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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Ethlyn put her foot down on lil' Altena coming with her, and with she herself coming along despite the recent birth of Leif. Evidence provided. Although literally speaking, you are correct. The legend of Ethlyn is precisely why the Fates parents dumped their kids in the Deeprealms by the way. Best not replicate her error, don't bring the kid with you, send the kid far far away for their own safety.
  2. I remembered the first, but that is one minor instance at the start of the game you can easily miss. A guy who gives you the mistaken impression he did/was going to rape Aika isn't the same. And the codpiece which on his 3D ingame model looks much too phallic- HD graphics would decrease the phallic mistaken impression though. Also, that old man on a lucky cat bounty boss, post-battle talk sounded terribly pedophilic. Never noticed the gunner girl actually. It'll be dead in a few hours, it's already looking to be well on the wane.
  3. And in certain circumstances I don't want them in my games at all. Vigoro in Skies of Arcadia isn't that bad by himself, but SoA being such an innocent game, him and his stuff is much worse than it actually is. Secret of Mana's recent 3D version has another problematic instance with Primm's new Tiger costume: Randi and Popoi are fine, and cute, but Primm suddenly got sexualized. Secret of Mana is very child-friendly, not in the least sexual, and Primm's new Moogle costume shows nothing, like with the two male characters. But they for no reason, other than a cheap sex sell, didn't do this with the tiger garb. I will also say I'm not at all into hot springs visits in JRPGs where males becoming perverts invariably happen, or like events. Why would that happen with any weapon though, that you'd be turned around but not knocked off your feet? When did FE have weaponized paddles? I don't think that has anything to do with her, and everything to do with the Subs being able to outdo or at least tie her kids quite often. Anime seems to do this in general. Just as they remove body hair, but this might also have to do with Japanese being less hairy. I've long adapted to this, and possibly even take it as a beauty ideal. TBF, guys have no biological reason for keeping them, IRRC, the only reason they exist is because they develop in the womb before sex differentiation characteristics do.
  4. This time though there is no character bashing, it is a less negative, maybe more constructive, discussion. And blame me and an earnest desire for speedos. EVERYBODY LOVES SPEEDO! (And aren't they more commonplace and ordinary in Europe?) Not only was that side slit removed, but they got rid of the necklace, which is very telling. Clearly the whiners thought the design was too gay or too feminine. I mean you can see the guy's underwear straps here, that is sadly all too uncommon with males, or too common with females. I haven't played anything avant garde, and at best, I can think of only a few "mainstream-ish" games where there was a coincidental inversion of roles, not so much an intentional attack Tales of Xillia definitely casts Milla as the stronger figure between her and Jude, and the two don't despite a liking for each other end up as a couple. Jude becomes a researcher, Milla resumes her existence as Lord of Spirits, they go their separate ways for their duties/goals- I loved this daring move. Milla is sexualized in form and Jude is not, but otherwise she isn't alluringly mysterious, and her powers are fully under her control and explained from the start. Sands of Destruction, a very meh JRPG for DS, has Kirie with the uncontrollable powers and kinda pathetic, while Morte is the strong girl who rescues him from prison and fights in an anarchist organization. Sure she later insists on resurrecting him b/c love and he becomes the stronger one-ish, but there was a small attempt at inversion here. And then we have Baten Kaitos: Origins, which has Sagi as the main character, but Milliarde and the genderless (considered "male" but a robot with male and female voices) Guillo are of nearly equal strength and importance. It's gender balanced overall I feel in the intra-PC interactions in the plot and with others too, although Milly could use a little more pronounced special powers I think.
  5. Maybe because they don't want to be treated so sexually? And yet they don't think about how they treat the other half of society when they make females so sexual. Or perhaps society is just that conservative or obsessed with preserving a sense of traditional masculinity? Gay marriage was only recently legalized, and still isn't in the majority of the world, including Japan. Perhaps it'd be for the best if masculinity and femininity were abolished as concepts and replaced simply by "humaninity". Or if the divide remained, that they shared the same traits and didn't have to be opposites, or even necessary complements for a whole. The Enlightenment idea of defining masculinity as Reason sounds okay, it gets past the need to be straight and buff. But the problem is that it defines Femininity as not-Reason, as irrational emotionality, which isn't good at all. And the reason being buff is bad, is because an emotional obsession with raw strength makes one a brute, which is irrational and thus not attune to Reason, and actually makes a man more like a female. I'd also like a game that flips the strong male hero and weak female lover trope. I want the male fawning over the female, the female being cold and focuse, the male being the amnesiac with special powers who needs to be rescued from time to time. Damn, the first image of those in itself is quite telling, particular down in the nether regions. Could someone skilled enough please do Takumi or Leo as Camilla for an FE comparison? It is annoying that women tend to get drawn at a higher sexualization level. I notice it very clearly when play Etrian Odyssey and creating my characters for the first time and having to select a character art. Here are a lot of the cases: Either slash the female level or raise the male, how hard can this be to do?
  6. And last time I checked, I guess you didn't know Nifl to be a degenerating dragon who demands fresh Quintessence, and that starting the Red Snow Plague via Fjorm will give them that. Why didn't they start the plague beforehand without Fjorm? Degeneration makes for less than logical planning. Which is why Loki doesn't really serve Nifl, her true true leader has perfectly sane brains, despite Nifl giving her command over the elite Jotun Unit.
  7. And given FE typically uses idealized human forms, there should be no shortage of men who look like they would be Olympics-worthy divers (and that provides a good excuse for one- just do a Summer banner with a pool near the shore). Add a swim cap for an additional possible sexual/nonsexual fetish. Still, thanks for the commentary.
  8. Given CYL2 sort of showed that fans grow attached to these OCs, and Book 3 will have been written long after CYL2, I wonder if deaths will still happen in it? Or if they'll bring back the remaining B2 characters because they're liked? Of course, speculating on whether B3 will be written with fan feedback in mind at all, hopefully improving the narrative, is highly speculative. And bound to invite the setting of hopes, with no certainty they won't be misplaced.
  9. But before it can get better, it must get worse. Which means either blood with every ill exhalation, an epidemic which ruins vast populations stemming from her, or each cough emits cold air hovering around 2 Kelvin. Or a combination of all three things in the form of what becomes known as the Red Snow Plague.
  10. Fair e-nough. And on second examination, I was going off of memory last time, it isn't so much the trunks that impede the damaged art, as it the big ridiculous bow. And while I'm fine with Gaius's big and loose trunks, and the big and tighter swim trunks of other guys, I don't get why IS hasn't included speedos or mankinis yet. The ladies can have the teeniest bikinis around, but speedos aren't allowed? The male body in modern society, even when sexualized, is arguably less possible to sexualize than the female, and even given a speedo, guys would still lag behind the ladies in sexualization. Therefore, a speedo wouldn't be too risque. We don't have anything like Summer Forrin's damaged art (where, IRRC, the outfit looks like it should be falling off, but it doesn't because it's a still shot) on the males, do we? Polar Bear Plunge Banner IS! With some of the proceeds from Orb sales during that time going to charity! It'd make people feel less bad for going PtP too, and maybe even after the promotion ends it'd keep their pursestrings loosened, mwahahaha!
  11. Only if you can get past the candy trunks. They don't look so great to me, even if they fit his character. Bit of a mood killer.
  12. I doubt it'd be Archanea, unless it was the northern hinterlands. If it was Jugdral, I'd say whatever has become of Issach would be his place of origin. Given Issach is the land of Myrmidons and Swordmasters, it'd be the obvious choice. Coincidentally, located in an obscure quiz answers page on this site, it is stated that the Treasure artbook for FE4 briefly listed what each country had as its main industries: 4) FE4: Which of the following best describes Lenster’s main industry/industries? A Agriculture – Grandbell and Augustria B Agriculture, crafts and fishing – Answers taken from the FE: Treasure book C Fishing and hunting – Verdane, Silesia and Thracia (in Thracia’s case, add mining) D Livestock farming – Isaac [I bolded this for relevancy] Kamui's family was shepherds? Jugdral takes place between -740 and -500 Archanean Calendar, since Naga has to be alive and warring with the Earths and co.. Alm and Celica journey in 606 AC, roughly a thousand years later. Nonetheless, barring a major catastrophic event or human technological advancement, I think it would be reasonable to say that the lands that were Issach a millennium later, shouldn't be that different from how they were before. So Issach should still have a heavy focus on livestock.
  13. Is the nomadic previous lifestyle thing of Kamui new? Sounded neat. It didn't seem like Valbar has anything new in his profile. Thank you once more for all your hard work @Kirokan! By the way, I saw your Marcia article, t'was very good! A mostly authentic localization of the meaning behind the Japanese, with a moment or three of minor deviation/arguable deviation, cool. Plus a couple extra swears, whilst still not being too excessive with them, or so I think. I think it looks worse than it actually is ingame, since there you aren't seeing all of this text at once, rather it's spread out over numerous chapters. And I this slipped my mind when you were asking for suggestions of thing before, but I've remembered it now, and I just wanted to mention it. Shadow Dragon is a game which you don't see many translation questions with, due to the rather restrained quantity of script I would think. Nonetheless, in Chapter 5, the one village there gives you a dragonstone. Here is what the villager says: (Visiting Village) Young Man: “Well g’day, there, son! …Why the wide-eyed stare? Ain’cha never seen a country village before? You know, speakin’ o’ rare sights, I once went to Pyrathi, where I saw me a real live Manakete! Cripes, let me tell you what a shock THAT was! In a blink, this regular old feller turned into an enormous dragon! I mean, I ain’t stupid. I’d heard of the dragonkin before. I’d just always assumed Manaketes looked somethin’ like parakeets. Sheesh… …What? Oh, this? I picked this stone up while I was there. Dunno what it is, but how often do you spy a glowin’ red rock, ya know what I’m sayin’ But honestly, it’s been kinda creepin’ me out lately. You want it? Go on ‘n’ take it. Sheesh…” I bolded the relevant part. This can't work in Japanese, can it? Isn't the Japanese for Manakete "Mamkute" even? Any wordplay at all in it?
  14. Not outrageously, but there were some tweaks in FE7, most notably the reduction of the effective Mt multiplier from 3x to 2x. Which means Florina can survive a stray arrow, but it also nerfed 'Becca and Wil in the process. SS had a lot more changes, typically making things easier. Although Eirika Mode Cormag got nerfed. https://serenesforest.net/general/localisation-changes/gameplay/
  15. any way you want! Dance to the beat of your drum and go wild! Be lively, be yourself, be anime-ed! The proper way to deliver mail is...
  16. Canada, New Zealand is too small, isolated, and has too many sheep. Would you rather be cursed into always speaking sarcastically, or incurable bad breath with occasional belching?
  17. Kirby is number one, yay! I think this calls for a celebration! And how did Waddle Dee get in, but not King Dedede? Nor Bowser? And Peach isn't in, but Daisy is?
  18. And it worth adding that even when Laguz oppression of the Beorc happened, it wasn't seemingly all that long. The dominance of Laguz over Beorc in the Kingdom of Begnion, founded in -131, could not have lasted that long, probably no more than a century. Since 0 is when the Theocracy of Begnion is founded, and that marks the beginning of the decline of the Laguz into oppression. PoR begins in 645, over six hundred years after Laguz oppressive dominance ended. So of the 777 years of Post-diluvian Telliusian history, no more than 17% of them had Laguz predominance. Maybe prior to the Great Flood the Laguz were more dominant as well, but the Recollection doesn't say anything on that, so we have nada to go on. The years between 0 and 645 are largely marked in the Recollection by independence movements from Begnion, over half of which were about Laguz. Not helping either. *Sigh* How much I wish IS hadn't done this. Why'd they have to cheapen Naesala like this? He in PoR displayed absolutely no signs of being a puppet, he seemed perfectly independent and shady-gray. *Checks* You're right! “…Humans… 350 years still remain. But there is no need to continue waiting. This world does not need beorc. And neither does it need laguz…Both are deeply flawed. I wouldn't call this a "localization liberty" though, I think it was more an outright translation error. Given "deeply flawed" remains, and the keeping of the ellipsis, I think they were aiming for a direct translation, but somehow forgot the "And neither does it need" part, despite similar language being used and properly translated in the preceding sentence.
  19. The sadly unfortunate effect of them being the "Other"/Minority expy in the Beorc-Laguz relationship, as opposed to it being a relation of two equal oppressors where there is no Other/Minority. Why did IS go with this? I would think because it has been done so much before, and it is more politically correct/progressive. This world does not need beorc. And the laguz…are deeply flawed. That, a vague statement, is all Sephiran can say of the Laguz as to why they should be eradicated. He has the evidence of Beorc irredeemability all around them literally at that moment, but he can't come up with anything specific for the Laguz.
  20. You thought it was bad? Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis is way way worse. Or for something a few centuries older in the field of philosophy, Immanuel Kant's Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics.
  21. Ya can't go wrong with Ayra pairings, this one will work amazingly, but they're all good. One of the usual two, it'll be great. No Pursuit, but throw Diarmuid the Pursuit Ring or a Brave Sword to fix that. Lachesis's Hezul Blood means they'll always have good Str, and Claud can give them some viable Mag, plus B Staffs on Nanna means she can use Reblow (aka Physics) for ranged healing. You can use Azelle instead for Pursuit and more Mag, but less Res and no B Staffs on Nanna. Sol won't work, it only works on Sword Infantry in this game. A rather eh pairing, Azelle or Claud would do both kids very well. Both children are utility units, they don't care too much about stats or skills, and hence not much about their father. Claud, Lewyn, or Lex are typically the best, but do whoever you want. Febail inherits his weapons from his Brigid, not Jamke, his Skl will be low, not exactly the best thing when Bows have relatively low Hit. Patty will have no swords inherited, nor Pursuit, but Charge and Continue are good skills, and her growths should be decent. Holyn/Chulainn or Dew are typically considered the better pairings for Brigid's kids. Febail is practically unscrewable with 50+ Atk minimum and Pursuit, your choice of father typically more affects whether Patty gets good combat unpromoted, or remains just a gold-stealing Thief. Congrats, the 2nd Gen will be broken by Forseti as soon as Ganeshire is conquered. No Pursuit, but Arthur shouldn't need it, and Tine can take the Pursuit Ring and Tornado to pack the hurt as well.
  22. Are you implying Lekain somehow had the foresight to see Ike would later pose a threat to him? Or that he could see what Sanaki actually planned to use Ike for- investigating Laguz slavery? Lekain the latter case is slightly believable, the former is none at all, Lekain is no Heron nor Heron Branded. Why? Are you being punished? Are you buying MMX Collection 2 and have to 100% it? Try drinking to numb the pain as you play.
  23. The problem with Bryce vs. Tauroneo is that it comes right after Bryce has awoken to Ashnard calling him useless. Sadly, poor Bryce never appears before that scene, despite all the banter we see Ashnard having in "Nevassa"/Melior talking to the BK and Petrine. I think that Bryce never appearing in these conversations, and him not being a feral puppet like Bertram, is evidence of Ashnard effectively sidelining the conservatives in Daein's military. He can exclude them from his highest, most inner, and most powerful, circle of military advisors. Back to the main point concerning Bryce, if we saw him interacting with Ashnard earlier, we'd have a better idea of how much faith he put in him as a traditional "sane" monarch of Daein. If we examine the one scene: Bryce is concerned with the continuance of the royal Daein bloodline here. Bloodlines of inheritance are a bane of meritocracy, why would Ashnard care about it? Heck he only had one son and threw em' away. Overall, the impression I get here is that Bryce, given just how shocked he is, and yet he was seemingly very lovingly concerned about tradition and Ashnard at the started, was blind to Ashnard's insanity. Like he had anywhere to turn to? He was being flanked on both sides. And he apparently cursed the German people for failing him as his empire came crushing down around him, he wanted them to suffer. But let us quit while we're ahead, and avoid going down the Nazi rabbit hole (I admit I shouldn't have brought it up). His last line is: Heh heh...excellent...Excellent! So good! More...more, I say! At this time of ascension, it's not enough...not enough... Which sounds like he was having fun, and wanted even more (chaos to break the Medallion?). And Ashnard not being NOOOOOO!, instead to the end embracing the chaos and kinda ignoring that he is dying, has a certain appeal. As he died, he didn't go "no I can't die! I'm speciallll!", if he acknowledged he lost because he was weak, and didn't complain about this, then he was accepting he was no exception to his own ideals, he wasn't being a hypocrite, and held firm to them to his dying breath. Lekain has the issue of being a mustache-twirling corrupt noble, which a dime a baker's dozen thousand in gaming. Within FE, you can find similar guys going back too... Desaix? Maybe even Jiol? FE3 has Lang, FE4 has them galore, FE6 has them wasting too much of Roy's time, Darin is in FE7. How many Ashnards existed before Ashnard? Just Valter and Caellach I think, and they were developed in parallel with him, quite possibly. Not helping are the direct attribution of the Meshua assassination and Serenes Massacre to him being locked away in an artbook, and the two of us make of 20% of the people who have read it. Related to the above, only the two of us have made the connection between him and Sephiran's sorrows, that Lekain creates villain Sephiran, and thus indirectly created much of the plots of PoR and RD. Not helping too is that smidgen where Yune says he was empty deep on the inside being locked away in the Japan-only Extended Script. And lastly not helping is him blackmailing Daein with the much-loathed Blood Pact.
  24. Sothe You know, Ashnard wasn't such a bad king. At least, as far as we could see. If you were strong enough, you could rise up and become a knight one day. You could escape the filthy slums. He was the only king who ever gave us that chance. That hope. To be precise, Ashnard vs. Reyson: I bolded the relevant part here. He doesn't seem to actually know nor care if the world would be flooded. Bosses in FE on the whole are not, single units can only be so threatening in a game like this. For a final battle to be good, it has to be more than one stats-filled foe, the map itself has to be laden with strategy. Ashnard seems to have done two things. One, in his meritocratic ideas, he installed his own cronies directly loyal to him over Daein in the military structure, who would have no qualms at all with the relocation to Melior. Two, Ashnard co-opted the conservatives of Daein, and got them to believe he was like every king before him, Bryce and Kasatai (the general who talks to Ena), seem to have bought into this. IRL, radical rightist leaders (by which I mean Hitler, as much as I loathe to mention him ever), can cow more traditional rightists into working with them, Ashnard probably did the same. Thus, they were blinded to the truth, and probably by Ashnard's machinations castrated in their abilities to go against him anyhow.
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