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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Thank you for this tidbit, Innes shall now become a new cudgel to be brought up every time an NH lacks an archer (that isn't an alt) for the time being. Like Binding Blade. Although on the Thieves front, there are only so many options. 21 if I'm right.: Actually, let me list the Archer options while I'm at it: So 41 total? Who did I miss, if anyone?
  2. Don't be so glum! And if this is about Marth. Well I'm not his biggest fan at all, but he is the original FE main character. A bit blasé, but he was the first to be that way, so it isn't such a problem for him. Even so, he has had only two variants so far, despite Japanese popularity and Smash popularity. He is the star of the game that invented the franchise, which is just as important as being in the game that exported the franchise (Hector, Lyn), and the game that saved the franchise (Lucina), and yet he trails massively behind those three in alts, having had a meager one. Would the tradeoffs be worth it in theory compared to a Staff? Or would such a thing just obsolete Staffs? And the consequences of this would be...? I don't play yet, but I'm still curious how this would play out. Would it obsolete Colorless Staffs? I like Gotoh, and I'd prefer Fire Emblem!Marth, but I'd be willing to accept this. Or they can run a commercial announcing Fehbys- Feh, but as an IRL toy, with blinking eyes, a moving beak, and lots of round feathery fluffy goodness. And a secretly gradually expanding verbal vocabulary that leads you to think Feh has a sophisticated AI and self-awareness, which causes you to fear and hence when you can't take the dread anymore you chuck them in a fireplace and make sure they melt completely before moving the sludge to a garbage can. I kid. The commercial is for a Feh plush, for children of all ages.
  3. Odd, hasn't been hard for my none-too-into-baking family. Well rolls at least. Unless you're making something real fancy, I think bread is more time-intensive than work-intensive, waiting all the time for the rising. If you have a machine to tackle the kneading that makes things much easier, if not, oh the workout that'll give you.
  4. And I have 11:30 PM, I can bear with that. Although I might want to hit the sack a little early tomorrow for a potential daytrip (assuming dog issues don't mess that up).
  5. Finally! After months of ruminating, round 2 of the Braves will be coming to light. What the theme is, we'll finally know! Will Hector be toting Armads again? Will Vax be ticked off by Golden Dagger Celica? How will Veronica be handled? Just her normal villain stats and weapon? Or something else? How good will be Ephraim's Garm? Or will I and Duessel not be besmirched by such a thing? Regardless of what it is, I won't be summoning beyond the expected choose your freebie for this one. If there is to be color balance, like with CYL1, well Hector = Armads, Ephraim = Garm, and Veronica = Elivagar, cannot happen. Colorless: Celica going Golden Dagger sounds like an easy way of getting a Colorless. Brave Veronica as a Staff unit might happen as my second guess. Latona on Ephraim sounds too ridiculous, and the same for the Saint Staff on Hector. Nidhogg Ephraim? Red: If not Armads for Hector, then Durandal (b/c Great Lord Hector can tote swords), would let him go Red. Forblaze or Apocalypse Hector seems too comical to happen. Ephraim with Audhulma or Eirika's Sieglinde don't seem incredible enough to me. Blue: Maltet Hector is possible- we still don't have that Divine Weapon in yet and Hector is a General in FE6. Alternatively, Ephraim keeps his Siegmund or grabs the Vidofnir. Or Celica goes Light with Seraphim. Green: Veronica with her Elivagar. Armads on Hector. Garm on Ephraim. Or even Sacred Excalibur for Ephraim, or Gigascalibur on Hector, or Echoes+ Excalibur on Celica are all possibilities. They could invent legendary weapons out of the ether like they've done for Lucina twice now, once for her Brave self. But I'm not sure they'll have done this again for anyone else.
  6. You'd think he'd lose the midriff on promoting amid Begnion snowfall. Micaiah apparently likes the midriff. And the full body artwork of PoR Sothe, just to show it: Then I want a world where Festvius is a thing. Pluto IS a planet- a dwarf planet! Why do you insist on whitewashing it into being like everybody else? Be kind to its differences.
  7. It looks like most of the knights have been changed, the entirety of the scene looks different in some ways. Has gone from Daein to Valm, or maybe Begnion. Whether this means the lord of Unstoppable Destiny will be taking up arms, I don't think we can say. But this would clear up a semi-oddity if he were in, particularly if playable.
  8. Corrected. My question is what they'll name the new difficulty. What could be above Infernal? Godly? Transcendent? Heroic? Legendary? I just don't want it to be Infernal+, that'd be generic and boring. I wish they had a Merciless, after FE11's hardest, but that'd be a downgrade from Infernal, and even Lunatic in adjectival intensity.
  9. I see this topic hasn't been updated in a while, despite some news of it coming out. I'm sure some people here have already taken notice of it, but I'll post it anyhow for those who aren't aware. They announced four new mystics in the playable roster: Athena, goddess of war and wisdom using the shield Aegis: Ares, god of war using twin dragonhead spears known as Typhon: A demigod in the form of Perseus, who is rather heavenly with a tree-like staff (name of weapon?): And ...Odin? What? How did the King of the Norse gods get into a roster of Greco-Romans?: We also have three new Deification Forms (in addition to Zhao Yun and Yukimura Sanada who we already know): Guan Yinping: Your favvvvorite @Etrurian emperor! Mitsunari Ishiida: Bovine Urine (Cao Pi): And lastly, Sacred Treasures, equipment for characters. I don't think it's exclusive to anyone in particular, but they only showed them on these characters: Talaria- Hermes's Sandals: The Pestle of Exorcism: Artemis's Bow: Gullinbursti: Gleipnir: There are also transfer bonuses for Warriors Orochi 3 and Dynasty Warriors 9. Sadly, if all you have is a Switch and play in English, you're outta luck for either bonus. Fortunately it's just some Bonus EXP for WO3 data, and costumes for Zhenji, Daqiao, Yueying, Wang Yuanji, and Diaochan for DW9 data. Links from Siliconera: http://www.siliconera.com/2018/08/06/warriors-orochi-4s-latest-greek-legend-is-the-demigod-perseus/ http://www.siliconera.com/2018/07/05/warriors-orochi-4-gets-a-closer-look-at-athena-god-mode-ishida-mitsunari-cao-pi/ http://www.siliconera.com/2018/08/09/warriors-orochi-4-gameplay-trailers-show-flashy-moves-from-odin-and-ares/ http://www.siliconera.com/2018/08/07/warriors-orochi-4-reveals-ares-and-odin-as-new-playable-characters/ http://www.siliconera.com/2018/08/03/warriors-orochi-4-gets-save-data-bonuses-from-warriors-orochi-3-and-dynasty-warriors-9/ http://www.siliconera.com/2018/08/17/warriors-orochi-4-highlights-its-four-new-gods-perseus-ares-athena-and-odin-in-a-new-trailer/ http://www.siliconera.com/2018/07/31/athena-and-zeus-storm-into-action-in-warriors-orochi-4s-latest-trailers/
  10. I'll say that Makalov is more justifiable than Ilyana. He is scum, but he is petty scum, and him being an irredeemable gambling drunken lowlife is in a way appreciable, since it makes the heroes out to be a less than a band of total moral paragons. A lowlife or two, like Rickard and Lifis, adds a little realistic contrast- for no army IRL is devoid of the bad apple or three, and bad apples aren't always the extremes of psychopathic murder and former assassin. Ilyana doesn't contribute that. RD in some scenes tried to play down her hunger side, but it wasn't enough. The developers also failed to use an easy way of giving her a nice character- she travels with the convoy quartet, have her say they're like family to her- Muston and Aimee like mom and dad, Jorge and Daniel like brothers. It's strange how she never brings them up in supports, nor ever has a Base Conversation with them. Not sure what illness Ilyana has. But it might be genetics, Kirby Branded and all.
  11. PS1. It makes me wish TRS had been brought over back in the day. The PS1 was highly popular and had a glorious run of JRPGs. TRS would have fitted in perfectly with all this I would imagine. Of course, I could say the same of the SNES and FEs 3-5, since it was another JRPG golden period.
  12. Well I can tell you it isn't stats. Most caps are rather low, not exceeding 25 outside of HP/Lck. A few units do have outlandish stats though (hello Narron, Zeek!). You do find some bonkers weapons though. Can I mention a 60 use personal sword that halves damage taken, on a good unit with great availability, and 20 Crit and 10 Mt? Plenty of skills too, some very powerful. Includes a Witch with self-warping and attacking in the same turn. I can't say too much though, for as much as I've been wanting to play TRS, I just haven't been able to get it to work for me. I will say though that if you go in blind, you'll likely miss out on a lot of the good stuff. No weapon triangle as a side note, but I don't mind.
  13. Hopefully we'll get the second Sothe eventually. Yet it'd be bizarre if he ended up powercreeping his RD self, given PoR Sothe can't promote and is stuck with garbage Knives, giving him the worst combat in the game. He also looks much less intimidating as a child. And yet, as the sole possessor of Blossom in PoR, Shothe would possibly get a trainee BST bump, which barring poor distribution, means he may indeed end up surpassing his growth spurted form. Young Sothe's quips would also likely be odd in FEH. It'd be "I'm looking for someone, but won't say who.", which would be futile since FEH players would know it to be Micaiah. Beyond this, PoR Sothe is a little antisocial, a bit of a noble-hater, and a slight Ashnard liker, and that is about it. Although they could get creative with the Micaiah lines and give emotional details of what Micaiah means to this younger Sothe who only sees her as a mother or big sister.
  14. Error. 'Taste' = not found Heathen! Say you have it with ketchup, and may you spend purgatory being flogged in marinade and then slowly grilled over charcoal. Now this is how I prefer it. Rare is too rare, well done is shoe leather, medium is fine for home and most eateries not specializing in high quality steak- the perfect place between flavor and safety. Medium-rare in the hands of a fine steakhouse one can absolutely trust is divine. Speaking of baking, I've been watching the whole of the Great British Baking Show for the past few weeks. Ten episodes, three rounds each, all non-professionals, covered quite a variety of baked goods. So many delicious things, shame there are all too difficult for me to make. I love watching Good Eats reruns. I stumbled on it as a kid (I had a Food Network phase), and rediscovering it years later, it has been nostalgic and enlightening in a way. The scientific analytic aspect is certainly useful, particularly with baked goods. And I'll never forget the little historical skit moment on the Dutch East Indies and alcoholic punch.
  15. A couple problems with this. FE has so many characters, certainly more than 365 if you added them all together. Every day would be a birthday celebration. Would Seasonals be another issue, or would the birthday flag just be turned off for them, or something else? While the calendars, or at least the birthdays in Afatening are given in Gregorian values, and one could retcon it into other games owing to us not knowing the details of their calendrical systems. Shadows of Valentia uses its own four-month calendar, so how would one plot them out in FEH? I forget what the Valentian Accordion says, but I guess you could convert the dates into what they'd be in the Gregorian. Not a bad idea, and I like birthdays, but I'm not sure if FEH could really make it work as is. Unless they limited how many birthdays you could celebrate at given time. Maybe you have only so many birthday cakes to hand out? But then this could possibly set you up for guilt trips. I have one birthday cake left, and tomorrow is April 19th- Kana's birthday, but the day thereafter is April 20th- Lucina's birthday. Who must I be forced to neglect? I'll agree with you here, but I'm not quite sure what IS's view on fixed ages is. On the one hand, SoV has fixed ages for all. The other is Tellius, where outside of a select few characters, everyone has "approximate" ages which they were designed around, but which they aren't necessarily exactly.
  16. I sort of like the Summer and still have a few games I want to play. But being a bit too directionless at the moment, I think I need school, ennui is creating existential anxiety that is making me melancholic presently, and I'm not liking it.
  17. I think so, for killing Denning in his chapter does the same for that chapter's reinforcements. Maybe the same happens with the Talons Alight boss as well.
  18. The Rescue staff is in one of the chests in this chapter, the left one in the right treasure room.
  19. Well again, it depends on your criteria. Tailtiu did suffer more, but her death is much more tragic and dramatic than what Arden, Naoise, Alec, Dew, Beowolf, Jamke, Chulainn, Midir, and Ayra all experienced, which was likely being swiftly stabbed, burned, or chopped at Belhalla. Mundane, boring deaths all in all. So, to address this aspect of what you said: I'm arguing that by giving Azelle, Tailtiu, and Lewyn such distinctive, dramatic endings, Kaga LOVES them. When one thinks Tailtiu, one inevitably pities her for death by broken heart and abuse, and Lewyn's death/possession is pivotal to the 2nd Gen's plot. On the other hand, nobody thinks the same of Alec, because Alec died an ordinary war death, which makes him more forgettable as just another Belhalla statistic.
  20. Those are the formulae? I've been wondering what it is, SF still doesn't have the calculations for SoV or Fates up yet. I did figure out SoV's effective damage bonus- if the bonus is passive (e.g. Ridersbane, Bows) then multiply by 3 only the weapon's base Mt. If the bonus is from a Combat Art, multiply by 3 only the added Mt from the Combat Art. Just to list this here to for anyone interested in adding this to the site.
  21. We see little conflict, because Samus has never strolled into a lively intelligent lifeform city. Metroid games thrive on loneliness in an alien environment, and that be difficult to create if she was hired to fight in a battle between the Galactic Gorgonzola Group and the Provolone Piracy Pleroma, with the Expansive Edam Empire waiting on the sidelines for the right moment to strike them both. We can't deduce much about the Metroid world, other than a few dead/uninhabited planets and couple of scientific research satellites/ships, there could be total peace, there could be total war, we just don't know.
  22. It's down to 3-4 days from the next New Heroes banner. Is the absence of any Direct announcement or a trailer yet indicative that the NH isn't CYL2? Or is CYL2: Bravely Second going to be more low key than than the first?
  23. Sounds better than what happened to most of the melee people. All of them presumably died at Belhalla, barring Finn and Brigid of course (Fergus is apparently older than Diarmuid, so Beowolf did likely die there). Or maybe they petrified and are in an underground storehouse (thanks T776!). What is worse? To die tragically and possibly more slowly, or to die quickly but with less memorable drama? The best group was the Staffers outside of Ethlyn- Lachesis lives for some time thereafter only to die or be stoned, Claud as of T776 is in the air as to whether he lived or died, and Edain lives through to the end of Gen 2, even though we never actually see her. This I guess would make sense, if there was any attempt to salvage anything from the catastrophe of Belhalla, I'd conceive of it being melees + powerful offense Holy Bloods (Lewyn and Brigid) fighting it out, with the more fragile units being the first to retreat.
  24. There are two ways insofar I see it that the Falchion's new design could be explained. The reforging hypothesis. While the blade is made of the same Naga enamel, it was physically and magically changed somewhere between New Mystery and Awakening. I would hypothesize that when Grima showed up, somebody tried to kill it using the Falchion (maybe the First Exalt), since it had slain dragons before. But Falchion in its present state had dulled, or needed to be modified to be particularly potent on Grima. Naga by this point was able to reincarnate with more of her memories and power intact, she and the bearer of the Falchion meet, and she works her magic on the blade. In that moment, Falchion physically mutates. The "It was always like this" psuedo-retcon. Falchion's form never changed in lore. It's Awakening design is an update for you the player, but this doesn't mean the Falchion has actually changed at all from its Marth-era self within the world itself for those residing in it. You could therefore also say the Marth Falchion design is canonical in Awakening, even if you the player don't see it there, as the people in the world itself do. If this doesn't make sense, it was the logic used in the Mega Man franchise for explaining Zero's Mega Man X design and his Mega Man Zero redesign.: Like the Falchions the design differences are massive. And the MMZ design, if one did retcon it into the X games, would stick out like a sore thumb for how much sleeker it is than the bulky robots (Reploids to use proper MMX jargon) in that less technologically advanced era. You could say the same of the Awakening Falchion with its stylistically crazy giant hole- it fits the general design direction of Awakening, but is far too outrageous by the simple aesthetics of Archanea.
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