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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I really like Shinon due to perceived nuance on my part, but I'm not so sure how popular this not so young yet still arrogant archer would be. Hence I left him out. I was going to include Sephiran because his recruitment conditions are something out of a SRW game. How in seven hells is one supposed to know you need Viletta to kill everything in her first mission not Carla/Yuuki/Seolla in OG2 to get the Graviton Launcher? Or not having the Dygenguard attack anything when it first appears for a G-Impact Stake and Neo Chakram Caster? Or Lamia fighting Axel in his first appearance once on NG+ (twice on any playthrough for the Ash Saber instead) to get the Vysaga (the other requirements for the Ash Saber/Vysaga are more understandable, but it'd be nice if the sit on Echidna's space thing had a confirmation message)? Back to Sephiran and FE relevance. The BK is his minion, so that makes sense, but how does fielding him in 1-F and then having Ike fight with him in 3-7 make Micaiah & Yune able to keep him alive? Locking the Ike's sealed memories scene behind those requirements make some sense, but you'd expect some sort of Micaiah-related requirement if any (the Pelleas survival just need for you to pick the new 3rd option, which you didn't need to do anything other than be on a 2nd playthrough to get) for Sephiran. But, I was hoping my beloved Sephiran would be a GHB, that way I can get him quickly when I suddenly realize I must play this game (aka when he enters). Plus he is the great mastermind of Tellius. He belongs to the evil sorcerer archetype of FE villains, but he does it so much better than the rest barring Lyon maybe. Partly this is owing to inversion of the archetype- with Light magic rather than Dark, gentle and handsome and not screaming evil looks, subtlety in him going about his mission. Also, his tragedy, if dumped on the player all at once, is handled better than that of all but maybe Lyon, the tragedy is much better portrayed than that of Gharnef and Nergal (maybe Jedah and Manfroy are tragic, but Iago and Manfroy certainly aren't), if dumped at the end. He is also nearly completely successful (which is as close as villain can get without a bad ending happening), so he isn't irrational or incompetent, he's up there with Gen 1 Manfroy in rationally accomplishing his goals. He didn't pull as many strings as Manfroy admittedly (Kurthnaga and Rafiel- key to the bringing of the judgement were not things he could have predicted), but nonetheless through pluck and luck he came within possibly hours of complete success. But that is the Sephiran devotee in me speaking. I was hesitant to include another T776, but Illios would be great. Being a Mage Knight, he could get in on "he's like Olwen and Reinhardt but without the Dire Thunder". Yeah i hate having to meet the requirements for Linus FFO (particularly on Hard with fewer slots and EXP to give), but it is much better than Lloyd's version, particularly Hector's has foggy weather and moving Light Brand Lloyd. And Geitz is much better than Wallace. Geitz could work. His design is okay, and he had potential as a character with his "wandering to find meaning in life after being disillusioned with his upbringing and family", but his supports fell a little flat.
  2. Today's reminder, we don't have: Orsin, Brighton, Xavier, Edward, or Nealuchi. Nor do we have a ranged Wrath that could be used by Tine, her sub Linda, her brother Arthur, Sara, or Miranda. We don't have Karla or Marisa either. This said, we in honor of the US's one day of thankfulness, which is also a day of gluttony and followed by a whole month of commercial greed, everyone should be thankful for every hero they pull, for every feather and orb they obtain. And of course, for living a life good enough that they may have the luxury of wasting time on a little mobile fanservice game. Why, everyone should be thankful for simply being alive. *Ahem* Now that I got my inner Tiki out of me, back to being my inner Anna! Since Farfetched opened the doors to mixed unit new banners again, how about "Hard Won Allies"? Xavier (hell to recruit), Stefan (massive luck needed to find without a guide), and Karla (odd conditions to recruit). As a 4th banner unit or TT character, well how about Cath (needs to be talked to three times, while keeping her from stealing your treasure)? Xaxier can get a inheritable Slaying Bow or exclusive Master Axe (DC plus Brave effect even when not initiating combat). Wrath + something to replicate/imitate/is Charge sounds great. Stefan gets some form of Astra and his Vague Katti.
  3. RF3 is better than 2 in combat and non-agriculture elements (where I feel things got worse). The characters are a lot more "exotic" in a similar way to how the Awakening characters are compared to say GBA or Tellius. Pia with her squid obsession is something that'd fit perfectly in Awakening. I haven't played RF4, but Tides of Destiny is decent. I find traveling the seas slow though, and agriculture got massively simplified while the dungeons lost all their beauty. You can't marry until you beat the final boss and have all the bachelors and bachelorettes at 6 FP. Frontier is better than RF1 save for the plot, RF1 is awful in so many ways- but it laid the foundations the rest of the series. I would've liked it more if the hot spring perv scenes didn't always happen if you went into the men's baths when the girls were on their side though, ToD fixed this fortunately by letting you choose whether Aden perks up his ears or not. Managing Runies can also be a chore, but once you've made a load of money or have a good fishing rod, the Runey system isn't something you need to worry about anymore. The game sounded good and looked nice, while combat was decent. Not bad for the low budget the RF games have had. Probably still worse than than 3 and I'd imagine 4 though in combat. I never got 4 because I never completed 2 or 3 or ToD, but that is just me. My preferences on the bachelor/bachelorette side are: RF1- Ivan and Russel Lynette, Mei, and Sharon. RF2- Barrett Yue, followed by Cecilia and Julia. RF3- Zaid Raven, Sophia, and Sakuya or Kuruna (it depends on my mood towards Sakuya's greed). RFF- the Irises, followed by Lara, and then I guess Anette (why aren't there any good guys in this one?). ToD: Jocelyn (RF has a tendency towards beautiful but undateable mothers- the source of much unrequited love), eh I guess Bismarck and Odette. Note only RFs 4 and ToD actually let you play as females. 446
  4. I want another Rune Factory. With a climate system like Lunar Knights's, except with more elaboration. Lunar Knights, the obscure DS successor to the obscure GBA Boktai games, features a planet where vampires have hijacked the planet's climate to maintain a state of eternal darkness to their liking. By destroy the game's 4 elemental vampires, the player gets access 5 different climates which they can change at a professor's lab. Each climate has unique weather phenomena, and adjust atmosphere temperature, humidity, and wind speed. Picking the right climate alters dungeons in small ways. High wind speeds make certain areas have their player moving gusts move stronger, whereas low temperature can freeze certain bodies of water. It really didn't do much, and you have to annoyingly run through a dungeon multiple times to change the climate and obtain all the goodies. But I feel the idea had potential. Rune Factory could bring climatic dungeons to a whole new level. The game would give the overworld its own clime which the player can affect, albeit with the limitation of the seasons (so no scorching winter, but you could make it drier or wetter, or temperate in temperature). While dungeons each get their own climate, which is only alterable within certain boundaries- so no always frigid tropical dungeon. Although you could affect a cold snap there via magical powers, similar to how a Terrenial Burst in Lunar Knights could temporarily alter the climate on the spot. Another dungeon would be completely at the mercy of player-based climate alteration. Add agriculture to the mix and things get even more fun. You could have a small "greenhouse" where you have perfect climate control (with plenty of upgrades to expand field size and your climatic adjustment options). Your much larger outdoor fields and scattered dungeon fields would be subject to the restrictions on the overworld and dungeons as described above. Different climatic conditions affect the various qualities of the crops. For smaller sweeter strawberries, grow in colder temperatures. Or if you want the legendary magical Peridot Turnips, grow regular turnips on Floor 4 of the Spring Dungeon with daytime temperatures between 65-70 degrees, humidity between 30-40 percent and adjacent to cucumbers for a 5% chance of acquisition on a per seed basis. You will not be able to identify a turnip as normal or Peridot until the growth cycle is complete, so you'll have to maintain the climatic conditions all the way through the process, and no Formula to shorten the growing time! Then you have factors other than wind speed, humidity, and temperature. And complex interactions on top of this. Sunlight and its opponent cloud coverage. Soil quality- fertile, infertile, semi-fertile, acidic, basic. Soil consistency, fine, sandy, muddy, clay like, gravely, or water paddies. Maybe a "monster presence" condition- some plants like many unseen and not-actually-encountered monsters hanging around because they help improve the plants' lifecycle. Other plants are delicate and do not want monsters around at all. Sunlight amounts affect temperature, and is affected by cloud coverage. You get more clouds with higher humidity, and humidity can increase with temperature. A high humidity does not equate to high cloud coverage blocking the Sun all the time though. A high wind speed will keep the clouds moving past the Sun, whereas with a lower one they will linger and block it. Runeys or some other resource may be consumed to alter these finer points of climate and life-sustaining geography on demand. Of course integrating all this is beyond the resources of smaller companies. You'd need a big budget and a devoted team to make it all work out well and with meaning within the game itself. There better be a good reason to mess with crop qualities! 442
  5. That's about my record too. Although I always went for Ellie I think, except for the one time I tried for Ann in Back to Nature, and an unfinished attempt at the Harvest Goddess in Friends of Mineral Town. Relatives of mine preferred Karen and Popuri. I wonder who I'd go for now if I replayed an HM. I still have my GC and Magical Melody. On the ladies side I'm guessing I'd go for Dia, and of the bachelors, Ray or Carl I'm thinking, from what I can remember that is. I liked Magical Melody, and for some reason I liked its buying land feature- even if I never built a second house. When I think of you I think of this: Arcanine! 439
  6. Would you expect anything less from the person with the most wonderful sig in the world? We don't just stand by yaoi pairings. We stand by yuri too! Would you give shy little Florina over to a hulking beast like Hector? She'd be so afraid on the wedding night, the pain put upon her fragile constitution as Hector leans forward and rests his head upon her bosom, she wouldn't ever recover from it. Lyn on the other hand is the one person she is most comfortable with, even more Fiora (certainly more than Farina). Lyn's hands, though callused by her swordplay and archery, are yet the softest in Florina's mind. For Lyn, she takes comfort in knowing that Florina would never reduce her to a mere housewife as she fears the men would.
  7. This wouldn't be hard to fix. Invent an excuse that allows the Elivagar to get a power boost. Maybe Veronica stops being evil and the removal of the taint of evil lets Elivagar's true power shine through. Or maybe she extracts power from the Fire Kingdom or a bunch of collected FE artifacts and using it upgrades her old book. Either way, it'd justify giving her tome a new and better effect, plus the tacking on of an adjective to the Elivagar's name. How about something Norse mythological that's hard to pronounce? That way we can bite our tongues trying to say it. Or mistype it ten different ways online.
  8. How could you forget Guinevere? Marth's plans to dominate Elibe politically via well-placed mistresses is incomplete without Bern under his thumb. But Eliwood didn't get a horse until FE7 was more than halfway through, assuming Eliwood mode canon (with the Hector exclusive characters, chapters and scenes too), it'd be over three quarters of the way in. Does that mean they did it during the events of Blazing? Maybe after Elbert died or after Ninian's death for Roy? I can see Lilina being conceived in the process of calming down Hector after Uther's passing. Sorrow sympathies sex sounds soooo romantic. Worry not, in all the worlds where Roy and Lilina share parentage, Merlinus was entrusted with a sealed indestructible letter that contains official court artist illustrations depicting in graphic and vividly colored detail the birthing of Roy and of Lilina. Unfortunately, this revelation isn't enough to dissuade them from doing it in all worlds. In one world, Merlinus is drowned in the Laus River after having his eyes gouged out, and Her Majesty Princess Uthora rules Lycia with an iron fist and a slight lisp. In another, Prince Eltor is mentally enfeebled and the pawn of the ambitious Leocadia, Marquess of Ryerde. By the way, if we ever get an Eliwood Mk. II (FE6's Elder Eliwood?), I don't want it be a Sword of Seals swinger. I want him to be the master of the Maltet- he has an S Lance in FE6 and was supposed to be a Lance oriented Lycian Knight originally in 7. Or we can give Maltet to Juno and make her good for something other than ferrybotting for once. Melady? Tate? I'd rather shoot them with an Arrowspate. Zealot I admit has a better claim to it though than Juno, since its original bearer was a male Paladin named Barigan.
  9. I can see her as Fae's second cousin. Dragons like the taste of lamb. Fire Dragons cook even their own roasts. Also, Shiva has Sol in Thracia 776, but he is no smiling sunshine with a legs and a shamshir. Skills don't have to line up with character personality/biology traits. Heroes Elincia with Death Blow anyone?
  10. All maps now feature RD's height mechanic, the massive hit decrease/increase of 50 is replaced by a massive 50% Atk cut/boost. The player always starts battles on lower terrain, and one enemy is stationary, occupying the top of the one climbable space, invariably packing range 2 Firesweep weaponry. Horses cannot climb cliffs and if you want to obtain all available Orbs you cannot field a single flier. Fortunately climbing a cliff does not count as costing a point of movement. Infantry+Pass are now your only option to win anything, as the space a cliff occupies prevents range 1 attacks against the clifftop foe. And Lunge cannot be used on range 2 units. If Heroes has no limit other than genital exposure when it comes to the fanservice, I think I found a scene to ruin. Medeus: Men, seize him!Soldier: Yes sir!Medeus: Throw him in a cage, and drag it behind the carriage. He'll prove a fine example of the fate that awaits those who oppose Dolhr. Strip him! Give him only enough food to keep him alive. Everyone shall laugh at the misery of their once great hero, Camus... Camus in a cage, stripped of clothing. Now that scene is awful, is tragic, is saddening, painful to imagine! The noble Camus, tortured and humiliated so terribly! You must pity him even if you hate Camuses. In the world of lighthearted fanservice though. This becomes Pimpdeus driving around with a caged exotic dancer Camus in his tight underwear looking totally sexy as he has a little fun dancing with a loooonnng whip.
  11. Crossover with FE when? Thats one nice Swordmaster and... War Cleric?
  12. Well unless the developers of Heroes are stupid and never add them, they could try to sync a Warriors banner with one of the DLC pack releases. She is choosing to be fashionably late! You can't rush her, she rushes you. And then she rushes into a horde of monsters shrouded in a dense fog as nothing but a level 3 Troubadour with a Mend, Elixir, and White Gem or Torch Staff. And with a fairly weak dwarvish Berserker and possibly a Rogue that dislikes her by her side. That she emerges triumphant again and again is owed wholly to her beauty, chastity, generosity, modesty, and divine fortune being always absolutely on her side.
  13. So add 30/50% of the enemy's Atk to your Atk stat? Wonder how useful that would be. Maybe Seasonal Jakob/Henry? They use an enemy's massively buffed Atk for a strong hit before Panicking them? I don't think any of the Assist Skills currently can target an empty space, which is what Replicate would have to do and be.
  14. So I saw that Gamestop is doing "Buy 2 Get 1 Free" on pre-owned products, and I'm just making an inquiry as to what exactly I should pick as my trio. I have a PS3, a Wii U, and a 3DS. My first gut choice is Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen, it's going for only $15, which would probably make it the game I get free. I've been wanting to try it for a while, and I liked V and VIII a lot. But I heard the DS version lacks party chat over the iOS port, which after all the cute lines from having the kids follow me everywhere in DQV is a disappointment. It should control much better though and it'd be impossible to get all the party chat lines in a single run due to the large cast, and I'd probably only play this once. Other games I'm considering are: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation. More DQ? Well if I have two Zenithian games, might as well have the third and final in the trilogy as well. Plus I like a good class system. I'd consider VII instead, but that game is monstrously long and slow to start I hear. Still, is it better than VI? And no I don't want to get a triple DQ sundae- too much traditional JRPG all at once. Sonic Generations or Sonic Colors. I used to play a little Sonic when I was young, I played Adventure 2 Battle (up to Biolizard), Shadow (in full), some Heroes, and Advance (plus that Battle spinoff). I recently played Freedom Planet too, which is Sonic-ish and was fun (on Normal difficulty, had to drop it to Easy for Brevon). I've heard these are the two high notes of the Sonic franchise post-A2. I think Generations is supposed to be better, but I'm open to trying either. 3D Dot Game Heroes. A fairly obscure Legend of Zelda knockoff, but it appears to be a decent one. I like 2D Zeldas, but is it too dated? The original LoZ is bad by modern standards, ALttP and the Oracles on the other hand are timeless. Any detailed opinions on this one? Donkey Kong Country Returns/Tropical Freeze. These are admittedly less likely games for me to consider. I'm only middling in my platformer talents, and I've heard these two are pretty tough. Still, they're somewhere on my radar. Just how grueling are they? Dynasty Warriors 8. I have DW7 and WO3H, so just how many revamped/new movesets are there in 8? I don't want to oversaturate myself in Warriors games since their gameplay loses its luster for me if I play them too much, so I want to space out my purchases and wait for the new content to reach a significant level. Infinite Space. A niche strategy RPG I've heard some good of on the DS. I know it has minor issues with used copies- but thats the only way it comes. The story is supposed to be excellent, but the gameplay a little clunky- how much so? Any other recommendations? I'm JRPGs and strategy RPGs, plus a dose of action-adventure, platformers, and some other games. Reflexes are my weakness. *Sigh* It seems like my pool of possible old pre-owned games I'm interested in is shrinking- I'm both happy and disappointed by this. My backlog is massive though.
  15. So I saw that Gamestop is doing "Buy 2 Get 1 Free" on pre-owned products, and I'm just making an inquiry as to what exactly I should pick as my trio. I have a PS3, a Wii U, and a 3DS. My first gut choice is Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen, it's going for only $15, which would probably make it the game I get free. I've been wanting to try it for a while, and I liked V and VIII a lot. But I heard the DS version lacks party chat over the iOS port, which after all the cute lines from having the kids follow me everywhere in DQV is a disappointment. It should control much better though and it'd be impossible to get all the party chat lines in a single run due to the large cast, and I'd probably only play this once. Other games I'm considering are: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation. More DQ? Well if I have two Zenithian games, might as well have the third and final in the trilogy as well. Plus I like a good class system. I'd consider VII instead, but that game is monstrously long and slow to start I hear. Still, is it better than VI? And no I don't want to get a triple DQ sundae- too much traditional JRPG all at once. Sonic Generations or Sonic Colors. I used to play a little Sonic when I was young, I played Adventure 2 Battle (up to Biolizard), Shadow (in full), some Heroes, and Advance (plus that Battle spinoff). I recently played Freedom Planet too, which is Sonic-ish and was fun (on Normal difficulty, had to drop it to Easy for Brevon). I've heard these are the two high notes of the Sonic franchise post-A2. I think Generations is supposed to be better, but I'm open to trying either. 3D Dot Game Heroes. A fairly obscure Legend of Zelda knockoff, but it appears to be a decent one. I like 2D Zeldas, but is it too dated? The original LoZ is bad by modern standards, ALttP and the Oracles on the other hand are timeless. Any detailed opinions on this one? Donkey Kong Country Returns/Tropical Freeze. These are admittedly less likely games for me to consider. I'm only middling in my platformer talents, and I've heard these two are pretty tough. Still, they're somewhere on my radar. Just how grueling are they? Dynasty Warriors 8. I have DW7 and WO3H, so just how many revamped/new movesets are there in 8? I don't want to oversaturate myself in Warriors games since their gameplay loses its luster for me if I play them too much, so I want to space out my purchases and wait for the new content to reach a significant level. Infinite Space. A niche strategy RPG I've heard some good of on the DS. I know it has minor issues with used copies- but thats the only way it comes. The story is supposed to be excellent, but the gameplay a little clunky- how much so? Any other recommendations? I'm JRPGs and strategy RPGs, plus a dose of action-adventure, platformers, and some other games. *Sigh* It seems like my pool of possible old pre-owned games I'm interested in is shrinking- I'm both happy and disappointed by this. My backlog is massive though. @eclipse Can you remove double post? It doesn't look like I can edit it to say nothing without affecting the first post too. Probably since both have opening post status I'd imagine.
  16. That was bad. I get why they don't let you save between, to keep up the drama and narrative flow. But what they should've done is let you save during the prep screen in the Battle Save slots. That way you can't force yourself into an unwinnable position by being kept from saving over your pre-27 standard file.
  17. Well tweaking that one line would make it possible for Tiki to show up other times in the plot. And again, it isn't surprising they made that mistake. I wasn't aiming to be that harsh. To be fair, even my beloved Tellius master of world building has its hiccups- Rafiel's ending up in the Desert of Death is one example. And the Blood Pact is a badly handled magical item because its logic is never fully explained. Everything from "Besides" onwards was something of a pivot to my second point on the Falchion and Fire Emblem. I wasn't doubting Tiki could Awaken the Falchion, only saying why she couldn't in the main game. Death makes doing things difficult. Also, I do forgive Awakening on grounds of being "a going out of sale quite possibly" tribute for a lot of its mistakes. Forgiven issues are still issues on the record however, even if one has moved past them. And the Gangrel arc is good and reminds me of PoR a little with Gangrel bearing the epithet of Mad King like Ashnard- albeit two very different "Mads". If the game had axed Valm (which got in for Gaiden referencing), it would have easily been possible to interweave Gangrel's earthly ambitions with the Grimleal in the background scheming supernatural plans. The Valm arc had epic scale, but it just did itself and the rest of Awakening a disservice by existing in the game instead of being its own thing, since it had very limited time and focus available for itself, and in turn limited the same of Gangrel and Grimleal. RD had a similar issue where Part 1 could be its own thing, Part 2 its own thing, and Parts 3 and 4 yet another. Reread the relevant script you're correct on the Divine Weapons being one of two necessary components to causing the Ending Winter, the other the power of the dragons. So I stand corrected. As for your idea of the why the Falchion was sealed, it doesn't sound bad, a sword that seals isn't odd. Likewise having the sealing power and potency of that weapon affected by something else is believable. I'd just like ingame text to back it up. If none exists, unfortunately it cannot be taken as truth whatsoever, if some bits of evidence exist, it can be considered an educated guess. My gameplay critique of the Falchion admittedly stems partly from my wish that the Exalted Falchion was an Elixir heal instead of 20 HP, since the weaker Parallel Falchion insulting heals just as strongly, and that's a minor annoyance to me. They should have brought back the FE1 all non-Manakete range 1 attack negation property. So the seal on Grima didn't hold because Naga never expected a dimension/time traveling awaked Grima with part of their power would attempt to break the seal from the outside? Sounds perfectly reasonable (I just wish it was explicitly stated in as much as a "I don't need the Fire Emblem, my mere presence in this world undermines the seal" line from Grobin). Naga isn't omnipotent and all-knowing. Unless you're one of those people who thinks Naga let Grima follow Lucina back in time so as to engineer a scenario where Grima could kill themselves permanently. I'd guess Grima has their soul, their power, and their body. The body is the bloodline that carries the soul in the most optimal way, but the soul can be transmigrated to create a new bloodline in another body. The power is what gets sealed away, and is necessary for bringing the soul and body of Grima to a full blossoming of Fell Dragon godliness. It's a little like what happened to Dracula post-1999 in Castlevania. His power in the form of his castle got sealed in an eclipse, but his soul and traces of his power survived unsealed. The next time Mystery of the Emblem gets remade, I want Marth to get all the FE1 and FE3 Sphere effects, except the Darksphere is nerfed and doesn't corrupt Marth's soul. It isn't like Marth gets the Shield of Seals for that long. Who care if he's a little broken? By the way, this is purely my headcanon without real evidence to back it, but I like to think that each of the Spheres represents a different aspect of FE magic. The Orbs of Light and Dark represent Light and Dark Magic obviously. The Geosphere represents all forms of Anima, which is nature-based. The Lifesphere represents the healing side of Staffs. The Starsphere? I'd say it represents the non-healing powers of Staffs, like Ward/Barrier, Warp, and Hammerne. I can imagine it now...
  18. I like PoR Naesala for being greyish! I wouldn't hug him ever, like Shinon. Nor would I recommend befriending him unless you need some pork fat and have a failproof way of killing a hog at a moment's notice. Because Naesala is in a video game, I can like him having a vile side balanced with a good one. In reality, I would call for his immediate capture and life imprisonment, but in a fictional harmless world, and FE casts are most often goodie goods and pure evil evils, having a person of mixed character is refreshing. Naesala gets plenty of hate from Tibarn, Skrimir ,Ulki and Janaff, but they aren't the FE fanbase. I've never seen a "I dislike/hate Naesala" topic or rant like some do for Takumi or Soren. If there are people who loathe Naesala, they haven't made themselves visible and vocal lately. Also, Micaiah and Daein had openly sided with the Senate beforehand when Sanaki was passing through Daein. Kilvas feigned loyalty to the Laguz Alliance and the truth wasn't revealed until it was too late. I used to like him, thinking him a well-trained young soldier who likes battle, but with military wisdom. And then I saw this: I'm sorry, but that is just plain aggressive stupidity.
  19. I'd attribute Tiki's inability to Awaken the Falchion to the fact she is optional to recruit and can be killed. This could easily be corrected via change of her Classic death quote to a retreat, but let us be honest, the writers of Awakening aren't the best. Besides shoving one too many arcs into Awakening, they get a failing grade in the world building department. And magical item "logic" is if not a part of world building, is rather close to it. On that note, I don't think they say enough to infer with any certainty why the Falchion got sealed, and I find it a little illogical. And part of this is gameplay. The Aura and Excalibur having seals on them in FEs 1&3 makes sense in gameplay as more than just a personal thing (which works for things like Dire Thunder in T776 and Rolf's Bow in PoR) given their stats, and so does the seal on the Jugdrali Holy Weapons. The Awakening Falchion in gameplay though isn't that great, just a Wyrmslayer with more Might, a Concoction heal, 45 Might against Grima, and infinite uses. To be fair the Binding Blade is like the Falchion, but it has +5 Def/Res and 1-2 range on it. However, the BB also has being canonically stronger than the Divine Weapons that changed the climate behind it. The Awakening Falchion doesn't. And unlike the Master Sword of Zelda fame, it doesn't seal evil inside itself and thus justify itself being sealed. The Fire Emblem in Awakening is also problematic as to why it got its Gemstones scattered. For anyone who has played 1/11 and 3/12, they know how powerful the Orbs/Spheres/Gemstones are. The Darksphere negates all attacks save from the bearer of the Lightsphere, which also null enemy terrain bonuses (and effective bonuses in 3). The Starsphere gives stat/growth boosts and in SD gives infinite weapon durability. The Geosphere has an earthquake attack in SD, and gives critical to all with 3 spaces in NM (plus hit in FE3). The Lifesphere gives 20HP per turn in NM, and restores all in FE3. On top of the Fire Emblem itself magically being able to open any chest (but not doors- what gives?). Awakening doesn't show any of this, even if the gemstones' powers remain. Which is problematic for the Fire Emblem in Awakening since many haven't played 1/3/11/12. It does seal Grima- oh wait Grima breaks the seal without needing the Fire Emblem! Which wouldn't be such a problem were it not for Validar trying to steal it right beforehand, making the players think that it was absolutely needed. All the Fire Emblem does is Awaken a Falchion lackluster in gameplay power appearances, with no good reason why it was sealed, on top of being locked to the Exalted lineage even after being Awakened, and serve as a communication device to talk to/summon Naga. Gotoh could do easily communicate from afar in SD as he did when telepathically messaging Marth in Khadein from Macedon. Surely there would be an easier way to chat with this loving divine dragon deity who wouldn't give their power to the unwise/evil. Hence if that was the threat posed by having all the Gemstones on the Fire Emblem was summoning Naga, then the people who scattered the Gemstones were stupid. But this is enough of a tangent from the topic title. Other than paragons being the bearers of the Archanean Fire Emblem. The bearer of the Jugdrali Fire Emblem is no paragon though. The Elibe bearer is a paragon. SS has no real single bearer of its Fire Emblems, Ephraim, Eirika, and Lyon are all contenders. Tellius doesn't have a single bearer either, though the Hero of the Blue Flames is kinda maybe paragon-ish? The original possessor of the Telliusian Fire Emblem was a paragon you could say, until they became tragic that is. Paragons must not let their melancholy get to them, it ruins their image. The Fates bearer is a paragon- to five year olds, except they know "stranger danger!" at least.
  20. I generally acknowledge CQ is good. However because of its difficulty, I do find it hard to run through multiple times- but on the other hand it's actually challenging for good reasons, unlike Birthright. Birthright is either too easy (hello Leo battle), or is hard because it throws just too many strong enemies at you on Lunatic (hello Shura, Camilla 2, Iago 2, and C27). CQ challenging, if gimmicky at times, but more chapters than not its the right kind of difficulty. Because it's so rigorous, it makes it a bit harder to do multiple runs though. Fortunately Awakening and Fates give plenty of ways to adjust the difficulty, and I'm not counting paid DLC. The Fuga fight is plain awful (my Males only Hard run and my lone Lunatic run have stopped here), as is Kotaro's ninja den of doom. But otherwise it isn't too bad. The Kitsune battle is lazy though in being one type of enemies for the entire thing. CQ on some of its annoying maps gives you a cheat- you don't need to go both ways in Ryoma 2, the Stairway can be done with a single paired unit, the Kitsune needs just a paired trained Effie, Benny, or reclassed Camilla or Xander with a Beast Killer and some healing items to handle. Iago is merciful enough to use his staffs on a cycle which lets you avoid the worse. Sure not all the craziness can be fixed, like the Hexing Rod, but a good deal is manageable. I'll admit using some units is quite challenging, since enemy stats are high unlike Thracia, and that really we shouldn't have been given Nyx with her bases- her Mag and Spd needed to be blossoming off the bat. Trainees, although strategic in that you're sacrificing in the short term for gain in the long term, just aren't really suited to CQ and should have been largely done away with. Not to say everyone should have broken bases, but they should be at least somewhat competent at their role, Nyx isn't a competent magial class cannon off the bat. CQ, in being challenging, forces you to use a bunch of units whether you like them or not, since if you could just use anyone, things wouldn't possibly be so challenging. Also, letting enemies use skills outside of their class or even in their class is just a leveling of a playing field. You can use skills from any classes, why not they? Inevitable End is broken, but that's about it. What world do you live in? Kinshi Knights are awful compared to Wyvern Lords! They have decent Speed, but dump the rest in Res, Skill, and Luck , which is awful. They're physically frail and weak. To serve as a true anti-air monstrosity, not only would they need really good Defense and HP, but they'd need Point Blank or the Mini Bow since enemy fliers typically come in groups and normally you won't have many Kinshi. And the whole point to Kinshi anti-air is the idea it can intercept and destroy enemy fliers before they get in range of your groundlings. One Kinshi can't do that. What is good about them, Air Superiority? Like dodgetanking is viable in Fates outside of Ryoma most of the time? And Amaterasu doesn't exist for 95% of the game. Camilla is has some of the highest growths in Fates, RNG screwing you aside, which it might have. Percy has low Strength, but the rest of his stats are solid. Beruka is crappy statwise, but the Wyvern Rider family is highly mobile and comes with nice skills like Savage Blow and Defense Rally. Scarlet on BR is Camilla lite. I will let you besmirk the rest, but Hinoka is not bad in the least! Subaki has nonexistent Speed growth, so he is bad beyond being a ferrybot. But Hinoka has wickedly high growths, RNG screwage aside again. Sky Knight being a crappy class in Fates, it holds her back vs. a reclass to Spear Fighter, but even within it she has more or less comparable stats to Mozu, and requires a lot less effort to use. Not to mention she can be one of those Kinshi Knights you find so broken. What do you want, tanks that are invincible? Xander has tanked Kotaro's fight plenty for me. All you have to do is get his (or Benny's, Effie's, or Percy's) defense so high that even when debuffed enemies can't scratch him outside of Poison Strike. Poison Strike can't kill by itself. Of course, having a Xander so tanky means the enemies will outright ignore him barring a Lunge into enemies that can hurt him. But that's a smart AI for you! It'd be stupid if they actually tried to attack him. Perhaps Poison Strike was too commonplace (and this too applies for certain Seal skills), but it does serve as a check, different from the one mages and effective weapons serve, on high Def units. Invincible tanking you can do endlessly without worry = nonstrategic tanking. The broken Laguz Royals and other units, the severely handicapped Vika and Fiona et al., and the Part system making availability a real issue and forcing you to use certain characters?
  21. According to my Prima guide (which is kinda stupid and inaccurate in places) with reinforcements, the enemy total reaches 112 by the 15th turn in 4-4. Hence the reason for calling this decent but not the best of the three Armies for exp giving. The Grann Desert is why Micaiah's group is the worse- hard to get experience when the sands slow mostly everyone down. As for Tormod and co. all RD players agree that was a glaring mistake, particularly when the Laguz Emancipation Army you'd think would get involved in Part 3. If they joined in 3-2 with Haar and the convoy group and co., and then left before or after 3-11 (the bridge battle) to return to Begnion for intel gathering reasons, they'd be so much more usable. And Vika actually is kinda Est like. If you add all her growths together, it comes to 400, the highest of any unit in the game. Said number is shared by Micaiah admittedly, and Ike has a 310, 300 is the lowest any Beorc has (Laguz generally have lower growths and the growth total can dip below 300). So how the growths are distributed matters (Micaiah's are lopsidedly Magic, Luck, and Res) and so does base stats (Ike and Micaiah have the same Speed growth, but Ike has a much better base). IS made its own meme here. Seriously, Oliver's survival and exuberant personality comically treated personality is something that you'd expect fans to make up. Since Brightbow brought up Duke Tanas's support lines earlier here are a bunch of goodies, I might have missed a few, but I think this is enough: By the way, supports grow at different rates for different pairings. ShinonxMia, like most is at the normal rate, IkexSoren is accelerated, while IkexShinon is slower because Shinon hates Ike. Shinon hates Soren even more though, they grow at the slowest rate (at which point shoving one support partner by the other decreases accrued support points by 1). Oliver has by far the greatest number of lowest-growth support pairing (but they were too lazy to program it for everyone who should hate him), and not a single accelerated one. On a more serious note. Rafiel and Nailah are married! It doesn't ever say this in the English version, I don't know if it does in the Japanese. But the Tellius Recollections say that some time after Nailah found Rafiel in the Desert of Death, the two made intersecting vows and became eternal partners. Spelling out simply on the Recollection character relations chart (do not look at the ingame one- not until the game is over!), it draws a line from Nailah to Rafiel with the word "Married" to describe the connection. It's odd since the two never act overly husband-wifey. More like liege and servant or something to someone who doesn't know the truth. But I like the pairing, it's a reversal on normal gender roles with the strong Nailah and fragile Rafiel. And the lack of stereotypical spousal behavior is refreshing (but I really wish we had real supports so we could see their intimate bond better). And there is no other such pairing in the game like it in terms of the races involved in it. While it is possible for Laguz to interbreed with Beorc, and for Laguz to interbreed with different species their own Tribe (so CatxTiger, RavenxHeron, Red DragonxWhite). The game doesn't say anything about Laguz from different Tribes interbreeding, so we don't know if they can. But does marriage need to result in children? If Nailah and Rafiel love each other so deeply, why not let them be married? Rafiel has no obligation to breed his dead Heron clan back into existence, Reyson and Leanne exist too if that must be done. And the Black Herons are already extinct. Herons in case you don't recall, came in commoner black wings and royal white wings (called Egrets in Japan). Only a couple royals survived the Serenes Massacre, not a single commoner did. This Recollection PoR Height Comparison Chart shows exactly what Black Herons look like. I'm posting a link and not the picture itself because it's so big: https://kantopia.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/162-163.jpg
  22. Ah yes, the sacrificial lamb that is Issac. Later, Christians in their insistence in finding in Jesus everything in the Old Testament via exegesis elevated Jesus to sacrificial lamb status, the symbolic Lamb of God. But such a lamb is haggis compared to the Lambs of Ulir and Mila (and no, that ain't Celica). But he of a lamb's gentleness from Fiana and Violdrake is the finest sheep of all.
  23. Please it's only Valentian lamb. Valentian lamb is the most commonly exported in the world. However, there is controversy over it, owing to fears of causing Breast Cancer and other maladies. The cause is said to be from Valentian lamb being saturated with Invokespamogenphorineone inducing uncontrolled cell division. Jugdralian lamb is organic, GMO and hormone free. It also has an ever so slightly divine flavor. It costs a little more, but its worth it. All Nina writes is Yaoi. Genny once she finishes her 5-star novel, will be moving on to write A Guide for the Lost. A 400 page book for intellectual Valentians who have despaired without guidance in their lives following the death of Mila and Duma. For less brainy individuals, she will be writing poetry between chapters for the Guide. The poetry is focused on devotion to the Mila inside you. To the inner goodness within and how bring this out in compassion and make its power felt in the world around you.
  24. How about: Silence- blocks target's Special and Assist use for one turn (blocking tome/staff use would be too broken). Sleep- prevents target from performing any action for 1 turn or until after one full round of being attacked (which wakes them up). Hexing- enemy's HP cap is lowered by damage dealt after combat for one full turn. So if an enemy has Vantage 3 and 40 HP, and I attack them at full health with Hexing for 11 damage, the HP cap of the enemy is lowered to 29. I attack said unit with another unit, Vantage won't activate because they aren't at or below 75% of 29. Thief- steals the effects (but not Might) of the enemy's weapon for one turn, and if applicable applies them to this unit through its next action (if something like the Panic effect is stolen, then, lets call her Tina, will be able to Panic the next enemy she fights). Don't know what to do with Berserk, making it turn enemies against each other sounds too broken. That's how Deirdre won him. The good old Charm Staff, so powerful, it had to be hidden from all.
  25. I once heard some say Vantage+Dire Thunder Olwen nuked everything (plus Status staff immunity b/c high magic?). Said argument was always punctured by Dire Thunder's kinda shoddy hit (70 + good Skill and Luck isn't good enough when most bosses pack some Authority and you're in a 1 RN system), guaranteed 12 AS loss, and Olwen's physical fragility. Meaning Olwen is quite possibly going to be doubled and ORKO'ed if DT misses even one hit, which is all too likely.
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