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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Also, it is just dawning on me, but with Hector getting Armads so much, is there any chance of anyone other than Lilina ever getting Armads from FE6? Since it is the personally locked to no one legendary axe there without any other like it. Gonzales, FE6 Bartre, Geese, maybe Deke, Echidna, to name a few okayishly popular others who could be seen toting it, but probably can't since Armads is becoming a sixth limb for Hector.
  2. That would work. Or they could've gone in a Durbans-esque direction and made him a shirtless plain-old Infantry unit- a little more mobility for less stats. IS seems to forget that Hector, while promoted to Great Lord is an Armor, his base self in FE7 is just infantry. Or they could turn Armads into a different kind of Thunder Axe- as in Rock Guitarist Hector. Or they could make him into a flier, via the Armadschopper (the FE7 animation for that was awesome). Well last year's CYL results had one for every color, and somebody has to get stuck with Green. Although that is Veronique's color, but that doesn't have to be the case for her CYL2 self.
  3. Isn't this the same guy who is getting a CYL2 self sometime in ~September? Okay, this begs the question, how long in advance did they plan out the legendary heroes? If they thought of this all the way before CYL2, then wow the fans really picked terribly for them. If not, IS must be getting lazy or pandering to a certain crowd, or both. And yet again, it is Hector. I like the guy, he is the only lord who I would shed a sincere emotional tear for if they all got hit by an ICBM (burned in a fire and kicked off a cliff I can't say), but this is too much. I'd actually prefer Legendary Lucina here. Or just about anyone else. Hector and Lyn are becoming the Mewtwos of FE- catering endlessly to the Gen 1-obsessed fans. They're no better than those who need an endless bombardment of 13-14 characters to keep being interested. And for the love of St. Elimine, why couldn't we have gotten Uther instead?! Or Durbans?!
  4. Concentrate- the no flinch while casting ability- also exists, although that comes with the issue of living long enough. And ToS was so good here... Well it was obnoxious at some points, Ymir Forest was just a giant puzzle with nothing else to it, and Lantheon Gorge, well let's not get started on that. And maybe the Temple of Darkness was much. And maybe I shouldn't be judging this too much since I always had my game guide for the answers if need be. Still I liked Balacruf Mausoleum's Poetry of Penta Pinwheels. And I think the Tethe'alla Base was fairly complicated, but not tedious or brutally hard, which is the limit of how things should go. Well the music changed over as soon as I picked things up in the desert area in Xillia. So I guess I'm through the first arc, Fort Gandala being its climax and Lorande being the pivot point to the second, makes sense. I noticed a Bacura as soon I started walking, I pursued it, it got away (a few ran away from me in the field- didn't toy with Dark Bottles at the time and learn that makes them cake- I did figure that out myself though), but it wasn't long before I found another. Thought it would be harmless like in ToS, nope, its flipping mad and something of challenge, but it does offer 2000 EXP a pop- a Metal Slime with teeth. After I developed a fondness for Metal hunting in DQVIII, mmm! Spend an hour or so trying to find and kill some Bronze Bacuras, while loading up on loot materials whilst doing so. Quit doing so after successfully killing another two, with food applied to boost the EXP to 2600 or 3200. By luck I hunted another one after the rather tough boss. I see there are at least two Lilium Orbs now, I would assume there is also a third and probably a fourth and perhaps even a fifth at the rate I'm unlocking things (if the level cap is the old and totally unneeded 255 it could be ten Orbs for all I know)- but how much in Skills could the third and beyond have, or is it just stats? I already have Revive, which is pretty much an endpoint of healing artes, so I'm expecting unlocking artes ends with the second Orb. Then I explored the next city, explored the Wetlands out of curiosity, and killed myself against another Devil's Beast to confirm it was one (I quicksaved right beforehand though- I'm feeling for the 50s-60s now before I fight them). Those Water Djinn drop Libavius Ores so easily and yet they give 1500 points a pop! I've been going there from time to time to kill them, and I'm still waiting for a shop to go 3x on the metal stuff when I'll get rid of it all or as much as I want to. The other monsters in the area, namely the Gentleman (trying to make it clear all golems = deadly?) and the boars are very painful though, still, it is really easy to avoid enemies you don't want to fight in this game. Makes me wonder- is the shop level capped at 100 or does it go higher? Already I have a 40 Armor Shop, but if it does exceed 100, oh dear that is going to be a lot of materials. At this point in the game, it just doesn't seem hard to grind beyond where you're supposed to be, not that I mind being somewhat overleveled. Sure it defeats the point of playing on Moderate, or Hard if I tried that, but I just happen to like leveling when its easy. As for the plot: I was going to wait until the Fenmont stuff was done with before posting about everything again, but I'm feeling like I have too many games open at once and can't quite figure out what I want to do. I have a Valkyria Chronicles playthrough open, I have the ToX file, which, in my one and only check of GFAQs for this game puts me at roughly the halfway mark and which I've been playing almost exclusively for several days in a row and I don't want to loose my immediate attachment to it. But I also have EOV I want to start, but part of me wants to finish EOU2 Classic or Story first- it seems strange to have an unfinished EO game whilst starting a new one. And I also want to start XC2 and get back to FFT after putting it down so long ago (the game wasn't too fun, but it's supposed to be a masterpiece so I just want to get through it once to see it for myself). Errrgg! I'm not sure how many games I can juggle at once. Maybe I'll compromise and just drop the difficulty to Normal for EOU2 Classic, saving in a separate spot from my Expert Classic file so I can come back to that if I want. I'll at last kill Juggs and the 5th Stratum boss right afterwards and finally be able to bury the annoyance of the game- I'll admit to my Classic team being a failure this way, but fine by me- I really messed up with it. Once that is done, I can start EOV without the albatross of another EO over my head and play the rest of the Story (up to the infamous 3rd Strata boss) and the 6th Strata whenever I feel like it. Yeah, Golden Sun isn't the only game with Summon Rush. Valefor! Ifrit! Ixion! Shiva! Bahamut! And if you're lucky enough to have gotten them (I missed the requirements), Anima for the endgame. Then you have Yojimbo to cheese the tedious unfun postgame. For some unexplained reason, maybe me trying to emphasize in some way with more religiously inclined worldviews IRL, but Wakka for some reason endures in my memory with perhaps more liking than I should give him. Didn't Rikku join just after the Moonflow (that big lazy river)? You had the forest and the way to the Shiva temple and that was it before Bikanel right? Wow that is grind. But it does remind me how you know that one forced battle upon starting with just Tidus in Bikanel? The one where Lulu and someone else are supposed to enter the scene once Tidus's HP drops low enough? That never actually happened to me, Haste + caution meant Tidus won by himself. When characters just showed up after the battle, and I was like where did they come from? Only then did I realize I was supposed to semi-lose that fight.
  5. IIHC, his horse does appear in his confession scene in Fates. You marry him, you get a package deal. But don't go off me, for all I know after slaying Anankos's eyeball heart everyone in Fates could have done the Moonwalk of Endless Possibilities on the Moon itself to finish him cinematically off. If only legendary heroes consisted heavily of legends of yore (Greil would kinda count here). I want my Brammy! Durby would be cool too, Iote for some reason appeals to me, also Fjalar, and Altina. And I'd be fine if the original wielder of Nidhogg and Vidofnir had no artwork nor VA, and only an invisible sprite holding a weapon- as long as they actually had a name. Is there any character you care about being upended by somebody else? I have the impression you'd pull for a three-year-old child's scribble of a random brigand boss if they had the gameplay merits. Not to say there is anything wrong with caring only about the gameplay selves of people, since I do that all the time in actual FEs, FEH though seems to me to give greater license to indulge your subjective tastes and kick objective merits out the door. Solution- the spell summons a tree, which gets struck by lightning, which then catches fire and falls onto the hapless enemy. Or the spellbook could rub itself against the enemy so hard they get a massive charge of static electricity, followed by them catching on fire from continued rubbing. Viola! Blue Tomes. For Green Tome, just take from Breath of the Wild. The spell puts a lot of grass under the foe, sets it all on fire, and then lets the updraft raise them up, and once the updraft ends, they come crashing down taking damage in the process.
  6. If this actually starts becoming a thing, can we have a piano tome called Fur Elise? Well he and DEH looked the part, I guess they just didn't want them trivialized by an armorslayer, which sadly befell the Black Knight in RD despite Nullify existing.
  7. This might partly explain how you can sink so much into FEH. But to each their own, provided it is legal, and not totally detrimental to society as a whole.
  8. Sanaki did stay as Empress of Begnion, Micaiah instead chose to rule Daein, being she loves it and all and has no real passionate connection to Begnion, which Sanaki certainly does and she is a good ruler too. And with Elincia, all of Beorckind in Tellius belonged to countries ruled by women- oh happy day if only it could be real! Sanaki's exact and quite short RD character ending: My purely speculative and realistic-sounding guess as to how she would rule following the revelation she is not the true Apostle is some pragmatic lying and reorientation. Sigrun and Tanith have zero issues having an Empress who is not the Apostle, but I doubt the majority of the populace of Begnion would go along so easily- Sigrun and Tanith have strong personal bonds with the Empress, 99.9% of Begnionites do not. Sanaki maintains the Apostle title and goddess-hearing lie, but chooses to rarely invoke the title in practice, preferring to be addressed as Empress in any and all situations of life. She won't correct someone who calls her the Apostle, but subtle shifts in her public image and the trappings of the imperial matriarchy should gradually over years and decades make the title "Apostle" more and more forgotten, and "Empress" becoming what first pops in the mind of the people when they think of the ruler of Begnion. As long as things don't get as bad as what happened to Faris in FFV iOS. Like Lucina, it isn't long before the reveal that Faris is a girl happens, but even after being outed as a female, Faris in the SNES/PS1/GBA sprite looks androgynous/manly in the majority of jobs in line with her gruff pirate upbringing, the iOS port ruined this and made her look girly even in her default appearance. As for the Lyn discussion from earlier, if there is any I'd ever use, it'd only be the original, I'd never do legendary summons, and no other Lyn exists besides the original. No offense to her character. *Sigh* This place isn't so interesting for me when there isn't a New Heroes anywhere in sight. For I refuse to burn Orbs ever on anything that is a not a net positive of enthusiasm for me.
  9. Minimalistic needs certain things to work, such as an actual strong spin on casting it as ye olde minimalistic. Etrian Odyssey does that and I'm fine with it, why I'm presently working through one. SD needed to argue in favor of minimalism against the contrary paradigm which had ruled FE7 since at least FE7, but it never assembled such an argument, it just presented minimalism without any hints to the player to have fun with it. Or SD could have gone the route of a game inspired by Chrono Trigger or FFIV and VI, and attempt to sell the characters based on vibrant charm, if not that much actual development and characterization. But this isn't the case with SD either, the more realistic aesthetic of SD (not to say it was wholly a bad move- just in this aspect) and abundance of characters in FE in general don't help here. Dolph, to pick someone who is amongst the worst cases of this, gets not a single word to him, his name is never stated by anyone else either- he might as well not exist. He is neither your own creation (such a mechanic would be difficult in FE- but the SoV Villagers and FE12 Kris customization actually come kinda close to what would work), nor like little old Robo or Sabin some joyous life of his own. Also, just because you set limited goals, does not mean those goals were ideally what you should have shot for. Why should have SD have limited its parameters so? While some first games in a series are the best overall or in some aspects, oftentimes this is not the case at all, particularly for franchises that originated on the NES. SMB3, Super Castlevania IV (or Dracula's Curse), Mega Man II, Super Metroid, ALttP, Kirby Super Star, why Japanese fans love Mystery the most, not Dark Dragon and the Blade of Light. Nor does this ignore how it could have remained minimalistic but still have improved on the main plot, some brief appearances by Medeus and Michalis before you ever fight them for instance. Not necessarily having Medeus/Michalis walk onto the battlefield, two minutes of him chatting in Dolhr Keep/Macedon Citadel spread out like three times over the course of the game before things return to Marth hundreds of miles away would help- a lot of Ashnard's characterization came this way, and it worked for me.
  10. Only if wielding the Bolverk gives Xander the same gray skintone and ridiculous fluffy curved white beard with a sharp black goatee on top. Ever heard of Blue Fire? It turns outs the secret to killing Surtr is in a cave sealed by Red Ice. Agreed, give FE6 its due. One order of Perceval-Melady-Sue should do. With a Brunnya or Idunn GHB on the side. And Lugh can be cursed with a TT.
  11. I'm not sure I'd say that. We don't actually know when Ursula joined the Black Fang. Yet given Jaffar, who we know is a Nergal-Sonia addition to the BF, is a Four Fang, I would not rule out the possibility that Ursula too is a post-corruption addition, and that her loyalty has never been to the BF as to Sonia. This doesn't necessarily equate to naïveté, just some form of devotion, she can be pure evil but devoted. Why "poor"? If anything, she is getting too much attention. All she did in FE7 was appear in 7x, pop in for the grand gathering of the Four Fangs, toss you the Hammerne staff in exchange for a promise you'll kill Vaida whom she hates (apparently, despite helping the people she is supposed to be killing, the idea of letting Vaida, a Black Fang wannabe get HEL, is more offending to her), and then appear as the boss in Battle Before Dawn with a little confrontation with Jaffar and Nino before the fight begins. Ursula is minor villain who by no means deserved such an early GHB, Sonia or Nergal should've gotten it. Why did she get it? Well there is fitting in with a Jaffar-Nino banner, bringing the unique Tome-Cavalry combo (for the time at least), and the other reason of being a female. But as far as being a villain and presence in the base game goes, she deserved it not at all. As a result, they had to play her up to compensate.
  12. You would be correct, though it is 78 with a second Kris. Now let me for a little fun (because I have to do something other than play Xillia right now- Tales games are such timesinks), see roughly how many characters will probably never see the light of Heroes owing to being "impossible to make interesting".: You can question some of my choices, like Bantu, Etzel, Horace and Beck. But notice every single one I put on that list is male. RIP to them all, not that most of you ever even had much life breathed into thee in the first place. Who then did I leave off this list that isn't in FEH yet? Well: Which may be subject to my own biases as well. You could certainly shave Astram and Wolf off for instance, probably Xane as well due to issues of how to incorporate the Chameleon. Adjusting these lists a little, even an optimistic outlook on Archanea should will likely have the "will never be included" list being at least equal to, if not larger than, the "may eventually be included" list. Outside of Thracia and the Subs of Genealogy, this is certainly without equal.
  13. Well SD and NM should have done much more to actually give the characters actual personality then, two remakes in a row and only one of them made any effort at all to give the clay dolls fashioned for battle, souls. Also, NM needed to come aboard. Even most of the deeper characters of Archanea are in ways deficient. I like Julian, but as a character Matthew, Legault, Rennac, Volke, Sothe, and Gaius all manage to outdo him, arguably Colm even! Julian isn't "simple" he is just plain lacking. In the earliest days of FE, the developers wanted you to write your own stories for the characters- to fanfict with your wonderful imagination backgrounds for them. SD and NM came in an era when this philosophy was long gone, and Awakening and Fates with put even more bullets in this idea's skull (but fanficting remains, just not in the same way).
  14. Having not played FE6 yet, so this bit of information is news to me. Although on examination of the script, Orun is only spoken of in one chapter and is dead before ever being seen. The chapter seems rather fillery too. If I had to guess, besides being so forgettable, having Orun would undermine the Hector-Uther bond that FE7 hammers home. If Hector has another brother, even a half-brother, who is still alive in FE7, then it makes the death of Uther not so terrible for Hector, since he would still have a sibling alive. Of course, Uther doesn't exist at all in FE6 right? If anything he is the unnecessary brother. Although you couldn't quite just remove Uther and insert Orun in his place. Since there can be no brother death, and therefore Orun cannot be Hector's older brother. I'd expect Ostia, the leading territory of Lycia, to go to the eldest son as his "gift", and I'd assume his shared parent to be the father who bequeathes his fiefs to his sons, in this case the unshared mother would be Thrian. Unless they made Orun older than Hector but a bastard, that could upset the rules of inheritance. An interesting alternative scenario. It might be in FE6's best interest in a remake to retcon Orun into a cousin, that'd resolve the issues created by FE7, since a cousin is not the same as a brother.
  15. I do get the importance of casting speeds. I recall reading the most efficient healing spell (in terms of power and casting time) in ToA is Natalia's Heal, followed by Tear's First Aid, particularly with a Carmine Chamber (or whatever they're called). Maybe I should just change Jude's strategy in boss battles, or I could just take control of him. As for Genis and Raine, well they began correcting that in ToA with Jade and Tear getting two basic and two advanced artes each, which appears to have carried over to Xillia (and Graces had the whole A-Artes B-Artes deal for a full physical moveset for mages). It wasn't a lot, but did so much, particularly considering ToS's Coliseum, ugh to putting Genis through there! Genis hogs practically every spell in all of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla (yet still no dark magic!), but his physical potential is painfully nonexistent. I've played up to the point where I have all 6 PCs for the first time now. I know it has to be 6, since that is the typical Tales number and they said earlier that is the number of Devil's Arms around. I'm happy to see them returning, I liked them in ToS, and they were okay in Abyss (but heavily nerfed in availability), I appreciate these reoccurring details. I found the first Devil's Beast and tried to fight it, everyone was OHKO'ed, obviously I need to be probably in my 30s or 40s before they become manageable at the earliest. The boss shortly before all 6 joined by the way was quite strong, owing much to the AIs not blocking or dodging and the boss's frequent unhittability. Dungeon puzzles are virtually nonexistent, but I think I prefer that over the dreadfully easy puzzles of Graces. Dungeons themselves seem to be a bit less dungeony, I wouldn't have really considered that outdoors seaside cliffs area one, but apparently the game does. Still, the camera approach and dungeon design taken here makes things feel a little better than Graces, where the indoor portions felt so awful in layout. Musically, the battle theme they've stuck with all this time is getting rather annoying, it just isn't that good. I know Tales in some cases changes this out two-three times per game at different points in the plot, so I'm hoping this happens soon. In terms of plot and characters... Overall, the experience is staying enjoyable.
  16. Arlen is the best hope for Thoron. Why? And mentioning Excalibur, here are its stats in FE11/12 alongside Excalibur's: Thoron is essentially a nerfed Excalibur. An inferior rival of sorts to it, which is what Arlen is to Merric. And while we're at it, why not give Mobin a forge to "Tactical Thoron"? The only character in RD able to use Rexbolt is Ilyana, and even in PoR, it is pretty clear each mage/sage has a particular affinity, and again Ilyana is the only Thunder one. Though they could always add Rexbolt to the forge later- might as well make some characters intentionally gimped at the start so you'll always have something to do with your Dew later. However, they could just leave out Rexbolt, since Rexcalibur, unless it got a forge version called Radiant Rexcalibur, is just the Silver of Green Tomes. And it annoys me Awakening nerfed Rexcal from legendary to silver status, the proper tome for that is Tor-na-do you IS dopes! And there is no financial incentive to keeping them as old TTs, since you don't need to spend Orbs to get them.
  17. Given this is the first trip inside the actual Mechonis and not just the sword, the music is appropriate. It is mechanical, but slow and chill compared to the Central Factory. The beginning in particular is filled with a certain sense of curiosity, quiet awakening to the extraordinary sights of giant moving machinery, it is almost playful with it, as if you could imagine someone leaping in clockwork synchronized motion from machine part to part. Whereas the Central Factory is more coldly focused on progressing with the mission at hand, Mechonis Field is about coming to really understand the Mechonis as a living, wonderful world. 9.5/10. The Woodlands of Frozen Flowers from Etrian Odyssey Untold 2: The Fafnir Knight.
  18. Well if you look back at all three of the other loliketes before her: FE1/11&3/12 Tiki, Fae, and Myrrh, they all have really bad bases, which are compensated for with extraordinarily high growths exceeding what practically anyone else has (although these are restricted by not being able to promote) and massive Dragonstone stat boosts- more so Myrrh and Fae than Tiki. They're weak little girls, but carry incredible power in the palm of their hands and have great potential inside them, as in lore, so in gameplay. Nowi has low bases and starting level, like the prior loliketes, and when you add all her growths together, it adds up to 360- higher than anyone else not Donnel with Aptitude, and Nah. Manakete also adds the most in total growths out of all the classes. So although they aren't mind-bogglingly higher like Fae's 600 and Myrrh's 580, Nowi's are still on the higher side. If Nowi has an issue, it is that the reduced Dragonstone stat boosts and power, combined with Awakening's stat inflation, make her not as outstanding at base nor with levels. Whereas Manakete was a special class with rare and limited weapons in the older games which you fielded reservedly, Manakete in Awakening has been made into a more "normal" class, resulting in the awesome power only truly restrained by limited Dragonstone uses being curtailed for balance's sake. Not useless at all, they just aren't as special now as they used to be. And they could use tunnels like the stairways in several of Fates's maps. Less in the getting from room to room approach, as moving to different sides of the same room I'd want. I'm always up for more worldbuilding. Something as simple as cave murals depicting celebrated aspects of Taguel life and myth would help.
  19. Video games are relatively speaking to some other interests, not that expensive. A new system every couple years for a few hundred, paid online if you're into that, maybe some extra controllers and data storage, otherwise it is just the cost of games and DLC, which are pretty stable. Still, games are a luxury purchase, and as few people ever have all they money they could want to buy everything. Thus, we all have to have some sort of reason internal logic to our buys. So getting past my high school essay worthy opening sentences. What are your behaviors when it comes to buying video games? Do you alway buy at release full price for anything you're interested in? Are you a miser patiently waiting all the time for just the right sale? Do you stick to what you know you'll like? Or do you experiment and take a lot of risks in your purchases? Do you keep your backlog small and buy only as you complete games? Or do you just keep buying more and more? Pre-ordering? Special editions that cost extra? What about buying the same game multiple times on different systems? How much DLC? Do you read a lot of reviews/discussion and or watch a lot of videos before you buy a game? Do you prefer to avoid reading too much about them before you buy? For myself, I tend to wait a while nowadays before I buy for games I'm not absolutely set on getting, I never do preorders anymore. I tend to keep my DLC purchases light, never anything cosmetic nor grinding, nor super challenges that exist just for their own sake. Nonetheless I do tend to buy more than I should given what else I have laying around. Still, as I complete more and more games from yesteryear, I think it might hit the point where I just play new stuff and can't find anything old and cheap to have in my backlog. I also tend to read a lot of reviews and really hesitate over my purchases, even for things I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy.
  20. Given all the Taguel save Panne and son are dead, well that should be a lot of souls, many probably yearning for revenge against humanity. Oh Grimaaaaaaa found some allies for you! Just use a pinch of black magic to put some meat on their decaying bones and they'll hop right to eradicating mankind. Sounds like another potential battle idea. I do wish the Taguel had more weapons in Awakening, like a Killerstone and Bravestone, just to give them a bit of the weapon variety otherwise hogged by other classes. Fates was onto something with the Beastrune and Beaststone giving different stat bonuses. Not to build up any hype or expectations, but I remember during your interview you said you liked Stahl, so you might like Ranulf. He is also known for being a generally nice guy. Serious when the situation calls for it, he can at other times crack a joke, complain (for good reasons), or be a little playful. He isn't the strongest guy around and he knows it, but nonetheless he is willing to give it his all.
  21. A most joyous thought. That the summoner becomes an old lech is wonderful. It was the one thing that made me not really like Sage Yulyana as much as I should've in Bravely Default. Also, this would mean Kiran first "appeared" in FE4. Since I forget where it was stated here on SF, but Hubba was apparently based on the old man who gives love auguries (determining how in love two characters are since visible love points aren't a thing) in the castles.
  22. I get this. Those who keep their avis the same for a long enough you kind of inevitably associate their true selves with the avis as strange as it is. Sometimes its better to see people only with their masks on, not because they are ugly without them (I'm sure Eclipse looks perfectly fine for one), but because you just don't want to see their ordinary self. It's like with actors and actresses, sometimes you only want to know them in the personae of a certain role, and seeing interviews where they show their self IRL outside of that personae kind of detracts from your appreciation of them in the personae because you can't just separate the two. It isn't bad in the actual game. I didn't notice Aht was pantsless until somebody pointed out online and then looked at the full artwork. You only see the top half of her official artwork in conversations with the text box blocking the lower half. The sprites too aren't so detailed as to be able to really show the pantlessness either. The other members of her race the Satyros- Satyrs- include her uncle and his lady companion (not wife- just fellow traveling entertainer). The uncle wears a skirt with a longcloth over his hairy, hoofed legs. The grown woman on the other hand, just a long loincloth over her's, which is still more than Aht has. *Sigh* Japan, Japan, Japan. And to add to the litany of issues that Awakening's Taguels have, I don't like how they get on all fours before transforming. It seems so.... rudimentary, crude, in a way stupid, and in another a way to give people a picture of Panne in a potentially compromising pose. Their inspiration the Laguz never did that. They would strike a pose in gameplay- some movement of the head and arms, typically like they were about to take a deep breath and roar, at most they did a backflip. In the cinematic sequences, they could shift while moving with varying degrees of speed, Caineghis doing it slowly transitioning from a running lion to a walking humanoid, Tibarn falling and shifting completely instantaneously. Why the Manaketes in Awakening don't do such a silly as the Taguels either! I don't think that even the Kitsune and Wolfskin in Fates did that. The sad realization that dawns when you come to when you realize that this doesn't mean video game characters and you can't name anybody real.
  23. Much too harsh, since while the sidequest rewards can be decent, none are essential at all and all the Metroidvanias can be perfectly completed without them. Well you do need certain souls for the good endings in Aria and Dawn of Sorrow, but fortunately those souls have decent drop rates. One of the absolute worse instances of random drops in gaming have has to go to the Fiends in the original Shin Megami Tensei- Pale Rider, David, and Daisoujou. Each has a 1/256 chance of appearing in one of handful of forced encounter rooms scattered through the game (so good luck finding this out in the first place). And, each drops the ultimate sword for a given Alignment, at a 1/256 rate. So your chance of encountering one of them and getting their drop is 0.00001525878.
  24. Suntan is a word you know. And that is appropriately short, so SunTan can work. The only issue is someone might think you mean Summer (Duke) Tanas- Summer Oliver.
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