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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Call it planned obsolesce. Not familiar with that term? It's when they try to sell you something, which invariably they replace in the not too distant future with a better version of. Like smartphone models. It isn't quite that they plan to make Libra obsolete here, but they do leave the door open to a forge boost later. They're tempting you with the weapon in the artwork, so now you'll really want it when it comes! ...Except I don't think that'd bring in any money doing this, which is kinda what planned obsolesce is supposed to do. Unless they make Dew/Coins buyable via Orb conversion in some way. Can we have the falling rocks too? And maybe follow it with, I don't really know, a Grand Conquest that replicates 3-12? And by that, I mean Sanaki and her entourage getting slathered in oil. Although maybe this time they should actually go the full distance and make it hot oil.
  2. For people complaining of split votes, I have a new idea, include all the alts in CYL3. Can Camilla still rise to the top when there are four of her around? This won't be able to do anything about a bunch of popular alted characters due to already having Braves, but it might work to drag down a few. What is the risk of Takumi sans alts of sneaking into the top of All the Bravest 3?
  3. Plus postmodernism tends to leave society in the dark about what it should do. It declares the old standards no longer sacred, without providing any sort of replacement. People are left wandering in the dark, when they may want guidance. And since everything is rendered relative, everything is equal and hence there is no reason to value anything more over anything else, including peace and tolerance. The result is that rather than chill things, postmodernism can open the doors for more conflict. To put it in terms relevant here, why should I care to respect Lyn at all? She is trash, and if you think she is good, you're trash, because me finding you trash is equally valid as me not finding you trash, so why should I choose the latter? Of course you could then respond and force me to call Marcus trash and Lyn good, because that is equally valid as you not doing that. Does anyone seriously want more of that? Postmodernism has its value, but relativity to the maximum degree should be restricted to the flow of spacetime and other scientific concepts.
  4. One of my favorites. An electrified boss battle remix that manages to be different and yet equally good to the original. Out of a childhood love for this, a 10/10. Fighting of the Spirit, from Tales of Symphonia
  5. Sain as a Mercenary: Growths: HP: 85 (+5) Str: 65 (+5) Skl: 35 (0) Spd: 44 (+4) Lck: 35 (0) Def: 23 (+3) Res: 25 (+5) By a tiny margin, better. Bases: 17 HP (-2) 7 Str (-1) 10 Skl (+6) 9 Spd (+3) 4 Lck (0) 4 Def (-2) 0 Res (0) and 9 Con (0). Well between swordlock and his new Skl stat, Sain's missing days are over. The loss of Javelin and WTC isn't good, but these are mighty fine for a level 1 Merc, save maybe that HP. With Cleric Kent on hand at all times, he'll stay alive through Lyn Mode and all. His Str will still explode, and once a Hero Crest is obtained, he'll be Hand Axing the world. He'll end up playing like Raven normally does, barring that initial HP. Normal Mode Raven as a Shaman: Growths: 55(-30)/60(+5)/32(-8)/43(-2)/25(-10)/17(-8)/25(+1) Bases: 23(-2)/6(-2)/4(-7)/7(-6)/2(0)/3(-2)/5(+4) and 7 Con. Raven starts at level 5, and Canas who comes in the next fight at level 8 normally, has overall better bases than this, including 4 more Mag. This stated, with his higher Mag growth and comparable Spd, Raven should do a decent job of replacing him. Odd, my numbers ended up slightly differently. (And as you can see, I've messed with checking out some others too.) Lordwen: Growths: 105(+15)/40(+10)/30(0)/47(+17)/60(+10)/40(0)/27(-3) Bases: 22(-1)/9(+2)/7(+2)/7(0)/9(+2)/0(0) and 14 Con (+4) Fighter Lucius will have 11 Str and 12 Spd at base, with 85 and 38 growths respectively. His problem will be 2 Luck and a 0 growth. But that offense looks mighty fine, I'd gamble with him. Legault, like Matthew, will also end up being really good due to going from the terrible Thief to Lord (Eiiwood): Growths: 100(+40)/65(+40)/40(-5)/65(+5)/60(0)/35(+10)/20(-5) Normal Mode Bases: 28(+2)/10(+2)/15(+4)/13(-2)/10(0)/11(+3)/3(0) and 10 Con (+1). 100 HP and 35 Def with 60 Lck? Good durability growths. 65 in both Str and Spd? Those solid bases are going to become maddening with some levels, he'll be one amazing horsie as a Knight Lord.
  6. Chicken or the egg? Did they decide the children would be scattered before they considered the plot and gameplay implications of this? Or did they first make a plot/gameplay decision, and then decide to justify it with lore? Having each child in their own totally separate location seems awfully convenient. Why is it not even two of them ever met up again, or that they ended up in the same location? Some Risen followed Lucina through her wormhole's path, it is therefore not absolutely required by metaphysical law then that everyone ends up alone. Other stories with timespace crossings use individuals who go astray at different times, but also have groups that get through together without issue. To think on Super Robot Taisen: Original Generations 2, a cliched case of this, Axel and Lamia ended up apart from Vindel and the rest of the Shadow Mirrors, Lamia arrived later than them, whereas Axel crossed last, but came out on the other side months earlier than anyone else. And as I also said, I can accept gameplay taking priority over plot, which I do think it did here. And this isn't just me picking on Fire Emblem, Tales of Graces is just awfully safe and undercooked with its plot, but at least it is fun to play. FE even has a gameplay-connected excuse for the plot problem here, Graces has none. Gemstone security confirmation works well enough for me as an excuse. If they're secure, no fear that Grima will return, thus averting the doomed future (of course, she didn't expect Grima themselves to follow and upset that). It also keeps her from having to intervene more directly. The excuse she wanted to test herself, well that is slightly unusual for a female (Mia being an exception), so that is somewhat refreshing, because Lucina is no Ike. Presumably she realized the assassination was coming and needed to prioritize stopping that. That the course of current events thus deviated after the assassination failed, led her to need to keep tabs on them as opposed to assuming to know what was happening. Also, three years? I think the post-Gangrel arc skip is one year. And I don't think she wanted the Gemstones for herself, why put them all in one basket? She only sought to make sure they were protected as is. Lucina might not even be confident enough in herself to trust herself with protecting any of them.
  7. The Chrom-Masked Marth duel gets wayyyy overemphasized for how little of the game it is. I'm sure other games have a similar issue where that one moment gets too much importance though, even if I can't name one right now. I've just realized said opening to Awakening, IIRC, has Emmeryn and Grima, representing the first and last arcs of the game, but I can't think of a single moment that is Valmese. You think that part of the game might be filler? While I have continually criticized the absence of children beyond Lucina whatsoever in the plot (some would say this is true of most PCs, which IS true, but at least Sain (to pick anyone) is guaranteed to join and is thus implied to the entire time- you may never meet the kids at all), I will admit it is like this for a decent reason. That reason being gameplay. Forced kids denies the player the freedom to pair at the pace of their own leisure, it would also get rid of the hair color choice via breeding. I don't think it is impossible to have the kids in the story without pairing getting in the way (hoods, implied stuff offscreen sometimes mentioned onscreen, fixed good stats if no pairing and on a map as an unrecruitable NPC), but it is easier if they aren't. And BTW, I'm a gameplay >>>> plot person (generally speaking), if I wasn't, I wouldn't have done as I have and mashed start through every moment of Fates and SoV's stories. So I can understand the tradeoff. Even more when you consider that unlike FE4, where every Gaius and Gaia can be fielded and thus accruing love, you can only bring a handful of units to a given fight in FE13. Without constant unit rotation or grinding, you will have spinsters. The total gameplay freedom of Awakening means you can make a full set of Galeforce babies, just a handful of nonoptimals, or practice abstinence and pair not at all barring Lucina (which is 9/10 runs how I played). Nonetheless, I can say all this and still have a valid criticism.
  8. Sounds like the perfect opportunity for an alt. How much of a visual change that would bring, who knows? Could it mean a trip to the underworld, complete with some king/queen of the dead? It'd be more original than dragon-godism for FE.
  9. There are too many good ones in RD's finale to pick just one. PoR gives Ashnard a solid bunch as well. I'll pick one of the more serious ones:
  10. With Lin as his advisor, after a major makeover. Plus she is actually relevant there, and has one very awesome CG moment. Forsythe was there too, in old age having worked up the military ladder to the top, with a personal theme reminiscent of Radiant Dawn.
  11. Can I just ask one little question? Sorry if this makes me seem like an action platformer wimp (I'll confess to not being any higher than average here), but are there any form of save states/restore points like in Mega Man Legacy Collection? I enjoyed MMX1 on my Wii U, and it wasn't too hard, I got through most of it without issue, but for the few real nasty moments, and not having to redo the entire level after losing all my lives to a boss (which is bound to happen at least a few times), restore points removed the old school frustration.
  12. Which begs the question why she even went to Regna Ferox and became the one proxy in the first place now that I think about it. Why? If she intended to go there, because she knew it was about time for her daddy to face Lon'qu the proxy in her world, then that makes sense on the surface. The issue is that if she went there to become proxy with the intent of using that position to meet Chrom and then tell him about the doomed future and try to stop it, which is the only thing that makes sense to me, then she failed. She told Chrom nothing there, why I don't know. She seems to not want to tell Chrom about the future because she doesn't want to mess with time's flow too openly, but she going to RF only makes sense if she wanted to openly mess with time. The idea she would just go to RF for kicks makes no sense given she came back in time not for fun, but to stop a hulking dragon and evil cult. Outside of the all-too-important Chrom/assassination save, she doesn't really do much during her time as "Marth". This doesn't seem right, and would have been easily correctible if the children had banded together somehow instead of just chillin elsewhere over two continents.
  13. Non-Seasonal alts steal spots, simple. IS keeps New Heroes banners at 3-4 characters, regardless of whether there are alts on them or not. If in addition to Wino we had Karla, Legault, Nils, and maybe Rath (you could name any two, it doesn't have to be Nils and or Rath), then things wouldn't be so bad. Even worse is the Thracia banner, Swordhart is a feasible idea based on FE5 yes (as in not totally contrived), but nonetheless, the banner only brought two new characters from Thracia on it, the game with the least representation. If we had Perne and Osian on it for a 6 character smorgasbord, it'd be fine, but IS insisted on keeping the New Heroes to 4. By "steal", I'm not singling out any character the alt stole from, but they stole a spot from someone. Unless X happened to be the only VA in today and didn't feel like voicing anyone other than somebody they already worked on, they could have given that spot to any character not in Heroes.
  14. Excuse me! An interactive anime is what saved the franchise. Are you referring to the two DLC 64 stages? I get the sense they were aiming for 64-bit retro simplicity/nostalgia. But the problem is 64-bit graphics are just ugly, nothing to be nostalgic for, unlike 8-bit and 16-bit. Even the Retro Mario costume in Odyssey got a touch up, only the one other thing didn't get an upgrade.
  15. Reminds me Kirby Super Star Ultra let you play Spring Breeze with a friend using only one copy of the game. The second player had to look over at the first player's screen, since it wouldn't show the action on their own DS. The image they used to show this had Kirby and Waddle Dee sitting in adjacent chairs. But IRL, it'd probably be better to just have one player sit atop the other. Now that is what you call co-op. Admit, that like a real funky blue cheese mold, they have something of appreciable flavor to them. Random thoughts floating through the ether of the Internet, recorded for the duration of mankind's existence. C'est la vie.
  16. Sure. Archer Matthew Growths: HP: 95 (+20) Str: 60 (+30) Skl: 35 (-5) Spd: 62 (-8) Lck: 45 (-5) Def: 35 (+10) Res: 15 (-5) For the petty Skl/Lck/Res losses, Matthew DOUBLES his Str growth. That plus a still large 62 Spd means he should be one heckuva Archer. Bases are as follows: 20 HP (+2) 5 Str (+1) 6 Skl (+2) 5 Spd (-6) 2 Lck (0) 4 Def (+1) 0 Res (0) and 8 Con (+1). Gosh he loses Spd, and these bases on the whole aren't pretty, but 60/62 offensive growths will make him a killer investment unit. Definitely wants some Lyn Mode love, that should bring him to the doubling point before too long. 8 Con means only 1 AS loss with Steel too, so he can go and grab one no probs.
  17. Guy's Cav Growths: HP: 80 (+5) Str: 30 (0) Skl: 50 (0) Spd: 58 (-12) Lck: 45 (0) Def: 15 (0) Res: 20 (-5) Nearly identical, a little worse due to due the Spd loss, but 58 is still quite high. The class growth for Str is 35 for Cav and Myrm Str, Guy must have a -5 personal here. Normal Mode Guy bases when altered become: 25 HP (+4) 7 Str (+1) 4 Skl (-7) 7 Spd (-4) 5 Lck (0) 9 Def (+4) 0 Res (0) and 6 Con. Well he is more durable, if much less accurate and slower, which he'll grow out of with time. Not bad, he just has his good bases and his good growths in the opposite places. His 5 base Con is strangely 3 below that of the Male Myrm class base, 5 Con is the base of a female Myrm (is Guy actually Gal and Matthew is blackmailing the truth?), which hurts as a Cav since it keeps him from using even Iron Lances without AS loss.
  18. So: 18 HP 1 Mag 1 Skl 2 Spd 7 Lck 1 Def 5 Res Eliwood is also losing in terms of growths: 40 HP (now 40), 15 Mag (so 30), 5 Skl, 13 Spd (for 27), 5 Lck, 7 Def. All to gain a monstrous additional 25 Res growth for a 60 factoring in his "personal" growth. He will wall magic users, and I say "wall" and not "tank", because to me "tank" means "to survive and shoot back", whereas a "wall", ideally, takes hits better than a tank, but lacks a good counterattack, and he certainly will. Looking at the other lords without showing the math on them, Hector is losing some everywhere, except for gaining a tiny bit of Res growth, and a touch more Def. He'll have a 0 Spd base and a 5% growth, call him consistent here at least. Lyn has the best prospects of the former lords. Surprisingly, Pirate and Lyn Lord have the same Str growth and base, and at base she has less Spd and not hardly more durability. Her Spd growth is now a 40 instead of 60, and 25 less Lck too cuts into dodgetanking. Hand Axes should however provide some solace, and she still can double and hurt things, unlike Eli. The same for Athos and Archsage, so he is going to go from god to Uhai fodder if made anything else. Other than Dark Druid or Fire Dragon of course. Or Bramimond (which is a somewhat worse Archsage with 3 less Con, 1 less Spd, and 5 less HP), but that that class has no weapons programmed for it (or does it have S Dark and Staffs?). It has no animations either way. Or Athos can go Dancer/Bard and not have to worry about having stats at all. Given the outcome on Eliwood's reclass, if this is a sign of how bad things might get with some units, then things should even out on the whole with OsWing begin really good. And you always have the choice of not fielding OsWing for a map if he is being too good, consider him a clutch. His bases I checked are the same in HP, Str, and Con as Paladin Marcus (aka a very awesome Jagen), with +2 Def, -1 Spd, and -5 Skl, Lck, and Res. OsWing has the advantage of being unpromoted for another 11 levels to gain, plus promotion bonuses. So in other words, just stick to HHM, it can be a fair challenge to novices, well until my core team got really rolling, which takes time, about until New Resolve I thought when hitting 20 and promotions really brought things down a notch. Sounds fun to me! The Killing Edge he starts with has 20 uses, the same as Nosferatu. So now he can Nostank his survival before dawn. Although Luna for keeping the crit-happy fun is good too. But lets check to see if he can still survive with Druid base alterations: 37/22/26/19/10/17/15 and 10 Con. That Skl should be 27, but the Male Druid caps at 26. He suffers 4 AS loss with Nosferatu now, but 15 Spd should be doubled by like nothing even on HHM I think. These are awesomely improved bases as a whole, owing to Assassin having practically nothing but Spd. In growths, Jaffar is going from a 15 Str to a 65 Mag! This should more than compensate for a loss of 15 Skl & Spd. A big fat 0 Lck growth is bearable given a 10 base and the Iron Rune not being that far away. He too should replace LunAthos in the final battle without much difficulty. Overall, he should do his future little tyke Raigh, proud.
  19. Because it isn't that obvious a connection, unless you see a documentary where someone is on a pilgrimage where every step of the way they get down and pray, with pads on their hands and knees to avoid injury. How much worse can a translation get than this?:
  20. The really bad places you should avoid are the ones with "fluffers". People who "fluff" you up, while you wait your turn. The whole reason they exist is so you spend less time with Venus, and thus she can move on to someone else sooner. Less time per client = more time for more clients = more money for them. But this probably isn't good for your experience. Of course, a fluffer has to get paid too, maybe not as much, but something. So for a brothel to hire one, they probably must have a sufficiently large clientele, so the owners must have to weigh whether the costs of hiring one will be less than the additional paying clients brought in that can be serviced. The microeconomics of prostitution, for some reason, it is interesting. You're FtL- Free to Lay.
  21. Why not OsWing? (Knight -> Wyvern Rider) Sure you already have 'becca for an early WR, but if they should play quite differently, that'll be fine. Or Oswin just becomes a demigod and you forget about Rebecca. Or maybe you use them both, WRs being good and all. Who knows? If you're changing growths as you said above, you'd be looking at for OsWing: HP: 90 (the same) Str: 45 (5 higher) Skl: 35 (5 higher) Spd: 45 (15 higher!) Lck: 35 (the same) Def: 52 (just 3 less) Res: 25 (5 lower) Tiny losses, huge Spd gain. Much more mobility, complete with flight. A Bow weakness too, but big deal if you keep the Bow effective bonus the international 2x as opposed to Nihon 3x. No Axes on promotion don't make that big a difference I think. And although you didn't say anything about adjusting bases, here is what OsWing would look like if you deducted Knight Class Bases and added WR Class Bases to Oswin's bases.: HP: 31 (+3) Str: 15 (+2) Skl: 10 (+1) Spd: 10 (+5!) Lck: 3 (the same) Def: 12 (-1) Res: 3 (the same) Con: 11 (-3) Massively helpful Spd gain again, if enemies don't get hacked some better stats, I'm pretty sure OsWing could wreck the game once he has a few procs under his scales. The Con loss doesn't affect Iron or Javelins, and is mitigated by the net Spd increase, which shall only grow with the higher Spd growth.
  22. I believe so, but if you aren't quite as pressed for time, there is the Victory or Death Secret Shop, Earth Seals and Ocean Seals alike are on sale there. As are Physics of course. Last time I ran through FE7, I recall almost entirely running out of Javelins and Hand Axes by the time I got to Sands of Time. Quite annoying given the sheer amount of 2 range there. I think the "Bern Arc" stretch of chapters are one of the best arguments against the old school "shop only in chapters with shops" approach of FE (not like anyone would argue in favor of it). I was concerned about your turn counts, and I can see you skipping VoL at this point, but now it's your Funds which still haven't recovered. Will they ever? How much Arena use can you get out of Battle Preparations? The Arena generates free money, no selling or obtaining of items to get it. The Armads chapter being a 0 requirements one is going to hurt for turns, unless you're going to Warp it, might be the best use of it in this context. Although skipping the Wolf Beil in the top right chest might not be a good idea, since it has a Funds value of 6000. Then again, The Berserker has two stealable stat boosters, which could further help Funds, but to bring a Thief means having to take things more slowly since no Warp can then be brought.
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