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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. How is going generic from "Hi I'm in the kitchen, the bathroom, and the bedroom, and barefooted" a bad thing? This was the character who in Awakening's Bonds DLC said she'd turn men to pigs when Nowi said they were commenting on her breast size. Her offering herself to the player sounds awfully out of character. Such a quip caters only to a specific otaku and or incel crowd, terribly so. It hurts FEH's reputation. What woman IRL would ever go up to stranger and say that? It's demeaning and treats womenkind as objects of men to carry out their every whim and desire.
  2. You two are giving people who want the non-Dragon shapeshifters in this game a bad name saying stuff like this. Now if you excuse me, I have to go shampoo Skrimir's long and shaggy hair. And maybe a shoulders and back massage afterwards if he needs one today. More relevant to the original post and the topic as a whole. A super tanky character with low Atk and a weapon that deals fixed damage would be an interesting idea. Like a Seismic Toss Blissey to use a competitive Pokemon to get the idea across.
  3. I'd like to imagine Micaiah's Dark Affinity was chosen because of her being inspired by Deidre, and Julia and Sara too. Deidre has Major Naga Blood giving her incredible light magic powers, but a hidden past behind it and also Minor Loptyr Blood. Micaiah's Dark Affinity seems to me to hint at her being the True Apostle and in communication with Yune, the Goddess of Chaos, and Chaos has a dark affiliation. Curiously and coincidentally, while characters of the same Affinity weren't made with similar personality traits in mind, that'd be nightmare to assemble, the Dark Affinity in Tellius seems to for all but one of its playable members have a connection. Micaiah has her aforementioned secrets, Soren has his, the Black Knight is built on mystery, Naesala has the Blood Pact thing he hides from everyone else, and Calill hides her countryside origins. Only Giffca lacks a hidden truth, and for him, I think the reason they picked Dark was because he is a black Lion, he is visually darkness.
  4. If you're worried, trying using a synonym to make it clear you are making a FE-inspired game, but without actually saying "Fire Emblem". The idea I've always been bothered with, but can't construct fully on paper, I've called "Insignia"- another word for "Emblem".
  5. Just chiming in for a brief moment. I got the prequel delivered nearly a week ago now. Unfortunately it is still in the plastic wrap, like the original. Reason one is the TV I'd play it on has had my Switch disconnected from it for the time being, until in a couple weeks it gets hung, and I want the big screen for what I'd imagine to be a visual masterpiece. Reason two is I can't delve too heavily into gaming right now b/c school (makes me wonder why I didn't save this game for a holiday gift). And to manage my time, I've decided to concentrate on SMTIV: Apocalypse, which with guilt I admit I've wasted too much time during this semester on so far, which I am heavily invested in. Just this morning, I dove through the penultimate dungeon and only have the last boss of it left to deal with, which sounds like a doozy and will require I go fusion-crazy to prepare, which I don't really like doing, but that'll take up some time. After that, it'll be a, so I hear, long and annoying final dungeon with a strong final foe. The bonus dungeon of Twisted Tokyo I won't bother with for now at least. Should hopefully have it done in no more than two weeks' time. Once these two things are out of the way, then I'll try to find time to fit in XC2: TtGC. Possibly alongside Octopath Traveler, which I haven't played in weeks, but is a good game. I don't mind backburning it so much, since I stopped only halfway through Chapter 1, and the simple individualized storylines are suited to pick up and play. I'll be going into this game totally blind, no idea of anything in plot, nor anything save the bare basics in gameplay. I've been good and haven't read anything online about these games so far, I've avoided the ill temptation. Of course once I play and get into things, resisting that temptation, or accidentally learning stuff when hopping online to look for advice/answer some gameplay questions, will be a greater challenge. Mayhaps this topic would be willing to answer those questions if I came to ask them? T'would be better I think than turning to my usual choice of GFAQs, less chance of accidentally seeing stuff I don't want to that way. I've made in the back of my mind a slim mindset of when playing comparing this prequel in a sky to another one by Monolith, but I seriously don't intend to pay that much heed at all. The time difference between the prequels and their originals is quite significant ~20-18 years prior and 500 are far different, or so I would think. Not sure if it in practice it will be, since the box seems to show two characters I noticed in the trailers for the original. Looking forward to this when I finally get the chance.
  6. Nope, I don't believe so. Nice to see Dheginsea acknowledge his wife though, even if we know nothing about her. Though she couldn't have died that long ago in dragon terms, since Kurthnaga is only ~100. I'm guessing they went with the classic excuse of childbirth, which is reasonable enough for a premodern society. Given how old Almedha and Rajaion look to be, I don't think she could have been that young. Dheginsea looks to be about middle age, and while I could imagine his wife being a little younger, I'd doubt her to be below her biological forties, maybe she was getting frailer in her older years? By the way, does anyone know if Rajaion or Almedha is the older of the two? Doesn't the Japanese version have to mention this b/c no plain "brother" or "sister" word devoid of hierarchal placement in Nipponese? -Or so I heard. I'd assume Rajaion is the older one, but Almedha looks older to me.
  7. Paper Mario was originally supposed to be Super Mario RPG 2, but it didn't b/c Square and Nintendo had a breakup. It carries over the action commands of SMRPG, and furthers them. Although compared to the later Mario and Luigi franchise, things aren't as action commandy. The premise of action commands in the first place, I would think, is add a bit of the old Mario platforming reflexes, which makes things more vibrant than other RPGs, even though it uses a turn-based format. By action commands, it's simple reflex things, hold and release the control stick to the left at the right time to do more damage with a hammer swing. Press A at the right time when an enemy is about to hit you to reduce damage taken. Mash a certain button, input a randomized sequence of A, B, Y, and or X, press A right when a meter reaches a certain point on a gauge. Stuff like that. Stat values also stay pretty low by RPG standards, the final boss has like 120 HP at most I think. And equipment largely doesn't exist. Mario gets hammer and boots upgrades as the game progresses, and trading Shine Sprites lets you boost the stats and teach new moves to your various partners. Plenty of badges exist that can provide mostly Mario with new attacks, and some passive boosts as well. Stats aren't many, HP, Flower Points for non-basic attacks (MP in other RPGs), and Badge Points for limiting how many Badges you can equip, are the only stats that level up. The others of Atk and Def and Star Points (for invoking the power of the Crystal Stars) do increase, but not via leveling at all. Besides gameplay PM: TTYD looks good in its paper aesthetic and has a cool, colorful and fairly lighthearted world you adventure through. Plenty of classic Mario species remixed creatively (like a Pianta mafia) and a few new ones presented as well. The characters aren't deep or anything, but you may find them simple done well- which I call "charming". The music works well through it all. Not to deny it has some issues though, backtracking within a given chapter gets excessive at points *cough Chapter 4 cough*. And since you said you literally only know IS from FE. FE has a pure strategy sister in Advance Wars, no RPG elements, just pure turn-based strategy with disposable, manufacturable units. Various Commanding Officers- COs- offer different strengths and weakness with the various unit types, and also have special powers. Advance Wars 1, the sequel Black Hole Rising, and Dual Strike share a cartoony lighthearted world and cast of characters. Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict (NA and European subtitles respectively), goes for a post-apocalyptic, kinda typical anime world, with a totally new aesthetic, characters, and some new units too, all with some gameplay tweaks. Also features as its ultimate villain, IDS- Intelligent Defense Systems, the number one purveyor of firearms, combat enhancement drugs, and all your other war-making needs. Lead by Tellius's own Izuka, in spirit at least. After Days of Ruin, Advance Wars died. Perhaps due to lack of sales. Not until a Club Nintendo deal did Japan even get DoR (NA did first- with an modified script to fit in more humor). A bit of a tragedy. Advance Wars actually goes back to the NES era as Famicom Wars, which was followed by Super Famicom Wars, and then Game Boy Wars 1-3 + Turbo. But none of these left Japan.
  8. eye-es But the true pronunciation is *glitched electric sound* It makes sense, but only if you ascend from your mortal coil.
  9. Why can't they downsize her? M-A-G-I-C exists! She has the power and chooses to be colossal because it's intimidating and works for her world domination/revenge plans. Palutena just funnels all her power into Pit instead of going giant. Sounds feasible to me. And downsized, she would work as a Palutena semi-clone, with gorgon head being brought out for the Final Smash. Sakurai wouldn't object to inserting this explanation into Smash for a little favoritism towards his adopted child (Kirby being his natural child).
  10. Maybe it's first game bias, but I might prefer the EOIV version in some ways. Not to say it's bad in the V rendition, I loved it, listed to it more than a few times in the sound test because I loved it. I just have one issue- those vocals at the beginning, well I can't help but hear in it several times... (putting it in spoilers so you don't unwillingly get infected with it): I want to make a list for this topic, but the crippling thing about me when it comes to favorites topics stop me from establishing one- that being I'm much too indecisive!
  11. Can you really call it a trend if X/Y had no third version (this Zygarde obviously had to be the third, but it never got its day- right? I stopped playing after B/W), and there only being Ultra Sun and Moon since? Unless Zygarde even without a dedicated game counts and you consider him and Necrozma both bad. I think three is needed for a trend, two doesn't cut it for me. I'd consider Suicune to be a pretty poor third box legendary. It isn't an equal, nor a master to the other duo, rather it's only a servant to one of the other box legendaries. And while Suicune is officially Water type, its Ice affinity from the north wind/aurora makes it coincidentally like Kyurem whom you consider lame. I like Suicune and it and Crystal version being what they are, but its lack of lore strength isn't good for the box legendary image. Although to be fair, did Game Freak think it through when making Gold and Silver of having a Crystal? Clearly with subsequent generations, you can see them laying the groundwork for a third version, like Rayquaza wasn't so strong-looking with an anti-Groudon/Kyogre ability to not be an indicator? I'm not sure this was the case with Gen 2 though, there is only Ho-Oh, Lugia, the beast trio, and Celebi. They should've used Celebi as the box legendary, but for some reason, cute mascot Pokes don't count I guess. What'd they call it? I don't know. Pokemon Peridot?
  12. Touhou? That in itself makes it sound incredibly fake, how popular can a one-man bullet hell be? And Ninten is sooooo much like Ness visually, that he wouldn't even work as a clone. And who asked for him? He isn't nostalgic to the West, and how much could he generate in Japan? There are much much much better JRPG options they could add. Zero Two is another oddity. Other than fans shouting him to say "KIRBY IS DARK!", I don't see the appeal. Bloody tears won't get him anywhere. Kyurem? Why something from Gen 5? Is the ice chicken that popular? Why not something more recent?
  13. You learn a new weird factoid every day. Not sure what to make of that bright pink half-dress. Actually I do, If there isn't armor under there, and I don't think there is, it makes no sense why she'd armor her topside so heavily. Add in the axe, and that card is just strange. At least she has a pretty and confident face. The TCG did have some nice artwork, I'd like poncho Tiki in FEH (were it not for her already being so present), but I think Sheema was one of its weaker ones. Well we still have 24 Armors new hero left to possibly add. Less than Cavs, Fliers, Sword Infantries, and Axe Infantries, but not a bad number.
  14. Wait, Sheena is Axe? Why? None of the Archanea games feature Knights/Generals with Axes. I get this isn't totally unheard of, they later added Bow Faye, but it still makes little sense. Exactly how many non-Seasonal/alt Lance Armors are there in the game BTW? I get the impression presently as a nonplayer that they aren't quite as present, or at least worthy of conversation, as the Sword and Axe Armors are, which sounds strange when Lance Armor has been by far the most common type in FE.
  15. She can't promote until New Resolve, by which time, she should easily be lv 20 on a solo. Getting all the statboosters will really help too. At 20/1, she'll be 19/16 for Spd and Lck, which isn't too far off from total dodgetanking as a possibility. Getting a Body Ring will fix her Con a little too, letting her use normal weaponry better without losing precious avoid. With the Dracoshield and Angelic Robe, she'll be 40/10 defensively, with 16 Str from the Energy Ring.
  16. In FE1, Ballisticians were plain old 2 range. FE3 made them into long range units, but got rid of FE1 C13, therefore, they didn't have a problem. SD decided to make Ballisticians like their FE3 selves in attack range, for more uniqueness as opposed to plain inferiority to Archers. Yet somehow, beyond removing the movement capabilities of a few of the Ballistae I believe, nobody thought that C13 needed any changing. A really bad move here, it's like the introduction of the weapon triangle, including something FE1 wasn't built around, but worse in this one instance.
  17. Sounds like a good ship to me. And Dagger Yune should probably inflict some form of Panic on the enemy, being the Chaos goddess and all (of course the Japanese is "Negative Goddess", so it wouldn't actually quite work). Then, to complete Birdie Emblem, we need FE3 Art Caeda and her bird. For a final member, why not Geitz? Not because he has an artwork bird, he doesn't, but because his Isadora support is all about a random bird taking a liking to landing on his head. And hopefully, when Mordecai finally comes, he'll bring the squirrels and the ducklings.
  18. Hopefully they'll add in the other versions in due time. But then again, no Thoron+ yet at all. No Blarwolf, Gronnwolf in the standard summon pool, nor Blue Tomebreaker (had it been, would the Direhardt have been more manageable?). And Blarserpent is all alone without Gronn or Rauor versions in sight.
  19. We have no Musicians yet, despite FE having had two: Fortunately, Nils should have a high likelihood of being on the next FE7 NHB as a Blue Breath Infantry Refresher hopefully he'll be better than Ninian. Elffin... well he has plot importance in FE6. Yet I'd wager he won't be on the next- and only one it would be so far- dedicated FE6 NHB. No weapon in his game, but Blue Tome would sound good for him- Aureola for the Prince of Saint Elimine's country? Jugdrali Bards use Tomes, including Light, there is a precedent, and Elffin needs a weapon type to be in FEH.
  20. I agree I like the effort they've been making to diversify stat spreads, thinking on this actually made me realize this fault more, something which I'm happy Awakening and Fates sought to fix, and hope continues to try to be remedied. How wasn't it attempted sooner? About Rinkah, she's an oddball. Her class's caps, bases, and growths are oriented towards high Str and Def, with low Luck and Spd. But her growths are oriented towards Skl, Spd, and Def. There is something of an inherent clash in her. Her Def is always good, but her poor Str, and high Skl and Spd conflict with the class's natural orientations. The result is Rinkah isn't as fast or accurate as her growths would suggest. Her Str, well Fiery Blood fixes the stat more than people would think, but it still isn't great, and would only get worse if you reclassed her for more Speed. She ends up largely balanced, save high Def and garbage HP and Res, but it isn't an "amazing balanced" the way things like Cavs in many games end up being, it's a mediocre balanced. Or so I think. Higher bases would've really helped her. I'd also add Benny to your Lance suggestions, he might be very very slow and very very physically tanky as tradition says, but unlike so many past Armor units, he has solid Res, not as amazing as his Def, but he some Mixed Walling potential. In the Axe category, I think Lot from FE6 deserves a mention: And for Archers, well Ronan and his 15 Str, and 55 Mag/Res growths is worthy of being noted the exception. Hmm... How about old Gotoh? His original FE1 stats: HP 38 Str 10 Spd 20 Lck 16 Def 15 Res 7 That is two from capped HP. Capped Speed. Five from cap Def, and the only unit to have Res innately in all of FE1. His Str is meaningless, since in FE1, magic damage is based purely on Tome Mt, that Str (and a separate Mag stat didn't exist yet) is therefore junk. This to me suggests a low Atk, high Spd and physical durability build for him. Although sadly, Gotoh would be lucky to get in the day before FEH shuts down. Maybe they could something with Hugh too. Hugh is characterized statistically as stronger but slower than Lugh, faster and more accurate but weaker than Lilina. He also has less Res than either of them, yet a few more Def (15.8, 5 more than Lugh- the higher of the other two) and a downright bulky 48 HP (9 higher than Lugh). For the sake of family reunification, I'd want him in, but sadly, I again doubt his time will come at all. Good for you! And hey, -Atk means not so much on a unit who can just toss another one their turn. He's tempting, but Seasonals, even the good looking ones, are an absolute no for me. It's free to see them online, and for anything special, absence makes the heart grow fonder for it, and it stays special that way. I wonder where he put your money though.
  21. To be fair, this is an issue with mainline FE historically speaking. Sword Infantry classes have virtually always emphasized Speed. Even a "slowpoke", like Dieck, finds their Speed issues to be not so bad owing to a good base stat. Similarly, Def had long been deemphasized for all units in FE. From 1-8, a Def growth breaking 30 was considered high. For Speed in those same games however, that would be at best average, more likely slow. It isn't until PoR (the Jugdral babygame was a prior exception) that Def growths exceeding 30 become more commonplace. Low Resistance too was common in all those games, since Mages were in a sense, an "abnormal" unit type. Physical was the "normal" and much more common. Being able to target a much lower alternative durability stat- it was through this privilege that the "abnormal" Mages were not junk, but instead "special with a good purpose". Awakening and Fates have since "normalized" Magic users by drastically improving Res stats on most player and enemy units, and making magic classes more prolific and present in the enemy ranks. Physically durable Mages in FE have been uncommon, they've always been oriented towards being some of the supposed few able to tank magic, and the only ones most the time able to do magical attacks. Long story short, a history of statistical conservatism in mainline FE has held back unit variety in FEH to an extent. This too can be found in unit types, Magic and Armor have barring those Jugdrali Barons, never occurred in mainline FE for an extreme example.
  22. Knight Hector has 0 Spd right? Wire has 4 AS on HHM according to SF. To make things a bit less tedious, consider dropping Wire's Speed by a point, or two if negative AS is a thing (since the Heavy Spear is -1 AS to base Hector). No more being doubled, that should make Wire less of a chore.
  23. I can't recall exactly, because I have such a tendency to drop games unfinished. Probably right now it is Skyward Sword, dropped it at one point b/c Silent Realms, and then I dropped it again when I saw I had to fight the Imprisoned One a third time- UGH! The I failed several times during the second fight. Twilight Princess I did eventually finish, but I dropped it for years b/c surviving childhood Redead fears. Did take a prolonged break with Spirit Tracks for some reason, right before the Dark Realm. Actually, it isn't Skyward that is that game, I, in probably what has been over a decade, never finished Wind Waker, largely because Ghost Ship fears- the Triforce of Courage is poison to me, I'm that much of an irrational coward. I did finish OoT 3DS, but not the Master Quest. Dropped before Bottom of the Well. Adventure of Link- dropped at penultimate palace. Triforce Heroes was dropped b/c The Lady on solo is a no go. New Super Mario Bros: all of them save NSMB2 I've dropped somewhere along the way, typically in World 8, around the penultimate level in two of the games I think. SMB3, at Pipe Land for some reason. Final Fantasy Tactics- Classic Valassic! THIS THING IS SLOW! FE is so much faster. That, and despite being supposedly not a hard game, my guys were constantly dropping like flies in Part 1. Breath of Fire IV, got it cheap on sale, it wasn't doing too much for me. Made it the forest where the tracks gradually fade away and you have to follow them before they do, that was annoying. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, not bad, I'm just in the midst of IV: Apocalypse at the moment. That and I dislike the fusion mechanics in this game. Tales of Phantasia- memory wipe on GBA cartridge before the final dungeon. FFVII was dropped before the Golden Saucer for months because school. Rune Factories 2, 3, and Tides of Destiny. Dropped sometime into the 2nd Gen, before fighting the Fall boss, and before the ultimate dungeon. There are certainly even more games I'm presently forgetting. And this all goes back to Tales of Symphonia, where I went years without fighting the final boss for some reason.
  24. Artwork-wise, both Krises are Swordies: Male is based on Mercenary and Female Pegasus Knight IIHC. Sword Flier is good, not too common. Sword Infantry? Bleh. Fortunately, Kris has no weapons associated with them, nor a personal avatar class. So IS can give Mris one of many options- no Daggers, no Breath, no flying: Bows, Tomes, or Staff; Armor can only be Lance or Bow, Cav can only be Lance, Sword or Bow. But anything else goes. Maybe make him Axe Infantry? Looks too gruff for a Tome/Staff unit. And then they can name and invent whatever weapon they can conceive of for him.
  25. Can not not be? As in she can be? Her starting weapon ranks in both DS games have her Lance rank one higher than her Sword rank. As for Red and Green, an Archanean duo that goes together of those colors, albeit with nothing to do with Nyna and Elice, are Malice and her old man Dice. I'm sure IS would have no problems with adding Malice: Dice has nothing as nice to go on, other than being a rather rare for Archanea Green. But... that little viking helmet would be a GREAT Forging Bonds reward!
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