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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. There is an irony to the revival, that it happens right after Nergal dies. The entire reason he pursued the dark arts in the first place was for the power to bring back his wife. And lo, the indisputable master of darkness Bramimond brings back Nergal's daughter. Rather tragic actually. And it makes this Deus Ex Machina a little less of a posterior tug.
  2. Pink was, so I was told by a history professor, once a boy's color, circa late 1800s-early 1900s. Pink is a very light shade of red, red is the color of blood, and blood and guts and sweat is a very MANLY thing. Pink being an immature red, is thus the appropriate color for an immature man, a boy. The Japanese Bara stereotype is effeminate male bodybuilders. The stereotype is offensive to gays though. You sometimes see it in video games, like with the carpenters in Zelda, notice how when you set them free from Gerudo imprisonment in OoT they leave with arms swaying so carefree? Also most of the Paul-Jasmine bandit duos in FE (Pain and Agony are not Bara). I think this Machoke card from Pokemon I remember seeing as a kid might hint at Bara too, but I'm not totally sure. It's a Pokemon anyhow, don't want to read too much into it.
  3. I have a Classic Lunatic run stopped at Hinoka the chapter, he has two Hexing Rods (why not just go with Staff Savant?). The beginning of the ending stat crippling obnoxiousness, oh well, whenever I get to it, I've like five fliers who can kill him, plus a VP Hexing Rod of mine own hehe (without the rewards, Lunatic was simply too much for me). And if they ever get to adding personal Staffs via refine, make his a Hexing for sure. If you skip Lyn Mode, I believe they don't exist. Nor does Afa's Drops or the Tactician's Affinity Hit/Avoid/Crit Evade bonus. Mark and Lyn Mode were clearly aping IS's other series, Advance Wars (which is now sadly dead, maybe romancing Sami is what is needed to revive it, so be it if it must come to that). FE6 released on 29th March, 2002, FE7 on 25th April, 2003, AW1 came out in the US on September 10th, 2001 (...not the best of dates it turned tragically out to be, which might be why the Japanese standalone version was scrapped). AW1 has a aesthetic as child friendly, colorful, and cartoony as FE6, with a matching dissonantly high difficulty and unbalanced gameplay. Perhaps is coincidental though, the same cannot be said of the similarities between AW and FE7 though I would think. FE7's difficulty and balance, like AW2's is less severe and more evened out, and so too does the aesthetic move away from its super-kiddy nature to a somewhat more realistic one. FE7's Lyn Mode and Mark directly parallel the long set of tutorial battles where you are self-inserted as an Advisor being trained by Nell apart from the main story. No Advisor, nor story segregated Tutorial are found in any other AW. The Advisor appears and is frequently mentioned in the main campaign, but ultimately does nothing but help the stupid Max and utterly brainless Andy. The triple lordlings, a balanced boy, a power heavy man, and a more lithe female, is the same as Andy, Max, and Sami. ...Where was I going with this? I'm not sure actually. Maybe it was to make the point FE's first attempt at an avatar was not rooted in the same spirit that would drive the creation of Kris-Robin-Corrin whatsoever? I will say I agree Robin Mark not existing at all is absolutely fine by me. Lyn Mode as long as it's optional is fine, just buff Lyn's crummy bases more than they are if LM is skipped, and the same for the rest of the LM crew barring like Dorcas. P.S. If we must get a non-FE crossover, make it AW and give me a Green Earth banner, you can leave out Javier BTW.
  4. C13 wasn't really that hard to me. (A play log with various musing up to before C15 if you're interested, includes real SPOILERS for those who haven't played the game and might want to give it a try.) In a week from now at most, I should probably have VC1 finished, and thus I could move on to VC4 when I get it with a clear conscience.
  5. Actually, Libra was the most popular male from Awakening's 1st Gen that wasn't in the game yet according to CYL. Surprising yes, but to be fair, he didn't have many rivals with much of 1st Gen maledom in FEH already. They needed a male to avoid claims of pandering to waifu-lovers, and he was their best option for the theme.
  6. The red in her clothes says more Cardinal Mag Bomb to me than Pope Recruity Cutie. But maybe she has invented her own religious office. The Miter on Karel anyone? Make him the Sword Saint? Or perhaps someone rather devilish for the irony.
  7. What logic is it that he isn't in FEH yet? In ye olde FE6 poll, he ranked 2nd, only Roy (who is not my boy unless the genetic tests confirm it) outdid him. He is also a fairly nice character for a Navarre, second maybe only to Zihark.
  8. People tend to point this out to stay 2-range lock isn't so bad. The issue is that barring an indoors map with walls to be shot over, or maybe a river, the number of enemies you'll be able to enemy phase will still be lower than that of one with 1-2 range. You have to intentionally skim the very edge of enemy ranges, a 1-2 ranger can move in however far they want and not care if they can live through it. Rebecca can move 2 spaces into the enemy's range, Marcus can move 5, which can significantly affect your options on the next turn having a unit that much further ahead. And 1-2 range does not automatically make a unit superior to one without it, but if we have two units, both have the stats to do the same thing to the same degree, which in this case is attacking enemies on the enemy phase and living through it all. They both 2RKO the enemies, ORKO them, they can live through four rounds of combat, six, whatever it is, they can both do it. Then in these circumstances the 1-2 range unit is superior, if they can survive the additional attacks of moving in further, if this is possible. If the 1-2 unit cannot move in any further due to lacking durability or obstacles, it's a tie at worst for the 1-2 unit. In what scenario would the 2 range-locked unit be superior? Never, I think. Which is why FE tries to make 1-2 weaker than pure 2 range, pure 1 range, or softlocked 2-range units, like Lucius, in ways situationally stronger than 1-2 could be. Bows are effective on fliers, Magic targets Resistance, the frail Ninjas of Fates debuff their foes and almost always have access to Poison Strike. New Mystery crippled the stats on Javelins and Hand Axes, but this didn't stop Awakening, which inherited these nerfed stats, from making 1-2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 range on non-Lunatic+ difficulties and optimal Galeforce teams. Fates on the other hand largely did do a better job of making 1-2 range not so great, except on the elder brothers with their legendaries. But I think I've gone off enough of a tangent.
  9. One, alts can correct that for some oldies. (Why didn't they have this mode ready for the past two Seasonal banners?) Two, if there is ever a time when they need some event to fluff up the calendar, they could consider tossing the oldies in one of these, like BHBs in a way. It all depends how much time it takes to write the supports I think. The more effort involved, the less likely the already extant cast will get in them.
  10. What do- MY TOE! Ouch that hurts! No. That door was certainly not there before. Should I manually count each and every bit of sand to verify NASA's assertion that there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand in all of the beaches on Earth combined?
  11. According to Jaffar, she didn't. He was weak, but he was still able to run from those who sought to claim the bounty on the Angel of Death. Nino was but a child, hardly a member of the Black Fang, under the protection of Hector and Eliwood, she could've easily led a life in peace in Lycia, and no one would have known otherwise. But no, one day, entrusting her children to Lucius while she was gone, she went off to pursue Jaffar. With her single-minded determination, she found him at last, in a remote village in Ilia. She then nursed the Angel, who was becoming worn from years of relentless pursuit, who had been through such the day since he left, the day he noticed the warmth rising in Nino's being. It was for her sake and his children's sake that he fled, but Nino wrongly to him, placed him before their progeny, his last gift to her. Their reunion spawned the greatest, simplest and most quiet affections ever known to humankind, despite the cold hovel in which they were born. in Nino's mind of a paradisiacal fever, there was the belief he would be able to see the two bundles he had given her, she had never had the chance to say it was twins. And wanting it to be a surprise, she never did. This paradise amounted to scarcely more than two weeks, for Jaffar had been afflicted by the comfort of his Nino, and had grown complacent. His killer instinct, which had endowed him with sixth sense of detecting the slightest danger from a hundred miles away, had dulled to naught. The hounds came quickly in the night, he awoke to the sound born of human navigation, the careless missteps of his predators. Leaving Nino asleep beneath the thin bedsheet, in a room the hunters would not so easily stumble upon, he quickly drew his daggers once more. He could feel he had slowed within ten paces from the dirt on which he had laid, but already had a plan in mind. He dare not let her know of this, not while the threat was immediate, she he knew would risk herself to save him, and to see her die before him was something he could not bear the thought of. He needed to see exactly what vultures had come for him, once he knew them and the hunting fields, he determine whether he could bite the snakes that were lunging at him, or if he would have to flee, or if he would have to draw them away from the hovel as much as he could, before finally yielding his neck to their mouths. While the chase was on, Nino in her slumber felt the absence of her beloved at her side. She awoke, it was not a simple stroll in the night he had gone on, to see all his clothes, including the fresh cloth she had brought him, his shoes, and the knives all were no longer there. She knew something was wrong, she knew he must be fleeing from those dogged pursuers. Yet she would not let him go off alone, and his trail was still a half hour fresh, far more ripe a trail than she had ever had finding him again. She followed, and as she noticed steps in the footsteps of Jaffar, she realized if she continued, she would see what in mankind would haunt her dear for eternity. She heard his voice in her head, begging with demand that she not do this, the fiends shall scalp the sweetest soul if it should adore the infamous Angel. Pausing for a moment, Nino changed her course, keeping to her objective of finding her husband, but without meeting his tormentors along the way. It was dark, but the waning crescent lit the sky, as did the torches of the scarred, smiling, sword drawn scavengers. She saw him, dashing away from them and her alike, she thought she could make out marks of blood upon the frozen heaps of snow as he ran. They followed, and she was horrified. To see the mere silhouettes of them, they struck greatest fear into her, even though she had been of a league of assassins! They were no worse than the worst, but to know they were his monsters made it so hard to keep such a calm as she had in her innocence about. Afraid of losing him having been with him again after so long, she had to protect him. But had she? She had no weapons, nor tomes, and her magic she had given up practice of since the Fang had fallen and the Gate shut again. Nonetheless, she knew she came from a great family of mages, and had cast spells without the catalysts of tomes plenty before, she would do it again, should it drain her of her soul, if it kept her Jaffar alive. With haste and caution she ran, to save him and slay those hunters, so optimistic she was. But this was not to be. Jaffar had blundered terribly, into a mountain vale where there was nowhere to ascend easily. He tried, but only wasted time, he could not flee, so he would have to kill. Using what precious little time he had, Jaffar turned around, his will silenced his pains, and he prepared his senses to pick up on all aspects of his enemies. They approached, and he was ready to greet them. When Nino arrived, of the twelve which appeared present, Jaffar had sliced through four and was engaged with the rest, she could perceive he was wounded, and might not make it through them all. But from a ridge above, she breathed deeply and prepared to launch a great flame on the gathered wolves. Unable to truly concentrate and her skills dulled, and her spell went awry, it was neither as strong nor as accurate as she had hoped. It did catch them by surprise, but she was unsteady afterwards, and she had failed to notice the archer, who taking the flame as from a phantom creation of the hellish Angel of Death turned and took aim at her. The arrow, laced with poison, pierced her side. She collapsed to the ground, but in the moment of her fall, she saw it happen. Jaffar had lunged at the archer just before it's arrow flew, had it not been for him, her heart would have become its quiver. Jaffar then in a breathless chain slashed one after the other of his demons, by the time her head knocked the cold, wet snow, they were all dead. Closing her eyes, for how long, she could not tell, she opened them again to find Jaffar by her side. He was bleeding out, no amount of salves nor staffs could save him, he had lost just so much, it was as that awful day so many years ago. He spoke, in pain, he had saved her, and she then noticed that where the arrow had gone, Jaffar had made a tourniquet, having torn off part of his own garb to do so, he had nothing more to fear from frostbite. He said he removed the affected area quickly, the toxin will not kill her now. He then asked the one thing he could, ...why? On this dark, silent night, tears from heaven flowed, like the first snowmelt of the Spring. Collapsed in her arms, she responded, it was for him, it was for them. She apologized profusely. Each time he muttered something, increasingly incoherent as he sunk further on her and his brain became deprived of blood, she answered back. Caught in such lament and regret, she forgot and never told him of his two sons, with her purity of soul, and the one with his devilish smirk. He then ceased to speak, had Death claimed its emissary. His residual vital heat kept her alive through the rest of the night. She then stripped him of his outermost layers and wearing them, brought his body back to the nearest village. She begged the priest to bury him, and looking at such a sad sight, he agreed to do so at no cost to her, she was already broke. A simple gravestone was erected, "In Whom I Saw A Precious Soul" she had engraved on it, to place his name and title on them, would desecrate him with the stigma of pariah which had ruined him all his life. As the thin oak coffin was lowered into the ground, not very deep due to Ilia's permafrost, she wanted to fall and join him, but she did not. A few villagers, noticing this young woman of profound sorrows, asked her if there was anything they could do to help. She remember what she had left behind in Lycia, and asked for a quill and some parchment. She wrote that she was an acquaintance of a young woman named Nino, to whom she had strangely told that should she and her husband die, that she should write to a Father Lucius of Araphen informing him of this. May those whom she had entrusted him with, he raise into wonderful human beings like their father before them, for she can no longer. With some money given by the villagers, Nino then entrusted this letter to a passing Pegasus Knight and paid her to deliver it. So shattered by the death of the one whom she loved and no one else would, she lacked the strength to follow up on Jaffar's last request and return to their children. She changed her name, and set up a life in the village, tending to Jaffar's grave every day and doing basic chores to earn a simple living there amongst the native residents. None dared to ask about her past, though the requiems and dirges she came to sing hinted at it. In spite of not wanting to live anymore, she clung to life for more than a half decade afterwards.
  12. I was going on IF she lived until Binding. But Lugh for some reason (hint- Nino didn't exist at the time) knows that his parents lived until he was 4, according to what he says in his Melady support. Lugh says he is two years younger than Roy in his Ellen support, who is 15, so he is 13. Nino is 14 in Blazing, because she says so in her Canas support. So deduct 9 from 999, the year Binding happens, to get 991. Blazing Eliwood/Hector Mode happens in 980. 991 - 980 = 11. 14 + 11 = 25. NIno was 25 when she died.
  13. Nino has the best promotion. From loli to mature young lady in a half-minute, who else does that in FE? They really should've given us a 33 years old Nino in FEH, 33 being how old she'd be in Binding were she still alive. Wrong! Nino Green >>>> Gwendolyn Pink. But Farina Blue bests them both. And Sophia Lavender loses to them all. ...Actually, I think I should try doing this- tiering all the shades of hair color in FE. I'll get to it after I finally decide whether a Fire Emblem Kart game should feature a Baby Nowi. Micthighiah exists, and her thighs have a longer best by date than Lyn's. Except she LIES! and doesn't tell you that line is 100% generic fare in Japan and translations. Do not trust Nino, ever. Her professed illiteracy is also a lie, since everyone in FE is literate for some reason, despite Medieval European literacy being restricted mostly to the elite, and more so the priestly elite than the secular.
  14. Unless it's a 4* merge project, I'm never going to pay much attention to lv 40 stats and natures when I jump in (unless they choose to make these things visible at last). What you don't know, you can't be so disappointed about. Ignorance can be a form of bliss, and it isn't like the planet is going to die due to ignorance of FEH statlines.
  15. Those two statements were not related, was the period invisible to you? Roy could stand in as a Leo is what I meant with him, I meant nothing about his virginity. Although his FE6 self should keep it (because he looks like a minor), his Melee self should prepare to lose it, and his Smash 4 self has already thrown it away and ain't shedding a tear about it. IS did quite strategically chose all of Roy's ladies, one for every country (I'm counting Guinevere, and Larum for the Western Isles) and each in a high political position, a diverse palette for the perfect son of Elibe. FE6 Remake really needs to give non-Roy characters paired endings, ideally one that reunites Igrene and her dear Astolfo.
  16. Gotta agree, Awakening hasn't had a 1st Gen New Heroes Banner before and it's been over a year, let it have it. Speaking of Blazing and Awakening. Blazing has a playable cast of 44, counting Nils and Ninian separately. Awakening has 51 counting the Robgans twice once for each sex. However, this isn't exactly the same. Since none of Blazing's villains are playable, and adding three of the Four Fangs, plus Nergal, Sonia, and Limstella (all feasible additions), and we get 50 distinct non-alt characters total that FE7 could add. Awakening gains two Grimas and a Validar from including villains, but nothing more since the rest of the major villains are PCs. This puts Awakening at 54, just four more than Blazing, the two have almost identical potential rosters sizes for FEH when you look at it like this. Also, Venmi did this back in June, but I think it is worth having on hand (if a little messy): And lastly, the playable roster sizes of each game as I counted them and as alluded to above, just to have this on record again:
  17. "Realistic" is not quite realism here. It's realistic idealism. And the ideal in question excludes body hair on males owing to it being an "imperfection". Nipples are presumably also an imperfection, since for males they just happen to be there, useless owing to male mammary glands being non-functional and thus breastfeeding their lone biological purpose, impossible. They are a bizarre blight upon the perfect male form; originating as it turns out, I believe I heard, in developing in the womb prior to sexual differentiation. Cartoons are not concerned with heroic, beautiful ideal forms, permitting these "ugly" imperfections of the human being to exist there. In fact, some children's cartoons indulge in lowbrow, crude, non-sexual humor, which bodily anomalies and oddities work well with. Allowing for such imperfections also allows cartoons to spread positive messages such as "everyone is beautiful in their own way" and "being there is nothing wrong with being different", which is good for the psychological development of children according to modern society. I myself have through the years been conditioned to accept the normative ideals, rooted perhaps in Greco-Roman-Indian Antiquity, and later adopted and modified by modern Japanese entertainment. Not always do I find beauty according to them, but they nonetheless have a certain hold over my aesthetic judgements. Virgo could be just about any maiden FE has, particularly ones who canonically or can possibly die a virgin. Roy as the "Young Lion" (the title going by his puny FE6 self makes no sense) as Leo would make sense.
  18. I don't think playing FE6 is needed to figure this out. You need to take 3 four Move units, all of whom you must train up, and get them to surround a single enemy. That is a huge investment. And being of such low Move, unlike the Pegs, for whom the Triangle Attack in many games is already inefficient because the position might require "wasting" the actions of one or two of them from what would be ideal, the Armors will have a hard time even setting up the TA in the first place barring turtling I could see. Even if we just assume Bors and Barthe just so happen to be used, and thus don't make it about investing in three units vs. one, the issue of getting into position for TAs and whether that is really worth it is still relevant. The problem I found with this is his Str wasn't too amazing, and while his Def was very good, his Res was single digits bad. Wary Fighter being only available to Generals and there being no Knight woman he can pillowtalk the secrets of Knighthood from is another blow to him as an Oni. Even a sluggish Dark Knight could probably doubly roast him to near death. Insofar as I can tell, Hinata is excellent Defensive Stance fodder. Oni gives +4 Str and +2 Def (Chieftain bumps the Def to +4), Samurai gives +4 Spd. And he comes at level 10 so you can promote him whenever you get a spare Master Seal for an extra point or two on the bonuses he gives. Promotion also gives Master of Arms access, which is a balanced +2 Str/Skl/Spd/Def. He has something for anyone not-magical/wanting Res. I'm going to largely stay out of the worst of the worst debate otherwise.
  19. Except for the gluten free vegans. (No offense to them, healthier is better after all.) But otherwise, you're right. Five Guys for me. I just wish they gave less fries since I like to space out my burger consumption rate in accordance with the quantity of fries provided.
  20. Not sure, but I do recall one of the Mythbuster guys said when he was younger he hooked up a tuba to the toilet, so every time you flushed, the whole house heard it. What is your opinion on bubblewrap as wallpaper? (That was the original intent behind the product.)
  21. Even though I already have asked in the past for two requests, neither easy, and although I technically asked to wait until Nils got officially in FEH on the one that is listed, may I ask for a third? I mean you have every right to deny me. But I'm just going to post the request in case it gets anyone's creative juices flowing. And for the record I'll consider myself, satisfied with the FE7 scene request, since I didn't expect someone to make a Nils, and him and the entire scene turned out beautifully (thank youuuuuuuuu!). Since a Blazing Banner has recently speaking passed, it will be a long time until another, and I could, if I really wanted to, just ask for a quick update of the Nils sprite when that comes a year or however long from now. Okay, this request is a little complicated, again. Or rather I'm trying to be detailed in define how it should look. Even though I don't name a single sprite part in this explanation. It involves 2 characters. The first character is Leif. The second character is Lifis. Explanation (Note, you do not need to read this if you just want to assemble this request): Now what do I want with this? First, no background is necessary. If you want to add one, a generic dungeon/indoor will work, outside would be a little strange for this to me. Second, Leif: Thirdly, for Lifis: So, what to call this scene then? Figure it out yet? (Note, you don't need to read this if you just want to construct the scene.) ...And this is the last of the grand ideas of mine. Good riddance you probably think.
  22. I do dislike Valtome, but that that isn't the reason why. The actual reason is because they STOLE the laugh of somebody else! ...Sorry, got a little too in character there. Speaking normally again, Zelgius being Branded and making him so insecure might explain his stoicism somewhat. But indeed he is lacking in emotion I agree. To an extent, I see this in Ike. Although the circumstances surrounding the two are very different, they are, in their passionate love for swordplay, blue hair masculinity, and being students of Greil, "brothers", or birds of a feather at least, in a way. As for more unintentionally funny scenes, I do recall the Hector exclusive Chapter 25: Crazed Beast's introduction. Sonia sets free and builds up the reputation of a man called Pascal Grentzer, said to be a former Four Fang who massacred villages and was incredibly powerful. In gameplay, he is just a Paladin with a Spear, he is a cinch to kill. All that buildup, and even having the chapter named after you (it should be called "Filler: Hector's Folly" (at least the map is fun and creative, and has Farina)), and you're cake. Major disconnect here. And as I had posted on the FEH general topic, Ricken attacking Aversa and saving Maribelle in Awakening Chapter 5: Ricken used Elwind and got Aversa to say: Nngh! W-wind magic? And gameplay makes me laugh at that. Because Ricken shouldn't have as much as moved a hair on her given how weak he is and how strong she is. She wasn't even on her mount at the time, so no effective bonus.
  23. I'm thinking this would have accounted for the Julian-Gregorian shift. But yes, understanding how natural nuclear fusion reactors tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, of lightyears away could possibly influence human lives on Earth and determine everything about them, is certainly beyond NASA's purview. But hey, I found it entertaining to hear of this at least. People who do believe in horoscopes pretty much ignored the data and continue to use the old system I believe. Even though India, whilst maintaining the Zodiac of the Greeks, did use a more accurate over long periods of time calculation method (Sidereal, as opposed to Tropical) for the Zodiac, one which is closer to NASA's data.
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