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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Goofiness is not the order of the day for Legendary Heroes I do think. On a Seasonal Sigurd? Yep, dancing could work. On a Legendary Sigurd? Why would he seriously have to dance? Azura seriously has to sing, it's part of her character, not so much for Sigurd. Admittedly, IS did break from its naming patterns with the Harmonic Lance, when it should be Wo-Something. But I think they've learned their lesson here.
  2. You want Sigurd to dance? Because the whole naming of the weapon is because the other two are weapons that give stat buffs when Singing/Dancing. IS likely wouldn't give it to anyone but a refresher.
  3. http://www.siliconera.com/2018/08/29/langrisser-i-ii-remake-launches-february-7-2019-with-new-scenario-new-heroine-and-more/ http://www.siliconera.com/2018/08/29/satoshi-urushiharas-artwork-is-still-alive-in-langrisser-i-ii-remake-along-with-some-new-work/ Well they revealed more today as they said they would, but no international release has been announced yet. No de-confirmation either, we'll just have to see. The Japanese release date is February 7th 2019. Not bad, if you understand rising sun runes, it'd be perfect timing for comparing with FE3H. Given this is only an HD remake, being presently at 50% doesn't mean they're rushing things. There will be voice acting- I have my doubts if we got it they'd have the money for English VAs, but I'm just pointing this out. A new scenario, it doesn't say in which of Langrisser I or II it'll take place or how long it'll be, is being added. It features a new heroine named Betty. The original composer for the Langrisser games, Noriyuki Iwadare, is coming back to remix the old soundtrack for the games. The original artist, Satoshi Urushihara, will apparently be doing the artwork for the box of the limited edition of the game. More importantly, as DLC, there will be a Classic Mode that allows you to use Iwadare's original BGM and Urushihara's original character illustrations. For a comparison of the styles of the old and new artists, artwork of the new heroine Betty, the first by Urushihara, the second by the Ar Tornelico artist:
  4. My mistake then. It could still allow Hardin to suffer after his marriage to Nyna, in the sense he goes in hopeful he can ease Nyna's heavy heart and get her to console in him. He already had once been her hopeful knight in shining armor after Camus brought Nyna to him, at least on the surface. But I'll admit my mistake. Now you're making me wish they had a boss convo, that would be amazing! Seriously, why didn't they give them one? And if they could do it without degrading the quality of the serious conversation, some reference to Gradivus (not necessarily by name) would be cool- given Camus once used it and now Hardin has it. Hardin, to go whole hog, would also be wanting to see Wolf one last time (and vice versa), and maybe the rest of the Wolfguard. Astram and Jeorge would good, having once served him and armed with the other Regalia. Linde, having been at a court, and as a mage, would speak of him being controlled by the Darksphere and making a little merciful demand he drop it. Given Dolph's character ending, where he is stated to have left the Archanean knights because he disapproved of Hardin becoming Emperor, he should have a word too. Tomas and Macellan? I don't know. One other idea I had considered, just to toss this is here, was for the Port Warren chapter, a rather melodramatic, perhaps WAY TOO MUCH series of changes to it. Although Shadow Dragon is a serious game first and foremost, I tried to interject a casual, but not silly, moment here. When Marth and co. first reach the port as part of their journey to liberate Archanea, the town is peaceful and free of occupation. Without Dolhr or its servant states in sight, Hardin offers to relieve Marth of his duties for the moment and take care with Malledus all the re-provisioning and whatnot. Marth hesitantly accepts this, and then goes and joins Nyna and Caeda. Nyna is welcomed with ceremony by the port, and assigned two armed guides Caesar and Radd, she with Caeda and Marth take a tour of the town and enjoy the locals' hospitality. The intent here was to give Nyna a moment where she wasn't somber, where she could find a grain of happiness in a world where there is little for her to smile about. Maybe Marth could be left out of it, and it just be a girls' moment between her and Caeda- I went back and forth on this. -Then comes word that Grust is coming in hordes and Marth has to snap out of this tranquil moment. The forces are such they must immediately make a temporary retreat on the high seas before the main force arrives. Marth tries to keep it together, but he is clearly perturbed underneath it all. Why? Well after the "battle", when Marth boards the ship, and Hardin in an act of bravado and selflessness, opts to stay until all others who can be safely evacuated are (say 70-90% of the Archanean forces, some loss, but not too much), the answer is revealed. Marth has a, I won't say nervous breakdown, that is too strong a phrase and treats him poorly, but it brings back some memories that leave him ill with glum. Think of it like this- being forced to abandon, by boat, a people who had treated you well and considered your their hope. Am I talking about my take on Port Warren, or SD's Prologue? Of course, everyone else tries to console Marth, and keep the future and hopes of returning to the Archanean continent in mind. Lorenz briefly got an appearance at the start of the next chapter. Arriving at Port Warren after the dust is settled and Archanea has fled, he commends Archanea for such a successful retreat. He means to take head to the harbor and pursue as soon as possible, but then a soldier tells him Dolhr has other plans- to vanquish Aurelis, thus leading Lorenz to leave. But before he does, he utters something to the effect of "Mostyn my friend, you're safe for now.", just a wink wink at Caeda being able to recruit him much later. And then to touch on Pyrathi, why does Malledus say they must go to Pyrathi, when friendly Talys is another option? I invented a simple reason- the winds aren't blowing the right way for Talys. And to back this, the ships, having to set sail at a moment's notice, aren't loaded with provisions, so they can't quite afford without favorable winds to return to Talys. As for Mannu himself, why does Pyrathi have a Manakete king? I chose to explain it via three little blurbs. In the pre-battle ensemble dialogue, Bantu says Mannu founded the kingdom and was interested in humans, but he knows nothing else. When some of the permanent fixtures of the plot say Pyrathi is isolated, Ogma if alive, being a former Pyrathian, would say the kingdom isn't wholly isolated and that the king is a recluse, who hasn't been seen in public in years. And then once Mannu is dead, after the battle, a generic Pyrathian would Mannu has ruled the kingdom ever since its founding, and that he was once kind and wise, but everyone alive only as cloistered and not quite sane. And yet through a combination of fear of being dragged to the castle and never seen again, and the enduring loving image of the former Mannu, nobody dared question his reign. Why the decline in the mind? The simple, unstated, answer- degeneration. Lastly of my writing ideas to be described here. You know how Minerva sends someone to tell Marth she wants their help and is willing to defect? Who is the messenger? Catria! I'd want them to add just a pinch of a hint of unrequited love at the first sight. The narration for Chapter 10: Princess Minerva, says "Some insisted her plea was a ruse, a trap concocted by Princess Minerva herself." I decided to put Malledus in this "some", and have Hardin disagree with him, on the grounds of the impression he got of her in that Archanean Chronicles battle where they fought together to reference that, I couldn't help myself.
  5. I was referring to this: Gotoh: “…Prince Marth…” Marth: “That voice! Lord Gotoh, is that you?” Gotoh: “I see you have made it to Medon. You will find me in a village north of the Medon aerie, their castle. If you possess the Lightsphere and Starsphere, have them in hand when you visit me here. …Ah, yes. I also have good news. Your sister Elice is unharmed.” Marth: “What?! You are certain? Where is she now?” Gotoh: “Thabes, city of illusion. Gharnef took her with him when he fled. I pray you rescue her soon.” Marth: “I will!” Gotoh: “But first, bring me the two orbs. Without Starlight’s mighty blast, Gharnef will only add your life to the list of things he has taken from you.” And thanks for the criticisms! Good to here what others would try or how they'd improve on things. You might have the better idea for Marth vs. Jiol actually. I just chose to emphasize how it seems Gra has nothing of strength or prestige in Archanea, I wish we knew why it was so weak. And you're right Jiol should have more, give him everyone from Chapter 1 save maybe Caeda and certainly Wrys, to make him the personal enemy of all Alteans. Would be worth hearing what Gordin would have to say of Jiol, just because you wouldn't expect anything to come of him. I also forgot at the time the Gharnef manipulated Michalis thing, Minerva should totally press that point. My choice of including Jake, Beck, and Roger vs. Camus was because they're all Grustian natives. Roger in particular would give the player a sense how ordinary Grustians feel about Camus, since Roger is a common soldier from the country, who for all we know on the day he deployed for Archanea could have ceremonially en masse marched past Camus sitting statue-like on his steed as he wished his countrymen good fortune aboard. The sight of Camus in his militant majesty, even if not on an intimate basis, and if from yards away, would nonetheless be something a soldier would fondly remember for all their ordinary life. Matthis for Michalis could, besides being comedic (and RD to bring it up did leave room for joke convos in the Tower with Astrid vs. Lekain (partly a joke, partly her serious desire to be free) and all of Oliver's), perhaps do the same thing. My choice of having Hardin acknowledge Camus as superior was to give him a sense of humility, that despite embracing his Coyote title and the semi-mythic reputation it has built him, at the end of the day he will admit who is better than him. This is in spite of the fact that Hardin wishes he could be better than Camus, and that he could win Nyna's heart from him, and it too is tacit acceptance that Marth is a greater man too. I guess I ended up liking Lorenz, and since Camus can't leave Grust (save that one secret Gra village visit), I needed someone to stand in for Grust on several occasions, and Lorenz fit the bill. I did add a brief tie-in to Mystery moment later, when Lorenz, if alive, says the young Prince and Princess of Grust have been found after the Thabes showdown with Gharnef. According to Mystery, Gharnef held the Grustian royal children hostage in Khadein- but I found this faulty since Khadein is liberated before Grust is invaded, and hence the twins should have been found already. It wouldn't be out of character for Gharnef to say the twins were in Khadein, only to have moved them later to the more secure Thabes, so I tweaked it to fix a small plot issue. Although one of the free DLC episodes in New Mystery suggests the ruins around Khadein weren't all under control, and hence one could imagine Gharnef hid them there.
  6. You're probably right. Chrom is rather regal, his HEI influences concern more his physical appearance than his personality. I can't see him being like Ephraim and telling Lissa to take the throne while he runs off fighting what Naga only knows. Not a bad idea, combining aspects of the two prior distinct male types of FE, the strong and the Marth-likes (as in Marth, Seliph, Roy, and Eliwood; I don't know what to do with Sigurd or Leif, although I've once heard Sigurd called "Eliwood but good at fighting"), I think the combination worked well. Take the general personality of the pretty boy, but downplay how effeminate it is to some by placing it on an indisputably manly form (those shoulders!). I also find it odd that Ike in being stoic, is in a sense a step back from Ephraim and Hector and towards the Marth-likes, despite being the nominal commoner. Stoic is somewhat similar to mild, just more rough-hewn. I'd apply this more to PoR Ike than RD Ike.
  7. I wouldn't call Marth a diet Chrom either. Marth is more mild and refined, and more willing to put country over personal relations- Chrom would've let Grima live and given Gangrel the Fire Emblem at different points in the plot had it not been for others, Marth I don't think would have done either. Marth is also on the whole more mild in personality, and softer in appearance, Chrom's DNA has genes inserted from the bolder, more brawling characters of Hector, Ephraim, and Ike.
  8. An evil witch will compress time into a temporal mess at the end of the game. The avatar and Edelgard will try to cling to their memories to survive separation in this mess of a timespace after killing the witch, which works and thus their reunite with everyone else in their time period in a happy ending. This will come at the end of a long story where they fell in love at first sight, had parents who loved each other, but never got the chance to marry. And her really trying to earn his stoic affections no matter what, and him having to save his damsel several times. Edelgard will go down in FE history as an awful heroine who exists not apart from her lover, despite a very early effort in the plot to try to make her something independent and strong without him. The official Three Houses logo will even have her embracing him, being nothing more than this.
  9. No matter where you send them, they'll be helpful. They're extra 2/4 PCs with decent to excellent stats in a game where each side gets not more than 17 units, another duo is a significant manpower boost. Shade can bring Celica more Physics, which is particularly good if you train multiple Whitewings, and a Rescue source easier than Atlas. Shade for Alm means Faye has less pressure to go Cleric, since they both get Rescue and Physic, Faye's extremely late Anew is the only thing you lose, although a third Cleric doesn't hurt. Randal will love Alm's big open maps and the chance at the Ridersbane. Redundancy with Mathilda be damned, they're both good and it won't hurt using them both in the same way using Marcus, Sain and Kent, or Titania and Oscar and Kieran and Astrid and Makalov, won't. Randal on Celica gives you a Paladin other than the extremely late Conrad, and as long as they have Speed, and Randal certainly does, Paladins are good. Emma I do think contributes more to Celica than Alm, since being a Falcoknight means that extra damage to Terrors. But even with Alm she can fight, at the very least her 14 Res makes her decent for injuring Arcanists. If you like her and are thinking of a little favoritism, I'd go for some Sacred Spring Speed boosts or Pegasus Cheese, mostly because of those annoyingly fast Mogalls Celica fights twice towards the end, and which are in the final battle. Yuzu is consistent on both sides, if she can reach an enemy, she will double them and do some hurt, if liable to get hurt herself.
  10. Clever way of maneuvering around the spoiler, this is the same fanbase that invented Seven. But then Smash ruined that, so it is prophesied to happen again. Fortunately I'm not getting Ultimate right away. Despite posting here, and being interested in SU, I don't plan to play online, nor do tournaments, or have anyone around me I could play with. As a result, I'm not going to get the game right away. I did eventually get Smash 4 despite the same issues and had fun with it purely on single player merits, I bought most of the DLC characters even, but I waited quite a while, I forget how long. Probably until all the DLC was released. I never finished All-Stars Mode, that Captain Falcon challenge always got me somewhere, and I only ever once or twice got to Master Fortress I think, and failed right away- they really should let you practice that somehow, like the True Arena bosses in Kirby games. Part of the challenge is going in blind and not being able to get much experience with it, because when you fail, you have to go through another long and harrowing ordeal to get back there. Interesting, I thought I heard you say before that it was DLC that was a game unto itself. Wonder why they chose to do this? The closest thing I can think of that is like this is New Super Luigi Bros. U. Having played Breath of the Wild spending the longest time avoiding human settlements, and then afterwards still never going to Impa or doing the Divine Beasts when I beat Ganon, I think I'd be up for a little inversion of the norm. Experience a different perspective from the norm, even if it wasn't accidental but planned, sounds like an eccentric and fun idea. Although I checked and it hasn't released yet, right? How can thou be certain it wouldn't spoil everything? But as long as things aren't too bad, that might work. I heard some newbie Trails fans made the same mistake of starting with Cold Steel and it was fine, in a way I could join them. If the game presumes mastery of the gameplay mechanics from the base game, well that is going to be another issue as a greenhorn, but as a veteran of two prior Xenoblade games, I should have few issues adapting right away. (BTW, sorry if this sounds narcissistic, but noticed I've declared my BLADE division with my sig now?)
  11. Happy to help; I really like having the DLC characters. Be sure to have the volume on when doing the fights, the exclusive map theme for these two skirmishes is something of a treat, at least to me.
  12. To Don Giovanni! But Square makes them right? All Disney does is give the licensing? They certainly aren't writing the plot. I think they made one good Mickey game for SNES that got ported to the GBA long ago, and I might have heard some good of the Aladdin game from the same era. Just how is Hello Kitty so big?
  13. Nope, they don't. Difficulty-wise, you can get the battles done quite reasonably shortly into Act 3, or you can do them at the end of Acts 1 and 2, and it'll be slightly hard. The characters are about Act 3 strong at base.
  14. It is. You can find it on SF unlike some of the other classic artwork shown in that post (I'm certain I never saw that manly Julian before). Those TCG characters with dual weapons is stranger to me, the swords don't even look right. And how do Hardin and Cain dual wield on horseback? Rely on the might of their thighs and glutes to stay on and steer their swift sterling stallions?
  15. I've never done that myself I think, and yet I got the latter choice.
  16. I actually wrote up brief little gists of everyone's battle conversations for everyone but Medeus. They're mere fanfiction, too wordy, and my interpretations of certain characters might not square with your's, but I'll present them anyhow and let you be the judge of them.:
  17. ? She used hypnosis to save his hemophiliac son, exercised influence over the royal family including its fighting in a world war, and then survived poisoned teacakes (poisoned wine too?), several bullets, a fall into ice water at night, and then took more bullets to die? (Or so the exaggerated, probably fictious account goes.) By which you mean having Male and Female Grimas? While I prefer counting characters with two possible sexes as one, the fact is they aren't, even if their personalities are identical. I'd rather Tethys get something other than a Lance, and above all else a Sword, for whatever weapon type they should choose to assign to her. Red Tome is first pick, and not just because of the glitch Eirika stole. Talk of the Norns reminds me of how Odin Sphere assigned the names to the Three Wise Men of Titania: Skuldi, Urzor, and Beldor. The last one is a real botched translation/corruption, did they mistake the V for a B ala common Japanese translation woes, and do the r/l thing too? The worst part is that it makes the name look very similar to the very different Norse figure of Baldur.
  18. Is that supposed to be spoilers? I can't tell since I haven't touched XC2, despite saying I would get to it this Summer. Sounds like a semi-weak/only average name for some great weapon though. Since I don't trust myself with JRPGs during a school semester, owing to being too enraptured in them, I have three options left for me. One- get through the main story in 8 days. Two- find a way to balance school with gaming at long last. Three- wait until December to play it, since I hate the feeling of starting a game, dropping incomplete for an extended time period, and only resuming things later. By that point though, I'd have had the game sitting in plastic wrap for an entire year- I think it could sue me for owner neglect at that point. With Smash in mind, maybe I should jump ship from paying attention to Smash news the moment R&P show up as playable if they ever do. You only get one chance at a first impression, best not have it tainted too much. If true Nintendo.... You have the monies, hire guards for this kind of thing. Or make Switches with multi-directional guns built in that shoot anyone unauthorized who tampers in the slightest digitally or physically with the system. Let us really hope this isn't true. Otherwise I will find murdered balloons inflated with more hype than the Smash community will have after the demo leaks. I wouldn't either. I'd prefer Bandana Dee myself (with Sailor Dee alt), since they aren't just a flavor of the week character, which are rather weak in Kirby since its all about simplicity and charm.
  19. When a countdown comes and you ponder the fate of the darkness, at salvation's very edge wait, do not go to it, for ebony shall be cast upon you once more. ...Figure out what I poetically mean, which won't come for a long time, and you'll do something rather significant and permanently missable. Another poetic tip: Hope is burden one can bear with two hands together, those who repeatedly despair throw their hands aside and apart. Yet being apart is strength, a strength that is not necessary, nor found alone when contemplating hope (as in it isn't permanently missable, you still can get other copies), but it is in the end stronger than hands together. At a ball? Make as many friends as one can, and answer questions carefully. Your host will bestow party favors at the end depending on your performance, trinkets one and all, but you might as well try to do well. For another little bauble (and not anything more), in a town where wings has the post, pay for all a man's letters to she he loves the most. Dancing sub-aqua is a tricky thing, if you return not to wherefore you swam before having found the dancer (should you choose them at all at the time you can first acquire them), then whence the water place is gone, then only when, optionally but unmissably (as in it never goes away the chance), meeting the lord of the sea will you ever have a the opportunity once more to learn the steps of seawater. Are you familiar at all with Legends of Localization? If not, I'd recommend when you're done here heading to it. The guy has been gradually comparing translations of FFVI with the original Japanese text, about halfway through he is now. Quite fascinating to me. https://legendsoflocalization.com/final-fantasy-vi/
  20. To break out an old FE saying, for those who remember it from long ago. PEMN- Personal Experience Means Nothing. For FEH, it doesn't apply to stats (outside of boons and banes), but it certainly does to the gotcha mechanic.
  21. Could I ask for this? The Curator logo from Xenoblade Chronicles X. Style: Eientei Text: Curators Image: http://xenoblade.wikia.com/wiki/File:Curators_logo.png Set it on a pure black background. If you have to crop off any of this, I'd say take more from the bottom than the top, but make sure you can still see some green below the purple-pink part, take a little off the top if necessary to do that.
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