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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I tend not to go to sleep until past midnight, often owing to the blue light me being on this website late at night emits, but I've gotten a little better with it. Sleep is okay, it gets one peacefully through the darkest hours. But truly, if humanity could do without it with no repercussions, I'd like that.
  2. I'm feeling Shadow Dragon/New Mystery is precisely why E ranks always start as E for Awakening and Fates. Having one auto D on dual weapon classes, and an auto C for monoclasses, combined with such free reclassing made training a variety of different units, as opposed to handful of good characters, really unnecessary. Of course, I do think the seal-free reclassing was the greater issue here (as was the junk quality of some characters), if Sirius had to consume an item to go Sniper even if he kept the C Bows, it'd be significant curtailment on making him one, whilst not outright crippling his short-intermediate term abilities as a Sniper. And Kris, Palla and Catria would be really restrained I would think. Fates, and particularly Awakening with its level 10 minimum to reclass requirement, due to the seals, could have kept the D/C starting ranks no problem, IS just didn't see this. Although for Fates, it might be a problem, since most good weapons are no higher than C-ranked there.
  3. Still, not float and slow sounds a bit too harshly anti-Daisy. I'd say making her actually faster than Peach on the ground would be better. Peach has the superior air game, Daisy has the superior ground game. And the port was inferior, no? I think they actually had to scrap the Metal Gear in the game for a mother computer boss or something. Richter actually has the same problem, since Rondo Blood SNES version is poorer than its PC Engine original. But Castlevania did with Simon start on the NES, and continued that way for another three games.
  4. I'm sure someone else has already done this, but if we were to get a Heroes 2, it'd consist of: Loki Selkie Owain? Laevatein Kliff Keaton Aversa? (To GHB or not? -That is a question.) Panne Kaden Velouria Tibarn Ophelia Surtr Haar Lewyn *Hacks up a molten hair ball* As you see, I listed more than just four. What exactly we get depends on: if FEH villains are allowed, if Beasts are allowed, if Aversa is allowed (like Ishtar, I expect she will enter the standard summoning pool, because people would seriously shell out the money to own her), and or Owain can finally overcome being Odin too. If we exclude Owain and Aversa, the beasts, and the FEH OCs, we get Kilff-Ophelia-Haar-Lewyn. If we exclude just the FEH OCs and the beasts, we get Owain-Kliff-Aversa-Ophelia. If we then allow the beasts too, we get Selkie-Owain-Kliff-Keaton. Allow OCs but no beasts, it's Loki-Owain-Kliff-Laevatein. And obviously, no exclusions has Loki-Selkie-Owain-Laevatein.
  5. The E ranks are what kills the class, if you aren't willing to expend the Arms Scrolls or grind, getting past Bronze to D and C ranks is an annoying chore. Not exactly helping the class is its poor pair of skills, Seal Strength is not very useful, and Life or Death, while very good on certain units, takes much too long to get. The Great Knight existing in Nohr is something of another issue as well as pointed out. Since animations slow things down, I generally play with them off, so if the females are pantsless, I don't ever see it. Of the units who naturally can go Master of Arms without a reclass, you Hana, who is already glass and WTC more benefits the enemy phase I think. Hinata, who isn't actually a bad choice for the class. And Mozu, who isn't as fragile as Hana, but can naturally go Archer instead for a safe killer offense. Hisame is dependent on his mother for his potential, but you might as well make him an MoA if you ever recruit him late (and BR Paralogues barring Shiro are a cinch), since then he can have auto D or even C Clubs and Naginatas, which overcomes that E rank Naraku issue. And then you have the one character who actually starts as one- Fuga. Fuga is amazing, since despite nonexistent growths, his bases are incredible, and his B/C/C weapon ranks allow him to utilize lots of your spare weapons and instant flexibility when reclassing. Just give him a Defensive Stance pal or a Rally to buff whichever of his great balanced stats you want to be pushed into the excellent zone. His only issue is being available on Revelation only. The Master of Arms has one other notable trait, its very balanced pair up boosts. +2 Str/Skl/Spd/Def, a little of a lot, which isn't bad, even if typically you're only looking for a big buff to one or two stats when you use pair up. While it is, I wouldn't say underrated, more just forgotten, Master of Arms isn't the worst of this which Hoshido has. Merchant has funky skills and very few potential natives. Both of the Oni options are severely handicapped being so rare and only having Rinkah as their natural member. Of the two, Blacksmith is certainly the more obscure and worthless. Other than giving Lancebreaker, it is just a misshapen ingot of a Hero, junk that not even the enemy uses outside of a few rare fights.
  6. If she was... lets say Vaida or Isadora (women who I don't think are really popular in FE7), or Geitz or Renault to pick rather lesser males off the top of my head, I'd be willing to believe that. However, Karla wasn't quite added because she isn't popular, but for two other reasons I and others are inclined to believe: Family reunification- Karla is Karel's sister, Bartre's wife, and Fir's mother. Not a bad reason, it just isn't reason that is by virtue of unpopularity. The second, more cynical reason, to put it in vulgar terms, is she is a smokin' hot sword babe, given a crazy statline to really appeal to those otakus willing to spend real money on sexy pixels and broken gameplay goodness. And to return to the stats in FEH, IS has mixed record on matching these to the base games, and Karla is certainly in the not true to their original selves camp. Even at 20/20 she doesn't break 20 Str, nor cap Skl or Spd even despite being a Swordmaster. As for settling for 2/3, that is me being realistic. Getting a banner that is 3/3 or 3/4 or 4/4 perfect in terms of characters one likes/would summon for isn't very likely, at least to me. @Astellius I'd be okay with a Mia seasonal alt, her vibrancy would be suited for a fun time. I just don't want her swiping a New Heroes slot.
  7. C'mon finally give me a personally exciting 2/3rds minimum New Heroes banner to finally bite into for the one that is on there that isn't CYL. No whammalts no whammalts no whammalts (or Karla things) -stop! *Mia alt falls on my face rear first* (No offense to her fans.) Eugh. I'll just have to try again later, but I'll be back for sure, as I always do. As for the GHB, well between Kana and sorta Fobin (Grima reference or not, who can be exactly sure?), having characters who aren't ever baddies as GHB is kinda possible. Although I would prefer if Brave Marth if the GHB was in some way thematically villainous. Maybe Gharnef got him with the Darksphere or something. Of course, I don't think Marth fans and others wanted him to get a Brave alt so badly, only to turn out the alt is of him suffering. So if Brarth is the GHB, he'll probably be a happy guy. Edit: In a token show of fairness, may the next non-CYL banner be Binding Blade. That is all.
  8. Well she is usable as basically that in Mega Man Powered Up I think. Although I'd rather Protoman, Bass, or even X for Mega echoes. However give Classic Mega Man doesn't have such a form as to suit Bass (who has never had a 3D downsized body before I think) or X, it'd have to be Protoman or Roll as his echo.
  9. Castlevania isn't really known for having deep characters or anything. Particularly in the very arcadey, old and original, "Classicvania" era. The "Metroidvania" era, and the Lords of Shadow trilogy did try for more depth, but Metroidvania era still had fairly weak stories. Richter came from the last of the Classicvanias in Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (well Bloodlines came later, but it lacks a Belmont). It's a pretty good game in its own right, inventing the awesome Item Crash super attacks to boot. Although I've heard musings saying Super Castlevania IV (Castlevania's first adventure remade for SNES featuring Simon) and Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (the last NES game, featuring Trevor Belmont and one ally of three) are as good or better. Owing to having pretty good 2D sprite assets, the monsters from the game were reused in large numbers in Symphony of the Night, a sequel of sorts to Rondo of Blood and the first Metroidvania, where Richter got possessed. For the next five Metroidvanias (I'm not sure of Order of Ecclesia- the last of the Metroidvanias), the enemies of Rondo of Blood would be frequently recycled into them to cut costs. Richter himself is playable upon completing Symphony of the Night in his own mode. And he was again playable after completing the game in Portrait of Ruin if you fought the Whip's Memory. Basically Jonathan Morris Jr. as a non-Belmont using the Vampire Killer, has to undergo a ritual involving fighting an "AI" based on the last Belmont to use the whip to unlock its full power. And the last Belmont to use the Vampire Killer is Richter, thus the Whip's Memory looks like him. Why the Belmonts are forbidden from touching the whip for centuries is unexplained, but it might have to do with Richter getting possessed in Symphony of the Night, tainting his bloodline by having fallen under the powers of darkness. It isn't until 1999, two-hundred years later, that a Belmont uses the Vampire Killer again- Julius. And this said, Richter is ever so slightly implicitly alluded to in Order of Ecclesia as the old village lady's grandfather.
  10. As a little possible fun fact, we have a few pictures from what Smash 64 looked like wayyyyyy before they chose to use Nintendo all stars for it. Back when it was called, painfully generically- Dragon King: The Fighting Game. Captain Falcon might have actually been based somewhat on these proto-fighters. As for the issue of no new F-Zeroes, it was originally just a tech demo for Mode 7. Then it became Nintendo's pure racer series, with a focus on brutal difficulty that makes Mario Kart look like a slug race. However, without being harder with no item gimmick, nor family-friendly fun/appeal at all, F-Zero caters to a niche audience, and couldn't possibly generate that much revenue. No wonder Nintendo hasn't continued it. Would still like another though, and the American/Japanese superhero-inspired casts have the potential to pop if given the effort. They as far as I see it, belong to a category called "Retroite", which is comprised of dead series, but which have a lasting nostalgic value as being quintessentially "retro". Mother, Little Mac and even Wii Fit Trainer I would say, although not as old, fall into an extension of this "Retroite" category. As for THE ACTUAL TOPIC at hand, I'd say one more new non-echo character as DLC is enough for FE, and maybe a stage to go with them. No more echoes until we see how many the other big franchises are getting. Okay, I get FE has a lot of popular characters who could be echoed, whereas others do not, but I still don't want to see Eliwood or the Black Knight for the moment.
  11. Wouldn't happen. Smash doesn't pick "spoilery" stages (for the few games represented that actually have spoilers), and the Grima battle very much is. At most, there is maybe the Umbran Clock Tower. And Awakening doesn't need any more than it already has, which includes a stage.
  12. Julius is among the strongest, that I won't dispute, since Dracula is stated to have returned to his full power in 1999 (something which he had been last fought at when?). But I don't believe he was responsible for sealing Dracula's castle in the eclipse, which thus severed his power from himself and ended his endless resurrections. That I think was said to have been the work of a Japanese Shinto priest (and probably Alucard). As for each successive Belmont being stronger than the last, I'll nitpick here with Juste, partly because I kinda don't like Harmony of Dissonance. Juste we can't really tell how strong he was, since all he fought was Dracula Wraith, not an actual resurrected Dracula, just the spectre born of Drac's remains being collected, a fragment of a resurrection at the very most.
  13. Micaiah could borrow from Zelda I guess, since she too is a magical female. The specials need to be retooled, but otherwise it's possible. Celica as a Robin Echo, well they could blend Robin with Marth's swordplay, the character Celica is a clone of in FEW. Since Celica's games have always lacked weapon durability, I'd say she can have the advantage of lacking this mechanic compared to Robin. As a tradeoff, she'd like in her games suffer damage when using her magic. She'll always have her magic, unlike Robin once their durability is gone, but it'll come at a cost. Celica's spells do differ, but Excalibur could easily replace Elwind. Although she herself doesn't get it, Nosferatu is in Valentia and they could pull a Ness. Thoron and Elfire are the two bigger issues. Replacing Elfire with Ragnarok isn't exactly the best, since Ragnarok is Celica's deadliest spell. So instead I'd replace Thunder-Elthunder-Arcthunder-Thoron with Fire-Ragnarok-Ragnarok Omega. This just leaves replacing Elfire, and here, finding a way to sub in Seraphim would be best. I thought Simon was the strongest? Richter being called the strongest by Alucard in SotN doesn't mean a lot. Alucard helped Trevor/Ralph and then slept until Symphony, he's only known two Belmonts at the time. And he also got to know Sonia Belmont really, really closely. I do want Issac in Smash. Ideally with more than just Earth/Venus psynergy, give me all four elements, and when he has to use the sword, try to make it with unleashes or Djinn. We'd get him and only him, so I want as much Golden Sun diversity in Issac (maybe with a Felix Echo, and NO MATTHEW!) as possible. Of course, I want a Golden Sun 4 that covers everything left unresolved and fixes all the problems from Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Although that would take a game twice as long as the average Tales I think to accomplish.
  14. I fortunately am in a fun field, History, so I read a lot of interesting stuff. Even though things don't start until September for me, I'm getting a head start on my reading (I downed 140 pages of a book on Song China today). The issue is that I based my choice of Major and Grad field on personal likings and not on practical realities post-graduation at all. Once school is done, I'll be quite directionless in life, and in need of looking for a job. Pretty much. Although I think my school is moving its formal ceremony for the winter grads into into the summer, consolidating the two ceremonies and all. Being quite asocial, having no friends or anything, school has been practically been my only outside contact. I love the classroom atmosphere in a good bunch of students, and I really really miss it. Nor could I ever simulate again it by becoming a teacher/professor, since I don't think I'd make a good one of those. *Sigh*
  15. The name of the Fates Dragon's Gate is likely an FE7 reference, however, that does mean it connects to the Elibe dimension. It's a reference without lore substance. FE7 came out looooooonnnnnggg before Fates, so there is no way FE7 could have been written with FE14 in mind. And if FE14 was the place on the other side of the Dragon's Gate, then shouldn't the game have dropped some palpable hints this was the case? FE4 makes it pretty clear that its connected to Archanea, and the Whitewings showed up in Gaiden. Why would a game that comes so much later in the history of FE not drop a few very implicit clues?
  16. Leaving Chrom out of Smash 4 playability was fine by me, at the time it'd would've been too much for FE. Robin and Lucina were already playable, and Chrom appeared in a final smash. What on Earth did Awakening need even more for it compared to other represented Nintendo franchises? Echo Fighters being a formalized thing now makes his inclusion in Smash Ultimate much more reasonable, and thus of no issue. This said, Chrom I dislike to an extent, and all because of how he acts around the Grima choice. Although to be fair, that wasn't all his fault, the context itself was poor around him in that moment. The one lord worth anything particularly personally to me, Hector, had a somewhat comparable situation, but both he and the context he was placed in were much better handled. Outside of it, he isn't anything especially bad or good to me.
  17. The body from that perspective even looks like a angry face or skull. Any idea what its common non-scientific names are? As a kid, I twice had them crawl up my leg. I'm so frightened of them, there is no way I can ever play Pikmin, the Beady Longlegs and other insect-inspired baddies creep me out too much, including the harmless ones that sometimes pop of eggs and drive the Pikmin around them crazy. Nowadays even Skulltulas and Like Likes freak me out in Zelda games. How much of a threat can they be on day to day basis though? Everyone knows where the volcanoes are and they aren't moving. Scientists can put out good predictions of when they'll erupt big time. And due to relatively frequent eruptions if I understand geology correctly, there shouldn't ever really be a HUGE one like a Vesuvius/Mt. Saint Helens/Krakatoa/Fujiyama who knows when. Now that sounds awful? How much does vaccination help if you get bit? And how do you even address the problem? Since bats aren't something you want to kill, unlike locusts or mosquitoes. Well I wish ya luck! I'm one semester from finishing grad school, and then I'll finally be forced into the real world. I don't want it to end!
  18. That seems really, really odd. To be so commonplace, yet never permanently available. At least Camus has his amnesiac and masquerading selves that could go into the standard pool. Either they should end his GHB self as a GHB, or give a 6th Xander. Or they can pull a page from Project X Zone and make two-character units, Brave Veronica that uses Xander to attack or something. Veronica is the one that gets hurt and is the "lead" character who gets pounded on when attacked, while Xander is more just the weapon, but is still in the voice quips and artwork. This wouldn't have been a bad chance to slap someone on one of those ridable Mechanist puppets from Fates. Yukimura Mori isn't going to get in for some years.
  19. Sounds like Nintendo is really listening to all the fan whining. The next question is whether it'll be enough to get Nintendo to twist SE in a funnel cake, and screaming in agony and say "OKAY OKAY GENO!".
  20. My preferred method is the vacuum when possible, it doesn't involve a physical touch/squish that way.
  21. Ignoring how joyful she looks when her windpipe is in danger of being crushed, I'm getting the idea she's into some weird stuff in the Patroklos and Pyrrha making room. I mean she has a beautiful Asian girl's chest within two feet over her head.
  22. Micaiah is married to her former "son"/"little brother" -> "brother". Her thighs are for his eyes only. Then can I just ask you one thing? Not that it affects me at all, I'm just curious. In your much valued gameplay opinion, if Colored Bows are generally worse than Colorless Bows as some have argued, then does the same hold true for Colored Daggers vs. Colorless Daggers?
  23. How do slip ups keep happening like this? How hard is it to not click anything wrong? Still, it's only a few hours beforehand, and it is only relevant to those who happen to be intensively online. It doesn't hurt Nintendo much.
  24. One the one hand, I feel the course of human evolution should naturally bring us to the point where all hair save that of the eyelashes and eyebrows, is gone. Even head hair, although that would be a tragic loss. On the same hand, I've generally due to Japanese video game/entertainment media aesthetic standards, been conditioned to prefer hairlessness as the ideal. On the other hand, I can see the sexual appeal of body hair for others. But I've never been anywhere near close enough to someone to determine whether it has any actual appeal or not to me.
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