNSINTOARABBITMISSILETHATCAN'TEVERSTOP!). And a Valentine's guy who reeks of Eau du Dragonne, which turns them into the Dragon of Looooove!, killing things with stinky Perfumed Breath. It was an idea of my youth long ago, before RD even came out. The child's premise if I remember it right was that Soren in dire circumstances could force himself into a shifted form, albeit with it being very risky to do.
  12. Congrats on getting to play Tellius. Hope you enjoy it. Not to say too much, but fortunately that won't be the case. You do go to battle on the sea, but the time on the waves isn't the worst in FE, no Act 2 SoV. My opinion on the quality of the sea fighting, spoilering it if you aren't interested in reading it, is as follows:
  13. Besides everything already said here, I wouldn't mind if they gave us The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Retold. A modern mashup of all the scrapped ideas for OoT, like the Medallions being usable items, the Unicorn Fountain, the entire game taking place in Ganondorf's Castle, no Young Link. Zelda games on the whole have had some interesting cut content. Unspoken so far has been Mystical Seed of Courage- an entire game that got scrapped because interlinking three games was too much work, hence the three Mystical Seeds were shrunk to the two Oracles. Give me an Oracle Farore of plot importance, and add both the canceled focus on colors for MSoW and the Morning-Day-Evening-Night time system meant for MSoC. Also, a Skyward Sword mod where every time Fi popped out, she randomly used one of her many: unused designs.
  14. These two statements remind me: Actually, a giant fire for a villain would work very well for an invincible foe. Because it is magical, you can't suffocate it with mud or water or starve it of oxygen to kill it. Because it is pure energy and immaterial, you can't kill it with physical weapons. You'd need a special solution to destroy it. I am reminded of King Onyx of Odin Sphere, a Fire King who does end up being invincible at the end, but is only very powerful beforehand. The cause of his invincibility is bathing in the Origin of Fire (IIRC), and when not killed by prophecy, in the bad endings, it is implied the further he gets from the Origin of Fire, the weaker he gets, to the point he fails to conquer the apocalypse and dies with the rest of the world.
  15. I was iffy on Zihark, so I guess I guessed wrong, well that is a little inconsistent. Jill I get would own the chapter, but Fiona would certainly not. Of all them all, Zihark needs the EXP the least, so they should've blocked him there if they were the other two.
  16. Back in ye olde era of NES storytelling, they probably weren't thinking too much about making things logical, or explaining them well. Well neither Archanea game has ship battles. Gaiden had a ton, but none in Archanea. Perhaps they weren't suited for sea combat indeed. Given the relative smallness of the waters, perhaps they didn't find it necessary when there is always land in sight? Archanea's plentitude and centrality of waterways, unique among FE worlds, is strangely underemphasized in the games. The game even makes it clear that, probably by being peripheral, it was able to avoid a direct Dolhrian hand years later. Port Warren, a harbor town known for commerce. Coin alone kept the town free and they paid Doluna dearly in taxes to preserve their autonomy If it wasn't further away, I'm not sure if Dolhr would have accepted this compromise.
  17. I guess that Brand means more than just special powers. Hope they're radiant with deliciousness.
  18. Haven't played Thracia, so I cannot echo that one. This said, I do think Radiant Dawn nailed the thematics of its battles. Some of these thematics made for problematic fights from a gameplay perspective, but that is besides the main point here. For some of the fights in Parts 2 and 3, you get plenty of yellow and green allied units who remind you the fight is bigger than what you can see. By comparison, the absence of any such units in Parts 1 and 4 indicate the smaller scale of these battles. 1-8 even strips you of Zihark, Jill, and Fiona, to point out its an unofficial mission by Micaiah not sanctioned by the Daein Liberation Army. For Part 3 Ike, the game always is able to come up with a reasonable explanation why it's only the Greil Mercenaries and friends you see on the battlefield. In the case of 3-3, the reasoning- a behind-enemy-lines sabotage distraction, is quite fun too! Part 3 on the whole, during the first half or so of it, has an excellent atmosphere of a grand military campaign. You start with a small invasion accruing small victories in the boondocks, then things get much bigger in 3-2, and you have a real setback because the enemy in the Begnion Central Army means business. 3-3 is a reversal to amazing fortunes for the heroes, followed by a major reversal in the enemy's favor in 3-4. Then things chill after so much drama in 3-5, with the heroes making a planned retreat, albeit one with some urgency even if it isn't panicked. All of this is done with constant war room meetings, as would be expected of any great military campaign. And during these meetings, you have varied voices speaking in the Laguz leaders plus Ike, Soren, and Titania. Even when P3 begins to become derailed around 3-11, its sense of scale and the language of the grand campaign endures to the final turn of this show. The realism and dynamism here is to be contrasted with other FEs with major military campaigns. Shadow Dragon has one little reversal at Port Warren, but otherwise Marth's constant march is him victoriously on the offensive. Ephraim marches through Grado without a hiccup, Alm probably does the same in SoV, and Seliph the same in FE4 Gen 2. Roy from afar appears to receive a challenge, but perhaps the atmosphere is weaker. Perhaps Awakening has the "dynamic campaign", in Valm in particular, but I thought Part 3 RD did it better.
  19. Tibarn looks sufficiently large when shifted, I am satisfied. Not sure if they transferred over the Mistress of the Evil Eye satisfactorily. Compared to her official artwork: Well actually, I think the issue is that from the artwork, we don't see the white things enough. They did lose some detail though (expectable due to being chibified). The red... dress? Not sure what you would call it. It needs more vibrant color in FEH. Not like it really matters, since I'll be playing the Lite Data version anyhow. And most of the time she is going to be shifted and chewing on flesh, which is why I didn't even bring up her ingame RD unshifted battle model. Assuming pure Laguz on the banner: Dheg would be amazing, but it'd be doing him something of a disservice to not be GHB. Although assuming they made him Armored Breath, him being summonable would be a good service as well, in a different way- he is supposed to be one of the absolute strongest characters in Tellius. Naesala would give us a second Strike (or whatever the new weapon type(s) are/is called) Flier right from the start. Ranulf, well he isn't royal, but he is popular I would think. And he spends a good deal of time with Tibarn in RD. Caineghis is royal, and has a "good old friendly king" vibe with the distinction of being powerful and a bit lively atop it. Yet he isn't exactly dynamic and dramatic like Tibarn and Naesala. Skrimir- Personally, I like the guy due to his development, but he lacks the stature of the above. Notice how everyone above is a guy? Female Laguz are few- Nailah, Ena, Lethe, Lyre, Vika, and Leanne (a special case being a refresher who canonically can't attack). Of these, I think Lethe might have a slim shot of getting on to the upcoming banner. She is likable, has a little importance, a bottle of hair dye and she could be spun as bestial Severa. Ena would be nice, but if Dragon Laguz got Breath'ed, then I don't think she would belong here at the moment if there was another Dragon Laguz. I don't see the Herons getting in yet due to their weapon issue. Unless they Tome'd or Staff'ed them for the Galdrars. There is also to me the question of saving some popular Laguz for later to get people to consider pulling the less popular ones, we only have so many, even if there are also 6 3DS beasts too. Playing most of the Royals and Ranulf might be a bad thing for later. Seasonalizing beasts or giving us canon-defying Micaiah/Soren/Stefan/Amy/Zelgius/Sephiran who can shapeshift, could expand the pool somewhat.
  20. WHAT?! Finally my entry is hand! This is 2 desirable characters for me, and as long as the other 1 or 2 aren't real stinkers (but what in Tellius could that possibly be? Ballerina Oliver? -well Ilyana could be a real stinker actually), I'll be in at at last. I'll probably go all in hoping for all, but if I find I must cut my losses, Nailah takes my priority in my prayers, sorry Tibarn! Now will they go all Laguz? Or add some Beorc to the mix? Haar or Jill mayhaps? Ranulf would be burning heavily into their supply of beloved Laguz.
  21. Oh, I would certainly be interested in them! Is there some Tellius banner that has been planned and announced that I'm not aware of? Fair enough. I'm not the Fluorspar's biggest fan myself. After someone informed me of why she is arguably a bad Camus (doesn't question and resist her cause enough). Canonical tome cav is nice for this game though. If they opt to GHB her, well Ursula is already Blue Tome Cav, so I'd make her RTC instead, even though her Bolting use is more evil than Ursula's possibly (being in the center of the map vs. being in Fog of War). Looking at what a fluorspar is for tome color possibilities, apparently they come in every possible color, so thats useless.
  22. Season has different meanings. There is "Season" as in the four seasons of natural cycling of climatic conditions, although four seasons is not universal. From what I'm aware with the Ssu-Ling, China at least in the case of these holy beasts split summer into two parts. And then you have parts of the world where the seasons don't really exist. You also have "flu season". And then there is "hunting season", which may be better at different times for different game, and this is likely the best definition of season FEH is using. Except instead of bagging game with lead, you're using gottafetchemallium bullets, loaded into either your shotgun when you feel like a spread firing, or your hunting rifle for when you're sniping. Except for Ereshkigal- Nergal's altworld female self (who wields a tome called Nergal). Besides birthing loli Ninian and older Nils (who falls in love with Ellenwood), she also likes seeding herself with some of her morph creations from time to time, who grow rapidly upon sliding out. Limstellos came that way, intended from his inception to be her finest creation, and thus deserving of his master's womb. All future FEs need a body swap mode, with me being able to individually adjust who is what gender at any time. How hard could it be to add? In which case, isn't JessexSilque a thing? Just pull the Charlotte/Noire card and give a seasonal version of Silque, one of the two missing female playables from SoV not Cipher. She is looking for Jesse, but she can't find him, and maybe thats okay, since you look so dashing. Alternatively, Zeke and Tatiana of course would be perfect. Camus is a big enough deal that he could get a Seasonal. He is so very appealing to ze ladies, the only shame for his original self being his heart belongs to one he can't have, and the second/third self got bought by a cleric before he even came on the market. I just did a check here on SF. if I counted right, we've had 58 summonable Seasonal characters alone so far, barring this Xmas banner which bumps it to 61. Adding 5 Seasonal TTs, and we have 66! A number larger than most individual games' casts even with playable notable villains, NPCs, and "reasonable" alts tossed in. This excludes "unreasonable" alts, like Gleipnirika, Young Azura, and the most recent Camilla. Although defining what is an "unreasonable" alt and its converse are is up to some debate. I consider Zelgius reasonable, but his timing was much much much too soon (and he lacked his Begnion-red armor). I hope every month is Tellius's next chance, or even something for FE6 or T776, or even Archanea at this point (even considering its mostly hollow cast), but I am constantly disappointed. Give to Galzus, with the Meisteraxt and Lunar Astra (or just Luna with a Solar Brace-esque skill adding the Astra or Regnal Astra effect). To be accompanied with a banner containing his Lunar Astra and personal sword-toting powercreep infantry daughter. I haven't played FE6 yet, but I've read a good deal of the script, and I think Brunnya is worse than Selena Fluorspar (the gemstone is a bit tricky to remember how to spell right, so I always parse it out as" flu-or-spar" as a side note). Selena has reasons for her loyalty, as dull as they might be to you. And yet I cannot find in FE6's script any stated personal reason for why Brunnya is so devoted to Zephiel that she would obey him even after he dies. If someone could point me to such a line, that would be great. But if such a thing doesn't exist, well Brunnya, you look nice, but you're worse as a character. At the very least, I would look forward to seeing FEH's diminutive take on Fluorspar's Oath in a GHB- that is a neat-ish looking chapter. And to fully replicate the pain, enemy-only Bolting with inbuilt CC please. Also, with Ashera and Arete in my head, I can't help but mention I think Ismaire is pretty. If if prett-y irrelevant.
  23. I'm actually having something of a hard time remembering what I played. Wonder what that says of me. Worst: I played only a little of Sonic Generations, only to learn it's too fast for me, even in the first world. Still, going to try playing it to completion. Maybe I'll adjust. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon- Not bad, just a little boring, albeit this is because I often deviated from just going where the game told me to to explore a given mansion. It was good, I just really wish the 4th mansion's boss was better. Best: XC2: TtGC is quite good. A JRPG that doesn't overstay its welcome. Now if only this DLC had its own DLC in Team Sagi. Digital Devil Saga 2- In spite of its flaws, I really liked this game's plot. Gameplay held up of course, but this is one of those rare cases where the story got me, I'm usually a gameplay person. Etrian Odyssey V. Quite fun, and much better than 2U. The only major issue is that, it starts I think late into the 4th Strata, and then become really obvious painfully felt in the 6th, is the absence of postgame content and Adventure Episodes. Honestly, reading the details about Nexus's classes, I think the 10 of V might be better handled than Nexus's 19. I bought Shovel Knight last year, but only this year did I play Plague Knight. At first, PK is harder than SK, the burst jumping is tricky. Yet after dropping after the first two knights because I was too nervous, the rest was so much fun! PK ends up being easier than SK, since the levels were designed for SK, the Vat arcana and floating burst make platforming a cinch. Meanwhile having a versatile ranged weapon in bomb chucking makes bosses from beginning to end so much easier. Super Mario Odyssey was great on the first run of it. But I don't think I'll ever go through it again, my memory prevents me from going blind on it again. Looking forward to: FFXII: The Zodiac Age- Not the biggest FF fan, but I like class systems, and this one from what I'm aware has a pretty world to boot. Although FFs have since at least 10 excelled in the visuals department. A Switch version at last spares me the need to consider a PS4. Tales of Vesperia- Supposedly one of the best Tales. I need to see about this, and I'm hopeful. Daemon x Machina- Not sure how good I'll be at it, and I'm not sure how the plot will go (I expect it to be bad, not like it is really relevant). I'd be willing to try this mecha game though; apparently its mech designer did... was it the original Macross? Perhaps surprisingly for an SF goer, I'm not really looking forward to 3H. Not to say I'm pessimistic about FE, I'm just nil on expectations, I still haven't watched the trailer once. It could be a 9 or a 7, and I would neither be jubilant nor disappointed. Maybe the fact that since Fates I've slashed my interest in future games in the series to just gameplay, I've hollowed out something of my love for it. Gameplay is important and all, but in letting characters and plot become irrelevant to me, I lose important sources of fuel for the thing called hype.
  24. I wish somebody did an FE LP using a machine translation. Any will do, but I'm thinking Trachea 776, since the fan translation for that game already has a bad reputation. How much worse can it get? I shoves Elibe's names into Google Translate to see what came out of a "good" machine translator: FE6: FE7: And how about SS to round out the GBA era? I left out a ton as being accurately translated or almost perfectly. Surprisingly few crazy errors from Google, despite being terrible at sentences in Final Fantasies IV and VI, names aren't its weakness. Must be Kana or Katakana I guess, Kanji would probably make things more difficult.
  25. *looks up SSBU* Gosh you're right! In Melee, OoTdorf, the only one that existed at the time, worked, but this current update is baaad! Could it lose the cape and darken and downplay the armor? I'd also say I like MMZ Zero more than the original. To be fair, my MM history is Classic, then MMZ, then X. Yet I do think X Zero has a design flaw- it's so dated. Those ginormous legs and everything else is so bulky, which is also true of X and Axl, and Bass/MM/Proto. In a way, it's more realistic, since an issue IRL with making humanoid two-legged robots has been keeping them balanced and standing upright. Classic MM is the early days of robotics, X maintains the general principles of design, but amp up the quality of technology they're made of. Zero is evidence of a design revolution- the balance problem has been solved and designs can now be sleeker. Of course, the other thing is just that the design direction changed at Capcom, not a conscious logical progression. Which one can like or not like. And it doesn't work in lore, since they said MMZ Zero's changed design is retconned into being the design he always had even in MMX. About Roy's design history, I'd say Melee Roy is ideal. Technically it is older and more iconic than FE6 Roy ironically. FE6 Roy is arguably a little too young. Awakening Roy is okay, but I don't love it. Smash 4 Roy has the problem of aping Ike too much. FE6 Roy looks scrawny, chess or little league baseball at most for him as a school extracurricular; Smash 4 Roy is the quarterback for his high school football team and is being scouted for college. Melee Roy is youthful, but not soft, looks like he could fight, but not wrestle, the perfect in-between.
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