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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. And then we run into the question of "Does every game need some sort of sultry female?". To which to be fair, I must then ask myself "Does every game need some sort of -something- male?". But let us not risk this topic going too far in this direction.
  2. I'd rather have a unit without a Bow weakness for BR, but that is just me; and for Rev, she is friending Camilla for the superior Nohrian mount. Lets Hinoka do a lot of tanking fun. I can use Subaki as a flier ferrybot for someone. Agreeing that Hinoka > Oboro. Not that Oboro is bad, just that Hinoka has her beat. Why not use both, at least for a while? Takumi might really be nothing special outside of DV use and the potent Fujin Yumi, but he is average with good bases, and for an Archer, that is a record milestone in FE. He doesn't really need much investment outside of the norm, Reina is no investment, but Takumi will never really drag you down. BR has plentiful EXP even without grinding.
  3. I think this varies from game to game though within the franchise. OoT is probably more slanted towards dungeons than overworld, SS too. The former by limitations of the system, the latter by choice. WW and BotW opt for the other direction- the sacrifice of dungeon to overworld. But all games (save stuff like FS, FSA, and TH) have both. Although I am going to agree otherwise with what you said. It depends on the context and who said what. And there is nothing wrong even when a series goes in a new direction. Understandably, some won't like different, but different is not always the same as bad. I like Metroid games when they're 2D well enough, but for some reason, the 3D of the Prime games doesn't get me so interested. Yet I won't call MP bad, since they from what I've heard and read, are still good games.
  4. Nope, no damage, some minor stat drops exist. This said, the vision restrict is severe enough you'd be hard pressed not to bump into an aggressive indigen, and Sylvalum has a notable number of camouflaged enemies. You'd quite possibly bump into one too strong and die that way. There is the Crimson Aurora weather as well, which can be bad if you're at Lake Ciel, although only there. Since certain gentle giants at Lake Ciel stop being so gentle in the red light and will attack if you get too close (with a name change to indicate this), which is fairly realistically natural to me. And then I remembered the boss of I think Chapter 8, which is in Sylvalum. During the second phase of the battle, the boss has the ability to change the weather to the Cauldros-exclusive Brimstone Rain, which does deal damage over time. Somehow according to the bestiary (nice addition of XCX), the brimstone is caused by the ferocity of the battle, makes no sense to me, but it is a sight that adds tension to the brawl. Day and night would be something I'd really like too, although a change in music wouldn't be needed given the constant battle. Xenoblade places are often made with the dual aesthetics of night and day in mind, some really excelling in one way, others being consistently good in both, or at the least setting different tones. The Valak Mountains being a favorite case of this for me. The day is a bright cold white, befitting of romanticized rugged journeys of mountain climbers and those braving the arctic. The choice for crystals of Valak to only be orange at night and not multicolor aurora-like I approve of. Had they been multicolored, the crystals would have likely maintained a bright, cool feel, not too much different from the day. The orange glow and the darkened night sky make Valak a dulled, warm white, reminiscent of snuggling by a fireplace late at night, looking out the window to the gentle, yet harsh snowfall beyond your hovel. But to get back to the weather, if we had to have Spores/thick fog, rather than make them blur the player's view too much, it could block out enemies and allied units on the minimap temporarily. Brimstone Rain could be gradual damage to all units not in keeps (the weather won't hurt you if you're in a cave, building, or have just a rocky overhang above you in XCX- it'll keep you safe). XCX weather also gives small buffs and debuffs statistically, for example, a Thunderstorm gives small debuffs to Beam attack and ranged accuracy, while giving a bigger boost to Electric attack. I think a core issue is how to include the signature ability of the Telethia- Soul Read. For fighting it, there has to be a way to disable it or get around it that isn't tedious/a flow killer. Not everyone can have Monado Purge (although I recall mass-production Monado being a scrapped idea for post-Mechonis Core XC1- I get why they dropped it) or Mind Blast. And the XCX version from what I'm aware is a super Decoy buff, the only solution to which is just wailing away until you break the buff.
  5. Yeowch that is a lot of Eldwater! Although the total costs of the higher tiers of the Mana Circles make the cost for a 5* promotion look tame. Promotion to 4* seems cheap though, I think I might do that for the Linus kid eventually, I like the Axe moveset's massive crowd control. Although Knives are great for the speed and multihit, and Bows are safe and strong. My ideal multi-weapon type team would probably be Axe-Knives-Bows-Staff, unless there is another raid where healing is quartered in strength (I believe they said it was), then I'll ditch the healer there for a Rod user or Katana or Spear.
  6. Although while Aversa is dragged down by her's, Walhart's combined with his supports (in Japanese only?) is perhaps a boost to him. Walhart did die and was buried, only to by sheer force of will come back to life- says something about his raging ambition. Gangrel's problem- how did he not die and nobody saw it? Chrom had won final victory, he had alllllll the time to examine the body and dispose of it properly. Emmeryn's problem- how did she not die and nobody from Plegia saw it, or how did she escape potential burial/cremation? You'd think Gangrel would have urinated over her corpse before having it buried in a latrine. Sure her death won the hearts of many Plegians, but like Gangrel gave a rat's rear end? There were sure to be lackies who would've done his bidding. At best, a conscientious objector saw she yet lived and "disposed" of her covertly. Aversa's problem- Chrom commented on her escape the first time, how'd he not notice she'd done it again/wasn't actually dead? And the aforementioned character undoing. Yen'fay is probably second only to Walhart in terms of being feasible, being this is an alt dimension one- the only question is how he got through a timespace portal.
  7. I'm in agreement. Aversa's bit of backstory she tells Chrom in the first fight sounds great, Validar- wasn't the best of adoptive fathers dads, but he gave her something in life. And it actually makes Validar seem like a little more than a cackling generic villain. Nope, Validar is just evil, and Aversa's little character development is undone.
  8. Somebody else speaks of this besides me, thank you. If they ever should come, well it should be late enough that they can't possibly turn out bad. What could possibly go wrong? And I'll ask for alts of the little sisters based on Warriors as well. Cipher's crew can also join the fun- Solo Triangle Attack as Emma's personal Special please.
  9. Although I've always made him a Mage, the general criticism of Kliff as a Mage is that, although he has a high Speed growth and a wide spell selection, he has a very poor Spd base, as does Mage and Sage. The result is that he can't double as many things or as fast as is expected. Tobin has a high Speed base and gets eventual Physics, which make him better. Plus Delthea isn't hard to use and can outdo Kliff. Kliff as a Cav gives you a fairly strong Cav- fast and durable, the best Ram Villager here and it's a good choice given Clive is eh and Mathilda won't come for a while. As an Archer, he is decent, until you can get the Killer Bow, then Gray and Tobin are better. For Dread Fighter, Kliff has the highest base Res of the Villager, 6/4 more than Gray/Tobin, which with Atropos means -12/8 damage in practice, very good for magic tanking.
  10. So I was right to assume a Farfetched 2 would be a thing. Didn't expect Loki, although very much wanted, to get on it, being an OC. But after the triple Muspel banner last month, I guess they just want to get the OC craving out of the way, partly at least. Aversa as not summonable is odd to me. She has breasts and a unique color-weapon-class combo canonically speaking. She should be 5* summonable. Mayhaps Loki won the Battle of the Bulges? Nice that Kliff got in, now the Ram Villagers are complete. And this one should hopefully be good. However, I have 700 sloth orbs now, and this is a skip yet again. The Loki I like has blue skin, and the rest I have no real attachment to either. Looks like I can ignore this board yet again until the ~9th of next month. After that, well maybe we could get another NHB before All I Want for Christmas is II.
  11. Awww... they might share color schemes and nightly beauty, but Sylvalum is so very distinct. Satorl Marsh is a, well, a marsh, which just so happens to be gray in the day. It also eases the heroes into the High Entia- first their ruins, then you meet one incognito, and then you get to their home. Sylvalum has Lake Ciel, yes, a shallow giant lake. But Sylvalum has no great river like Satorl Marsh, there is nothing marshy at all. It has the lake, but it also has the vast Sandseas, which aren't even sand! It's the ashes blown over from the volcanically active Cauldros which coat Sylvalum. The Turqos Plateau in TGCC was a reference to the Delusians North Summit I think, and that and the Delusians South Summit are a very distinct subregion. Add giant crystals, the Noctilucent Sphere hanging high above, and other funky details, and Sylvalum is very much its own thing. All this said, I think Satorl Marsh would be easier to compact into a map, and offer more beauty per square ped. Warriors Orochi 3 and 4 have a mechanic where once the proper bar is filled, all three characters you control (not over different parts of the battlefield, they're all in the same location, only one is on the field at any time though) will attack all nearby enemies, anyone hit (indicated by being stunned with a whitish aura) during a brief time will then be hit with a big damage blast at the end of it. Just take this and add some nuance to it. If you mean all mecha battles, then we should include at least maybe one more from XCX, assuming I'm not misremembering their size
  12. Uhhhh... nomadic imperial expansion. This is the borderland between home of nomadic pastoralists and settled agriculturalists. These lands shift back and forth between settled civilization and the nomads, creating a mixed population. Presently, the nomads have gained control of this area, and thus move in to establish both an administration and bring their pastoral activities there- thus the yurts big and small.
  13. Not bad, most of them are quite sylvan, naturally designed as locations, and potentially strategic. Wouldn't mind seeing someone fill these in with enemies.
  14. I believe certain prepromoted characters are considered to have promoted at less than 20, such as Camilla and Leo. This is the cause of their quicker leveling I think. I like the EXP curve on the higher difficulties of Fates, Awakening had issues of broken lowmanning, partly to be blamed on the relatively high EXP gain for a highly leveled unit able to clear swathes of a map on their own. Fates was correcting this, and in doing so, encourages using a larger team to an extent.
  15. Quite true, the initial roster is probably going to cause some squealing. Compared to HW and FEW, I don't think XCW would sell as well either, it doesn't have the popularity of LoZ or FE. And since this game would have to have something like HW's Adventure Mode and FEW's History Mode, I'd think they'd turn to XCX for this. That game throws hexes over its maps, like DW7's own little Adventure Mode for sorts (its name escapes me). Just give us top-down photographic imagery versions of some of the places in the other games, and fit a hex grid over it. They should ideally integrate some gameplay mechanics of XC, just as FEW and HW did of their franchises. I've already mentioned Chain Attacks and Overdrive, wouldn't be too tricky to include. I'm thinking cooldowns, don't use a particular Charge/Strong Attack for a short while and it'll have extra touches to it, it'd encourage using a character's full arsenal, unlike say base Midna, who is mostly C3 spam. Auras could be assigned to C1 for a number of characters, different Auras for different characters please. Not sure how they could integrate aggro, positional arts seem fine, but aggro, an essential, defining role for some characters like Reyn, I can't figure out. Topple, Stagger-Topple in XCX (Stagger-Bind for Skells), Break-Topple-Daze in XC1, Break-Topple-Launch-Smash in XC2. Somehow, this has to be in. If they're going to include elements in some form, and they don't have to- which to use? They matter most in XC2, but eight seems to be too many, perhaps they fix this a little by merging Water with Ice. I don't think XCX's six could work.
  16. Breath of the Wild is beautiful and vast, if a little empty and lifeless. Wind Waker had a strong exploratory element, until BotW, if too much water. Skyward Sword went in the opposite direction BotW would. SS dungeon-ified the overworld, on the surface that is. Whereas BotW has small dungeons and a vast world, SS made the overworld more compact. I think I'd pick A Link to the Past or A Link Between Worlds. Large, yet dense, with the Dark Realm and Lorule to double things. Shoutouts to the Oracle games and how the seasons and time traveling were integrated.
  17. I didn't really mean that, I was only alluding to part of Mira's fundamentally mysterious nature. I'd want the rest of the Xeno worlds too, Satorl Marsh I'm thinking of at the moment. Seems like it'd be easily workable. And I'm trying to envision how one would compact each XCX region into one or two battlefields. Using these wonderfully labeled maps. If by eight you're including L, Gwin, and Irina, I think nobody would be terribly remiss if they were absent, and the plot doesn't truly need them either. All it at its core needs is Elma, Lin, and Lao, Doug being Lao's close friend making him a little more likely than the three I stated before. As for the optionals, one can leave them all out, since they mostly share weapon types with the "mains", unless Koei had a real passion for Alexa or something and wanted to pull an Agitha. I would not be remiss if I saw Elma using Phog's Sky High. Phog can be relegated to "name of allied NPC Blade officer". I wish we could have Vandham, since he is the commander of BLADE, but despite those guns, he never fights. Not only is KOS-MOS in multiple games, but from what I've seen of KOS-MOS's fighting in Super Robot Taisen: OG Saga Endless Frontier, The Smash Medley version of Gaur Plains would be a good place to start, proves Gaur Plains would be easily remixed. As for other field themes, it is doable. Compare the original Skyloft theme in Skyward Sword, to Hyrule Warriors's remix. I'm now starting to ponder if the lyric'ed pieces of XCX would have legal issues around them. You never know. Correct me if I'm wrong and my soul has wandered off the path of the Zohar and is now threatened with being lost forever, but I thought the limitless energy production of the XG Zohar had something to do with being able to see all possibilities and draw upon all of them? (XG Remake- a dream and nothing more- would REALLY benefit from an ingame comprehensive encyclopedia.) That is more dimensional to me, but it does mean foresight to a degree, so if the Wave Existence can gleam the future and touch it, why can't it look past and do the same? Not like the majority of players would understand it and instead take some ibuprofen to ease the headache from trying to get it.
  18. In all likelihood it'd return, but I'm not one of those people who think it is absolutely necessary. There are ways other than rock-paper-scissors to make multiple weapons types each in their own way valuable I think. IS wouldn't know, because IS hasn't tried pursuing alternatives, but they always could explore them.
  19. Nope, they weren't. In the game's Adventure Mode, a gameplay-heavy and story-free mode which made up the meat of this game, you could by winning certain battles unlock the duo, as well as Ruto and Agitha I think. The free DLC characters in the Wii U version were the original villain trio of Cia, Volga, and Wizzro.
  20. Just felt like mentioning an ancient Egyptian tradition, when a cat went off to the Field of Reeds of eternal bliss, in mourning, the owners apparently would shave their eyebrows.
  21. They don't HAVE to work together, Ghirahim and Zant never joined the heroes HW. They just became playable later outside the story. Or they can bring in Xanthe, and then Egil can force Black Face to help, or else he dies. I imagine, if Lora and Addam weren't preserved long into the future from my lack of knowledge, that TtGC would complicate things even more, if they wanted to rep it properly? Certainly you can't have two Mythras running around in the plot, or maybe you can, a Warriors crossover already is involving timespace shenanigans. So they have to open an extra XC2 portal, what'd the problem be with that? Mayybe as a prologue fight, but they have to get to the world-merge sooner rather than later. If it doesn't happen there, then it has to be amid the Colony 9 attack. As the claw plunges deep and then away flies, look to the great changes in the skies. Metal Face with his pace returneth to Mechonis's grace, but after his return, the usual story adjourns. According to Xenoblade Wiki, Cross does have official artwork: Dynasty Warriors has also had create-a-warrior before in some of its games, namely the Empires spinoffs. DW8: Empires even lets you have kids with your favorite opposite-sex warrior. As for the voices, I'm not sure if they could rehire all 20 Japanese ones and 14 English ones. The Japanese male Protagonist voice is Shulk's, so they'll be coming back, and English male Classic is Shulk. The English female Classic is Fiora, so she's another shoo in, and Japanese female Upper-Class is Melia, who would hopefully get in but no she doesn't, because life is out to ruin her. There, at least one voice per sex per VA'ed language who would already be coming to do other characters. I'd like it if they kept it to the minor role already assigned- that being somebody Elma found, a lucky amnesiac who becomes a lackey of her's in the main plot. Let Elma and the others get the attention, make Cross distinguished if by anything, great strength and devotion to their cause, I think that'd work. I think we could include both the Male and Female Crosses in the story. While the same name would be weird, they could easily make them different people altogether. One Cross is found by Elma and becomes her loyal comrade. The other Cross is still sleeping tucked in their Lifepod as the world-merge happens, and is then found by someone from a different crew. Maybe Rex or Shulk can stumble on them and somehow open the Lifepod, given their occupational curiosity. This Cross, out of an inherent willingness to help, they did join BLADE in their base game after all, can then agree on the spot to help their rescuers, armed with the weapons stored for self-defense in their Lifepod. I was also thinking, both XC1 and XCX have plenty of armor designs, which potentially means a whole lot of costumes they throw together. While individual piece mix and match would be the ideal, doing the separate sets- all Makna for XC1 and all Candid & Credible Light Wear for XCX to give examples- would be more likely. And I'd be superficially slightly just a hint annoyed if the world-merge didn't drag everyone else to Mira. Since once you're on Mira, like the Hotel California, you can check out, but you can never leave. A guy with a not-deLorean who managed to time travel back to Mira fails to time travel back to his world because some inexplicable force is keeping him from doing so. Not like this would be canon though, but I'd accept it as such if XCX2 never comes to be.
  22. For a game I really know I'll want and like, I skip reviews. For games I am less certain about and would like to know more, I do consider them, from "professional" reviewers more than fans. Nothing too much, but enough to get an idea of the game's strengths and flaws.
  23. They'd probably twist Namco's arm again for Kos-mos, and hopefully more. Unfortunately, even though Square would NEVER allow it (why do they hate XG?), Fei Fong Wong would be great as a martial artist, Emeralda would be fun with her nanomachine form shifting, Citan is Dunban's grandfather, and Grahf would be the Lu Bu expy. As for XCX, I'd say we'd be getting: Elma- Dual Blades and Dual Guns Lin- Shield and Gatling Gun Lao- Javelin and Sniper Rifle Doug- Photon Saber and Raygun Male Cross- Longsword and Assault Rifle (better than Gwin) Female Cross- Knife and Psycho Launchers (better than Hope in gameplay please!) We change up the Cross weapons a little, since Cross's starting class Drifter using Knife and Assault Rifle, the other one could then get Longsword and Psycho Launchers. This should allow for all six XCX melee and ranged weapon types to be covered, as well as story relevancy and gender equality. We don't need the Ganglion for enemies, or if we must, please make it Goetia, and not Luxaar or that ANGRY Ryyz girl. If Link worked, Cross can too, they even have battle shouts and victory lines from a number of different VAs for different personalities. I'd like some Skells in as well, but how would one integrate those? A temporary god mode wouldn't work, most of the XC1 and XC2 casts couldn't get it lacking mecha of their own. Telethia as a giant boss thing- if they could get it to work better than HW's. The Prog Ares too would work here. For battlefields, New Los Angeles would be the obvious first pick. The Lifehold Core is too small and spoilers. If we couldn't have all five regions (but why not?), then I'll take Sylvalum and Noctilium, or replace Noctilum with Cauldros, as it is the Ganglion center in Mira. If they wanted to make the XCX crew play a bit differently from the XC1 and XC2 crews, then no Chain Attack feature for them, but exclusive access to Overdrive. Think of it maybe balanced as demigod mode ("mode" as in buffed state) for 3 or a god burst (a single attack), vs. god mode for 1.
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