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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Yukatas do seem likely to me, both due to being cost-efficient due to already having some people in them on paper, which the Summer Seasonal banners have done before. Now what I'd want is another story (not that I do Seasonals), an unlikely one though. I want a camping theme, since summer is still present and it's the time of year for a lot of camping. Somebody can get a bug-catching net as an Axe, maybe on the back of a wyvern or something so no insect is out of reach for them. For an Armor unit, maybe someone who refuses to come out of their sleeping bag, not sure about their weapon though. The American thing of smores I'm pretty sure wouldn't exist elsewhere, but some form of campfire reference, perhaps a Red Tome called "Matchbox", would be wonderful. Hiking would be another thing to include, but what kind of weapon a hiker would get, I don't know, but a walking stick could be a Staff or Lance. I'd also be fine with a Sports banner. For some reason, Lyn and Florina on a non-American Football team sticks in my head. Basketball, Tennis, and Cycling with it should form a good team of four well-known international sports.
  2. Just a heads up, Shadow Mir is quite set in their ways, arguments never go anywhere with them. That's my one issue with the Awakening skill system. On paper, I like it, being able to mix and match skills from different classes and whatnot. The big issue is that, if you're looking to get say two -breakers on a unit, they'll have leveled so much from that they'll break the game barring highest difficulty things without needing those skills. I also wish Acrobat wasn't so hard to get as a petty complaint, it seems like a novel skill on paper, but putting it behind 15 Trickster was a bad move. He's always been a good staffbot for me. His one real weakness is poor Spd, but fix that, I consider him very useful. Anna is another staffbot, but I don't see a problem with having two. Libra has the extra letter in starting staff rank over her as well, which is significant for a time. Also, I haven't see many Awakening supports, but I do remember him and Gaius being much the same in basic structure as Moulder and Colm in Sacred Stones, a priest and a thief. With the priest trying to get the thief to begin walking down the good path. Agreed, I never understood why Chrom was considered at all bad. Sure no Galeforce, or 2nd Gen stat caps, but beyond that is he as good as anyone else. And joining so early means the snowball that turns him, like anyone else, into an incarnation of destruction can start right away. The Falchion is very useful at the beginning too, since it makes ORKOing Wyvern Riders possible.
  3. I loathe memes, none are truly good. And you didn't mention how Takumi, Ryoma, and Walhart also get dragged down by memeific names and or appearances. (And yet Tiki has escaped being called a totem pole.) Which makes me think she is suddenly a mid-heavy tank. Best keep her away from anti-tank lances and units with rapid fire who are ordered to attack her. And whatever you do never, ever, EVER let her blue radiating backside be exposed to the enemy!
  4. Better than me sort of thinking in the old days color didn't exist because old movies and TV shows lacked it. (Well to be fair, color doesn't exactly exist, it's all in our minds, being nothing more than the wavelengths of light as distinguished by the eyes of living organisms.) I remember the once-popular, but not exactly to be totally trusted at face-value, Freakanomics book said names trends went from the top of society down. Names that start popular with the upper crust filter down to the middle class, and the working class/poor then get stuck with the name when its no longer in vogue. I very much doubt this to be true of all names, maybe of some, but I think some names are also popular based on recent movies nowadays. That and I heard Katrina took a popularity hit when Hurricane Katrina struck. I'll stop here, before things get too FFtF.
  5. Invariably, in the quest for names that look exotic or which are accurate to location or theme one is going for, there are going to be cases where the names look funny in another language in the right conditions. What appears to be a perfectly fine Germanic name, ends up looking like silly in modern English in a certain subculture. At least it's better than Pearl S. Buck's main character in The Good Earth being a Chinese farmer named Wang Lung. And if this Edelgard is that white-haired girl in red I've seen some people use an avi recently (I'm going to buy 3H without watching a minute of its footage- I'll leave SF to tell me in words whether the game has an awesome political plot, or foot messaging someone wearing only a bath towel and you're looking up at them) then I've never called her Edgelord. Only Elma, because XCX. As old as the name may seem, somebody in reality had it from birth, it was there through their childhood. And Edelgard looks pretty, unlike say the name "Grover", but who am I to judge the name conventions of the past?
  6. Same here actually. And I'm disappointed by the filth, but such is a hazard of FFtF.
  7. Nocturne is a bit of different monster, it's a great game, with awesome dungeon design and boss battles. Demon fusion takes a higher priority here of course, since only the Demi-Fiend is human. It holds up very well despite its age, but it does have a few issues, namely once you learn a skill on a Magatama, if you choose to drop it, it's gone forever. Demons I felt also took a while to level and when everyone has ??? skills to learn, that is annoying, particularly when you're blindly fusing hoping those skills are worth it. It has some things you might miss going in blind, nothing forever missable. Unless you don't complete the Labyrinth of Amala before going into the final dungeon and want the ending the LoA gives you. It's post-apocalyptic dark, and the atmosphere is good, even if you're just wandering around without too much direction/drive most of the time, and the characters are flat. Soundtrack by the way is pretty good. In terms of difficulty, you have Normal and Hard selectable at the start. Hard is difficult, but Normal, which has enemies dealing half the damage I believe, should be bearable. Escaping from battles is also easier I think, ambushes are rarer (or at least less likely to result in a game over), and store prices, at least on Magatamas (maybe also for Compendium summons) is halved. And since you have a PS2, you should try the Digital Devil Sagas. They're more streamlined and JRPG mainlined, with no demon fusion and a stronger plot and characters than Nocturne, keeping to SMT themes, without doing alignments at all. They're both good games, even if DDS2 is in ways rushed in the plot, and its soundtrack and dungeon design also not as great as Nocturne's. The gameplay holds up well, with Mantras replacing Magatamas, and all learned skills placed into an inventory for that character, which you can swap any time outside of battle without fear of the skills being lost. Do play DDS1 before 2 though, since 2 is a direct sequel that picks up immediately where 1 leaves off. You can also transfer clear data from DDS1 to 2 for some bonuses (you may miss some of these going in blind).
  8. I get the sense it's done because Ashnard can move and is a flier. Now the Full Guard exists to keep Ashy from being afraid of Rolf, but I guess they didn't think that was cool enough. Even with a Full Guard, the ability to bait him and then blast away in one turn would still exist. By restricting the number of units able to damage him to 2 or 3, ORKOing him is much harder ...except for Wrasolve Ike. Keeping Ashnard mobile, but immune to such a scenario, while not being a tedious mess to manage, sounds rather tricky on paper. I think she can, why would she be immune? Any supposed "immunity" would be derived from her massive Res. Sacrifice however bypasses Silence IRRC. Micaiah's Res by the way only starts at 4, which is low despite the massive growth. It makes it harder to BEXP her Speed up owing to how long it takes to cap Res. And her massive Lck growth is even worse, since it has a universal cap of 40 and on average it takes until 20/20 to cap it. On the final blow front, eh just move it to cinematics and change it from purely Ike to an Ike-Micaiah tag-team. The gameplay final blow should be able to be dealt by anyone you want.
  9. I sincerely do apologize for any role I played in directing you here.
  10. Micaiah's 35 Spd growth is the same as Ike's (and Soren's- but he isn't very good), which is to say slow. Among Beorc, I count only Brom and Haar as slower. The difference is that Ike has an enormous base that with Vanguard bonuses, keep him from ever being doubled at the very least. Micaiah has no such base to go on, she needs much better growth indeed. Since she is stuck promoting at the Tower, I'd say give her Lachesis!Master Knight-sized promotion bonuses. She has hardly any time to level as a Light Priestess, so her growths won't matter much here. And I'd all be for, as I have been saying before, giving her Lehran's Medallion filled with Yune's chaotic power as her ultimate weapon. Effective vs. Ashera/units with Mantle perhaps? It'd be a Dark tome, but giving Micaiah Dark access I have zero issues with, and it'd better parallel her with her granddad, who has SS Light, Dark, and Staffs, and from whom she derives everything that makes her special.
  11. I'd say Hector Hard Mode is a fair challenge overall, the only thing I really don't like in particular is the reduced deployment slots. The enemies could be a bit stronger too, and Living Legend could lose the FoW, but that is about my only issues. FE8 for Ephraim isn't a cakewalk on no-grind, could use some tweaks sure, but it's serviceable. I almost never play on FE10 Hard, because removing the ability to view enemy ranges is artificial difficulty and tedium. The enemies are hardly any strong than Normal anyhow, so I just use that as my go to difficulty. Similarly, I don't notice too many differences between Lunatic and Hard Conquest, I see some obvious ones, but not that many. Since Normal is easy, I think I'll stick to Hard here as the fair in-between. Never tried FE13 on Lunatic+ but Lunatic is already bad.
  12. Fortunately I can say it got much better, no sarcasm here. Yuri Lowenthal might have voiced one of the returning characters now that I think about it. And I recall in the day hearing, as good news, the new heroine is voiced by the same person who did one of Kingdom Hearts' Organization XIII members. The odd voice is Guillo's, but as a strange automata, him having separate male and female voices that say every line simultaneously is a part of his character.
  13. To be fair to Tellius, it was one of Nintendo's first attempts at VAs, and it only happened in a few short scenes in PoR, and not much more in RD, they weren't pervasively throughout the entire game. Outside of Mr. Narrator and his La-GOOOOZZZ! Fair enough, they did fill it with passion. And the "miserable pile of secrets" line was actually taken from a French author, if still out of place. Oh the script was beautiful, the banter delightful, I don't quite get why I muted KI:U from the get go, I just always have.
  14. So like Caeldori's Prodigy in Fates, or a reverse Flasher Blade here? What would it take to make a skill with such a condition worth it? And whatever is this Cipher Marth ability? Furthermore, can they tell when that unused skill was added? Does the name sound very distinctively Marthy, or is it something generic that anyone could use? I very much doubt it's a sign of some Malth in the future, but I'm just asking.
  15. No mentions of Chaos Wars and its nepotism/VAing on the family cheap? Nor "Die monster! You don't belong in world!"? Or Baten Kaitos having been voice acted during a scuba trip? I'm not exactly the biggest VA fan, in FE I actually turned them off in Fates (and KI:U, EOU2, and I wish I could in BOTW), although I'm fine with most games having it. This said, I will say two little things: No technical recording issues please. Besides Eternal Wings being an egregious case of this, Aimee Matchlock and Edea Lee in Bravely Second both seem to have a lisp issue, despite Edea not having one in Bravely Default. This is despite Bravely Second being much more recent than EW. Make sure you're hiring people who speak the language as their native tongue. Ryfia in the poorly VA'ed Arc Rise Fantasia did not sound like one at all, besides her voice lacking emotion and seeming like somebody was reading off a script. A third thing I'd like, but I know can't be avoided, is for VAs to not repeat themselves in multiple games. Call it an immersion breaker and baggage-bringer when I recognize somebody's voice is the same as another's from a totally different game. It hurt Einheria of BD that she shared a VA with Legretta of ToA, since I don't really like Legretta (and it just so happens the two also share similar, not sympathy-earning, situations). I seen people say RD's limited voice acting was bad, and Rolf and Mist were, but I actually liked Sephiran's voice a bit. And I for some reason love the leagues-deep voice of Skrimir, I'd actually like to see in Heroes.
  16. I'd love to see someone make a funny collection of "A FEH Player Plays Actual FEs for the First Time and is Bewildered by the Differences". I also love to imagine tier lists as one giant tower of people holding everyone above them up, and in turn being held up by everyone below them.
  17. Geez the direction this topic took! (Not that I should speak, given I put out my own issues back tens of pages ago.) If I ever got to reading Shakespeare for pleasure, King Lear was on my list. Was not expecting this. Darned, Shakespeare is good! I mean I know he threw in plenty of bawdy things before to appeal to the groundlings, but this is not so hidden.
  18. Ah, a point of happy agreement, this I like! I did play it, cleared the original DS version twice. I'm thinking I'll actually change my avi to a pic of Lippti and Teo, or just Teo if I can't get both to fit in a pic, whenever I finally go in all the way. Since I've picked Pandur for my FEH ID name, the gun they give Stocke at the end of the conut sidequest. Tales of Xillia I felt was good. Definitely rushed towards the end, a little lacking on endgame content too, but I enjoyed it. One of the more interesting things is the main "heroine", Milla Maxwell. Now if the name "Maxwell" in Tales rings a bell, it is probably because you're thinking of the summon spirit. And this is what Milla is. The great Lord of Spirits Maxwell, having descended from the spirit realm by taking a human form, in order to fight evil. So although being in the human form limits them, you are playing as a deity, who certainly doesn't act human. Milla does make the point that although they look female and are addressed with feminine words (and Jude has a crush on her), they are technically as a spirit genderless and sexless. For me, it was quite an interesting concept I enjoyed.
  19. Here are the actual poll results. https://kantopia.wordpress.com/2018/07/07/fe6-7-complete-character-poll-results-and-comment-translations-2004/ Also surprising is Sonia only be two places above Nergal, despite having the seductress appearance, Ephidel and Limstella outdid them both. The one between them is Isadora, odd. Also, I forgot to throw in my usual call for TMS representation. C'mon IS, give me my Touma!
  20. Blame the ancient 2003-2004 Japanese FE7 poll that put Nergal #67 out of 69, he lost to everyone but Hannah the fortune teller who just asks for money, complains, and then leaves, and Durban. He did worse than Paul and Jasmine the gay bandit bros. and even Erik (no, not Erk, the boss of the chapter where you recruit Erk). That poll explains a lot of the FE7 additions to FEH.
  21. Power levels do not in themselves make a villain great. Chaos and Ultimecia in Final Fantasy are able to establish time loops ensuring their existence forever (and with it their eternal defeat). Neither is the best FF villain to me. Nor is the force of nature-like figure of the Cloud of Darkness, or Sin. Lucifer and YHVH in SMT in every single game, or their alignment proxies, fight it out in most mainline games, deciding the fate of a universe in a multiverse which they can freely move through in the process. Lucifer and YHVH, so as long as somebody in this nigh-infinite multiverse craves what they represent, will resurrect endlessly. This doesn't stop either villain from coming off as, like most of SMT's characters, flat. Luca Blight on the other hand, of Suikoden II, is well-written and intimidating. This is despite him being practically just human, like Walhart, but much better. Luca is very strong within the Suikoden II world, which is a very mundane one, able to threaten armies with just himself, a nothing-special (not even named) sword, some oil to coat it in for fire slashes, and maybe some undefined help from the Beast Rune. You do really feel him early on when he is burning towns to the ground, and his strength never relents up to his death. It takes the enemy officers, who are supposed to be Luca's servants, giving you information that enables you to set a trap consisting of a hailstorm of arrows all aimed at him, and three teams of 6 heroes, plus one more final blow, to finally kill him. Luca Blight >>>>> Grima, with just a fraction of the power on a scale that goes from multiverse god down to petty murderer. Time travel plots where people go back in time to fix things are also nothing new. It's been used by such glorious things as Disney cartoon TV movies, as well as a Terminator sequel, and the JRPG classic Chrono Trigger (and Lavos is just a parasite). Does it say a villain was strong, or at least successful? Yes. But that does not mean that they are a good villain. Not to deny RD's goddess v. goddess thing is also cliched. It is a cliche splendidly done in Final Fantasy X and Luminous Arc, and even barebones done in original Gaiden. Evil sorcerers, kings, dragons and demons are on the whole nothing new. Manfroy in particular finds close parallel in Kefka of FFVI released two years prior. Namely, Kefka and Manfroy both find perfect success at the end of the first half of their games. Only illogically for them to allow the heroes to rise up again and defeat them. And should King Nachtigal in Tales of Xillia have seen past the world as his birthright? He doesn't need to. -Well he should have to be a more interesting villain! And being manipulative/letting things naturally flow in your direction instead of constant forceful intervention isn't a good thing? It's cunning, and practiced by Grima since Chrom and co. delightfully wipe out Walhart for it. You also say Grima had no counters in Lucina's world, and yet praise them for it. Yato being incomplete and Falchion being incomplete is different how? Also, Robin being the only counter to Grima is little different from Julia being the only counter to Grima. Why did Grima need Robin intact? Why not, instead of attempting to brainwash them at the very beginning, didn't Grima just kill them and hijack the soul fragments or body or blood or whatever was useful of them? "Playing?" Loplius likes to play too. Insofar as Ephraim!Lyon is anything to go by, I prefer the blurred possession approach to a direct one. NOTHING IS SACRED IN THIS WORLD DON'T YOU GET IT?! And what is hilarious is how quickly this topic is going to get locked. ...I'm afraid this topic is going to turn into people bashing you, and you just responding because you're such an ardent Awakening defender (not that there is anything wrong with defending Awakening) that you can't let the slights go (I'm sure after our little spat you think the same of me with regards to RD). And that thus it'll get locked. I already see the coals burning hot in comments like this when you denigrate the rest of the franchise. I mean to hold good, fair argument with my criticism, but I'm afraid it won't go that way. Somebody, you, me, another, or all of us, are going to trip the mod wire trigger and thus the Binding Shield we can't ever undo.
  22. They could invert the common FE story where the early fights are with bandits, only to be replaced with an empire or something. Instead, make Brigand Boss the real villain of the plot. To rerun ye olde listte: Some of the definite 37 have issues of being boring to many, like Bord, Garcia, and Halvan, but there are others here like Charlotte, Ross, Haar, and Lex who have popularity.
  23. Binding is the game that needs representation the most going by when they had dedicated banners, which is never. After that, well Tellius obviously if you couldn't tell my personal preferences, which isn't helped by about one-third of its cast being Laguz. As long as it isn't Ilyana + Oliver & Mia alts, I'd probably jump in for them all whoever they are. Genealogy has an issue of much of the 2nd Gen being shells due to the sub issue, but the fixed 2nd Gen and 1st Gen has a number of good characters. Thracia really needs more as well, and while much of the cast is hollow, there are some good ones still not in. Marth's Archanea has had a lone dedicated banner long ago, but suffers from soulless shells for a fair chunk of the cast. At least FE6 had supports. Even so, there are some characters who stand a decent chance, like Lena, Kris, and Sirius. The games which presently aren't in such need of new additions are, in rough order: Fates, Awakening (Gen 1 in particular for this and Fates), Blazing, SoV, and SS. SoV has a small PC roster, many of whom, including all but two of the females, are in. SS has a small roster as well, albeit without so many in, and it'll risk running out if it comes in too fast, albeit at not the same rate as SoV. Rekka no Ken has as somebody else pointed out, had a blazingly fast addition rate to FEH, it has nearly half its possible non-alt additions in the game. Fates and Awakening haven't had much in the way of non-Seasonal expansion since FEH's release, but their base numbers were very big, Fates has over half its crew in despite the game not being even halfway through its lifespan.
  24. In Roy's case, it's some traitors put down by force, which IS what Elincia does too. However, Roy's case happens during a Bern invasion and is related to that, it's an extension of the Bern invasion. Eliwood has just a conspiracy to deal with, a conspiracy linked to an external foe- Nergal. Ludveck, in being just a Crimean noble disconnected from the other villains and the rest of the plot, while on the one hand creating the filler issue of Part 2, also makes his revolt against Elincia a purely internal, Crimean issue. What distinguishes Elincia is that she had to make a direct decision on how to be a monarch, to be willing to put the betterment of the country over one's personal feelings. Ludveck's revolt is explicitly a challenge to Elincia's right to rule on the grounds she can't govern at all (well for him it's more of an excuse to rebel for his own avarice, but Elincia takes the challenge seriously). Eliwood's and Roy's successes are purely combative and charismatic, nothing of their successes plays heavily into how they'd rule as Marquess of Pherae/King of Lycia at the end. Admittedly, FE can only do so much with this, since non-war politics, where a lot of regnal decisions are made, can be very boring to players, fighting always has to be present. How interesting could this be for most for instance?: And to some extent, how one fights/leads is in battle is indicative as their qualities as a sovereign in peace, FE makes this clear. But not entirely so, I still have a point. Pelleas is probably ignored because he ends up faltering so much (mind you when I call him pathetic, I don't mean it in a bad way). Micaiah has the issue of being Ikejacked and Yunejacked in Part 4, which limits her growth on display there. I do appreciate her Part 3 struggle though. Kurthnaga does appear in Parts 1 and 3 and develops in Part 3, but his full development is in the Tower, which makes it a bit rushed to me. Ike development, well it doesn't exist in RD, and in PoR, I'm not its biggest fan. Ike is just a little too dumb at the start, despite Boyd, his bro-ish equal of age and experience, seeming to know much more it feels like to me.
  25. Good to know this is getting an English translation (and a handful of other languages). Let the amateurs flow in! Although I'm personally not creative enough for this (yet maybe it could finally drive me to finish my Insignia fanfict idea). I don't see a price tag listed by the way. The release date for SRPG Maker says August 20th. Presumably Kaga doesn't want to have Vestaria Saga released before the tool with which he made it, so sometime after the 20th I would think. (This some form of indirect news on the game then, and that makes me feel a little better.) Nonetheless, having the original director of FE make a full-length, and hopefully good, game using your product, is a good way to advertise it I think. "Look, you can make masterpieces like this if you really try!"
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