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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Just how many gatchas exist? I can imagine that for as "easy" as they may be to make and lure players, there would be a high failure rate and low profit margins among all but the top ones. Dragalia Lost having the Nintendo label on it should give it a boost, but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't do that swimmingly well. Having to invent a massive cast and not having an established and beloved name at all are other burdens this game, and other originals in the genre faces. As in datawise? Yeah, with base updates alone, it's chewing 3 gigs of space, not very good for me, but I can manage it. Lite Dataing FEH should make things better. I can see this being the case. In my first three ten summons, I've only one Light and Dark character each and two Winds, with plenty of healers. I have five Fires though. Being stuck with too much Dark and Light sounds worse than the other elements, due to them being effective against each other. Whereas with the other three elements it's reduced damage to you and more damage to the enemy when you bring the right character, Light and Dark increase the damage you AND the enemy deal to each other I think for Light and Dark battles I'd possibly stick to bringing not the opposite if I wasn't that skilled/strong. Take things slower and steadier, as opposed to dying on a double-edged sword if I don't excel in my assault. Dodging isn't a problem for me, since I'm on a big tablet. But I could see this being a problem for phone screen. And this being my first true gatcha experience, what do I know of what is quality and what is not the vast world of these things? This game feels overwhelming, yet a little a day and all may be okay. If not, drop. Not having the FEH issue of duplicate characters in the roster means leveling will be easier and thus, even if my weapons, drags, and prints aren't up to snuff, I'll at least have everyone leveled. All the Wyrmite gifts are misleading though, at 150 for a summon and 1500 for a ten summon, you're not actually getting that much from all these little gifts. Is there a reason to not do 10 batch summons? The guaranteed 4* isn't very much, but it sounds good and is better than nothing. For some reason, I rarely find non Axe/Sword weapons when smashing things open, why? Using the spear girl freebie didn't help much here I think. I've not been using a sword person on my main team for a while even. I'm probably going to organize a mono-element team for the triangular elements, plus a mixed team or two of my favorites. The music I'll echo is quite good.
  2. This depends. The Axe is good for anti-air, but the Holy Water is better for anything firmly on the ground- multiple holy hits is so strong. Still, probably the Axe is probably the second-best subweapon. Not sure why they took until Portrait of Ruin to let you carry them all at once instead of just one.
  3. Going by his game of origin stats, which may or may not be relevant, Tormod from them would be likely to be low or average Atk. PoR Tormod at 20/20 is 25 Mag, same as Calill and Ilyana, less than Soren (and Rhys- but who cares about his combat?), more than Bastian. RD Tormod at 20/20/20 is 32.6 Mag, with a cap of 38- shamefully low. Strangely, his Str growth is 55 to a 45 Mag in RD- he really wanted to be a Mage Knight/Fighter. Fortunately, he is fast, relatively speaking. Ties with Soren for fastest in PoR at 25 Spd, beating Calill by 1 point and Ilyana and Bastian a significant amounts of 4-5 points. RD cripples mage speed with a low cap, but Fire Archsage has the best at 32 (though Light Priestess is higher), and Tormod easily caps it. Rexflame is either his or Calill's claim, and it gives +3 Spd in both Tellius games, so that'd further let him double in FEH in all likelihood. Tormod would also have, if going by his RD self and not the PoR one, relatively low Res, falling 5 points below the cap. Physical durability-wise, the PoR Sages are all but identical at 20/20. RD Tormod on the other hand caps Def and HP, so does Ilyana, but being a male, his HP and Def caps are slightly higher. I doubt Tormod would get Celerity as a personal skill, why give one to a forgettable nobody who isn't kewl or badass or va va voom or kawaii? -To speak of some superficial character likings. If you want a character's origin game(s) stats for some reason, just ask and I'll check 'em!
  4. This isn't the best of logic. Otherwise, Marth would be a god of carnage, Athena would be really smart, Cain would be murdering Abel, Cordelia would be serving her ill dad, Palla would be an article of clothing, or the same person as Athena, Ophelia would be drowning of heartbreak, Mist would a servant of Odin, who would have only one eye and the Gungnir. Need I go on? Shouldn't they have mentioned something about being a Beast too already? And why only one of the siblings?
  5. Symphonyof the Night is more an action RPG than a platformer. It's the first "Metroidvania" game, everything that came before it is "Classicvania", which were platformers devoid of any RPG/Metroid-esque influences, and fairly challenging ones at that I think. Save Points do of course exist, but if you're dying that early on, something is amiss. One tip though, before you lose the powerful Alucard equipment, is to farm the Mermen for a while to gain a couple levels. For now, if you can input a up semicircle forward (left, up and left, up, up and right, right, and then attack) you'll cast Dark Metamorphosis, which temporarily heals Alucard every time he hits an enemy that bleeds. Admittedly, SotN is harder at the beginning, but as the game progresses it gradually gets easier and eventually becomes easy.
  6. By week's end, if I'm in the mood I should be getting to Torna or some serious schoolwork/studying. Just came in to post this for those not aware: http://www.siliconera.com/2018/10/01/xenoblade-chronicles-2-sales-exceeded-my-expectations-says-director-takahashi/ Good sales are good, good foreign sales are really good. "In the vein of Xenoblade Chronicles X?" -Just give me a sequel! Or at the least draft a scenario for Monolith to flesh out while you're on vacation or something, checking in once awhile to avert any potential trainwrecks of course. I get the kind of person you are Takahashi, and I'm all open to this "third option", but don't leave us hanging forever!
  7. I'm guessing late November in Farfetched 2, she was conspicuously absent from the last Awakening banner. Maybe FH2 won't happen, at a certain point I will admit you'd be going pretty far down the list for a bunch of new characters, at which point the premise they're real popular, just not in, won't apply so well. I think an FH2 is reasonable though, FH3? Not so much. Saving Aversa for the banner would be a great way to drum up desire, a tome flier with assets from the ever-popular Awakening, give her a little power-creep, and you'd have a very safe pick for the banner that get the Orbs selling. Slap her on the banner with Kliff and either Owain or Haar, or break the "rules" of the banner and pick the next most popular not-in not-beast female from CYL2 for gender equality. Throw one of the men on the TT to complete things. I'll admit Hayato is no Lewyn-esque Speed demon, but unlike Orochi, he can actually naturally double. Although your point about proper use of Attack Stance does hold some water, provided one can continually manage the positioning for Orochi. I've wanted to do well with her, I've used her in the past, but she never was that great for me.
  8. Good point! The handful of healing Specials would be excellent, Healing Light would almost be too good though, a Fortify lite, even if chance-based would cut down a little on the need for multiple healers and be really good when it procs. The Balms would be not as good, but still neat and give healers another role, although I'd prefer dedicated stat-buffing staves that cover more than just Res for this. The AoEs would possibly be too good in mainline FE, but then I remembered that Fates has started including such things, and they weren't that bad. Not optimal, but not bad, nifty at times.
  9. Fates has an official artbook in the works. Given the Tellius Recollections just us, albeit just a headshot, of King Lorazieh- the bedridden but living father of Rafiel, Reyson, and Leanne, there is a speck of gold dust of a hope she'd get the same in the artbook. Can't wait to see what lurks in it. Will there be nothing new at all? Not even obvious attempts to retcon some good into Fates? Or will it actually reveal, at the least, full artwork for more/most/all the playable characters of Fates, and some true story/character nuggets that didn't make it into the final game? Who knows, and more importantly, who will translate it?
  10. I'm thinking there is a chance the surviving Book 2 characters will, if poorly executed perhaps, be integrated somehow into Book 3. So more of them will be shown. Only a chance, but it's possible they'll be alongside Nyara the Tiger Princess. @Drakhis
  11. The Chilling Wind, Glowing Ember, and Dragon Gaze lines, and Regnal Astra would be great in mainline FE. And technically, you could see the Dragon line as being based sorta on Jugdrali Crits, which were 2x Atk instead of the usual 3x Damage. The weaker but lower cooldown abilities could work in standard FE by making them more consistent than their stronger versions. If Skill = % of activation chance for Luna, then Moonbow would be Skill * 1.5 = % of activation chance. It'd fix somewhat the one big issue with proc skills- unreliable activation rates. Although in the case of Luna, you'd be lucky in Fates to get +15 damage out of it, and if Moonbow had an enemy Def * .75 effect, half as strong as Luna, well it would hardly add any damage most of the time, making it not changing too much by itself.
  12. Hope you were recruited before killing Caelin's Elite Invincible God Triad of Soldiers. Nice to see someone take up the burden, thanks for your effort!
  13. Perhaps this is how they interpreted Merrics should be? Or shota mages as a whole? Although Tormod the prior shota mage had significantly more to him than just the height thing RD brings up twice. Also, over 60 characters in Fates, more than in Awakening, bound to be a few duds in a roster so large. There has been duds in smaller rosters after all. Random thought, do enemies have rarities in this game? Because reworking Pride for FEH could make into a damage boost not just against enemies of a higher level, but also those of a higher rarity, and of a higher merge level. Nothing you keep in the long run, but perhaps good on a *4 +10, were they counted as inferior to a 5* +0? Snake Spirit is A rank and halves Atk after using though, and Hayato can quad with it you forget, while Orochi is slower than anyone but Benny and Gunter. On Rev, or with some BP rewards, you can use Lightning instead, which is a much better weapon with the Brave effect. Hayato is all about Spd, his Res is bleh, his Mag is only average, his physical durability is decent, but as a mage, it isn't anything to write home about even then. And his Skl is almost nonexistent, although his daughter, who gains the Mag her dad lacks and keeps his Spd, is even more of a shoddy hitter. Still, she is the best of the BR mages, although Ophelia is the best mage in all of Fates. Orochi his 1st Gen rival just can't double without massive help, despite being very strong and very accurate. Her Res is good too, but that is meaningless really. And then we have Izana on BR, who is the Pent to Orochi's Erk. A bit less Magic (3-5), but no investment needed and has 5-7 more Spd than her on average. A bad Personal in Peacemaker and no Supports, but these are minor issues. Izana too has a naturally high Festal rank. Overall, I'd say Rhajat >>> Hayato > Izana > Orochi if you're willing to grind on BR. But without that it's Rhajat >>> Izana > Orochi >> Hayato. On Rev, sans grind, it becomes Rhajat > Hayato > Ophelia > Leo > Orochi >>>>>>>>>>>> Odin = Nyx.
  14. The N64 didn't have too many titles, so if Nintendo made a 64 Classic, it wouldn't be hard to figure out what would be on it: My guesses: Super Mario 64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Star Fox 64 Donkey Kong 64 Yoshi's Story Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (?) Paper Mario Mario Kart 64 F-Zero X SUPER SMASH... BROTHERSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! Wave Race 64 Mario Tennis or Golf (?) A Mario Party game (3?) Dr. Mario (?) Sin and Punishment: Successor to the Earth(?) Quest 64 Mother 3 Fire Emblem: Maiden of Darkness I think 15 titles would be sufficient, although if they really wanted to, they could give us 20. Pokemon should be here, but the only choices are the Stadiums, which sorta need connectivity in same way to GRBY and GSC to be more fun and fleshed out, Snap, and Puzzle League. Oh, and Hey You Pikachu!- but that'd need a mic. 3rd party games? Well SE jumped ship at this point. Konami's two Castlevanias were shoddy, but the Goemon games were good I think and the Super Famicom Classic had one of the Goemon games on there.
  15. Liking it or disliking it? I get more the sense of the latter. I downloaded the game just to try it out, played until the castle unlocked. I have no idea what I'm doing. Did only the one mandatory summon for some immobile water healer. Not sure if I'll keep this, having to play a game routinely isn't my usual thing. I'm only playing for gameplay as well, the recently developed skip-stinct in me had me bypass the plot- blame it on a gut reaction to the generic aesthetics in a ftp mobile game. Still, I'll give the game time to see if it grows on me, and in grinding, I could always go back and replay the plot chapters if I wanted to. A nonsense lite action rpg might be good for me. Although upgrading things is going to be a matter of constant regret and overthinking, if me and fusing demons in SMT is anything to go by. 24 slots in Apocalypse, and I still run out of room for fusing because I can't give up certain demons without knowing I'll have made an ideal fuse. I've considered spending the 3-4 dollars for the Macca-grinding DLC to wipe away that concern by letting me spend millions on the compendium to make perfect demons. Can't do that with Dragalia Lost unless I had a seven/six-figure salary! I renamed the main character Vritra, although if it isn't already, I'm expecting that name will be used for a dragon in this game. Evil serpent from Hinduism is perfect dragon material. I'll think of a different one later if need be.
  16. You know what would be great? If this Lite Data version turned everyone into 8-bit sprites. Or 16-bit in the Jugdrali style if that was your preference. Music too would be appropriately demixed. Lite Data might be suitable for me. I already turned off the audio and don't exactly care about the visuals of this game, I wouldn't mind that much the quality hit. In addition, I have this game on a shared device, so it'd free up some space that I'm hogging on there.
  17. Don't know anything about the party in question, but liberal is a word whose meaning has become a mess over time. Liberal, derived from liberty, meaning freedom, originally, to simplify things was freedom of society and economy. Old conservatism was societal and economic control. Then in the US the terms eventually get mixed up. The Democrats took the freedom/tolerance of society part, the Republicans took the laissez-faire economics. Neoliberal and neoconservative actually mean the same thing, which is used depends on whether one is American and or in less academic setting, or European and or more using of formalized academic terminology.
  18. Since this is the month of Halloween for the Ameri-kuns here, anyone changing their sig and or avi for the month? Not necessarily scary, but just something for All Hallowed Eve's and the 30 days beforehand? Also, opinions on Halloween and all that comes with it? As you see, I've already changed my avi over. I had a hard time deciding, but I picked something that maintained a monstrous feel for Halloween, while at the same time being appealing to me. This choice also fits my username fairly well. As for Halloween itself, I'm a giant coward, I've never seen a horror movie, and I don't care to go through all the effort of dressing up anymore. Nonetheless, I do hold a slight liking for the month's festive spirit when it isn't super creepy. I wish I was more into it, to relive childhood and all, but I'm not.
  19. Any chance they could pull a Fjord 2 with Book 3? An OC to get players invested in the next story arc? Wonder if they'd do a successor the LHs? But what would they be called though? I was thinking something like Hidden, Secret, Revealed, or Lost; rather than try to up the godliness in name, they go for a different, mystical direction. Perhaps a bit like New Mystery's Heroes of Light and Shadow subtitle- the big names long remembered through lore as the LHs, and the littler guys plus smaller bigs as being forgotten with time.
  20. Next up, the Cats, I just hope they aren't so bad they'd be better as violins. Gallia’s Valkyrie: Lethe Finder of Secrets: Lyre Friend of Nations: Ranulf
  21. Note to self NEVER read the character dialogue when I finally play. Some might find this funny, I find it rather lazy and catering to lowbrow tastes. But that is just me, and admittedly I'm probably not as high on a horse as I claim to be.
  22. Well if you save up, you might be able to afford a Silver Lance next year! Sounds too meta. If she had to have a Sword-related quip, I'd expect it to be entendre. Hopefully FE6 + Laguz are somewhere in those complaints! As is TMS. Just put them on the CYL3 poll please! You put Amy on it, but no cool and classy Kiria? And triple Red Celica, two of whom are sword infantry, is a bit too much and a little bit of a disgrace to her. Red Tome and Sword make sense, Belica is the problem.
  23. You mean only new Legendary Heroes, correct? Not new heroes as in the standard 3-4 per banner kind? I'd be aghast if it was the latter. THERE ARE SO MANY CHARACTERS NOT IN YET IT'D BREAK MY HEART IF NOW THEY HAD TO WAIT UNTIL OBLIVION TO GET IN!
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