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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Congrats on completing RD! Glad that you enjoyed it too. Though I list no favorite FE (blame it on me being indecisive), I am a foremost Telliusian (I recognize their flaws, but I love them anyhow). I'm also SF's self-appointed Sephiran devotee to some degree. I'm in agreement the art direction got better with RD, it's like PoR, but certainly more matured. Be sure to check out the Tellius Recollection artbooks pinned on these forums for a bit of extra information on everything. Some of it is a little contradictory to what is in the games, and some is downright beta (more on that can be found here, here, and here), but on the whole it's good. And here are some Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade notes that didn't make it into the final game. And if you click on any one of the chapters with a "+" next to it here, you'll be able to read the translated Extended Script for it. RD in Japan had extra story dialogue on Hard and Maniac difficulties that the English translators didn't include for some reason. Nothing very important, and only like ~5% of the script in total apparently, but the extra nuggets are neat. SF doesn't have it all, but some is better than nothing.
  2. First impressions matter, and Grima failed them. Retroactively correcting a character with things that didn't exist whatsoever in the original game, while better than nothing, is in a way a form of laziness. Grima doesn't really matter in SoV or FEH, only in Awakening, and there, for one who doesn't know about SoV or FEH, which would be how 98% of us played Awakening since neither SoV nor FEH existed at the time, they just "RAWR! I'm the Fell Dragon!". Which is poor writing. You should really really really try to get a character right the first time. Not to mention even finding out the Grima stuff in the latter games requires completing an optional postgame labyrinth, getting lucky with summoning, or looking the stuff up online.
  3. Oh yes, I forgot him, despite being in the same game. A little pathetic, which is at the core of his character (as is having a good heart), but yes he does deal with the travails of monarchy. He has his Part 1 big moment, and his willingness for his own somber moment later on is certainly admirable, but he isn't quite the same as Elincia. Pelleas never truly develops into a full-fledged king as Elincia does a matured queen. And of course, in the ending, Pelleas gives up the throne to Micaiah, signifying his inability in the role. (To be fair, one should know their limits, and he certainly gave it his best at trying to be a monarch in pressing circumstances you can't deny that, but between his obvious failure and certain revelations, his choice is reasonable.) Either way, my MAIN point was that Elincia does what no main character in FE: Marth, Alm, Celica, Sigurd, Seliph, Leif, Roy, Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Eirika, Ephraim, Ike, Micaiah, Chrom, Robin, Lucina, or Corrin; has ever done. All of them just fought wars of external defense, or liberation or salvation, none had to deal with internal issues. Chrom did become Exalt in Awakening after the Gangrel Arc, but internal/governmental issues are never at hand, the same for FE3 Marth.
  4. They could certainly fit her in. Micaiah fans would feel totally spited if she wasn't Legendary yet and Elincia was, but otherwise, Elincia could work. The comparison to Caeda and Lilina is a little tricky. On the one hand, Caeda and Lilina never appear beyond a certain point in the plot. Lilina disappears from the plot after Chapter 8x, and beyond supports only appears again with an A Roy support in the ending (outside of her recruiting Barret and Gonzalez- but this isn't plot dialogue). Caeda in Shadow Dragon only appears in Chapter 1, the ending, and the bunch of non-plot recruitments and the optional Ogma convo she can have. Caeda's plot appearances in Mystery are restricted to the Prologue, her recruitment, those who she recruits, and the ending. Binding Blade, on the heroes' side, is a Roy monologue punctuated by Guinevere, Merlinus, Elffin, and some more in passing NPCs. Shadow Dragon replaces Merlinus with Malledus, Guinevere with Nyna, and adds Gotoh while dropping Elffin, but is otherwise a Marth monologue, worse than Binding. Mystery seems to move away from this model somewhat, making it closer to Binding, and then FE12 adds Kris to everything. Elincia has tens of times more dialogue than Lilina and Caeda in the plot (the absence of real RD supports is a blow on that front, but Elincia gets plenty of characterization in the main plot through both PoR and RD). However, she is in a game with a lot more plot dialogue and a lot more main/supporting actors contributing to things. Sanaki, despite only making appearances in Parts 3 and 4, gets her own mini character arc, as does the REAL Young Lion of FE- Skrimir (I love the guy!). I'd go so far as to call Part 3 in the Laguz Alliance less Ike-centric and more an ensemble, since Ike isn't particularly important here, he, Ranulf, Skrimir, Tibarn, and Soren all get a fair share of the dialogue and spotlight.
  5. I wouldn't call her irrelevant in RD at all. However, Part 2, while acknowledged generally as having some of FE's finest writing, is in the grand scheme of things, filler. Its story serves to let time pass between Part 1 before you get to Part 3, where the tension mounts heavily again. Yet, Part 2's plot relates little to the other three parts, it opens with Crimea feeling some resonance of Daein's rebirth, and ends with Ike's first appearance in RD, but the villain and the machinations owe nothing to the villains of the rest of the game, it's self-contained. And in a game where the other parts would have liked more chapters, and the game already being rather long, that is an issue. BUT! Without RD Part 2, Elincia wouldn't be as loved as she is! Path of Radiance Elincia is just a cliched damsel no better than Nyna or Guinevere. Radiant Dawn is what makes Elincia into a strong, memorable character worthy of high praise. It puts her through the challenges of actually being an actual reigning monarch, something that from Marth to Corrin and Almica, no other FE character really ever deals with. In addition, once Part 2 is past, Elincia keeps her development, and she gets some not as central, but still existent spotlight in Part 3 and Part 4 as well. Some might say her biggest moment in Part 3 undermines her P2 development, but I'd say its more her keeping her character whilst also being strong and developed (she was just stupid for not having a weapon while being an NPC and yet charging into the enemy). Then there is this one sad and brief moment in the Extended Script where she bears the weight of the death of 5000 troops she loaned Ike and Sanaki with the strength of a queen. Part 4 isn't really eventful for Elincia, but with Tibarn she co-leads the Hawk Army. She and him form a contrast between an Orderly Beorc and a Chaotic Laguz, which suits the bits of philosophical dialogue you find exchanged in the Hawk Army, not really relevant to the main plot, but good chatter and contributing to the world in a way. Compared to Tibarn, Elincia is a much less experienced ruler, but nonetheless, owing to her Part 2 development, she is able to confidently stand besides him as his monarchal equal. It's a subtle capstone to her growth as a character. ...And so ends my explanatory adoration of RD Elincia.
  6. I'll go for the obligatory changing of Short Bows to 1-2 range. And why not up their Crit bonus by another 5 to make it slightly more valuable? However, they shall lose another 1 point of Mt to compensate and 15 Hit for still being so lightweight. Plus, if you can edit shop lists, I'll command you to add more buyable Short Bows, you shall have them sold in Four Fanged Offense. If you can make the shop edit, remove 2 uses from them, for 22 is a strange number to have.
  7. Unlike other franchises that have gone mobile and never returned, FE is still very very much alive. Plus I don't see them needing that many employees, or at least employees of the same kind as those needed for mainline development, to run FEH. So I don't see reason to worry, unless IS ends up being more stupid than the AI in the original Advance Wars.
  8. It's only a problem if it detracts from the production of mainline FEs, which we have no evidence of at the moment. I don't think a single voice of anger has been made here, maybe elsewhere, but this isn't the kind of thing SF, barring one or two undiplomatic voices at the very most, would get in a tizzy over. Why would Christmas be particularly profitable? Christmas Seasonals don't sound like they'd sell that much. If anything, I'd expect Summer to bring in more revenue than the Holidays.
  9. I think that is exactly why he is called Renaud in Europe, they didn't want the car company associated with a 100+ year old priest who was a former mercenary who was a sometime servant of Nergal for the sake of "reviving" a dead friend as Kishuna.
  10. Have you found the one in V yet? I triggered it right away, since at that point, after a little forgetting incident, I always carried around a second Thread. EO2U on the other hand, I think they place that squirrel in like five locations, never are you rewarded for it. As if to make a point this isn't, unlike say the hedgehog instances in the same game, something where there is eventually a payoff. And how is V going for you? I'm just collecting materials for forging some weapons before I tackle the 5th Stratum boss, another two days of playing, one for the grind, another for the fight itself (have to be in the mood) and I'll have the main story done before I move on to the postgame. I'm nervous about the final story battle being a real doozy, despite being presently lv 65, so I should be plenty capable of taking them down.
  11. I don't quite get why people are so heavily bonded to Waluigi, or Daisy, nothing against these characters, they just aren't really bonded to me. Daisy was invented for a lone Game Boy game (and there is no reason Peach couldn't have replaced her), Waruiji was invented for Tennis, no reason to necessarily ever expect much of them if Nintendo has ignored them for so long. By the same token, while Chrono Trigger is considered an all-time classic with a classic 16-bit era cast, none of them, nor of FFVII even more so, are that fondly memorable to me. Okay, I do like Ayla, and Magus, and Lucca, Robo, and Frog all have their merits, but I wouldn't call them above and beyond other things in the genre in the same style. Super Mario Wiki, which I would trust, even though the link it cites is broken here, says: During the development of Mario Tennis, the game had many classic Mario characters, but few were humans, and Wario did not have a partner for doubles. Then, designer Fumihide Aoki came up with the idea to make a rival for Luigi. Shigeru Miyamoto was consulted in order to help with the design. Between the development cast, names like "Jeroji", "Jinani", and "Waigi" popped up, until it was decided that the name would be "Waruiji", portmanteau of the words "Warui" and "Ruiji". It was also decided that the character would be the extreme to Luigi's height and lean body, just as Wario was the extreme to Mario's round and short body. According to Shugo Takahashi, Yoichi Kotabe put on the finishing touches for Waluigi's final design[1]. During Waluigi's development, there were propositions of creating a "Warupichi", which means "Wapeach" and possibly a "Warui" version of Princess Daisy, but these ideas were dismissed by Shigeru Miyamoto.[2] That Captain Rainbow DS game I've read a tiny bit of also seems bizarre enough to deserve mention here.
  12. Except in Awakening, the host you fight in the final battle is called Grima. And they just as much used to be a Robin. First, Nohrrin is in the official artwork Forrin typically, and Morrin is Hoshidorrin. Second, CQ seems to have a lean over BR in popularity. She starts with Thunder in CQ, so I'd expect her to be Blue. Then again, her 2nd BR fight is her blowing up some slummy alleyways, which seems more Red.
  13. Hope you really enjoy things! (Notice the Landy and Ronin in my sig?) Since EO is all about the gameplay, could you please not name the labyrinths/strata and bosses of this game? Or just put them in a spoiler box. Saying X boss was a real challenge is fine, just don't name them please. I haven't paid attention to the additional information that has been coming in all that much, other than Survivalists and Gunners using Str again instead of Agi for damage, and Harbinger being built as a Deathguard over Deathbringer. I want to save a lot of that nitty-gritty stuff for when the game eventually comes aboard. Will you try out the new super difficulty at all? I want to know how hellish it is. I'm also a little conflicted over including a Hero in my eventual team or not. I've never played III, so I'd like to try a Ninja too, that and Hero sounds a little too traditional goody good. Ideally I want to do two separate teams when I play the game, in honor of Sonic Adventure 2 actually. A "Hero Team" is led by a Hero, and "Dark Team" is led by a Ninja. If I was the kind of person who would do such a thing, I'd actually just pick one team and do a playthrough alongside somebody else using the other, us competing to get through the game first, and having fun comparing the advantages and shortfalls of our teams over each other. 19 classes, with subclassing. To be precise:
  14. I don't know how gatchas work, but it wouldn't surprise me if this was "normal" for the genre, a game is new and attracts a lot of players, many of whom drop off once the immediate luster wears off. I severely doubt this is empirical support for either "This is proof alts are doing NOTHING/hurting this game!", or its opposite argument "We need MOAR Seasonals!".
  15. Except they labeled them "Robin", so it seems they were going for a mixed approach. Using the name of the popular main hero, but the gameplay of a rather unpopular (or so I guess) villain. No other character is like this. Pelleas fans on suicide watch? Shouldn't they have learned from their favorite the futility of such an action? (And seriously speaking of Heroes, even if such a thing existed, Pelleas could still get Balberith.) Well Stone would have the power to be quite good. Gravity + inability to counterattack + enemy gets +1 Special acceleration when attacking you. Just make him massively durable, massively slow, and dump his Atk stat to create as a much a "guaranteed to live for a round and petrify you in turn" character as possible.
  16. I remember seeing this on some documentary, I forget which. Isn't it like the town there like on an island only approachable from Canada? It's one of those little border oddities, like towns bifurcated between states, or even the one that runs through the US-Mexico border and has a fence dividing its Mexican and American sister municipalities. I think Vermont has a town where the library is partly in Canada. And the Canadian border as a whole has strict policy were any tree close to the border that is above a certain height, gets taken down to leave a clear bald demarcation of where the two countries meet.
  17. The strict enduring pattern so far would make the next Red Female OC/lord right? Well Eirika fits this, as does Forrin. And transXander. If we break the gender aspect, Hrid, Marth, or Roy would work. Marth would finally put a representative in for Archanea, and Roy is Smash FE6. Red Bow Alm is another choice and adds Valentian representation. I think Eliwood/Chrom, if they should be Legended, go the Lance route since Blue Legends options aren't many. I have similar if not so definite feelings for Sigurd, Seliph, and Leif. Micaiah as Red Tome, although a 0.00001% chance here, wouldn't be impossible if she channeled Yune the Goddess of Chaos to attack. Make the "tome" Lehran's Medallion. Chaos and Darkness are interlinked like Light and Order in Tellius, it'd work.
  18. Eh, I've gotten over buttered popcorn, it isn't that great, I've crossed over to the kettle corn side. Lightly sweet and salty, both a snack and a dessert I can eat anytime in copious amounts.
  19. I'm in agreement, a lock might be needed. This kind of raw fiery debate hasn't ever gone over well. But it does in practice die away a few days after the banner is revealed, as people just feel tired of arguing, until the next controversy when the poor camel has its back broken for the umpteenth time. And didn't the Spring Bridal get locked due to Sanaki controversy toxicity? It looks like SF might sadly need another swing of the Cat O' Nine Tails to calm things.
  20. I enjoyed DQVIII, it's a good game. Simple for a JRPG, but I like it. Played it pretty thoroughly, although I didn't complete the optional gauntlet of doom at the very end. The 3DS version is a bit easier I here due to a boatload of quality of life improvements and other touchups, but whatever little is lost in difficulty, is made up for in the extra convenience. Plus two extra PCs later in the game (as in over halfway in) is cool. Not sure if you're playing blind or not, but can I offer two little tips? No spoilers, just putting it in them if you don't want to read it:
  21. Butter is life. Plain old butter, cinnamon-honey butter, garlic butter, I love them all. To paraphrase a quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin "Butter is a sign that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Pffff who needs beer! Also looking at the poll, who eats butter unsalted? Isn't that supposed to taste terrible and only be used in baking applications? And while it isn't actually dairy butter at all, I'm throwing in a good word for the little-known delight that is cookie butter. Tastes a bit like gingersnaps in a spreadable form. I got it on a Belgian waffle with some homemade whipped cream once, it was love at first bite. Definitely worth trying!
  22. They could double up on the 3H main characters. Version 1 is themselves at the start of the game, going no further than themselves up to the furthest point the demos and trailers for the game show in detail, this is what their personalities and dialogue are based on. Version 1 packs pre-ultimate weapons as well, whatever they end up being. These are released near 3H's release. Version 2 are the main characters having acquired their ultimate weapons and gone through the experiences of the entire story of their game, changing their character however much it does. These are released months after 3H comes out, and perhaps not as a single banner, but as individual characters added in at different unrelated times. It will take into consideration any available data on the popularity rankings of the various 3H characters. This game likes alts, and simply because they are main characters and they will be brand spankin' new, they WILL be popular. One will also probably be stupid, another too perfect, another a donkey, but the opposite side of this is that they will also be heavily loved. More waves of love-hate controversy in characters is inevitable. How many? Well who knows? SoV's controversies aren't many, just the Celica decision, Alm's perfection, Rudolf's plan, and Berkut, none of which for whatever intensity they had, are as bad as other controversies related to things like Fates.
  23. I remember a professor of mine told a story of how they and some students went to Quebec. They go to a bar or restaurant or something to relax, and one of the female students started dancing with some local Quebecois males (French-speaking Quebec people, as opposed to English-speaking Quebeckers). She wanted to stop, so she said in French "I am hot." -or that is what she thought she said. What she actually said was "I am in heat.". I forget how the consequences of this went.
  24. Maybe they should've brought back FE1's "healers getting EXP when attacked" deal for Merlinus in FE6. I do like how he leveled in FE7, for some maps, it made leaving a guard for Merlinus necessary, which gave Oswin a nice little purpose on them. With his 100% HP and Luck growths, Merlinus at 20 is 34 vs. 15 HP, and 29 vs. 10 Lck. Massively more dodgetanky, further boosted by a Spd stat that'd go from 3 to 12-13, but certainly not worth the tedium. He'll gain only 3-4 Def, and maybe 1 Res through all of that.
  25. To be fair, they were remakes of games released originally on the DS, they didn't really need remakes if recency is the determinant factor. Were they good and made a lot of great changes? Absolutely! Even if EOU is a bit plain and EOU2 was too soon a release, two remakes in a row wasn't exactly called for. The minimalism, besides referencing the PC dungeon crawlers of long long ago, is also supposed to give free-reign to you creating your own characters with their own imagined story. Of the stories that do exist, EOIV's probably the "best" that isn't the Story Mode of one of the Untolds, from the 2nd Labyrinth on (usually called "Stratum"- a thematic chunk of the labyrinth), the plot is always there and I felt it was decent. EOIII has a route split in the plot- siding with the Deep City or Armoroad I think it is, but I haven't played the game myself. Typically, there is no plot for the first Stratum, other than exploring the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. The second Stratum is also generally lacking for plot. The third is where things begin shifting from just exploring a mysterious labyrinth to something bigger. The 4th usually also has some plot, while the 5th always does, since it is the last story Stratum. The 6th Stratum is considered the postgame, and therefore apart from the plot which is now over.
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