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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. The Dragon Axe would be useless for Lyn Mode, since there are no Wyverns there to use it on there (unless somebody wanted to make an edit off my edit and turn Lundgren into a severely nerfed Fire Dragon or something). Wallace has something of a hard time surviving HHM if you don't promote him in Lyn Mode right (I wouldn't know, since I always aim for Geitz)? Well think of it as a reward for saving him. Promote him in LM however (change the Knight's Crest to a Hero's Crest- Sain and Lucius can still fight him for it, unlike the Knight Crest, which only Florina could use here), and his long run stats are gimped, plus you won't be getting the White Gem due to not 5 Star Funds rank. And not Lyn Mode for Erk's Secret Book too.
  2. Can I put in for another edit? I don't like Nintendo doesn't in the Wii U Virtual Console version of FE7 include the Double Dash Bonus Disk items. So hack them all (or whichever ones you want) into your game. This would be: The Dragon Axe A Silver Card The Wind Sword The Emblem Seal The Emblem Sword, Lance, Axe, and Bow. A Thor's Ire And a complete set of non-Boots stat boosters. Not sure how you'll hack them in. If you used the disk, you could, at Chapter 12 or later, give the items individually to your main lord, or Merlinus if you had him yet. I'd say just scatter the items one by one in the inventories of some characters. In which case, I will assign them as so: Eliwood will come with the Goddess Icon. Lyn will have the Emblem Axe. Hector will take the Emblem Lance. Guy can have the Emblem Sword. Lordwen will carry the Body Ring. Bardtre can start with Thor's Ire (should slightly help Marcus being able to 1HKO, the crit bonus given by Thor's Ire I now decree to be +15, 5 more than it presently is). Teodor doesn't drop anything as a boss, Ninis's Grace will now be his to give, he found it in the ruins and decided to keep it. Erk can have the Secret Book. Priscilla will have the Emblem Bow. As a fond memory his dear sister, Raven shall carry the first Speedwing she ever molted (what? you thought Priscilla was human?). Dart can have the Dragonshield. Legault will have the Emblem Seal. Ninian can pack the Wind Sword. Isadora will come not with one Angelic Robe, but TWO now. Wallace can get the Dragon Axe. Geitz will have the Talisman. The Energy Ring, Farina shall bring, the last of the statboosters. Karla can bring the Silver Card. Kinda useless, since on Hard you already get one in Chapter 19x and they don't stack, but think of it as making the final shopping trip slightly less annoying with no need to trade the Silver Card around now.
  3. When was K. Rool last really relevant? There was that one GBA King of Swing game I think, but his heyday was being the big bad in all three Donkey Kong Countries + 64. Strangely he hasn't appeared at all in the Returns DKC games, while Dixie got into Tropical Freeze, making him deader than her. In other words, if K. Rool got put through the Cinnabar fossil resurrector, Dixie should hopefully be back as well. She is playable in two of three of the old DKC games too, as many as Diddy and more than DK (and why was Tiny invented instead of Dixie being in 64?).
  4. Well apocalypse I think could be an excuse, not sure how common it is. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild runs with it I believe. I believe it gets momentarily tossed into 7th Dragon III: Code: VFD to explain the medieval nature of Eden. Xenogears has the ancient Zeboim Civilization, which featured skyscrapers and a not-Times-Square-with-a-Christmas-tree, which due to massive environmental devastation saw like 90% of humanity annihilated (and reminds me of a totally different game). So what apocalypse could have caused a hypothetical civilization collapse in Archanea? I would hazard .They're also the best hypothetical explanation for global terraforming. Gimle yawns, 5% of humanity goes goodbye. Stretches their tail out, 10% more, paws for food, 25%, and so forth. Buildings get wiped away at the same time. Maybe they do a Fell Cannonball next to Altea, causing an unimaginable tsunami that buries the entirety of the isle in seawater, leaving behind such salinity that plant life dies off. The only issue with this idea is that we see no advanced ruins of whatever great civilization eventually emerged out of Archanea before the Grimy Reset. Alternatively, civilization doesn't advance in Archanea at the same rate it did IRL, it did take over 2000 years for IRL humanity to go from the Age of Iron to the Industrial Age. And were it not for European diffusion, it wouldn't have spread everywhere, the Native Americans and Australians never discovered metallurgy at all, and therefore never left the Stone Age.
  5. Yep, Milla's side. I chose her since the opening sequence pre-selection really sold her much better than it did Jude. As for the rest of my EOV experience... I want to NG+ another run with the five classes I didn't use, but I think I'll wait until I forget this game a bit before I do that. Overall, of the four EOs I've played, I think I'm not sure how I'd rank them. I'd have to go on their individual merits. EOIV's labyrinths might be short, but they were fairly well-designed. It is easy, and its classes are restricted by Imperial and Bushi coming so late, but the classes were balanced. EOV has much more fun classes than IV, but it just fizzles out at the end in some ways sadly. Along with a pretty disappointingly lacking plot even by EO standards (IV is the best here). EOU has boring classes, and a labyrinth with one too many twisting dead ends, but its challenge level is fair. EOU2 has bosses with scripted patterns and HP bloat, but can be fun with the most classes of any game barring EOX.
  6. Random thought, thinking on Etrian Odyssey, I could see them making an Assist Trophy out of the "mascot" blonde female Protector that has frequently, if not always appeared in EO advertising artwork. She might swing a sword a few times, but otherwise she either applies a reduced-damage and maybe no-flinch aura to the summoner (and allies in Team Smash), like a -Guard skill. Or she could use something like Bravery's Gift or Ally Shield and use herself to block the hits her summoner would take. Imagine if they were all remixes of Ken's and Ryu's stage themes.
  7. Maybe Estincia? Estival Princess + Elincia? Might be a little confusing because Est is the name of an actual FE character, and one could mistake it as shipping the little Whitewing with the Heart of Crimea, but I'm just throwing it out there.
  8. Special powers doesn't mean the name of her parents mattered. Ike was made the leader of the Greil Mercenaries because he was the son of Greil. Micaiah wasn't made the The analogy of Micaiah's special powers being derived from her heritage doesn't work because there isn't a direct causality between Micaiah's heritage and her being made the leader of the resistance. There's an indirect two step causality. I recognize this. I was aiming more the point that Micaiah is not a "true" commoner. In the sense that a true commoner should have neither publicly known or secret bloodlines of importance, depriving benefits from the name or genetics thereof it. Ike gets a free promotion less than a month into his life as an active mercenary because of his family relations, Micaiah because genetics wins more battles and earns more notoriety than she would were she an ordinary Branded or lacked the Branded blood at all. Genetics (Micaiah) =/ Family Name (Ike), this is true. But one is born for benefits or disadvantages with both, nobody is free to earn them. And then we have Corrin. Who has the name of Prince/cess of Nohr and Hoshido, and the genetics of Anankos. And Sigurd, Seliph, Leif, Chrom and Lucina, who have noble/royal titles and lineages, plus Brands symbolizing dragon blood infusion. Name and genetics in other circumstances can and do go together.
  9. Fight or fife you? If you mean the latter, then here: Unabashed Nils promotion. This reminds me of the Uther's death and coverup debacle, and how unique it sorta is in FE. Uther's death is purely natural, no magic or anything here, Hector couldn't have done anything about it. Oswin is a retainer with a willingness to defy the emotions of a liege, for the sake of their and the world's long term betterment. Hector hates Oswin for it, being unwilling to understand it or forgive Oswin at first. Gradually, albeit in what short a time Hector has to get over it, he first understand Oswin, but refuses to forgive him, and then should you trigger his Lyn final battle convo, Hector comes to see Oswin was right, forgive him, and realize he was wrong. Oswin didn't totally hate Hector's emotionality either, he sees its strengths, but he was proactively curtailing one of its flaws here, he wasn't going to take the bad with the good of it. How often does this happen exactly? I can't really recall any other instance where a retainer goes so much against their master's wishes, and later the master realizes it was good. Be it Malladus, Jagen/Kris, Lewyn (he does force Seliph to invade Thracia, but Seliph puts up no real resistance), Merlinus, Marcus, Seth, and Soren, they are all so much more pliant to their master's wishes.
  10. Micaiah still has the heritage deal being highly important though. She doesn't know until the very end, nobody does. Nonetheless, without being the descendant of Altina and Lehran, she wouldn't have had her miraculous powers essential to her rise. She did have to earn her authority, but core tools to establish it derived from her unique pedigree. The Silver Haired Maiden earned her mass popularity through things like sacrifice, and future sight does some for establishing her in Part 1 (it won Chapter 6), and her goddess-possession/talk powers cause her to quickly earn the trust of non-Daeinians in Part 4. No lord is devoid of authority without heritage. No lord is devoid of a special heritage in some way- be it formal blue blood, latent blue blood, latent dragon/heron blood, or being the son of a former noble. FE still lacks a true 100% commoner lord.
  11. Sounds almost like the "null" part was a "insert name here", and if an error it just resorts to null. I guess Dominoes was too lazy to make the default sound better, and I don't think if you're ordering Dominoes, you'll care about the language chosen when you order, as long as its understandable. This said, I remember having Dominoes as a kid many years ago, my elementary would always serve it on Fridays. The only time I've had it in over a decade and a half, is when a professor new to the area didn't know where to find better pizza. And there is plenty better where I am. One Pizza Margarita with cherry tomatoes, a slightly sweet tomato sauce, melted chunks of fresh mozzarella, and basil, on a thin, crisp and crunchy, but not hard nor too blackened, sesame seed crust please.
  12. It pit the worst of FE New Fans vs. FE Old Fans, blue and green hair would little the floor. And I'd stand on the sidelines watching the less gruesome stuff happening. As for how much sodium would be produced, enough to make this: Yes, a cathedral carved out of salt, they exist. There are too many variables right now for me say what I think the next Voting Gauntlet could be. CYL2 4 vs. CYL1 4 is a possibility, but so is CYL2's top 8 against each other.
  13. Most FE worlds are okay, although while I love Tellius, I'm staying away from anywhere where Laguz-Beorc racial tensions spill over into street violence. Most Tales worlds are good too, me being partial to my first, Symphonia. Pokemon world are great as well. Hyrule is cool, but I need it a bit more populated. Final Fantasy X, if it has anything okay, it would be the beauty of Spira, although count me out of VIII's world, that one is too underdeveloped and modern. Maybe the worlds of IV-VI as well. I like FFTA Ivalice too. Luxendarc of Bravely would be wonderful, but I just don't want to see giant columns of light in the open sea, cause then I know things are screwed. I'd like Bionis and Mechonis. I'd like to like Mira too, but first I need to know exactly what is up with that planet (I need the sequel!)! The Baten Kaitos world is really beautiful, I'd ask Ladekahn if I could sit in his throne for a minute- because that is the most glorious throne in gaming. But I'd be afraid of falling off the floating islands. You say this, and yet you forget that whatever killed you, has a high chance of killing all your friends as well. It doesn't take 6th Stratum superboss to party wipe you, that kinda stuff can- *is ambushed and slaughtered by some acorns and a boar while holding this conversation from the Tutelary Forest*. DefinItely DON'T want to be in the SMT multiverse. Sure demon summoning is cool, maybe if I land in the right world I get an Atma or be infused with a Magatama, but otherwise the apocalyptic nature of the worlds with clashing cosmologically immortal factions is not exactly appealing. Should I let an Oni eat me, or have my being brainwashed by an angel? I can't tell which is more merciful.
  14. Luna has the following advantages: It can't be negated the way Crit can be via Luck. It is better against high Def/Res enemies. It can activate more often with any weapon than Crits with any weapon. You do have a point though. If we imagine 30 Def/Res is as high as it goes on most enemies, and this is being generous (WLs and Gens can go 35-40 on the Def side), then you need to deal only 8 or more damage at base for a crit to outdamage Luna. If we assume 15 damage at base, well Luna is adding +15, while a Crit is doing double that at +30. This isn't factoring in Killers having a 4x boost in Fates, so it'll be +45 damage, and you need only deal 6 damage at base to outdamage Luna.
  15. I thought that was Genealogy? Or is it Awakening? Or Fates? There are several contenders. Within Tellius, I'd say, for understandable reasons, RD is more the sea of fan chaos, by virtue of its grand ambitions. Which isn't? Well I think we can consider SS not to be. Original FEs 1-3 aren't, and probably not 6. Blazing... I'm not sure. Thracia, well it has its mechanical cheapness for both the player and the enemy, but I'm not sure how controversial it is. Shadow Dragon has its defenders despite general criticism, but calling it controversial is difficult due to the defenders not being rabidly vocal. SoV I guess it is not.
  16. Why does Ike have to fight Oliver? Tibarn is an NPC here, Tibarn slurps Oliver's brains like ramen noodles. Sure you miss on Nosferatu, but that is no loss, it sells for a mere 750, and its only user is Rhys, the guy who averages at 20/20 3 Str when Nos weighs 12 Wt, and he has only 21 Spd, 11 Def, and 38 HP, not good enough. EXP? Fine, feed him to Marcia or somebody else who isn't Ike. And why must Ike fight any non-BK/Ashnard boss? Problem- so does the Fairy Queen, the Sesame Street Garbage Can Monster, Crackers!, Guy With Axe In Head, Minerva ~3.0, The Girl Who Had to Share A Bow, Broyd. And on promotion, Stellaaaaaaa! and Make a Love. And all of these can also grab a Hand Axe or Javelin to take down those pesky 2 rangers without needing others to clean up, which Ike cannot do. Admittedly, there weren't many other choices though. Titania is probably the only person who would've sufficed, Shinon is too acerbic, Soren is too acerbic, Gatrie is hopeless, Oscar isn't experienced enough, nor is Boyd, Rhys is too faint of heart. Should they have gone with Titania? Well I can see that, would have kept Shinon and Gatrie in at least. Having her take the leadership and then groom Ike as her successor, eventually handing things over say at Chapter 18 or something, might have been a better move. Having Titania as the leader originally was planned, but said version had Greil long dead at beta Sephiran's supposed hand, so there was no succession crisis, since the GMs weren't founded until after Greil was gone. The official timeline says Gawain suddenly vanished in 626, the same year as the Blood Pact "plague". Ashnard ascended to the throne the next year, 627. If Gawain had the same background as Tauroneo, well in the Rolf support he offers a few lines about his family: Tauroneo: For generations, we made a reputation for ourselves in Daein as a famed warrior family. Both my father and I had the honor of serving the royal family as field generals. We were a proud family… Tauroneo: I raised him to serve the Daein army, as my father raised me. He tried to live up to my high expectations. He became a decorated knight at a young age and was assigned to the palace guard. However… Tauroneo: He took to the field as Ashnard’s personal aide. And he came home on a litter, grievously wounded. He escaped death, but he didn’t escape his wounds. He’ll never walk again. Our family house was built on generations of proud military command. Our ancient name as a warrior family would not allow me to simply abandon my sworn duty. I tried to salvage our honor by training my younger son. He was just a boy, really. I wanted him to become a Daein general. So working hard might have been part of the Daein system, even if genealogies played another significant role. This is how nobilities sometimes work out in practice, it isn't always enough to have the blood, though you do need that, you also need to put in the effort if you want to rule. The Fujiwaras of Heian Japan didn't get control of the Imperial Court through blood alone, their success in marrying their daughters off to the Emperors was very essential to their control, but they had to use political finesse to get that done in the first place. That sharp? Nonetheless, I'm always open to hearing reasoned criticism. I might be a Tellius fan, but I try to empathize criticism to be open-minded. If you don't want to post it, you could PM it. But why are we having these debates on the FEH general discussion board? Then again, I recall worse happening here.
  17. I feel like you're dramatizing things a little too much, desperation really never fills Day Breaks for me. Yes it is four back to back battles, but I don't believe Ike and co. went into the heart of the forest first and foremost for Oliver's arrest, they wanted that, but it was alongside the need to find Reyson. There is less of an emphasis on dire straits, and more on the oddity of the Great Boggly Woods, and the Herons here. I never get the feeling Oliver had them cornered, outside maybe in the third battle. Oliver was a lone Senator in disobedience not focused on causing an actual rebellion, all he actually wanted was Reyson to be his. -Which Ike gets for less time than Roy the Binding Blade. And Ike is in a game where swordlock hurts a heckuva lot more. PoR Ike is certainly not top/high tier in lords performance in their respective games. Never incompetently weak, he isn't a gamebreaker either for most of it. A sentiment I share in ways, a lot of lords are fairly mild, and in being mild they are neither particularly offensive, nor endearing. Ike at times is this, sometimes he feels like Eliwood to me, others like Hector, but generally falls somewhere between the two. Roughhewn like Hector, but without as much of the brutish lout. I've never thought of it in the metaphor before, but it works to a degree. Eternal Dawn? I don't see a composition by that name in the RD soundtrack. Do you mean Eternal Bond? The map theme that for some reason has become Ike's theme?
  18. Not exactly the usual procrastination I mean here, as in something that eventually has a deadline. More the things that have none, and you'd like to do, but for some reason you don't. It annoys you a bit, but not enough to actually address the matter. For months, I've told myself I'd fix my WiFi to get my Switch hooked up to it, and I think I might actually know the issue now, but despite spending so much time on the Internet, I haven't. I haven't replaced the one broken Wii U control stick either, the replacement part has just been sitting there all this time. I blame Xenoblade Chronicles X for the issue, since making the sprint set to pressing down on the left control stick, which I've done a ton of with that game, is most likely the culprit. I've also been in need of completing Skyward Sword for some years, to speak of the tip of an old backlog. Particularly annoying is my reoccurring desire every few months to try TearRing Saga (strangely, old actual FEs don't do this to me), only to see my MacBook once and again find ePSXe impossible to open, and OpenEmu opens, and it starts scanning the game, but it never actually, even with a patched copy of the game provided by a fellow SFer, opens the game itself. Deleting OpenEmu does nothing, since all the old cores and BIOS and settings are saved when I redownload it. I tell myself I'll do more than just these perpetually blocked actions, but I don't, hopeful that once day I'll have another device to try all this out on. Not video games related, I've been wanting to see the sunrise this Summer, but between the randomness of getting clouded out which you can never predict, and having to wake up early, I just haven't mustered up the vigor to do it. Nor have I gotten around to driving much, which I kinda need to practice, because in sorta rara avis fashion, I'm a good mind, but still without a license. If this was a pressing need, I'd have it by now, but some years have passed, and me lacking a license hasn't been an issue. Do more reading. I'm a would-be historian, who strangely doesn't do much reading in their freetime. This needs to change. Wanting to engage in more gardening would be great, but I don't want to tear up the backyard's grass and reading up on gardening is a bit intimidating. I've been wanting to making a tres leche cake, it looks good, if quite basic, I've just never asserted myself to actually press for making the recipe. In a bit of a contradictory note, losing weight, but I'll stop there. So, I've given a litany of my own, your things you just never get to doing? Serious, random, or whatever else there is.
  19. There is a link issue here: https://serenesforest.net/general/translation-patches-and-hacks/ The general patching instructions do not bring you to that, it brings you to an old SF news post.
  20. It is never stated what happens to Grado exactly. Nor do we have a sequel like RD to resolve what happened. None of the Gradoan Character Endings explain it: They speak of reconstruction and the "empire", but nothing more. Nor does the Epilogue help. Eirika's is devoid of reference to Grado, and although Ephraim's references the massive earthquake (Eirika's doesn't- it never comes up in her story unless you have Knoll support Natasha or Duessel)... ... it too speaks of the "empire". Does this mean Grado has a new monarch? Well an empire doesn't necessarily need a monarch, Third Republic France established a formal empire, and the United States an informal one, in the late-1800s to early-1900s. But in a Medieval-ish setting, I would presume there is one. Did they pick a new lineage out of nothing? Or did Lyon have some cousins they picked from (games rarely show the generally plentiful collateral lines of a royal/noble family)?
  21. Since they said they saw the nighttime apartment scene, I'm pretty sure they're at the final dungeon. I haven't done a Jude playthrough myself, I only did Milla. However there are a few things I might be able to tease out. I'm not quite sure of the context of what you say, but I'm thinking Guilland means that as "We will never give up!". As long as the Schism remains, they will do everything they can to tear it down. The Otherworld Reactor Plan doesn't involve keeping the Schism in place I believe, otherwise why build that never-stops-being relevant Lance of Kresnik? All it is about is pillaging Rieze Maxia for spirits and mana to maintain human existence in Elympios. In a skit I believe, Milla states Maxwell's original intention might have been to let Elympios die out on purpose. What he would do after that isn't suggested, but once the users of spyrix were gone, maybe he'd remove the Schism and open up the now-empty lands to the people of Rieze Maxia. Perhaps Gaius sought the same thing. I'm not quite sure what happens on a Jude playthrough, but it is stated if you return to Nia Khera, that Muze attacked Nia Khera and kill its elders due to having heard myths about the Schism, and that Jude and co. responded to this and fought her. When you use the Dimensional Breach to return to Rieze Maxia, you end up at the summit of the Hallowmont, so perhaps it was from there that Jude and co. ended up fighting Maxwell, it'd be the logical thing to do after defeating Muze. Milla is physically a human yes. But she was programmed to think she wasn't human, and she hasn't acted that way at all since her creation. Nor was she born like a normal human. And her desire to replace Maxwell as the Lord of Spirits at the end, thus becoming a Spirit if she wasn't one already. All of these add up to reasons for her to continue not seeing herself as human, as just a spirit in a human body.
  22. Vaida has some rather bad supports in FE7, but beyond that I'd be perfectly fine with her. Of course, she wouldn't sell Orbs like Nino, the two near opposites- one is sweet and young, the other is abrasive and relatively old. Oh I certainly don't want alts on New Heroes banners, particularly those with a wafer-thin excuse. They are automatic dislikes for me. And 2 of three is the better half of the usual New Heroes banner releases nowadays. I'd be fine with them, they do represent her rise as a character, and the change of clothing is pretty. Light Priestess, being Micaiah at her pinnacle of power in RD, sounds perfect for a Legendary Hero. Light Sage is stuck in a limbo of sorts. It isn't her default Light Mage self, the one that is shown off the most, nor is it her ultimate self- Light Priestess. It's the puberty Micaiah, the mid-evolution to speak in Pokemon terms, it is the awkward self. Everyone loves Mudkip and Swampert, but Marshtomp is that strange thing in the middle nobody cares to remember. Ike has the same issue twice, partly with Hero Ike, since we already have Vanguard as Legendary (which would suggest LP Micaiah for her Legendary version). But at least Hero Ike is his default self in RD. Lord Ike has it the worst, since it is ultimate PoR Ike, which is ultimately not very ultimate due to RD giving him a ne plus ultra upgrade that indisputably is more powerful than Lord Ike. This said, I think there is the possibility of Light Sage Micaiah, as well as Lord Ike, it just won't happen for a while, more than a year I would think. Of course, IS could befuddle me wrong. (Regal Sword instead of Ragnell for Loike please, Ettard instead of Ragnell for Heike, and do give one of the Micaiahs a Staff.)
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