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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. If Blue is coming, does this make this Japanese Red or International Red? I'd say the later, but certain artworks make me think the former. Either way, I'll wait for Colorless version, since I want Marth to follow me around. For me, the first thing that came to mind was some odd Melee Classic Mode limitations. Certain characters couldn't appear in it, Ganondorf can only appear as an ally, Mr. G&W only as a multi-man foe, and Roy never appears at all unless you play as him. This is ironic, and perfectly true to FE4. You couldn't tell the difference between the father and the son.
  2. And I'll just add to the above it applies in FE7 as well as SS. Not FE6 or prior though, nor Tellius. Think of it as an origin point for FE11-14's more developed weapon rank bonuses. Although they don't really need it, I'll stop having Raven and Gerik use Swords on promotion so their one S rank can go to Axes for the hit/crit. The bonus doesn't apply to Staffs and status staffs, so S Staffs is still totally useless in FE7, and not very useful in SS. By the way, I'm liking the run, interesting since I've never watched one for SS before.
  3. Just felt like posting this here, I found it on GFAQs, and it was confirmed by Dr. Fetus, one of that site's dataminers for EO, which makes it very trustworthy. Apparently there were plans for a 20th Class. Including artwork and Force skills. Here: There is also two notable bugs in the game I've heard. If a Hero generates an afterimage and dies that turn, they disappear from the party and end up back in the guild with messed up HP/TP. The Sovereign's Dauntless Order has a 100% activation rate at all levels, rarely will one ever fear death with this.
  4. We need a new Question of the Day topic. I like blue.
  5. The legendary ice blade of Jehanna (given it's a desert kingdom, I guess it's supposed to be a heavenly cool and wet contrast to the arid inferno of a country). Normally I'd go for S Lances for the S rank +5 Hit/Crit bonuses, but I can see a reason for S Swords. The Lance Vidofnir offers +5 Def, whereas Audhulma is +5 Res, but I don't think magic tanking is the true reason for S Swords. Normally, Lances are stronger than Swords of the same tier in FE, yet Vidofnir has 15 Mt, whereas Audhulma is 18. Three points, which is doubled against monsters (to keep them from being broken, the S ranks only double Mt over the tripling of normal effective weapons in SS), could very possibly secure a kill in LTC I could imagine.
  6. If we get Staff Hector he can be called Rector. Poor Uther, killed by some fast working likely genetic disease that Hector didn't contract. We never got a full artwork of him, but his profile looked so sagacious, and I liked his very Arthurian name. I for some reason thought he had a monocle, maybe it was because of the scar across the nose. How'd he even get two scars when I doubt he ever had much time for intense physical activity? Birthmarks? The scars of disease? Fake beard would be good. Ideally Athos's, Nomah's, or Rudolf's. Caineghis's isn't so mighty, but the red is great, give use his entire mane. I'd probably throw the beard on Delthea or something, t'would be funny that way. And she has Fortune. Might be useless in RD, but converted to some form of Special negation skill, it'd be valued here. No fear Black Luna. Plus I like the cheeriness of Meg's RD artwork. And her vibrant physique would hopefully be immune to the FEH surgical procedure of having her abdomen gutted and replaced with various electronic organs and a cybernetic spine which some other Armor girls have undergone. And can I never forget for some reason this old stat spread Ice Dragon whipped up based on Meg's RD stats: 5-star level 40 stats: 47/29/38/29/33 (176 total) Can CYL2 come tomorrow? We've had the discussion of who we'll be pullin once every few weeks at this point. Gets a little repetitive. To the point I don't think I even need to name the one freebie I'd go for.
  7. You want to deck out a Sheena that badly? Maybe Legendary Hector wasn't so bad, a cyclical banner source of District of Columbia compensates for the 0% originality in it. Roy is kinda boring in canonical weapon ideas, he uses nothing but Swords ever, and never tries for a horse either. Nor does he have Marth's potential Binding Shield of godly powers. Maybe because Cecilia and Lilina he can go Tome. Or since he is compared to Hartmut in FE6, despite the fact pretty boy Roy looks nothing like this: he can steal from Zephiel the other weapon Hartmut used and swing around a new Eckesachs variant. Slap Armor on Roy too just because. I'm feeling a Shanna alt will be coming around the mountain sometime. She did win a triple coin flip.
  8. I think this is partly a gameplay-related issue. By refusing to deviate at all from Gaiden concerning the sequence and number of battles, SoV is rather forced in having to do something flawed here. In original Gaiden, you meet the resistance (actually, you don't have to), you take Zofia Castle right afterwards, and it isn't a big problem since there is so little plot. By adding more plot however, what SoV should have done is put some clashing between the resistance and Desaix/Rigel to provide a gradual step-by-step process by which the Deliverance and Alm learn what it takes to reclaim territory. Or maybe SoV could have kicked the entire Deliverance to Ram, so Alm starts by commanding a lowly battalion of it, only meeting with Clive in its advanced vanguard later before the Zofia Castle assault. Or to pull a different page from RD, the Daein Liberation Army was being manipulated both towards failure and success if failure fails, by Izuka. Just make it a little more clear that Rudolf is handicapping the south Zofian defenders so Alm, now that he is rising, is presented with a challenge, but not one he is absolutely certain to lose no matter how hard he tries. Or they could have moved Zofia Castle northward into Act 3 and end with a building of some lesser but still great importance taken.
  9. Not a problem to me. EOV's PC VAs were so bad according to the test snippets they offered (NPCs were always fine though), that I just went without them entirely. It can be hard I guess to create good voices for generic characters, although XCX's MC had some good ones. I flipped through a skill sim to see what everyone brings. Trying to tease out who I want to use.
  10. Well would it really matter if they went and gave him Imitate? You'd be using that most of the time, like a refresher for refreshing. Assuming he'd have Dancer/Singer BST, I'd imagine at most he'd only cover a niche or two as a fighter outside of Imitate. If Xane could Imitate, it'd be unfair to restrict this to him. We'd need Imitators of all colors and unit types. Loki and Shura would be two other canonical choices, but otherwise I'd think we'd need Seasonals.
  11. I think there might have been a licensing issue as well, but I'm not sure how true this is. Furthermore, we don't even know the price point at this point. Hopefully it'd be $9.99, any thing more than $19.99 and the localizers are Mammon.
  12. *Throws an Ameno Habakiri at your forehead* IT'S COMING IT'S COMING IT'S COMING! Yipeeeeeeeee! I've just wrapped up EOV, and now I'll probably hold off on a second run for this. Now I just need to look up what the Farmer is good at. As for the change of X to Nexus, well in the West, nobody I think would take X to mean "cross", it'd either be "exe" or 10 (which is also true of X factoring in the MDs and two remakes making this EO no. 10). Definitions for Nexus include: a means of connection; tie; link. a connected series or group. the core or center, as of a matter or situation. Given this is an intraseries crossover, definitions one and two work here. It also keeps an "x", and puts it right in the middle of the subtitle, which I like.
  13. I wouldn't necessarily say capricious. And she does display some chaotic behavior in RD despite having to defeat Ashera, one of the first things she says after she wakes up is basically "I'm not talking to you for being mean to me!" to Ike. This said, we do have some lines about her true philosophy in 4-F-2, I've listed their Standard and translated Extended versions: Standard: Extended: ...One of those lines makes me think another TT should have Yune taking over Masked Marth. Ashera's haughtiness Yune also says is because she spent the ~800 years alone and aloof, Yune had Heron galdrar serenading the Medallion, making her feel not so lonely, and thus kinder. So in other words, friendship is a magic that reduces one's desires to stone the world.
  14. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR ANY KIND OF UPDATE, YES! Since I still don't have access to a PC, nor will for likely the remainder of the year, I'm okay with a 2019 release, presumably it'll be early in the year. Imagine if its release was close to FE3H. Does anyone know the track record of Dangen Entertainment in translation? Good? Decent? Any terrible ones that are just giraffe after gaffe? The trailer is a little off in one of its boasts though, in particular "Loving translated into English for the first time.". Yes, I've waited on the game and eagerly want it, but the game is only two years old. They aren't translating a decades-old relic, say Bahamut Lagoon. But this is just itty-bitty light criticism. As is that "Classically Styled Strategy RPG" part, which has the first issue of some thinking SRPG and going FFT as "classic". And the second issue is very understandable- saying "Fire Emblem Styled" would put Kaga in the cauldron again, and SRPG Maker this time as well.
  15. Tyrfing in such a scenario would either be a tank, or a cannon, or a prow on a landship. Would be amazing, although explaining how Byron hid one, Arvis then tucked it away, and Palmark handing it to Seliph to and getting away without giving an answer as to how he got it, would be harder. Which reminds me of a bit of fanficting I did once: The Vethomerian Landship Valflame: A large-large class landship. The Valflame relies on Draconis Simulans Sanguineus (DSS), a system in which energy is pumped from the core of the ship into a network of pipes throughout the ship containing artificial dragon blood. The dragon blood is capable of holding immense quantities of energy, and being present throughout the airship, it allows for quick and intense use of power in any and all parts of the vessel. The Valflame’s signature weapon is Justice’s Firebrand- an incredibly hot and powerful meteor strike capable of covering a long range. Justice’s Firebrand is certain to leave a scarring mark- provided one can even survive a strike in the first place, which is a feat few battleships can accomplish. To unleash its full power, the individual in the trigger sigil must of be of the Crusader Fjalar’s blood, they alone can keep the incredible power under control during a release at or exceeding a 100% charge. The temperatures generated by the Firebrand are tolerated by the ship only owing to the speed at which a charge is fired, and the ship as a whole being designed to handle high temperatures since it runs purely on fire magical energies. Secondary weapons on the Valflame are focused on covering closer ranges, and include flamethrowers and fiery cannons alongside some minor other elements. Defensively, the Valflame has so much energy it can afford to funnel some at all times into defensive measures, which include an augmented Great Firewall. Its armor isn’t the thickest, but the Great Firewall helps significantly, and its speed for a landship is rather average or low. The Grannvalian Airship Valflame- A large-large class ambiship. The Valflame upon Arvis’s elevation to Emperor underwent massive renovations to become worthy of being the flagship of the Grannvalian Empire. Its improvements required the conscripted labor of non-Grannvalians, alongside tribute extracted from the same peoples, and the appropriation of the estates of Chalphy and Edda. First, the engine was enlarged enough to enable flight, whilst still keeping the Valflame’s abilities as a landship. Additional armor was layered on thickly, to make it near impenetrable combined with the Great Firewall. The quality of the old secondary weaponry was upgraded, and new additions like a Silver Blade Scattershot were added. The result is the finest ship to ever be crafted in Jugdral, but it terribly lacks in mobility even when airborne. The Freegian Airship Mjolnir: A medium-large class airship. Uses a DSS system like the Valflame, but the simulant dragon blood is different, based on that which courses through the veins of the Freeges. The Mjolnir’s keystone weapon is the Hammering Thunder, which not only cuts through foes in front of the target, but envelops them from all sides and directions with bolts of almighty lightning. The electricity-based propulsion system of the Mjolnir allows for easier turning, but does little to bolster the ship’s actual speed. The DSS here is enhances the battleship’s targeting system, making its weapons extremely precise and capable of bending to hit the weaker spots in the enemy’s armor. Armor on the ship itself decently thick. The Silessean Airship Forseti: A small-large class airship. As with its Grannvalian counterparts, it uses DSS for unrivaled power storage and access. Its primary weapon is the Omnipresent Wind. Again, like the Valflame and its Justice’s Firebrand and the Mjolnir’s Hammering Thunder, the Omnipresent Wind uses an artificial dragonstone as the launch device for the supremely powerful spell. And, as with the Valflame and Mjolnir, it requires one of the dragon god Forseti’s blood to fully invoke. However, the Forseti differs heavily from the Grannvalian flagships beyond this. Whereas the Firebrand immolates a single target and all in the path to it, the Omnipresent Wind emphasizes mass casualties. The Omnipresent Wind saturates a large area with wind power, and then agitates it, causing it to rupture in a turbulent explosion. It is not quite as singularly deadly, but it is more than enough to cripple if not destroy vast hordes of foes, with nary an aircraft able to survive the maelstrom. The armor for such a large airship is lacking, but the wind-based propulsion system is unparalleled. In spite of its size, the Forseti can turn on a dime and quickly accelerate to very high speeds, giving it mobility, aiming flexibility, and evasive maneuvers far beyond what it should be capable of.
  16. You're forgetting Deirdre and Julia the Valkyrias. Of course this would likely make Lex Darcsen- probably would be a great reason for him to not get along with his family- Mommy being considered scum and all. And Sigurd would be one too, but somehow Ethlyn wouldn't be despite being a full-sister. Ya know I've seen plays and operas that modernize the setting while keeping the plot and scripts unaltered- a Hamlet production with machine guns (the fencing duel remains fencing though), and Der Rosenkavalier moved up to the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Since FE4 is so grand, and rooted in Germanic stuff which is one of the three usual opera languages, I could see FE4 updated the same way.
  17. Wish granted. He will be on the next TT, and you must accrue exactly 4444 points to obtain him. If you don't and go over, you can try for 666666 points, but if you miss that too, then you must wait until the next run of that TT to get him. If his weapon ranks are anything to go by, he in T776 has C Sword, E Lance, A Axe, A Bow. Starts with a Master Axe (Meisteraxt if Reinhardt's Master Sword -> Meisterschwert is anything to by), and a Killer Bow. Sword would have no excuse. Lance would have the excuse of him being the only one of two foot soldiers able to use Lances in FE5. Axe Armor is most likely given we could say Master Weapon > Killer Weapon in power and specialness, but Bow would be the second possibility. There is still hope! The Arvis we have now is Gen 1 Arvis. Gen 2 Middle-Aged, Guilty, Frustrated, Disillusioned and Depressed Emperor Arvis could be an alt. Although they'd throw him that useless Silver Blade. With him at Castle Chalphy while the player starts on the opposite side of the Miletos-Jugdral Channel (or Strait- whatever unofficlal name you give it) ala Chapter 10 for some TT or GHB (probably TT). Speaking of the Meisteraxt, while Galzus has Major Hodr Blood, could they please not make him another Sword Infantry and instead toss him the Miesteraxt? -Well maybe the Flame Sword IF he had to be Sword Infantry. And then again, I wouldn't mind him with the Meisterschwert if just to jab Schwerthardt out of some of his uniqueness. Fine, all I want from Galzus is the Lunar Astra Special. And to finish this talk of Meisters, Conomore comes with a Meisterlanze, and Amalda comes with another Meisterschwert. Nobody comes with the Meisterbogen (now that looks ugly), so anyone can have that.
  18. 21, 27, 97 Somewhere in this topic, is the greatest secret of the universe, all one must do is decode it successfully.
  19. Every class has two portraits for a given gender, not that gender matters at all save for one DLC boss in EOU2. It's always Male-Female-Male-Female when the portraits are lined up and you're picking them out. One way to tell is that the two portraits for a gender always share a pose. But yes, gender ambiguity is sometimes a thing, more with males, but females sometimes too. By the way, most teams can work, and if you ever think your classes are good, but don't think you've invested in the right skills, you can use the Rest feature at the Guild, which lowers a character's level by 2, but resets all skill points, and undoes the chosen Legendary Title in EOV (these you unlock later on). There is a Memory Conch (I think that is what it is called) that becomes available not too far in in the game, whoever has it equipped will earn any experience from battle your main team gets (although they won't get non-battle EXP), making the raising of a 6th rather possible as a backup. That would explain why I've been hearing cat-like voices in my head saying "Now is the time and blood is the key! EVIL!" If electrons, despite being much much much smaller and lighter than protons, emit the same amount of charge, albeit negative instead of positive, does that mean that the Internet and the news media are just macrocosms of the subatomic world?
  20. As long as Arvis gives him a radiant Silver Gun. And Arvis then mows down Sigurd later with a flamethrower. The former Book of Naga can be a launcher firing serpentine rockets. Would silver be at all good for bullets actually? Besides killing werewolves/the unholy, would the softness of the metal make it good anti-personnel in some ways? Should FE rename its Silver stuff Mythril to be slightly more fantasy-sensical? Or is Tolkien borrowing bad?
  21. And I wish I could I ride besides Takumi to ease my present melancholy. If Takumi ever got another alt, doing a run of the four non-Fallens vs. it, could allow one to pretend the battle is entirely inside Takumi's mind, symbolic of his internal struggle.
  22. By Pink Owain's backside yes it was. Though I'm in agreement a bunch of hair colors just don't work for some kids, which is bound to happen when it's just a quick edit and not something tweezed for each character individually. I did Azura!Kiragi once, good offense, but he looked old with that bluey white. Typically, I pair purely on gameplay merits.
  23. Actually looking at Super Mario Wiki (citing a 2018 Twitter post): When asked why Tiny was created for Donkey Kong 64 instead of featuring Dixie Kong as a player character, the game's character designer Mark Stevensonreplied that he could not recall clearly why but that "I guess we just loved creating new Kongs! I would say it would be because we wanted a character that fitted with the shrinking ability."[3] -And yet they didn't invent a Jetty Kong to replace Diddy. While her twin ponytails are nice, it sounds like this unneeded Kong was invented in a bout of fun developmental drunkenness. Apparently after 64, they even dropped all reference of her being a sister to Dixie, so she is just there now (and the sister connection was possibly never said in Japan in the first place- Rare invented her, and Japan got the game a couple weeks after the US).
  24. I let someone "borrow" my copy of FE7 once, never asked for it back being my kind stupid self. Also happened with Mega Man Anniversary Collection. A number of games, including a copy of Pokemon Colosseum and the Jirachi bonus disk, were gone when a relative died and the druggie relative that had been leeching off of them for years sold it all. And then on one of the last days of middle school of that year, a celebratory one I lost Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, and a number of Pokemon games- Gens 3 and 4. Also had a Yugioh GBA game that accidentally got crushed on the outside in a car, I think I even "buried" the game out of guilt. And I won't claim them to be masterpieces, but I do like the two lyricized songs in Super Mario Odyssey. You were on a cruise, and yet it sounds like you preferred virtual tropical fun. Such a gamer, tisk tisk. I can't bring myself to watch anything Disney unless its proper etiquette for the situation. But Ralph is particularly bad for me being a gamer and hence being sensitive to it. Why did Nintendo sign off on letting Bowser in for two seconds (a commercial showed it I think)? Unless Disney those hypocritical bastards used Bowser without Nintendo's permission on grounds of public domain.
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