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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Altean. Tiara. MAGIC! (With Tiki Moon imitating him with her's) I was thinking Lucina could do the same with her mask. Nobody falls for the trick anymore, so might as well take advantage of how sharp it looks and throw it around. Just call her "Marth", as in aligning with her Awakening post-Chapter 5 self (I know the mask is broken here, but I'm taking creative liberty), but before she is revealed to be Lucina. We've canonically had Hector under a pegasus, will that work? You don't have to go that far. If things are suddenly feeling too bad, just step back, take a break, and maybe next time wait a day or two after a big announcement with something possibly controversial. By then, the hot coals on SF should have cooled and you can skip over any post or page of posts that seems toxic.
  2. She was so in love in fact, that I can't find a word of it in the scripts pre-FE12, with the exception of her death quote in old Mystery. Talk about nuanced love deeply explored. And while I stand against alts, with the Whitewings appearing in three-six games, I think Palla and Est deserve some alts if Catria is. The middle child must be put into their proper place. Eh there are worse things out there in more need of brain bleach in gaming. I'd say one that is on my mind that isn't FE, but once I say it, someone is going to look it up and ruin their mind that way, so I won't.
  3. Well she warns Basilio about him dying to Walhart, which makes a difference. And you have that scene where she tries to bring herself to kill Robin, but doesn't/ But there is little to deny Lucina's biggest real contribution is stopping the assassination. It is highly important, but it is only one moment. If only she had done more scurrying in the shadows trying to keep things on a good path before the mask came off, before she revealed herself as Chrom's daughter, or even after that. That is how I, although it isn't the only way, could perceive Lucina doing more stuff than she actually does.
  4. Well there are those theoretical five stages of grief: Denial Anger Bargaining Despair Acceptance These do not apply simply to when your mother dies, I believe. Bad news in general I think can trigger this supposed cycle/process. This would include bad FEH news. First you denied Gleipnirika (to pick anyone) existed, and then you got angry at it. Bargaining might have occurred roughly simultaneously with early despair, you try to look for a justification for the alt, and then hope it won't get any worse/it'll get better from this point on. Then you give into full despair, which ends with you saying "this game has real issues", but moving on, quieting up, and continuing to play the game. Maybe the cycle repeats later when you've emotionally recovered, since the cycle feels fatiguing and awful to go through, at least as I've experienced it.
  5. Fair enough. Chrom is still the leader in the Valm Arc, but there is a gradual pivot away from the same level of focus on him that you find in the Gangrel Arc I think. This is good, since it sets up a transition for the Grima Arc, as opposed to a sudden rise in Robin's prominence.
  6. It varies I'd say. Gangrel Arc, Chrom > Robin. Valm Arc, Chrom = Robin. Grima Arc, Chrom < Robin. Lucina stands besides the two without a definite importance value assignable, she is important in all three to some extent, but never for an arc the star of the show. Marth should just grab the Binding Shield and nuke the world with it as the one and only Colorless Tome user. Earthquakes, shadow shields, life heals, defense-nullifying light, stat-buffing stars, and dragon sealing. What more could you ask for? All Marth has to do is ask Merric and Linde how to use the thing.
  7. You could've pulled a Navarre and gone with Galzus. He does get pointed at as being very strong in the plot a couple times. And Lunar Astra simply must be a thing after all. (Alternatively maybe give "Hodr's Blood" Skill that tacks a +50% damage buff onto his Specials, including his natural Luna.) Now Flame Sword, Meisterschwert, or Meister-German-for-Axe, which will he use?
  8. There has been some complaints of late of stagnation with the mainline gameplay, it's all Super Star with minor gimmicks, and no creative evolution from this. I actually understand this, and it's why I skipped on Star Allies. Related to this is my own complaint that Kirby, at least as of Planet Robobot, was being overreliant on nostalgia fanservice, to the point it was losing any sense of specialness. It is becoming mundane and hence no longer enjoyable. Ah yes, Zero the giant eyeball that shoots blood at you from Kirby's Dreamland 3, and who then cried blood as Zero Two in Crystal Shards. This is actually another problem with the Kirby fanbase. HAL has been trying to add more serious "plot" and "darkness" in the latest games and dramatizing it all, despite the fact Kirby isn't that dark really at all and the plots and characters are totally shallow and silly. Some i believe find this unnecessary, and I am one of them. Since its ruining the few earlier patches of darkness by including such copious amounts of farce. Corrected!
  9. Even though I haven't played Thracia, well i don't need to to get Asbel's character since he has, like most, hardly any at all. But he's a True Merric and a sweet shota, so him alone would likely get me summon. Mareeta seems likable and a complex character for her game, so I'd be willing to summon for her on those grounds. 2/3rds requirement met. Sara, interesting, if not actually complex, I'm neutral towards her. But looking like Deirdre and Julia, cute, and being energetic like L'Arachel does her well for appeal. Kempf, well he is relevant to the Reinhardt and Olwen, plus Thracia is lacking for good villains (we already have Rein and Saias), but isn't he kinda pathetic in T776 as a boss? -Not that that is relevant here. Not sure why you threw Karin on there, but I'd be okay with her. Had to fit the last color somehow.
  10. People did complain at the time, and they still criticize the move, chill. If you're swearing about a bunch of pixels called Hector, you mustn't have many problems in your life. Actually... EVERYONE CHILL! Were it not this topic is for the upcoming banner and thus relevant, I'd ask for it to be locked. Maybe the mods could approve of in the future "Crumpled Aggression Paper Topics"? Initial release topics (for VGs and banners alike) for people, just in case, to vent all their frustrations into. Within two days, the topic is deleted, and a separate one is used for serious, calm discussion of the actual banner at hand. Thus all needless rage is wiped out of existence doesn't pollute a good topic and forum, hopefully that'd get it all out of everyone's systems.
  11. She's cemented her place somewhere up high on the FE Pantheon of Characters some time ago, she is in no danger of ceasing to exist in future FE appearances inside and outside of FE. If there is anything that will include Awakening, Lucina will be there, that is certain. Her chances of being totally forgotten by IS is not that much less than Cloud being forgotten by Square Enix, null. This said, I can understand your concern insofar as it extends to FEH. What with other real big names getting more recent alts, like Lyn, Hector, Takumi and Camilla. Lucina had gone nearly a year without a new one. If mega-yacht rises, well the tide better lift them all. Of course, I'd prefer if none of them rose with more alts, which keep anyone from complaining of favoritism for any single one of them, and also be better for actual new character additions. This is the worst fanbase, until you meet the Sonic fanbase, until you meet the Final Fantasy fanbase, until you meet the.... The Marsh of Infernal Sulphur is always less hot, mucky and smelly on the other side of the bog. Get there and you'll see it ain't any better.
  12. True, except for the fact the Hero of Shadow (or rather, historically intentionally placed into the shadows) isn't actually in the game yet at all. Whoops! I mean Seasonals have done this thing before, but a Legendary? I don't think so. Of course, if they did legendize the one, they'd have to make sure the other comes around the same time, so a FE12 New Heroes would be needed, which I think we could use at this point, after an FE6 NH, and maybe some Birds and Beasts. And the Krises better come with the Wrys shave.
  13. Well things are currently up to 9 now. Two OCs, one Ike, one Ephraim, one Ryoma two Blazelings, and two Awakenites. Hmm... I think we need a Malig Xander or somebody else Nohrian to counterbalance Ryoma, as Fates always does between the two sides. The total absence of Jugdral and Archanea is also disappointing and should be corrected. Elibe has two reps, but none for FE6. The issue I'm seeing here is that it has to be a lord, or practically a lord- Ryoma, Lucina and Robin- to qualify as a non-OC LH. A Legendary Archanean has no choice but to be Marth, and a Bindingite Roy. Jugdral has three choices in Leif, Seliph, and Sigurd, which is better. If they choose to make the 16 original LHs just MCs and a couple OCs, then they'll almost have no choice to make the inevitable "108 Legends of Legendary Legendific Legendian Legendism Who Aren't the 16 Legendary Heroes" non-Lords, opening the way to popular/important side characters, like Camilla and Reinhardt. Hopefully they would not use the second round of Legends to include more Hector and Lyn legendaries.
  14. My mistake, she is Dancer, so it's only 8 myrm girls. And Machuya could even be removed seeing how she promoted to Hero, and could thus go the Axe way.
  15. To be fair, I think Micaiah was too recent to judge her FEH popularity properly. I also question how long in advance they planned the Legendary Heroes. If we operate under the assumption Lector existed before CYL2 was held, then they must have planned things out very far ahead in this matter. I'd therefore say a Legendary Micaiah won't happen this year, 2019 sounds possible though.
  16. I feel like listing, myrm girls not yet in include: Larcei Creidne Eyvel Mareeta Machyua Ismaire Lucia Say'ri So there aren't many left. Even if you counted non-myrms, you're only adding like Phina, Echidna, Severa, Flavia, and Yuzu, for 13 in total. Those who are Thieves will likely be converted to Dagger units.
  17. At least she isn't Armads, the wielder of Hector. May it be hoped the fourth avatara of Mahaarmads is not Green, and we know they're coming soon.
  18. Chrom has access to Archer, so Lucina always inherits it. FEW I believe throws her a bow in her sword-based moveset as well. Project X Zone 2 also gave her a bow I think. As did Codename S.T.E.A.M. Nidhogg to be precise here.
  19. To repeat what I just put in the General Discussion: So they're adding another Colored Bow at last? A Blue one. And on a Legendary, like the first. Will this be a trend and the first Red Bow be a Legendary? Well Lucina hasn't had an alt in a while, so she can have it I guess for all her popularity.
  20. So they're adding another Colored Bow at last? A Blue one. And on a Legendary, like the first. Will this be a trend and the first Red Bow be a Legendary? Well Lucina hasn't had an alt in a while, so she can have it I guess for all her popularity. Although to be fair, the Bragi Sword isn't in yet. And Leif is the most likely person to ever get that thing, since Diarmuid is who? Nanna has her Runesword to get, and I just don't think they'd toss it on Fergus. Still, I'd prefer a Master Knight Leif with something other than a sword, and some Weapon Triangle-related skill to refer to the class's access to every non-Dark weapon type in FE4.
  21. We've had Yuji Himukai drawing the entire series up to this point, it wouldn't surprise me if they were getting sick of the job. (I do like their style by the way.) And a change in the artstyle could hint at a possible drastic changing of things. To be fair, after eight installments of the same deal with tweaks and improvements to each (major ones of course, only a fool would call EO1 and EOV as playing the same), EO might be in need of something new. Stagnancy is never a good thing for series (particularly a presently prolific one, which EO has been), even when the current formulae works well. A new artist and a major overhaul might invite some vocal citizens of the Internet to whine and call the next EO not a "true EO", but I'm open to change. I'd be fine with the 7th Dragon artist- Shirow Miwa, I liked their work in VFD enough. Some of the female stuff was a little too fanservicey (Agent being my primary problem), but assuming they tone things back down for the pure high fantasy setting, then they're good. Their class designs for the original 7th Dragon, while more cutesy and not so realistic, doesn't appear bad at all either from a quick look at it. To see the bit of diversity is great, as it means this new stuff would certainly not be a carbon copy visually of VFD's. IF they are working on this new title. But I honestly don't care who the artist is, so as long as the art looks good. So in other words, Atlus is preparing the graves before we even get our first game over? How considerate of them! Seeing the graves also brought to mind this one beta idea for the plot of Suikoden: Tierkreis which I can't quite forget because it sounds interesting to me. Apparently, instead of getting alt universe copies of the 108 Stars of Destiny, you went about resurrecting them. Just a little tangent. Well the 3DS is at the end of its life presently, that is my issue, there aren't really any months left on it it seems, there is only the Luigi's Mansion port/remake left I think. Yet even if it takes until February to get it, and is literally the last 3DS title to release, I'll still buy it. Remind me, did Persona Q2 get moved to Switch already? Have they been mute on that, or dropped it entirely? I don't care about PQ, but I still want to know its status. And lastly, on the map making thing. I like it, it is part of EO's character, but to me it's only fun once. If I do an NG+, I choose to import the maps, since a NG+ is only done to try out different teams. I've already seen the labyrinth before and went joyfully blindly through it once, but I don't need to again since it won't really be a blind experience anymore due to memory retaining aspects of it.
  22. They could give us both Classic Barbarian and Chronicles Prettyboy Redhead. Smash has done similar things before, it wouldn't be anything new.
  23. Hmm... I can't think of any BR, CQ, or Rev. map that looks like that. Only C6 looks like the Leo and Elise BHB. Is the map upside-down here? Isn't the island in middle of the river in the north in Fates? Here it is to the south. Did they decide to flip it because FEH has been reusing Fates Chapter 6 Fates so much they had to do something to make it seem new? If it is upside-down, then Nohr should be on the right, which Leo and Elise are.
  24. Excellent news! They're keeping the Labyrinth of the World Tree alive even with the end of the 3DS. The map mechanic is indeed going to be difficult to deal with in a transition to a new system, since the DS/3DS line and its dual screens is now sadly destined for death without successors. Nonetheless, ye olde SMT: Nocturne was a generally excellently made 3D dungeon crawler, and with some dedicated workers, a superior modernized version of that is possible I believe (haven't played P5 or any Persona, or SMTIV: Apocalypse yet so I don't know if any of those succeed where SMTIV failed). The Switch is the most logical new planting grounds for Yggdrasil. Since up to this point, the franchise has been entirely on Nintendo systems. PC might be able to reach a larger audience though, so I can see it being released on this and the Switch. The PS4 sounds like a bizarre idea to me, scarcely less than iOS/Android. And looking at the silhouettes: The one furthest to the right is certainly a new Eastern Warrior class judging from the hat, right now I'll tentatively call it "Yojimbo" due to Final Fantasy using that look and name. The center one is very obviously it seems to me to be an armored European male warrior of some sort. Left of Yojimbo is some animal and someone sitting close next to it, as though they belonged together, a new Rover-like class? I'll take the summon row again. Left of the Rover? I'm guessing its somebody sitting down crosslegged with a biwa lute across its lap. A new buffer like the Troubadour? I'm not so sure on this silhouette though. And this isn't really related, but can Atlus confirm/deny whether EOX is coming aboard? It is releasing in Japan in a couple days (8-2). Not that I should be complaining, since I've still EOV to clear, I'm working through the 25th, level 63, and will soon be facing the final boss.
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