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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Not bad, but could we do without the big names? I'm okay with referencing them through dress, but I'd rather Effie in Elise, than Elise in Effie. And Bantu in Child Tiki's garb. Or a Priscilla and Raven swap.
  2. Shouldn't that be easy to believe? Isn't she the enslaved dancer of Octopath Traveler (just got the game yesterday as a gift actually, yay!)?
  3. Quick little utility question, in my usual habit of logging in and getting out right away after collecting the daily login bonus (up to nearly 600 of these sloth orbs since late January), for once I've been told I have to go to the App Store to get the update. However, I don't see how I update it there. How do I do that?
  4. If you're willing to go digital, well Atlus does often put them on sale for a week. Even if the 3DS is nearly dead, Atlus will be supporting it aboard until early next year when they release Etrian Odyssey Nexus and Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, so the sales may continue until then. Apparently, in an interview about SMTV, Atlus said this too, not that it means anything definite: “We’re always looking into doing a port or remake of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne Maniax. I’m thinking about aiming for an opportunity.” http://www.siliconera.com/2018/08/27/shin-megami-tensei-v-producer-shares-a-development-update/ HD Nocturne on Switch would be great. The NPC cast is so very weak, but it is the game that invented the Press Turn system, and it has very good dungeon design, maybe a little excessive at moments of course, but overall brilliant. It isn't perfect, but I'm sure they could work out a bunch of the gameplay kinks now. Not sure whether they'd bring back Dante from Devil May Cry, the whole reason Capcom permitted it in the first place was because Kaneko did some DMC3 work for them. Atlus's own Raidou Kuzunoha replaced Dante later in a third version of Nocturne, but Raidou isn't in the least relevant now. Maybe they could swap Raidou for Flynn, Nanashi, or SMTV Protag for relevancy?
  5. Which is supported by FE1 having infinite use Dragonstones. However, Myrrh says this in Chapter 16 SS: Myrrh:“I-I will fight with you. Now that Selena has returned my dragonstone to me… I’ll do what I can until its power runs out. Let’s take back your home.” Although whether she is addressing something of lore, or just giving the player an indirect heads up not to carelessly spam her, we can't be sure.
  6. You haven't tried the Devil Survivors? You should, they're fairly cheap and quite good. You have grid-based movement like in Fire Emblem, but when you engage combat it converts to the usual SMT format. Neither is too difficult, and both have multiple endings of course. The first game is a bit darker and more "Survivor" in feeling, with some decent characters too. The stakes remain high in DS2, but humor pervades the game too and is overall lighter. My old avi was the Anguished One of DS2. I haven't played the Record Breaker version of DS2, but it does add a second, independent and shorter storyline where the Septentrion are replaced by the Triangulum, and Yamato Hotsuin gets a sister named Miyako. Don't watch the DS2 anime though, from what I've heard, it gets excessively bloody.
  7. And here I thought this would be a topic a month ahead of time for discussing avi/sig changes for the sake of Halloween. I'm thinking I'll temporarily change mine, but I'm not exactly sure what to. One option I was considering was the purple guy here. Meteksh, you were so good, Tombstone Vice and Poison Bomb, and that chest with the ripped shirt and strong arms. I forget who else I was considering, but I was seriously debating it before. As for the actual topic, part of me wants to say, part of me wants to keep the information private. I mean technically you can't get too much from me saying it, and I've alluded to roughly my age before, but you can still get some info.
  8. Looks very Monado to me. Greenish-blue and white ring of light with brightish-dark solid red part. Shulk must be capable of secretly placing the stage under the effects of the Monado Arts.
  9. Then I demand in the absence of Travant, at least one player uses an all-Wyvern flier team, ideally with at least one Ridersbane. Any slim chance Ethlyn will say she has baby Altena nearby in one of her quotes? FE's first playable mother and she makes one heckuva of parenting mistake- bringing your child to the battlefield. Fates tried to learn from Ethlyn's mistake, but went too far in the opposite direction.
  10. Fair enough, although he can also get it with Erinys. Denied a prince and big strong man, she'll have to settle with Naoise. Fair point on the first part. As for the dialogue Japan, Tharja says a common otaku-appeasing line that goes "Kitchen, bath, or... (sex)?". At least I see Japan getting those lines, and albeit this time I expect them to be translated more tastefully if they come into English. They would be obviously suggestive, since that is the spirit of them I assume, but not as localized by some horny teenagers, who tend to make awfully crass translations, inserting cusses where none exist in the Japanese for instance. The TCG artwork looks so bad with its flagrant happy lusty vibrancy. Although Silvia's TCG artwork was even worse.
  11. She DOES start with a Heavy Spear, which amounts to -10 AS in FE7 due to low her Con and high weapon Wt. Est and Oboro exist in games without the Con system and Wt, and without Heavy Spears at all.
  12. You say this when Silque can Warp him to the moon provided she doesn't get Atk screwed. Not to deny being able to move him a few more spaces forward would be a bad idea, it helps. I'm going to agree this is largely arbitrary, the maps where your lord is in a distinct position for map strategy, like the big bro duels in Fates, are few and far between. BTW, I find mandatory Chrom deployment on Xenologues annoying, there is no reason he must be fielded in these DLC fights.
  13. On DQXI, I'm stuck waiting for the Switch version, so I'm not too eager about it. But I do like Dragon Quest, for all its simplicity and tradition I do quietly enjoy. I've been playing Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, I'm up to 4/8s Moon, it is good, if not amazing. I like the premise of deviating from the standard alignment system of Law-Neutral-Chaos, and I'm fine with the new villains and Dagda. My qualms (spoilered to not forcibly weigh down people with the negativity of them): As for the demons, well Krishna works, Dagda is cool, and Lucifer got a much needed redesign from the multiverse-horrific abomination that was his SMTIV self. Odin, o-dear! Give me back purple Odin, his present design is poor, and I think Merkabah got hit as well. Gameplay-wise, I'm enjoying things on War difficulty. Some Game Overs at the beginning, but things have gradually gotten better and GOs have become very rare. I like the demon affinities for making individual demons a little less perfect and more unique, and I like the new partner mechanic. The gameplay is that which will keep me playing to the end, no matter what the characters end up being. That ailments are sorta reliable in this game is good too, not EO broken, but good outside of bosses if you can't sweep them dead. And I'm definitely feeling overleveled, at 67 presently, but leveling seems so easy in this game. And as a gift, someone has preordered a physical copy of the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 prequel for I've discovered, I thank them.
  14. I share in your criticisms. The one decent argument I heard to Silvia is color balance. Shhe is Red, Lewyn and Quan cover Green and Blue, and Colorless is addressed in TT Ethlyn and GHB Jamke. But even so, I dislike Silvia coming so soon after Leen. And other Reds exist in FE4, albeit all Gen 1 picks for this color that remain, Beowolf, Chulainn, and possibly either or both of Alec and Naoise, are rather weak, save Azelle of course. And yet this present trend with FE4 characters of lovers can't last much longer. MidirxEdain remain, or they could do EdainxClaud and MidirxBrigid, but the 1st Gen is otherwise out of lovers. And this pattern, while found with Sigurd et Deidre on the first Genealogy banner (et Arvis too), the associated TT had Memeden, Ayra had no lover cometh anywhere, and Tailtiu randomly got tossed on the Sigdre banner without any rhyme nor reason. Silvia stole the Barrier Sword though, a weapon only Laylea can obtain. That bodes ill presently for the Subs, who aren't helped by having the same personalities as the characters they replace, and most of those characters already have threadbare personality. It bodes well for Coirpre though, since it means he'll be stealing Charlot's Berserk Staff. He will have REVENGE! for being called absolutely useless by everyone, he'll make the "useful" among the enemy slit each other's throats. I might want to agree with you. But even if I do, I think Tomes, Red or Green, wouldn't be terrible for her. Either a Fire spell she picked up from little bro Ewan, or Wind owing to being from Jehanna, which has Excalibur as one of its Sacred Twins, and presently only Saleh would want it. Tethys has rings in her hands in her official SS art: Chakrams as Daggers anyone?
  15. As I thought and feared, I overcompensated for the lower dancer BST. +4/6/8 more sane? Or an even weaker +2/4/6? Strike A Pose was also built around the premise that dancers aren't great at fighting as well, it assumed Itsuki for reasons of being frail or limited offensively wouldn't want to get into combat too much. Penetrate in TMS allows Touma to deal full, normal damage against anyone who resists, nulls, or drains (but not reflect) Lance. It doesn't stop enemies with any form of resistance to Lances from putting the hurt to Touma though, an Axe enemy can still shred him. So in FEH, so Green units could wreck him, he'd just go down swinging. But if that is too good even so, then restricting to player phase works. I just went for "illusory Falchion" because it seems to be a good adjective for anything from TMS. "Mirage" sounds okay, but now that I think about it, "Carnage Falchion" would be a fine choice, since the term for weapons in TMS is Carnage. "Carnage Helswath" should then be the case as well, which just makes the weapon sound even deadlier than Helswath already does.
  16. I'll do my own attempts with the TMS cast out of love. They're a little hard to work with, but I tried, with heavy attachment to adapting TMS to FEH, rather than just give them anything that works in FEH. For the titles and weapons, with a few exceptions, I went for the titles given upon 3rd Sidequest completion, and for the weapons, I went with the New Game+ only Illusory Arena weapons- the strongest in the game. Me not actually playing Heroes, if anything is out of whack, I expect it to be the case, that should explain why. It did take me a couple hours to think these through though. I didn't do stat spreads either. And I didn't bother to give everyone a generic inheritable skill or two. Perfect Crewman: Itsuki Aoi Sacred Idol: Tsubasa Oribe Awakened Hero: Touma Akagi Reincarnation: Kiria Kurono (Her final title in TMS is "A New Kiria", which is weird without context, so I just opted the name of the song she's known for at the start of the game, which effectively has the same meaning.) Hollywood Darling: Eleonora Yumizuru Ballad Empress: Mamori Minamoto Best of the Best: Yashiro Tsurugi Miracle Uta-loid: Tiki Scion of Marth: Itsuki (Legendary Itsuki. I invented the title, "scion" is a fancy word and less awkward than "Bearer of Marth's Soul/Power")
  17. And it has only 24 characters per Generation (ignoring the 14 Subs), half of what normal games have. And being pre-Supports, more characters than in later games are devoid of personality. Albeit not so much the 1st Gen, although it does have a few clunkers. *Fills you with arrows* Rolf is one of the best tackled children characters in all of FE.
  18. Shall I prepare some KFC for you? Kilvas Fried Crow. How many featheries would you like? -Feathers removed first of course.
  19. They still have Claud and Brigid left of the Holy Weapon users to add. Claud could hopefully be a great Staff in Valkyrie, and Brigid can bring Yewfelle with Renewal + some form of offensive goodie. But I do think they'll resort to Jugdrali alts after this, at least for the 1st Gen. The 2nd Gen still has Shannan and Larcei left, the former has Balmung, the later is Ayra's daughter clone. Since they're keeping up on the lovers, they might do EdainxMidir next time, but after that, they'll have ran out of implied couples who have both of their members not in yet. ...Next calendar should be arriving by the 8th, correct? *Shoves candy down your throat and suffocates you with a Scream mask* *Afterwards, puts you in red stockings and nails you hanging upside down from a lit fireplace* I call Seasonal on the next banner. Pray it isn't two in a row though.
  20. So they went with lovers again? Well one Lewyn's more suggested pairings, Erinys is no where in sight though. Has zero cohesion with the Jamke GHB, the characters come either before or after him chapter-wise. Silvia so soon? The last Genealogy banner had Leen on it, who is a slightly younger clone of Silvia visually. Sounds to me like they just couldn't help but include the sexiness to get those long hanging orbs. Erinys would have been the better choice here. Reminds me of the BK-Zelgius move. Not interested sadly, but good for FE4 fans. FE6 on the other hand has once again been majorly spurned. And so has the unrepresented Tellius et al..
  21. Colorless or color varied amongst within the species. I've always been against ID's argument, and at this point have become so embittered with it, that to see it implemented might lead me to just delete the good for nothing game. I ain't budging here.
  22. Assuming Genealogy Gen 1 is the next banner, I can't say I'd be too interested, the result of never having played the game. Not to say I'm not open to the cast, I am, which is better than my disliked characters are, and likely better than my post-Awakening pessimistic neutrality. Midir would possibly be the best of way of rallying my soul to the occasion, and yet he would be not so much because I like him, and more because he'd be the first canonical Bow Cavalry to be included. I can't get over my distaste for Brave Lyn, Valentines Roy, and whoever else that is an alt that is Bow Cav being the only ones that are in FEH so far. He isn't what I dislike, and would just so happen to fill a niche that otherwise can only be accomplished through using disliked things. I'd use him, and even if Astrid and Rath came later, I'd still keep using him or would if I just so happened to summoned him after the prior two were released. But true love is based upon admiring the innate value of something, not admiring it for being not what one despises. No offense to Lyn or Roy or whoever else fans by the way! I do however feel, however wrong it may be, that Brave Lyn having monopoly/near-monopoly on Bow Cavs in the absence of non-Seasonal Bow Cavs available for summoning, is a way of keeping Lyn unusually special. Also *waves a Festal back and forth vigorously* No alts no alts no alts no alts no alts no alts no alts no alts! Hama hama hama hama hama mahama hamaon mahamaon JUDGEMENT LIGHT! Even if they were "reasonable" ones, like Staff Deidre or Sword Cav Lachesis, they'd still be a major downer.
  23. I edited that into my last post, with a link to Siliconera. Apparently the Japanese announcement happened in June, but only now they have confirmed an NA/EU release. If there is no season pass to the DLC, I'll have to see how substantial all of it is before choosing what if any to get.
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