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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. This would be a hard pattern to break with the next LH. The only things before Mystery are FE1 (Marth's first game) and Gaiden, which would mean Lalm.
  2. Nice for Marth fans, your prayers to Naga and raging like Earth Dragons have been answered. Not a real fan of him myself though, a little too mild and generic for my tastes. Good to have reference to the fact he actually totes the Fire Emblem everywhere in his games, it tends to get forgotten. Sure it all it does is open locks most of time (and there is always enough room for Julian so Marth doesn't have to), but the Binding Shield is rather important. So Caeda is a lesbian? Patterns are bound to be broken, a gender one was likely since there are far fewer female lords than male ones. Who would you propose for a Red Tome? Legendary must be OC or Lord or pseudo-Lord (Ryoma). Who would seem fine using a Red Tome? Micaiah alone would work, maybe Roy if push came to shoved off a cliff. Alm is the only real contender for a Red Bow. A Red Dagger Lord? Maybe Leif in the sense that he fights a little dirtier what with Capturing and all. Legendary Tiki for Red Breath? Well she isn't a main character, but she has enough to her to maybe eek it out. At the end of the day, blame FE's history of sword bias on mains and the roster as a whole.
  3. My attempt was to better connect the arcs, and show Walhart trying to put ideological atheism into action against its primary target. A simple line or three would work, but for the player to really feel a great threat from Valm, enough to get them to understand Chrom's pleas to Gangrel, I'd think we'd need a real sampling of Walhart's might in some way. Insertion of a little accidental border skirmish with Valm could fix that; Walhart would ignore Ylisse afterwards- not yet strong enough for that big fish and he has his lines sunk elsewhere at the moment. Your suggestion of pre-battle narration combined with that would suffice, the narration to be precise would be the world map, with some color for political boundaries. It shows a region of continent with lots of small states (none of which save Walhart's have to be named), shows profile of Walhart's head, and shows that region go from many small states, to one bigger one with some of the small fry remaining, but looking like they're going to be gobbled up. It was Awakening that abolished this right? Shadow Dragon oftentimes had only narration for its pre-battle plot, and it appears New Mystery was much the same, albeit with more non-narration pre-battle plot, if still not a lot and a good deal being just Kris. Why did Awakening get rid of it? Well Awakening wasn't exactly perfect in its plot, and the sea change it brought... well I don't want to criticize it too heavily or anything- no want to bash unfairly. I can't find words for it. But if the Archanea remakes pulled back on the characters telling the story and relied more on the narration (in contrast to prior games which balanced the two), then perhaps it could be said Awakening did the opposite? Rather than rely on narration, which also played a role in world building (albeit not always- SS had plenty of narration but a world built on used toothpicks), Awakening chose to rely on its cast of colorful characters instead? Maybe they felt such narration was unnecessary and something people generally ignored for when the plot cut to the case with the characters they loved? Fates doesn't have it either right? I've never paid attention to the plot here. Consensus generally says Fates's plot was two Maglevs with nuclear reactors as cargo careening into each other while a 747 and A-380 collide right above. In such a case, it is not surprise they would skip on pre-battle narration. Not to mention it was what Awakening did, and Awakening saved the series and sold like hotcakes, so not having pre-battle narration shouldn't stop sales and a reception as smooth and delicious as a chocolate fountain. You can also brand it laziness in both 3DS games, or a misplacement of writing resources on too many supports (although I'm not sure if the plot writing team and support writing team are one and the same). SoV, well original Gaiden didn't have such narrations. It'd also be harder to do with the Act format over the usual Chapters, but I wouldn't rule it out entirely, it could work with certain major battles- like the liberation of Castle Zofia, Grieth's downfall, and the Rudolf showdown.
  4. Apparently it sold 1.38 million in the first eight months (according to links on Wikipedia), and SCIV sold in the same time period 2.3 million. About one million less, which I guess here was quite devastating, a ~43% sales drop. Random thought, why is Sophitia a believer in the Greco-Roman pantheon? -Well it's obviously for the aesthetic of it! But by the time of the Soulcalibur franchise, Greece had been converted to the soul of Orthodox Christianity for over a thousand years. Sophitia calls Athens her home even, so it isn't like she is living high in a remote mountain village miraculously unaffected by the Christian conversion effort.
  5. Little Kana getting a dragonback ride from Corrin. We need tag/twin/duo units, one in gameplay, two in character. Alternatively, surf/snow/skateboarding dragon for a Seasonal. Barons could use Staffs, unfortunately they're all forgettable ugly old men.
  6. On this note, I could envision if we shrank the countries we could do this. Something like Ylisse, Regna Ferox, and Plegia being "here", with Valm and the things it conquers on the continent being "over there", quite some distance away so that Chrom wouldn't be concerned the political situation there. Slash RF to just the Northwest of the continent, Plegia to Dolhr-Macedon-Gra-Altea at most, and Ylisse to the territory of the former Kingdom of Archanea, and leave the big forgettable Northeast a hodgepodge of smaller states, including Valm. I wouldn't directly intermix fighting with Walhart alongside fighting with Gangrel. I was thinking more during the war with Gangrel, Chrom receives an emissary from little old Valm (renamed something else obviously since this isn't Valentia anymore) in the Northeast who says they want to contribute to the fight against Plegia, the unspoken reason being Walhart the Atheist wants to destroy the homeland of the Grimleal. Chrom accepts Valm's help, a few contingents of troops, and also overhears it is doing some stuff politically in the Northeast, but has neither the resources nor the want to meddle in the affairs of a distant part of the continent. Chrom defeats Gangrel's Plegia. After the death of Gangrel, Chrom and co. need to decide what will be done with Plegia now. The war is modified to exact a heavier toll on Ylisse and Regna Ferox, leaving neither willing to foot the costs of a recovery occupation. But Valm yet again, in Chrom's unknowing eyes an innocent little do-gooder, says they're willing to bear the burden of a recovery occupation, and Chrom gives the OK, sending some Ylissean help, and Regna Ferox sending some too. Fast forward past the time skip, and Chrom is getting reports that Valm's continued occupation of Plegia is causing unrest amid the populace. Walhart is doing everything he can to pull the Grimleal out by the roots, set it on fire, and scatter its ashes into the wind and then the bottom of the ocean. Finding the ends justifies the means, Walhart does crush a few non-Grimleal Plegian toes in the process. Chrom visits Walhart visiting Plegia, asks "What is the meaning of this?", Walhart responds unapologetically and unwavering in his current course of action. Chrom now starts to hear of the details of what Walhart has been doing in the Northeast, amounting to empire by force, tensions rise, somebody blinks, and war begins against Walhart. The war would begin with expelling Walhart from Plegia, then turn to fighting in the Northeast, and then end before the Grimleal take final control of the plot.
  7. Humans live short lifespans compared to dragons, it is possible that when they realized how much time passed since the Scouring, they quite logically concluded their father was dead. The arts of immortality/living for a millennium aren't exactly common knowledge in Elibe (but I do hope Pent learned them from Athos). As for Nergal's past name, there is a gulf in our understanding of Nergal. He must have seen Aenir dead, but how he recovers, forgets his kids, and meets Athos is a total blank void. Some speculative possibilities: By the time he recovered from Aenir's death, did he realize the all dragons had finished crossing the Dragon's Gate, and hence had no means of ever seeing his family again? Therefore he didn't forget, but instead just moved on? Why didn't he bring up the Gate to Athos then? Athos and Arcadia would have been overjoyed to hear of it. And he could have used them to open the Gate again so he could see his children. Did Nergal already start toying with Dark Magic to bring back his wife prior to meeting Athos, and thus lose his memories that early on? But it sounds like he spent centuries with Athos in Arcadia, how did he not show full corruption for so long if he already was? If he was only partly corrupted- enough for a memory wipe but not a husk seeking POWER!, why did the corruption process halt for so long? Or was Nergal so traumatized with Aenir's death that he simply repressed all memories of his family naturally without magical interference? What I find even more problematic is that neither Ninian nor Nils ever says they're only half-dragon. I mean sure being any dragon at all is radical (and they do have full dragonshift powers) and what everyone will notice, to the detriment of them ignoring your humanity possibly, but you'd think Nils would bring that up to elicit more sympathy from HEL. Being human would make him more "normal" and "like everyone else" and hence increase the likelihood of others understanding him. Did Ninian and Nils forget they were half-human? How would that not be noticed when they spent centuries in dragon form among other dragons? You'd think there would be some biological distinctive difference, if not visibly physically, then in terms of draconic senses, powers, and "aura". That being getting Nils and Ninian over the Gate? I guess he might not have fully realized what he had done? Although I don't get the sense he had the Quintessence to summon or control dragons yet. Ninian and Nils were presumably the only people to hear Nergal's call in the first place because they were genetically half him, once they were over, there was nobody else on the other side able to listen to him. Ninian and Nils didn't have full strength to keep the Gate open either, since immediate and sudden exposure to Elibe's anti-dragon climate seriously weakened them. Nergal also then probably realized he needed massive quantities of Quintessence before he'd open the Gate again. I also find it ironic that Nergal's original purpose behind practicing Dark Magic was Aenir's resurrection, and shortly after he dies, Bramimond- the lone true master of Dark Magic in Elibe, resurrects Nergal's daughter. Nergal dream WAS achievable! He just slipped off the narrow path of mastery and fell into side of the dark abyss that drives humans berserk. I'm not sure if it's for the better or worse that Nergal didn't see Ninian's revival. As is, in an indirect way it's fornicating over a grave, rubbing in what the dead can't have no more, but badly wanted. I'm not the biggest Nergal fan, as I've pointed out, he has holes in his story, and he is in the end just an irrational husk of a human being, more a force of nature or wild animal at this point than a person. This makes fighting him something of a hollow battle, since there is no "firm" antagonist the way other villains are truly themselves. Nergal wanting Quintessence is not the true Nergal, but Ashnard's want of chaos is fundamentally and truly in his character (just to give an example). The game doesn't try to make you pity him either, like SS does with Lyon, particularly on Eirika Mode, or RD with Sephiran. But Nergal's intimacy with the heroes, the Nils-Ninian secret family tie, and Elibean Dark Magic on the whole, makes him decently likable for me.
  8. So Zhuge Li-OW! is a new guy? Doesn't stick to a single weapon, but uses a small variety of them a little like Necrid?. Looks interesting, and villainous, and what he'd do to get the title "Leader of Humanity"?
  9. You would be correct. When Vigarde died, Lyon and his court shamans initiated a coverup, hiding Vigarde's death from everyone else. Knoll, having witnessed the resurrection and then decried Lyon's smashing of the Fire Emblem, was locked up with plans to be executed to hide the truth. Presumably the rest of Lyon's scholars met the same fate for knowing the truth. I wouldn't call this unbelievable BTW. Lyon is the Crown Prince, he had the power to affect such a thing. He alone was in the room the moment Vigarde died, and presumably this guy whom the Prologue titles the "stalwart Silent Emperor" was good at hiding the depths of his publicly known illness. It is a bit weird that the Gemstones never found out, but Knoll did say they skipped sleep and meals rushing to find a way to resurrect Vigarde, with rumors already flying that the Emperor was dead. So given a few more weeks, the truth might have broken through. Nino is fine to me, she never felt like she was "too upfront" a loli. Innocence amid a vigilante group that is betwixt honor and criminality, her attire is quite tame too. I wouldn't necessarily say all lolis are well-written characters, but nor are all shotas, old men, bishies, young adult women and etc.. I'll agree we could use more non-loli dragons though. We need Goldoa in yesterday, not a loli in sight there, and Ena is cute in her own, different way. Just amp up the dragon's appearance and the breath, bigger and with more flashiness. Tiki goes from Divine Dragon, to Heaven-and-Earth-Hypernova-Naga-Exceed-Hope-of-Ylisse-and-Valm-Ascended-God-Dragon, with Aethereal-Concentrated-Soulstream-Essencerapture-Annihilation Breath.
  10. Egads this sounds like a terrible glitch! Days of play and hundreds of Orbs, potentially lost in a little hiccup. How could this happen from a programming perspective, and is it a sign of sloppiness at IS? I'm going to assume IS hasn't kept an SI record out of laziness/fear for the worst. Why would they really need to? The game has to autosave after every SI instance, correct? But whether IS then keeps note of that? Well it'd be good if they did, it could tell them what skills are hot inheritances, although there are other ways of figuring this out. But do they need any record more than just "a skill was inherited", without regard to who got it, who gave it, and what it was? On a different note, if FE4 Gen 1 is getting the next New Heroes banner, as early as this is to speak of it, let us look at our options: And if we get stuck with an alt, I'm expecting: If they wanted to make a theme related to the GHB, then: However, NHs don't need to be totally synced to a GHB or vice versa. Amoeba Lady came alongside Lyon, right? And Linus with Sky High Nino? Yet these instances aren't necessarily proof that it must be so. Karla was out of sync with everyone else who came with her, and the Gen 2 Genealogy banner and GHB had nothing unifying it, save the very general theme of two lovers and their beloved.
  11. If they're zombies, then doesn't Panic work on them (or is that what they inflict), or a Head Bind? If you have it, immerse them in miasma first. Why do people swim out and sit the middle of the ocean in Pokemon games?
  12. So since we've two Brave sets of color symmetry, I'd expect the 3rd to also adhere to this. In which case, what may we be dealing with? Now I know they've been inventing weapons out of nothing for some Braves, but so far only one per banner, so let's keep to that. Marth: Falchion again could be boring. Mercurius could be better if he had to go sword, as an FE1 reference where it was locked to him. Wing Spear to reference Caeda, or Gradivus to allude to his pal Emperor Brodin would be his Blue options. Blue Tome as in Starlight would be a surprise. Marth's only viable Green option would be an Excalibur variant in reference to Merric. Colorless could see him bring the Aum Staff. As long as he has the Binding Shield as a skill. Camilla: Daddy Garoony's Bolverk, the Aurgelmir, and Excalibur are her Green choices. Swiping Siegfried or Brynhildr from her bros give her good Red picks, or maybe even Yato or Ganglari. Bifrost is a Colorless possibility. I can't see a good Blue for her. Eirika: Well all but Latona of the SS Sacred Twins are in, well no "Sacred Excalibur", but we still have plenty of Excal. Thankfully, Broy says she can just bring a better version of a preexisting weapon, so the sky is the limit with her- any color or type. Micaiah: She seems quite restricted in what she could get. Rexaura would be Blue Tome again, Balberith for Red Tome, I doubt. Staff is most likely. Dagger as in borrowing from Sothe? Possible. Steal Ragnell from Ike? Too weird. Alm: Luna, Sol, Astra- Bow, Lance, Sword. A horse, Kriemhild, and Angel Ring as a skill for a double familial reference sounds kinda fun too. Celica's Golden Dagger or Seraphim since she stole his Royal Sword? The one color I can't see him getting is Green. Tharja: No limits really. Blue with a stolen Thoron? Colorless with Noire's Bow? A Scroll from her reincarnation? Chrom: Like The Tharj, no real limits. FE13 invented practically no new legendary weapons, this is a reason why. Reinhardt: By Heim almighty, please don't give him Mjolnir- please keep to Jugdral's "Holy Weapons for Major Holy Blooded only!" rule! No idea what he'd get then, outside of Olwen, Ishtar, and Kempf the nobody, he has no real connections to anyone. Red with the Blessed Sword he gives Olwen? Low Key, Lajam, Leavenbread, etc.: OCs are I'd say guaranteed to get a brand new weapon, which can be any color and any type. Long story condensed, there are practically no restrictions on who could get what color, when so many are so flexible.
  13. Why thank you! And I dunno if you care about this, and you might have already seen it, an Atelier 20th anniversary popularity poll:
  14. Alternatively, you can find one of those newfangled things you put on your neck that when it senses the coming of a sudden impact, inflates like an airbag to lessen the blow. Although even if I could ride a bike, I'm not sure if I'd trust one of those things to work though. Speaking of other forms of head wear, one of those blocky GBA General helmets would be nice to have. And can Forging Bonds find a way to sneak Joshua's hat in? And please don't forget to give us Lewyn's hat and Ranulf's headgear when the time comes IS! Hope the support conversations inhere are good, particularly the group ones, not that I'll be seeing them. (I'm feeling October will be my next hope of a good 2/3rds entry, early September isn't exactly auguring well at the moment.)
  15. Pirate's Curse Shantae please! Albeit I've only played Risky's Revenge and Pirate's Curse, but her magic moveset in RR wasn't as cool as the Pirate Gear. Yet I'd expect her magical half-genie dance-shifting self to be the core of the moveset. Elephant should be easy to integrate, Mermaid and Monkey I have a harder time visualizing. Are they really even swords when we consider how short they are? Would calling them daggers be better? Is there a real difference here??
  16. Although I'm not actually supporting it, if I were to find the grounds upon which this complaint is made, it would be in Smash from its onset not being purely human-dominated. In the original 12, you have Mario and Luigi, who are human, but cartoony, Ness is much the same. Kirby, Pikachu, Yoshi, DK, and Jiggly are all not human at all. Link and Captain Falcon are the only "true" humans. Samus although human, she could be a robot given she is from head to toe in armor. Fox, well it honestly wouldn't make a difference if he was Fox McCloud, or James McCloud of F-Zero, but on the surface, he literally isn't human. I think Glennstavos's biggest criticism would be the big trio of the DLC characters are all realistic humans- Cloud, Ryu, Bayonetta. When you look at the greater newcomers, you have only Duck Hunt, Mega Man, Pac Man, Greninja, and Bowser Jr. who aren't human at all. But even here, the argument has holes. For all the humans play oh so radically differently, Little Mac, Palutena, Robin, Shulk, and Rosalina & Luma are all nothing alike. The argument is purely cosmetic.
  17. I'm admittedly not that versed in fighting games. I guess I shouldn't have said that then. Note the opening of my remark- "but there too are only so many ways to move limbs!". That was referring to the movements we call "punches" and "kicks"- the weapons of the weaponless. It is not to be denied characters in Smash without weapons share attacks too; IIRC, Sheik and Sonic have the same dair, Mario and Falco the same nair. I wasn't speaking of the sword issue originally with any venom, I don't loathe swords, I only brought it up finding a measure of merit in it, and repeating a common complaint without thinking on it seriously. However, if you read my first response to Jedi criticizing me bringing up the not-#FE TMS issue, you'll notice I did bend very much so to sword movesets in Smash being fairly distinctive from each other.
  18. There are only so many ways to swing a sword- but there too are only so many ways to move limbs! At its outset, Smash was primarily a non-weapon fighter, and fighting games are to some extent built around the presence or absence of weapons. Street Fighter doesn't have them, Soulcalibur does. -Smash doesn't need to adhere to these policies though, it is its own thing in the fighting game world. The appearances of weaponless characters tends to be much more diverse visually. Mario, ROB, Pikachu, Kirby, Captain Falcon, and Zelda are all radically different, meanwhile swords has a lot of blue, Links, and FE and "anime" males.
  19. Slumber actually. He called Selena and Eldigan equally bad Camuses. A Camus should have two things in their view- one is a sympathetic backstory/cause, the other... I think he said hesitancy/honorability, I don't remember exactly. Sounds like fine criterion though. Eldigan hesitates and chafes under Chagal a lot, he really doesn't want to fight Sigurd or Lachesis. If you opt to get the Runesword, you don't even kill him, Chagal does after Eldigan pleads to him one last time. But Chagal is an irredeemable prick, as a result we have no reason to sympathize with Eldigan's dying loyalty to Chagal, to Eldigan's cause. Selena has a sad, sympathetic backstory, the good Emperor saved her poor village from starving. However, she never hesitates, the only moment she does is when she hears Duessel has been branded a traitor, but that moment is very brief. Her falling out of favor after the next chapter isn't because she wasn't willing to kill Duessel, but because Valter forced her to withdraw, she would have continued trying to kill Duessel. If you don't hesitate, you aren't a real Camus because you lack an internal struggle. Not to mention the Selena battle happens after she realizes good Vigarde is gone forever, she fights out of a dead loyalty and wants suicide, even if it means hurting those in the right and those on her own side in the process by not just stabbing herself- which is very selfish.
  20. My mistake. Still, the female part might explain things. And doesn't Female Corrin seem to get less flak than Male Corrin?
  21. I can't deny that popularity is another factor, nor should that SoV was less ambitious and less advertised, and not the first FE of as many players either. She is female, that is why. I'm only aware of one person who has ever criticized Selena Fluorspar. I wouldn't mind listening to some serious critiquing, but I'll wait until FEH resolves the whole of its present plot before suggesting that be done. How long will that be?
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