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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Rexaura exists as an alternative Light Magic tome for her. It is the SS Light tome, and the only other characters who can use it are Oliver, Rhys, and Laura. The latter two seem to me to be more likely to go Staff. Lekain ain't getting added for years, and Sephiran has his own personal Creiddylad. Rexaura gives +3 Def, but I don't think Micaiah has enough physical bulk for something similar in FEH.
  2. Yeah I cleared it a few years ago, although I don't remember the game intimately. And since you brought that up, THAT is how you DON'T use story outside of the game, with that audio drama and related novella.
  3. My pity goes to the datamine character. Linus was great, right? And now this one isn't killer at base. Since there was talk of Marth getting more alts earlier, someone posted, in response to me mentioning that I dreamt of Tokyo Mirage Sessions 2 being announced two nights ago in the general Smash Ultimate topic, here is a little video that is relevant. Takes place just before the start of the final battle, so SPOILERS:
  4. *Name looks very familiar* Indeed, the same composer as that of Etrian Odyssey and the 7th Dragon games. Which given their recency, means they're still quite active, and should have the will to do so if they aren't busy.
  5. I'm not ignoring them, I was playing SMTIV: Apocalypse yesterday. I just considered the real long and dull narrative-heavy moments to be, if lacking in interactivity indeed, spaced out enough for it to be not such an issue. I play the genre first and foremost for gameplay though, and certainly did ignore the games that really layer on the cutscenes. Never have tried FFXIII for instance. Quite true. Fates had its Hidden Truths DLC, which was a bad move (just unlock it after clearing Revelation once or something). And Shadows of Valentia had a lot of great information in its Valentian Accordion artbook, but very few fans will ever hear much less read that, to the detriment of Nuibaba and Deen at the very least. It also leaves some skepticism as to whether Nuibaba's past actually existed prior to the artbook, or whether they invented that ex post facto. Fernand is also hurt by his good side being heavily in DLC. But whether paid DLC counts as "extra material" is semi-debatable. The first couple movies would have nothing to do with Heroes, but eventually running low on ideas, they'd do a grand mashup of all of them, in a loose interpretation of Heroes.
  6. The Legendary Marth battle is yet another indoors one, which never makes things very easy since IS rarely individualizes the indoor terrain. My guess is Chapter 17 Shadow Dragon: Star and Savior, which is reused as Chapter 16 Mystery of the Emblem: Reclaim the Capital. You can look at the picture but with it bigger here. The diagonal slant going northwest-southeast is mirrored with the vertical straight two-space wall and lone wall southeast of it. Marth is sitting roughly where the throne should be, and the wall behind him should be the location of the Secret Shop. You also have the moat near the player starting area. This map is the interior of Castle Altea, it makes perfect sense for battling Marth.
  7. I'm familiar with visual/interactive novels. If you play those, you're expecting limited interactiveness, but a major mainstream title, I'm not so sure. It's like the expression "cut to the chase" it originated in the early days of film, when Westerns were big, the talk scenes between the action moments could get boring, and the action scenes were often chases on horseback. Although maybe I underestimate mass tolerance/appreciation for noninteractive/action-filled moments. The recent invention of super-easy modes made to cater to story lovers in a way removes interactivity and is indicative of this tolerance.
  8. If you can handle slice of life silly anime, you can handle the game. If you're looking for understanding the lyrics to the song, here is an English translation of them, inasmuch as songs can be translated: If you want to see its wackiness in a fun way, here is a video with all the flashy attack animations from the game complied together. Watch it if you're bored. Note the last minute is dedicated to dealing the final blow to the final boss, and thus you can skip it. Fortunately, SF actually has the full script for the game. On the TMS note, I think its normal battle theme could work in Smash.
  9. It is. It is from just before the start of the final battle. Chrom, normally Itsuki's Mirage, is replaced by Marth. I never actually saw this scene until now because I couldn't stand the singing beforehand, looks utterly ridiculous in a good way. Here is the relevant video from an let's play. Skip to 9:15 for more context and singing. ...Marth now needs an ice blue recolor in Smash.
  10. True, but there isn't much plot in the first place in XCX, mention that, and you'd only have 2-3 things of spoilers left at the end. And I too am awaiting X2, I need to know the truth behind the primary cliffhanger, thinking on it always sends chills up my spine. The sight and the sound of the reveal, it's getting to me right now. I actually had a bizarre dream of XCX once. (I also had a strange dream of a Tokyo Mirage Sessions 2 being announced last night, I felt disappointed when I woke up.) Marx as in the one time Kirby boss? That'd never happen. -Well it did kinda sorta actually, he just got a major redesign, was unplayable, and renamed "Tabuu".
  11. Since we're talking of Xenoblade, I can think of a spoiler regarding Elma that'd they could ruin for sure. A tempting one in some ways. And it isn't like they haven't ruined Xenoblade spoilers before, Fiora anyone?
  12. Fortunately, TP never fills from taking damage in XCX, unless you count the Essence Exchange art, which exchanges current HP and TP (and if used at 0 TP will instantly kill you- a mistake you are likely to make at least once; not bad for a quick instant fill up between battles though). Fortunately that wouldn't work in Smash, and Elma can't get it because it is for Photon Sabers and a Signature Art of Yelv. And continual Overdrive isn't really necessary, I only bring it up because "infinite Overdrive" wherein you get an OD and keep it going for the entire fight, is a legitimate combat strat in XCX, I've done it before.
  13. I'm normally not one to bet, but I'll wager him being on Farfetched Heroes 2. Aversa was conspicuously absent during the recent Awakening banner, despite certainly being able to sell Orbs in a heartbeat. If the original FH sold well, they should get to doing it again, and it'd be likely Owain-Ophelia-Aversa-Kliff, all of whom are modern characters and hence should be recognizable to the greater FEH community. It seems more likely to me than another Valentia banner anytime soon. We won't know for a while though if FH2 is happening, since it was late November-early December.
  14. It is worth saying that video games can't present all forms of story and situations well. Non-game mediums can do peaceful moments better being the main thing, since go too long without battles/interactiveness in a game and things are boring.
  15. Overdrive... how to capture the spirit of that? It's a heightened state of awareness enabling superhuman reflexes, Nagi's 2nd Affinity Mission I believe shows what it looks like for someone to be in Overdrive to an ordinary spectator (I never got to that, one of the few Affinity Missions I didn't). Gameplay-wise, it is manifested as accelerated cooldown times, and it unlocks tertiary cooldowns for stronger arts in addition to faster ones. Overdrive is accessible via accruing TP from auto-attacking enemies (melee weapons giving more generally), using certain Artes, and IIRC Soul Voices. Once in Overdrive, the timer on it begins counting down, but through the use of certain arts, greens and blues, one can extend its duration, and by using the Overdrive command while in Overdrive to reset the timer. Then there is the Overdrive counter, which increases by one for every hit deal in Overdrive, starting at 0, and maxing at MAX with 100 hits. A higher OD counter is, the faster arts cooldown, and various other little bonuses like increased EXP gain are unlocked. Multi-hit and AoE arts are thus the best for building up the OD counter. If Overdrive wasn't passive or the Final Smash (but this would be a transformation FS, and aren't they doing away with those?), then as a Special it'd be the Down Special like Limit Break, the former Transform, and the Pokemon switching. And the Down Special would be great for Ghostwalker or Ghost Factory, which I have a slight liking for due to how the Decoys they give would be novel. Ghost Factory is even one of Elma's two Signature Arts, meaning only she has it of the non-MCs, and for the MC to get it, they have to finish her 2nd Affinity Mission. If Overdrive wasn't her Final Smash, then they'd just have to bring in a Skell for it. Ideally an Ares model due to Elma's history with them, shooting off its Aghasura Cannon, its strongest weapon. Were they to integrate Overdrive as the Down Special, I'd ignore the increased damage part via tertiary cooldowns and just increase Elma's movement and attack speeds. After she deals X% amount of damage, she could temporarily enter Overdrive, perhaps with the ability to keep it going so as long as she kept smacking foes. In the hands of a pro, if Elma's moveset had enough natural comboability, then increased attack speed could let her rack up a lot of hits and damage real fast. Her Dash Attack hopefully would be based on Sliding Slinger, it seems quite suitable for that if memory doesn't fail me. Hundred Shells (which is Dual Swords art despite "Shell" sounding like ammo) would make a good Side Smash.
  16. One small issue with this, that being Marth would have had to have gotten it from Anri, but Anri died a bachelor. So it'd require Naga Blood be given to Anri's brother Marcelus too, although I'm sure Gotoh would be capable of that (Naga is still too dead to do it). They could just drop Marcelus and make Marth Anri's direct descendant. Although I like Anri dying alone, Artemis's Curse and all. It is befitting of a selfless king, in becoming the champion of humankind and fighting Medeus, he forsook the personal joy of love, for the world's salvation. Something Marth, if he had to bear it, would be willing to do, that "Prince over son and brother" line again. I'd count the Binding Blade too. To unseal the Binding Blade from its pedestal, Roy must place the Fire Emblem in the sword. Therefore, the jewel on the hilt of the Binding Blade is the Fire Emblem, and by poetic extension, the Binding Blade is the Fire Emblem, it does get literally fiery with its crit animation too.
  17. That would mean having to make Marth live for 1000 years, since the Exalt lived 1000 before Awakening, and Marth 1000 before that. Could they do this? Well all they need to do really is invent a form of cryostasis for Marth to not age in. Or at least put his soul in stasis after he dies in old age, and they could generate a new young body for him to use when the new crisis moment arises. This second method lets them hide the First Exalt is actually Marth, since he could take a new name after his return. And I don't think anyone would complain really, we know very little of the First Exalt, so there is nothing to be too attached to. They're likely to be blue-haired and look something like Marth with Marth's genes in their family history, so Marth being it is just cutting out the middleman. Or the First Exalt is a Lucina who ended up miscalculating her chronological destination big time.
  18. Well that sounds much less specific than Exalted, no direct association with the leadership of Ylisse. And that appears, according to SF's old name chart which I now remember, is just "Holy Ruler" (no gendering of the title), and that is quite generic it appears, without sharing either character with shinken. To be fair to NoA translation here, Marth doesn't have his own Falchion in FE13, he has to borrow Lucina's or Chrom's when playable. Chrom is the Exalt after experiencing a somber Fall in Plegia, calling his unsealed Falchion "Exalted" makes sense in this way. They just didn't plan ahead for FEW and FEH, expectable. TMS did have another alternative, it has Falchion, Exalted Falchion, and then as Itsuki's ultimate NG+ only arena weapon, the True Sword Falchion. But "True Sword" might be too long for FEH, and simply "True Falchion" not cool enough.
  19. Camus and Michalis would like some too, Medeus isn't the only villain with this issue. I tried to write in a few when I thought of "enhancing" SD's script: For the big bad of Archanea, Medeus does get the short end of things. He shouldn't be like Idunn, the Fire Dragon, and Ashera, he should be like Ashnard indeed. Medeus has a sympathetic past- he defiantly of his entire race trusted Naga, but this trust, which couldn't have come easy, was broken by humanity. Yet like Nergal, and more relevantly, Gharnef, there is no felt sympathy. In FE1/11, Gharnef and Camus outdo him as the most present villains, and in FE3/12, well Medeus isn't actually necessary if you think about it. Gharnef brought him back and he just chills in the Dragon's Table, Gharnef is clearly the mastermind in control of everything, even if Medeus now back doesn't actually plan to do Gharnef's bidding. I would've like a bit more of an ensemble too. I was thinking Marth, Malledus, Nyna, and adding: Caeda due to being Marth's lover, Hardin because of Mystery, and Minerva because she is rather important as Macedon's future queen. All of these characters barring Malledus would also be royalty, which I think is befitting of Archanea. Everyone has a purpose: Marth is the leader, Nyna is the liege, Malledus advises, Caeda consoles Marth and leads his initial backer of Talys, and Hardin and Minerva represent powerful countries (Minerva can bring some Macedonian defector forces with her) and are more experienced warriors than the greenhorn Marth (but he is more perfect a leader to compensate). Other characters could come and go for specific moments too if alive, but wouldn't be a fixture of the main plot. Boss conversations are another thing I'd like. Linde, Merric, Wendel, Maria, Lena, Marth, Minerva, Caeda, Tiki, and Hardin vs. Gharnef. Marth vs. Jiol; Marth, Gotoh, Hardin, Minerva (he compares them to Cartas and Iote) and Tiki vs. Medeus. Jake, Roger, Beck, Marth, Hardin, Minerva, Lorenz, and Lena vs. Camus. If Tellius gave a gazillion boss convos to Ashnard, and even more against all the Part 4 Final bosses (did Haar really need boss convos?), I don't think this would be asking for too much. SoV gave final battle quips to everyone, so maybe FE is moving back in this general direction again.
  20. I'll agree the choice of the word "Exalt" is weird, since Marth was 1000 years before that was ever a thing, could they not have come up with something like "Heroic Falchion"? As for Marth being despised, c'mon, be happier! Being stuck in such a glum mindset isn't going to make things so enjoyable. Five alts is far away. Who knows? Maybe Marth would be the exception to that criticism? If he wasn't well just cast it as balancing "too much modernity" favoritism- Lucina, Takumi, and Camilla alts, and "too much classic NA-EU" favoritism in the form of so many Hector and Lyn alts, with "Too much real Japan-included classic FE" favoritism. A lesson that all parts of FE are equally valuable and deserve to be represented fairly.
  21. Can't say the game wowed me with Marth, am I sadly immune to subtlety, or do others read too much? I don't know. I'm not particularly into lords save Hector though. The only place I really like Marth is Smash, because tipper and I like his white recolor. Reclass in its first iteration is quite free, for better or worse. I generally stuck to using only the "good" characters though, so the fun of using sub-optimals was lost to me. The absence of personality further hurts my willingness to use them. Revelation Nyx might get me to use her if I were to dislike Leo and Odin in their personalities that much, but empty most of them be, such subjective emotive criterion have no sway over "objective" gameplay concerns. Shadow Dragon ranks poorly for me, Marth didn't get the resources he deserved for a remake. New Mystery seems to have fixed this though, if still with issues like any game of course. Happy to know somebody really enjoyed it though. I was never much too critical of FE11 when I first played it I shall admit, I had fun, but its reputation has soured for me over time.
  22. I can't say anything about 13 Sentinels, but I've played Odin Sphere, and its more pure action (enemies leveling with you makes leveling not so relevant) followup Muramasa: The Demon Blade. Muramasa, well I played the original Wii version, which has a vastly inferior translation and far less content since it lacks the four free DLC characters and their stories, it's solid action, perhaps a bit simple, story was okay, visually it is a delight. Now as for Odin Sphere, it is a bit more RPG than Muramasa. You can craft potions, cook food, killing enemies gives phozons for leveling your abilities, and leveling lets you learn more skills. On Hard and the unlockable Hero difficulty, the game moves more towards pure action with enemy strength (HP is stuck at level 1 value on Hero- so OHKO Mode), nonetheless getting a few levels is never a bad idea if killing a boss is taking too long. You can adjust the difficulty outside of battle at any time, with Easy being easy, Normal good for the average joe, and Hard decent for Action genre lovers. You also have two separate modes in the Leifthrasir edition- the one available on the Vita. The default mode (Refined Mode IRRC) is a revamped style of gameplay, for the original PS2 version was heavily criticized as being a slog. This new style is built on Muramasa's combat, and it is an action-heavier joy to play. And then you have Classic Mode, which uses separate save files from Refined. Classic tells the same story as Refined, but is the original style of gameplay from the PS2 release. It requires you to craft and use items frequently, since whereas items are an optional thing to your character's arsenal of attacks on Refined, on Classic everyone has fewer attacks and they drain the Pow gauge, so throwing potions at enemies really helps. The result is that Classic is more RPG than Refined in its ways. I've heard it called a chore, but you can still adjust difficulty at any time I believe, and Easy should make it better if you think so. Besides being beautiful to look at, Odin Sphere has a beautiful plot, to me at least. Five characters each with their own separate story (and style of fighting), yet they're intertwined with each other to varying extents, and the game borrows rather well a blend of Norse and fairytale inspirations. Once you've seen a story moment, it's viewable at any time in the Attic (just pick up the cat), where they are divided according to character and listed chronically, so you know exactly when everything happens with everyone in the big picture of things. The one gameplay recommendation of mine is resting a few days after completing a particular character's story. You see, there are only 8 distinct areas in the game, with each character story visiting 7 of them (although the exact layout of battles and non-battle areas do differ with each character). Enemy variety is likewise limited, you will be fighting the same foes frequently with different characters. Taking a break will make it a little less repetitive. The one exception is after finishing the 5th book, you want to do the 6th book right afterwards with it being the relatively short finale to it all. Just go back and load up everyone with healing potions, good accessories, some leveling- you don't need a lot, and item consumption isn't saved when the 6th book is cleared so go all out. But just to be on the safe side, I'd recommend taking some precautions. By the way, to see all the scenes in the game, you do have to get the Bad Ending scenes logged, but I'd go for the Good Ending first just to wrap things up, and then work on those other ones. ...Sorry if that was longer than what you expected, I just really like Odin Sphere.
  23. That color didn't exist in the past. Why? Because old photographs and movies were in black and white. Also, "the president has infinite money!". Didn't realize the hyperinflation that could cause, or that inflation at all existed, or any aspect of politics and budgets.
  24. I ruled her out thinking on the short-term with her just having gotten Braved. She could work, but I'd be a little disappointed, since we would then have Celica Emblem, and it'd be all Red, probably all short-fused offense too. C'mon Blue Se-ra-phim! Has Hrid actually appeared on the battlefield at all? Is there any room to make him into one of those decorative sword possessors? Leif- well the problem is the Bragi Sword, you can't rest perfectly easy knowing that exists. As for Red Tome- Master Knight not having Dark access, and Valflame being limited to Major Fjalar Blood restricts him to Bolganone barring an OC weapon insofar as Red Tomes go. Red Daggers and Bows are still open though. I don't think they'll Dragonstone Roy, they've avoided this issue for quite some time. And Red would make sense given his hair and the BB, but Ninian is Ice, so Blue would be the other, equally likely choice. As for Corrin, I'd agree to Male for the sake of showing both Corrins able to use both of their default weapon types. Since Male Corrin has the boxart association with Birthright and Hoshido, and fire is associated with Hoshido via the Blazing Yato, calling his personal weapon "Dawn Breath", as in the Dawn Dragon of Hoshido, even if Dawn sounds more like Light and hence Blue, would be feasible.
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