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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. The Einherjar were good fanservice, and useful as well. I once did an Awakening run consisting of nothing but Einherjar, none of those that start super strong though. I remember Arthur had good Def, but bad Magic- Lex was obviously his father. I think I picked Matthew for a thief and Maris for a merc. And I don't like it that Awakening has no playable barbarians, or that the second gen has two mercenaries. Say'ri's barbarian son exists and you can't convince me otherwise! 232, you forgot to count @SullyMcGully!
  2. We will. Since you'll come to fear the realization that time has passed in your finite existence, and you will be wanting for the past when you where further from the ultimate end. You'll also realize the future isn't what you'd hope it would be, and will end up yearning for a nostalgic golden age that never in fact existed. In other words, you'll be cursing your luck at the pulls. And later, at what the Heroes metagame has become and what it used to be.
  3. As long as stepping barefooted on the Lego Falchion in the middle of the night doesn't cause permadeath. I don't buy legos, but it'd be a nice idea. Has Pokemon, Zelda or Mario had lego sets yet? FE couldn't get them before these three.
  4. I first did Hard Conquest, and then Hard Birthright and Revelation. Afterwards I did Lunatic BR, and I have a Lunatic Rev that is at the final chapter. Just gotta go for the 1 turn on Anankos and then take the tedious rest of the fight (some like it, I don't) slowly. I never did grinding, but I did take my time sometimes. Master Ninja Jakob via S Kagero was fun, I gave him the Chakram and easy Replicate is neat. Xander on the other hand failed to proc Defense more than twice. I did use a little online support grinding for Wyvern Lords Camilla, Hinoka, and Oboro, and I made Leo a Dark Falcon. +6 Spd in just one levelup + class change is so useful, although it does hurt his tanking potential. Worth it for Rev though. Lunatic CQ I had to cheat and use VP/BP items on, they're massively helpful and I couldn't have survived C10 without them- although some of the freebies are too good. And I need to get past Fuga's nightmare of a fight. After that it should be smooth sailing. 227
  5. True enough, what is great in one game doesn't necessarily transfer well to another. Particularly one where dodging doesn't exist. Well one could hope that they'd make it better somehow. Do they invent useless skills by this point?
  6. One, do not insult the big T-roneo. It's not his fault he gets so little attention in PoR, and that his stats are less than ideal in both games. But I find him a good character for what he gets to work with, and Resolve is very nice. If he gets in eventually, I'm expecting Resolve to make him premiere skill fodder, assuming the skill is good. Second, thanks SoV for making me associate Duma first and foremost with a sad incontinent degenerate. Him in a humanoid armored warrior form is so much better! You're unfortunately right actually on Echoes. But I guess they could squeeze out two more with Nuibaba and Rinea. The rest of the series has more girls, but even more guys and the overall trend isn't good. And I'm not expecting them to hold back any time in the future. Mareeta I'd expect has a high probability of being one of the early FE5 characters added.
  7. You forgot this: The Steadfast Rider of impeccable Resolve does not like being ignored. Well new character additions is a careful balance of several factors: color/weapon, unit type, sex, game of origin, popularity. And FEH doesn't exactly balance all these factors as well as they should. Needing more Lance Armors despite having a boundless pool of them is a case of this. Due probably to character archetypes and appearances, we don't have many popular armor knights. And note that all female armors but Nutmeg and Kjelle have been added. That bodes ill for future additions. I don't get why Valbar is on it. Shouldn't Mycen be there instead? Also, if the guy in the back is supposed to be Rudolf, he looks intimidating. By the way, Alm's iron sausage > Valbar's. Nope, he took a page from Dark Emperor Hardin's book and got armored looking without armored status. Something the BK wishes he had in RD.
  8. Brightbow already linked the Extended Script, but I'll point out a few differences: One, the English added Micaiah's dialogue with Lekain. These Two, here is what Brightbow meant about the Blood Pact fading: As for Naesala, as you saw, Sephiran, probably after Naesala betrayed the Laguz Alliance, was informed Sephiran somehow (with all his magic, sneaking out of jail for a moment sounds quite possible) of the loophole. Now Kilvas got its blood pact years, decades, maybe centuries before Daein. The Blood Pact must have been worded differently, Daein's lacking the loophole. Kilvas's Blood Pact isn't ripped with Lekain's death, so presumably the other party to the pact who must die isn't him. Think of it like this if the Kilvas Pact said "Kilvas shall obey the Theocracy of Begnion" and Daein's "Daein shall obey the Senate", then the active head of the Senate is Vice Minister Lekain since Sephiran has been removed from office, while Sanaki as the Empress is the leader of the Theocracy. Hence, I guess Sanaki would have to die to break the Pact. Now if Sanaki on her deathbed of natural causes was stabbed by someone while the Blood Pact was being destroyed, then Kilvas would be free, and thus Naesala has reason to be optimistic about Kilvas's future since Sanaki would agree to free Kilvas of its burden. Speaking of Lekain, this line got cut in the English after everyone is done celebrating the Blood Pact's end: There are these two lines post-Zelgius death that got cut: Yune's Ashunera and Three Heroes story has a few extra details in the Japanese: You know how Dheg criticized Naesala when he appeared? That was added in the English, he does it with Caineghis and Tibarn too. His Sephiran memory has a few tweaks too: Two tweaks before the Sephiran battle: Also, there is serious change in Sephiran's memory of the Serenes Massacre: Sephiran was hallucinating during the Massacre- it got that bad for him. As for the civilians, it doesn't say what happened. But an angry mob vs. a 40 Magic 40 Spd Servant of the Goddesses with Mantle- they'd lose. I'm guessing Sephiran killed them. As for the exact scope of Lehran's manipulation: he let the Senate stay corrupt, he gave Ashnard Lillia, the Medallion and the Black Knight. He sent the BK to Micaiah to get Daein independent again (because an independent Daein can fight- good for chaos making), he kept Ashnard's troops from pursuing Elincia at Port Toha and then vouched for her in Begnion to intensify the war against Ashnard. He told Naesala to free Sanaki, probably out of fatherly love, but also to make more chaos by splitting Begnion's forces. He may, we have no official evidence, but Sephiran likes traveling in disguise, is a master of magic, and needed Ashnard, may have also been the traveling wise man who gave Ashnard his Blood Pact used to clear the way to claiming the Daein throne. Sephiran did not expect things like Kurthnaga fighting or Rafiel coming with the truth of the Serenes Massacre (which caused Part 3 to happen)- those were lucky breaks in his scheme he had no control over. He got lucky when Kurthnaga went to Almedha, he was unlucky when Ashnard got killed too fast for the Medallion to break. As for how Sephiran got Lillia to Ashnard- he probably used a sleeping spell to knock her out- Leanne was under one for 20 years. Ashnard, Tanith says in a Base Conversation in PoR, was famed on the battlefield for defeating an entire Begnion squad on his own, he wasn't a total nobody. As for what Sephiran wanted from giving Lillia to Ashnard, well she couldn't break the seal since she isn't his Branded descendant (a descendant of Altina is a descendant of Lehran, he from whom the Apostles received their powers- including the Galdrar of Release, but of course, this was hidden). Throughout Part 3 however, the Herons are using Galdrar to suppress the Medallion's chaos, but they can't stop it if it comes to it. Presumably, singing the Galdrar of Release over and over would make the Medallion easier to break, that is my only guess. Also, Ashunera and Yune were in PoR. Where? The game's data, inaccessible to the normal player, has a list of names: These names have no physical data (other than their name) and include Hauteclaire, Fire Emblem (both appear towards the end of the swords list), Yune, Monica (appears between Calill and Largo), Glice (probably a boss), Astarte (known as Ashera in the English version, appears after Reyson and Leanne and before some generic soldiers) and Astartyune (seems to imply some relation between Ashera and Yune? It appears after all the Light magic). Astarteyune is the Japanese for Ashunera.
  9. The plot is fairly traditional for a Japanese RPG, but it does put a few spin on things. It has its highs and its lows, so you may like it or you may not. The gameplay is classic turned based RPG goodness, but the Job system is as said quite strong and flexible. The Brave and Default mechanic spice things up a little. Visually the game has magnificent hand drawn scenery. The music is quite good, particularly the battle pieces, which tend rank quite highly overall. There is a lot of quality of life and customized play features. You can freely change difficulty any time outside of battle. You can increase or fully remove random encounters as you desire. If you want to grind, you can turn on and off JP, EXP, and Pg (money) individually, in case you only want to grind for one thing. The infamous second half issue can be reduced a bit, but I can't quite say how until you get to the second half. Since it's hard to say without being spoilery. If you enjoy Bravely Default, then you have the sequel Bravely Second. But it spoils the first game right from the opening sequence, so don't touch it until you're completely done with the first. Gameplay-wise it's superior, and the visuals remain good, but the plot, music, and characters are more mixed- in ways both better and worse.
  10. He physically shows up in: Eirika's and Ephraim's versions of C14. Ephraim's C15 version. C16- more so in Ephraim's version, Eirika's less so since Riev is there. C17- prominently for both. C18- again, prominently for both. C20&21. This is excluding his earlier (minor) Grado Keep appearances, and he never interacts with the heroes in 15 and 16. This isn't a lot of appearances it should be admitted. True, Sephiran did conceal his steps. You'd never know from PoR he gave Ashy the BK, his armor, tipped him off about the Medallion, gave him it and a heron, and possibly made the Blood Pact that killed Ashy's rivals to the throne. True. The earlier claims that FEs always have strong characters to compensate isn't exactly right. And Tellius, although having plenty of personal moments, is in RD at least focused on macrocosmic conflict and events. The cast too takes on a more ensemble quality, with each part much more than the protag and two or three lackeys talking. Using the Camus as a litmus test- well FE7 might have a decent Camus, but Nergal is quite nonsensical one could argue. The whole of FE7 is him missing opportunities or running off on harebrained unnecessary schemes. To add to this old analysis I did, his plan to kill Zephiel, while not so stupid since it almost worked (damn Nino and the heroes!), did end up providing LEH with a good deed that got them the location of the Shrine of Seals.
  11. Wrong. After being killed, Lachesis resurrected Eldigan just long enough for the two of them to make Ares. Note that Chagall was vindictive and castrated Eldigan on top of beheading him. To fix this issue, Lachesis temporarily turned the Mystletainn into replacement parts. You forgot Fred (Olwen's mule) and Frederick (Chrom's donkey) Eh, I'm not big on their romance. Not much development to it. L'Arachel is better, but she gets a slew of good choices- why must she settle for a gambler? But don't you still lack a Nagini? And I hope they make the incompletely reincarnated Naga that is Nagi good when she finally enters Heroes. Tiki is said to be stronger than her if she can control her massive power, but Naga is the Divine Dragon who actually did powerful stuff- making Falchions, the Binding Shield and its Spheres, Naga the tome, crushing Earth and Earth-allied dragonkind. Agreed to all of those, particularly the Speedo. A modified pool noodle as a Beach Gradivus please, or better yet just give him the real deal and have him stroll along the beach on his horse. Camus might have a no fun all seriousness personality, but who cares? Also, can Heroes invent a theme tune for Camus? Sadly he has never gotten one despite being such a badass, I must settle for Trombe!. We all know SRW plagiarized with Elzam/Ratsel. Not that I mind, Elzam is badass, as are all the playable Old Aggressors. On this note, I wouldn't mind more marginally different non-Seasonal characters. Like Camus-Zeke-Sirius and Lucina-Masked Marth. Zelgius and Helmetless Black Knight are two I'd like. So are Wandering Bishop Sephiran, Prime Minister Sephiran, and Servant of the Goddesses Lehran. Silver Haired Maiden, Priestess of Dawn, and Yune's Apostle Micaiahs. and . Young Marquesses Eliwood and Hector, as in them in their Epilogue formal wear (not when they're old). King Marth (with the Binding Shield as a powerful exclusive skill). Marriage doesn't need children? What is wrong with you? How can you make marriage without babies and babies without marriage? And what happened to you, did you throw yourself in Shallowrealm where time moves slower? ...Not like pre-Afatening was much better about this. The only explicitly childless marriage I can think of is NailahxRafiel. Although LuciaxBastian is a mutual romance without marriage. The difference is that Afatening forces babies into the actual game, while in other instances they only show up in the prequel or character endings (or the 2nd Gen admittedly but Genealogy is what Awakening based itself on.)
  12. Quick correction, it's Emperor Vigarde who she swore loyalty to (and loves). As for the non-Lyon plot, I can see Eirika's pre-split being problematic. Since her only goal is finding Ephraim, the rest is accidental, albeit not terrible, and it ends with her having to be rescued instead of her rescuing him. Eirika's route, well it was supposed to be a mission to Rausten, but it quickly turns to a rescue of Innes and trip to Jehanna passing through Caer Pelyn. We get some minor world building, but the greater narrative is weak. Joshua being optional hurts here I think too. Ismaire gets near zero screentime, and Glen gets only slightly more. Ephraim's route lacks the minor world building, and features little but some information on the future of Grado and what happened to Vigarde and Lyon. It is all about a military campaign, like Alm's route (much as Eirika's is like Celica's a non-campaign on a smaller scale). That Grado is a pushover I'm fine with, since Grado is but a pawn of the Demon King and it smashed Frelia and Jehanna's SSs, and got Renais into a favorable state of disarray. The greater narrative is stronger, but still kinda weak. Upon reunion, it's a quick trip back to Renais for its SS and ending Orson. After that, it's pursuing Lyon and getting to Rausten, which then turns to a fight to stop the DK's resurrection. Not particularly worse compared to the rest, but not particularly better either.
  13. Mind you Rigel and Zofia haven't ever been at war with each other ever since MIla and Duma split the continent in two. The Last Bastion might have never experienced actual battle so nobody ever learned it was poorly designed. Except in my Valentian history. Update on the Mila Desert and Novis will come eventually. And this reflects on most FEs treating it like the world was hunky dory no wars whatsoever in the hundreds of years after the legendary past. Which is unrealistic and leaves you wondering why everyone has armies if they don't use them- bandits aren't enough. You need civil wars or powerful foreign invaders to keep the military edge sharp. FE8 got the shooting corridor idea right with Fort Rigwald- Amelia's joining corridor is lined with archers on the other side of the walls. And Gaiden did have Wolf's Fort which was loaded with Archers- albeit very crudely.
  14. I guess the whole idea is people invade down the exterior hallways, with walls filled with gaps for shooting arrows from the inside. Gaiden's map design is weak, all too often too simple, repeated, or filled with drudge. But some maps are good, or contain a kernel of goodness that never got to pop wide open even in SoV. Like the Fear Mountain map with Sonya's sister. Or the battle with the broken bridge later in Alm's route. Celica has Valbar's rescue, Catria and Palla's fight, and Grieth's Citadel as solid maps. Likewise Fates Revelation had some good maps like Xander's joining chapter and the dark forest Valla map, but was weighed down heavily by the bad ones. The total lack of unit balance just makes this worse in no-grind. Awakening too had some potential, like the run from the Grimleal or some of the Gangrel Arc fights. But then we get atrocities like the Validar battle- totally flat and open, hardly any terrain. Just hordes upon hordes of the usual enemies; that RD idea of magical Cover, Wardword, and Healstone floor tiles would have helped a lot here. If the Children of Fate bring a story chapter to Heroes, I wonder what maps they'll choose to reference?
  15. Wow, once again you amaze with how well you're doing. You brought some weaklings (Pelleas as only a Dark Sage, really?) into the Tower, but your team did smashingly, well the strong characters you brought did at least. Fiona pulled her weight quite well, no surprise here though, since everyone admits she has solid endgame potential, it was just everything else that made her hard to use/bad. Yune's Blessings are awesome indeed. The Mantle penetration is not really needed from a gameplay perspective since you're only going to use the very best to chop the last three bosses anyhow, but from a plot/lore perspective, it's quite thrilling. The infinite weapon uses is very cool too and lets you hog out on siege tomes and SS weapons, like actual heroes of legend! On Easy Mode, you also get a green +5 to Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res from the Yune's Blessings (so +35 cap ignoring stat points total, only FE4 Naga, Tyrfing and FE5 Forseti exceed this). I wish more FEs had this kind of thing come the final battle. If you don't bring Calill or if she is dead, here is the dialogue for that one base convo. I italicized the stuff shared by the dead Calill version with the other version, to make it less noticeable: About Bastian's language, his supports are very poetic, here is a third of them: The translators must have spent a week trying to get it right! They must be thanking Ashunera he only shows up at the end of both Tellius games. Could you imagine having to write his dialogue if he was present and chatting from PoR Prologue to RD Epilogue? Izuka doesn't get a Tauroneo boss conversation sadly, which is strange since our favorite (and only) living Four Steadfast Rider had to put up with him in P1. This said, Izuka does give some good conversations. If you plan to go back and see the rest, you won't be able to see Zihark's because of where you put him, so I'll place it here: His Rewarp by the way has four destinations: center, upper left, lower left, upper/middle right. He can summon for like 40 turns before running out. Oddly, Bertram didn't have a Bastian convo in PoR, but he did have these two: Also, Volke's lone support with Bastian in PoR was clearly hinting as Bastian needing him for something- just what is never said. But the earliest you can get the A support is just after Bertram's chapter. As for Astrid, her PoR Sothe support mentions her planned marriage, and why she didn't agree with it and ran away: Astrid made a bad choice in Makalov, but at least she of her own free will chose him. Lekain is listed in the Tellius Recollections as having an "apparent age" (age he was designed to look like, if not actually is) of 51. The apparent ages can be a little unbelievable at times though, since Bastian was designed to look like 24 in PoR, and 27 by virtue of 3 years passing in RD. That is the most egregiously wrong age listing, the rest are much better, only a few years off (in my opinion) if any. I forgot the conversations that you get fighting Oliver as a boss last time: On the topic of battle themes, Dheginsea's is called Wisdom of Ages, and Sephrian's Origin's End. Now here's a fun fact: compare the first with this, and the second with this. I thought it clever when I saw someone mention the first case, and then I noticed the second. Dheginsea, I like him very much as you do. Partly his unflinching neutrality had good reasons behind it. One, as strong as the dragons are, the game pretty much says you fight all but noncombatants of the Dragon Laguz. If your population was so small you can fit it inside just part of a giant tower, you'd be wary of getting caught up in conflict too. Second and more importantly, his refusal to help his fellow Laguz was based on their future happiness. If fixing injustice in the world has the chance of waking Ashera, which warfare could do, then it isn't worth pursuing. For if Ashera awakes, everyone Beorc and Laguz are dead- no future at all then. Dheg held the hope that even if conflict and discrimination happened as long as Ashera hadn't woken prematurely, she would not destroy the world, let Yune back into her, and as Ashunera and she'd help fix the problems. 1000 years of suffering with the hope of a happy world beyond that, is far better when the alternative is an eternity as statues. Even so, Dheginsea was pained by watching suffering, even personal suffering with Rajaion and Almedha, unfold in the world around him- he wasn't cold in his heart. It pained him too he made a mistake in tabooing the Branded. (That Nasir and Gareth base conversation about Dheg and Lehran is oddly 2nd playthrough only.) The battle wasn't really necessary as you point out, Dheginsea was just being stubborn and mistook why the Medallion broke. But to be fair, the only reason Galdrar was used on the Medallion was because it was going to break from chaos- so really Dheg had reasons to accept Ashera's judgement. The battle itself is solid, a bit easier than I remember (nostalgia getting in the way), but it is amazing in atmosphere. Tellius wasn't build around dragons and dragon lore like some other games in FE, but they were handled quite well as just another group of shapeshifters in the Laguz family, albeit extremely powerful ones lead by a living hero of legend. Why'd Dheg have to die though? Heck, why did Zelgius and Levail have to die? Sephiran's survival by the way was why you fielded the BK in 1-F and attacked him with Ike in 3-7. Always on a 1st playthrough, and unless you complete those two conditions on any future run, Sephiran dies. I don't get why those two requirements have anything to do with Sephiran staying alive, but they do. You also got the Ike's sealed memories scene and possibly could view the Tower Soren-Ike convo. But I guess Dheg, Levail, and Zelgius were all sane and willing to die for their beliefs, while Sephiran was pretty much suicidal and insane, yet held prospects of recovery. I'll get to analyzing the Extended Script of 4-Final later, but there is this bit of dialogue unused in all versions: Wouldn't have been a terrible idea. Since he is neither totally evil, but certainly not good either.
  16. What will Reinhardt be happy about when he gets Glyphcalibur'ed to death? Seriously, if I ever play T776, or if the eventual remake the mechanics close enough to T776, I might just use Asbel as my Reinkiller. Assuming maxed Magic (easily possible) he can deal 13x2 with Glyphcalibur, which given the good old 40 Crit on the tome and Pursuit Critical Coefficient of 3 plus a very accurate 100 Hit on the tome, that's a guaranteed bagged Reinhardt. Using Olwen is more appropriate admittedly, and Blizzard/Sleep/Berserk/Silence are all easy options too, but I like my pre-Awakening Merrics. I decided to do some Reinhardtology- to see what can kill the menace of T776 in his original game. 35x2 magical damage via Dire Thunder is pretty deadly, given rather low HP values and bad Resistance on characters save mages. Using Pure Water for 21+ Magic and a status staff is a great way of dispatching the Rein. Berserk lets him kill his own allies and they'll potentially cripple him for you. Sleep/a Blizzard tome drops most of his stats to 0 and takes away his pony. Silence leaves him with just the Master Sword, which can easily be tanked by a good physical unit with a Crusader Scroll for crit negation (if he lands one, you're dead). For a fairer fight, Olwen can safely kill him in four hits or less with the Holy Sword she gets by talking to him, and the +10 Magic it gives means she can survive his DT. Homer, Asbel, and other magical units with capped Magic and a Pure Water use to compensate for their low HP can also dispatch him. If you're willing to press your luck a little, a capped Luck Finn with his Brave Lance has a 90% chance of surviving the second DT hit. And then responding with two more for a total of 4 strikes since DT inflicts massive AS loss. Having at least one of these options is perfectly possible. And if you best the Rein, no enemy stat-wise in T776 should be a challenge from what I hear. Kliff protested being relegated to a sword. Just as Linus protested being mutilated like his brother. And Micaiah with her foresight saw that if she joined with her little sister, she would be relegated to the trashbin when inflated BSTs and super good Skills and Weapons later rolled around. By being patient, she plans to enter with a flourish and wonderful usability when she finally does.
  17. I am reminded of entropy. Mods can complain, but the universe is destined to move towards increasing randomness with every passing moment. 62
  18. Later on, once the Killer Bow becomes available, the only stats an Archer will care about are Atk and Skill, since Hunter's Volley always doubles, and the Longbow and Parthia will be used for their Combat Arts, which can't ever double. This is assuming the Archer never sees the enemy phase. Why blame Gharnef? I'd blame Adrah- founder of the Kingdom of Archanea and he who stole the Fire Emblem and scattered the orbs adorning it- to ill effect. The gentle aesthetic is odd given her Fates appearance looking much colder. I didn't like her 3D model in Fates one bit- it reminded me too much of Frankiza von Karma. Not good (and no I don't play AA). He would be underleveled, but fortunately grinding is easy. The real problem is Celica's team has little need for a Cavalier. Act 3 for her team has some sand, nothing good for a Cav. Her Act 4 has some swamp, not good either. Whereas Alm finds his maps big and open and well suited for Cavs, Celica's while not always terrible for them, aren't so useful. Conrad works fine by himself (albeit he joins late), and he has a similar stat profile to Kliff. By the way, if you have the money, try buying the Cipher DLC- Randel is a good Paladin. Emma comes with the awesome Trainee Lance, if a little weak as a unit. Yuzu has mobility issues and no spells, but her offense is very good and with a Pitchfork (if you're willing to use those) she's excellent as a Cav or Peg. Shade has plenty of utility between Physic and Rescue. You can complete the battles by the end of Act 1/2, early Act 3. Joy. What dark bag of arrogance and ego who is in fact stupid and weak shall triumph over the other? And in Fates, Subaki is like the worse Pegasus Knight since Juno. Since he's just a ferrybot and nothing else because his bases aren't good and his growths are just the same. No amount of affirmative action could get him on my team. Well a Males-only BR aside. Please make young Camilla look pretty and not sexualized!
  19. Fair enough, particularly on Merciless where the Whatsie isn't so useful because of Whodunnit's Speed. Thus you're best Hopscotching that chapter and keeping the Comet and Bulb. Plus you can use Totem for that purpose given their Granite is effective on Whodunnit. Or you can kill Totem, use your one use of Oil to revive Totem if you feel bad later, and get Cobra and a somewhat worse Whatsie, plus a duplicate Slicer and Aroma. The chapters which you have to kill characters for don't, which the exception of the very last, have any plot significance. And getting the last denies you a different character. Also, effective weapons are very good in this game given a lot of foes are cavalry and armor- forging them isn't a bad idea. Don't expect stats on the player side to be that high, SD is something of a low stats game compared to others in the series. As for the Hard Mode to start on, H2 is fair. H5 and H4 would be terrible. H1 is like Normal, but without the Prologue and just slightly higher stats.
  20. There are plenty who don't like Xenoblade gameplay on claims of being button mashy, or slow. I can understand their criticisms, auto attacks are automatic so all you do is move around and use arts. But once you level the arts and can use them more, things become a bit more exciting. Full HP restore after every fight removes a bit of normal RPG tedium, and no MP means you can go all out in every fight too. Each game has mechanics that if you know them can make the game quite easy- but that is true of many RPGs. For the Xenoblade franchise as a whole: Xenoblade Chronicles: Xenoblade Chronicles X: Lastly, Xenogears, the first Xeno-game, released on the PS1, is a flawed masterpiece. It visually hasn't held up, the combat was never great, the translation is not as good as it needed to be for the detailed story it was telling, and the plot's presentation tripped over a nuclear bomb trigger in Disc 2. But the music is nice, and the core plot, once you can understand its sheer complexity, is great sci-fi writing with a sometimes superficial and sometimes deeper mixture of psychology, philosophy, and religion. I haven't played Xenosaga, but it is supposed to be a reimagining of Xenogears with better gameplay. Episode 2 flopped however and the plan for 6 episodes got truncated to 3.
  21. There is always bound to be duds though. VaidaxCanas, VaidaxDorcas, WilxRaven, KnollxLute, UlkixMordecai, HaarxMakalov, GeitzxKarel. DevdanxLargo is just "What did I just read?!" FE6 has poor quality supports too, owing to the first time they were attempted in FE. 46 Edit: Vantaged
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