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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Well you have to get Jaffar and her together to recruit him and unlock the gaiden chapter. Given the Fog of War, if you don't know exactly where Ursula is, it's totally possible to accidentally put her in range as you move her to Jaffar. I loves me some Sephiran and Creiddylad too! Tellius has awesome spell animations. Also in case you didn't know, Origin's End is a remix of Sephiran's Sorrow, the piece that plays during the memory scenes where you learn of Sephiran's past.
  2. I can hear the Bolting crackling in the background, then bang as the lightning strikes! RIP Nino Tearing Shadows right? I've listened to it a bunch, and it's great. But it doesn't feel very FE, it feels more Tales series. I have a similar issue with Shadow Dragon Medeus's Reign of Despair, it sounds Castlevania to me. Dark Emperor Hardin is totally 100% FE goodness though. If Dheginsea ever got in Heroes, I want Wisdom of Ages. Move over Id- Rehash, you ain't the original tranquil piece remixed for epic battle! Origin's End is nice too, but not as good I must profess. Naesala could stand to be GHB given his C19 appearance in PoR, Wheeling Corby is an absolute favorite of mine! Jarod needs Stalking Menace to have any value. And of course To Challenge Ashnard and Against the Black Knight/Unstoppable Destiny are wonderful too. A Mighty Foe for Petrine, dance to her lance and the music. The Prince's Despair is a little softer for a battle theme, reflecting well on Lyon's nature. Powerful Foe for Valter would be wicked. Everything into the Dark is fairly appropriate for Nergal, if not great. Rise to the Challenge wouldn't be bad if they found someone to give it to.
  3. It's called "Invisingerie". When armor/clothing is atop the smallclothes (to use Awakening terminology), they appear to disappear and become nothing. When nothing is coming into contact with them however, they suddenly appear like magic! It's the perfect way to tease without ever giving away the goods.
  4. Fair enough, but they do have ponies. Plus ID mentioned Astrid, who'd be getting a Bow whenever they come in. And what's the difference to Heroes whether you're a Nomad Trooper, Arch Knight or a Bow Paladin? That new FE Warriors update that will add characters in their undergarments makes me wonder if they could do underwear variants for this game. The problem is what excuse could they concoct for adding them? There isn't a holiday associated with such. Or they could just revisit my Sports Banners idea, that'd be close enough for me. There is a lot of potential money making that could come out of that.
  5. Xander's Luck isn't too odd. Siegfried gave +10 Crit Evade in Fates, he had a +2 Luck cap, and a 60% Luck growth, only Elise, Anna and Percy have more. Leo's balance was only because of his Dark Knight class too. His Str growth in Fates is 25%, which is pretty bad, though not the worst (that be a 5% from Elise, Nyx and Orochi, followed by Felicia's 10% and a bunch of 15% chars), and his Str cap was -2. Leo's Magic was his highest growth, with Res in a three way tie for second, and his caps had +2 Mag and Res.
  6. That's Four Swords Adventures Ganondorf. And it's just the bizarre biology of the OoT Gerudo which causes them to have 1 male in 100 years. Also, I found this clear Ganondorf knockoff: He'd be very angry if he discovered what Link was doing after the Sages sealed him away. An entire generation of Gerudo sharing a single father who possesses legendary strength and spirit. They'd also have Hylian royal and Hylian farmhand siblings. Oh uh Garon? What's to compare? Ganondorf knows how to rock a mane, Garon has elaborate but ugly facial hair.
  7. I agree. General never suited her. GK works because Duessel, but she looks very good as a Cavalier a Paladin makes her fittingly the rival of Franz- the two are nice together. Don't forget Midia and Selphina and Sue and Fiona. Lets not do reclass variants for now. But I'd be up for Kinshi Takumi.
  8. I'm still not motivated to get this game, but for some reason I've delighted in looking at Rowan in his undergarments from the backside. The face I could do without, but I like the clothes! Now show me some Ryoma and Takumi! Leo, Owain, and Xander too I guess. Niles is too sexual for my tastes, Robin and Corrin too avatar generic, Chrom and Frederick are just eh, and Marth does not deserve the ignominy. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Azura doesn't look like she isn't wearing underwear either. Oboro I guess could bust out some fashionable undergarments though.
  9. PoR Ike works well enough, not terrible, not incredible. He's better when Ranulf and Reyson are around, since they make Ike a little less stoic. RD Ike- yes he doesn't develop, yes P4 Final focuses too much on him. But I don't hate him in RD. Skrimir is the real developing protagonist in Part 3 when you play as the GMs. I'd be fine if Ike was still the main character from a gameplay perspective, but not the main character from a narrative one, that role being fulfilled by Skrimir instead. I find it odd that for all the importance of Laguz in Tellius's narrative, we don't have one in a main protag role. Think of it like Xenoblade Chronicles X, the customizable avatar MC isn't important at all, Elma is the real main character in the plot, the avatar might as well not exist save for gameplay (this isn't the best example, since Elma never develops, but I think you can get the point). Of course Micaiah could have used more time (and Elincia! -says her fans), and Ike is partly to blame. As is Yune. As is the guy at IS who thought shoving four separate stories into one game could work, despite FE being niche with a limited budget, without someone getting shortchanged- Micaiah and the entire DB being among them. But not the only ones- Naesala much? Renning?
  10. The whole "Senators serve the goddess thing" which makes them comparable in power to the Apostle goes back to the shift of Begnion from Kingdom to Empire. According to this one page in the Tellius Recollections (I can't post the whole thing because it starts with some major spoilers so I'll just explain it myself), the Kingdom of Begnion, founded in -131, was intended to be place where Laguz and Beorc were equals. The monarchy was elective and not hereditary and open to anyone, with the intention of keeping the monarchy alternating between Laguz and Beorc. The first monarch, Queen Altina (not Empress- though the game mistakenly calls her that at times), a Beorc, was followed by King Soan, a Lion Laguz (who is mistakenly called the Second King of Gallia ingame- he was long dead by then). However, Laguz at this time outnumbered Beorc, and their greater strength meant they were more often than not chosen as the monarch. This resulted in Beorc oppression by the Laguz. Then, Altina's granddaughter, Yoram (roughly -95), said she could hear Ashera's voice, and took the title "Apostle". The 3rd Apostle, Toremeni, founded the current religion of Begnion, where the Senate existed as the religious organization built around the Apostle. The Begnion Civil War thus began (an exact date of when it happened isn't given). The core issue: Who is worthy of ruling Begnion? The strongest? -Says the Laguz-based "Ruler Faction" which supported the current elective monarchy. Or those blessed by the goddess Ashera? -Says the Beorc-based Senate with the Apostle its leader. The Laguz lose this civil war. Why? Well Lethe says this in her B Support with Jill back in PoR: Lethe: …Are you serious? I take it humans aren’t interested in passing history down to their children… …Typical. All right… Centuries ago, when Begnion was still a monarchy, the only countries were Begnion and Goldoa. Goldoa was as it is today: a reclusive nation inhabited only by dragon tribes. All the other laguz lived in Begnion with the humans.Jill: Humans and sub-humans used to live together in Begnion?! I had no idea…Lethe: A human was named as the first king, although the laguz’s superior strength led us to rule more often than not. Despite the harmony that most felt about this arrangement, the senators wanted nothing to do with it. In the name of the “apostle,” they claimed that only a human could be the true ruler of Begnion…and started a civil war. Like blind, mewling kittens, the laguz kings underestimated the situation… We never had a chance. Caught by surprise, my brothers suffered defeat after defeat in the face of superior human weapons and magic. …That was the start of long, dark days… The start of laguz slavery. The end to the Begnion Civil War comes with Keogh, leader of the Hawks, executed after years of warfare. The Senate and Apostle emerge supreme over the Laguz. Begnion then becomes a Theocracy led by an Empress, who is also the Apostle, the first Empress is Yoram's granddaughter Meshua. At this time, the calendar now uses positive numbers, 1 being the founding year of the Theocracy/Empire. Some years later, the term Beorc is officially dropped and replaced with Human, and Laguz with Subhuman. For the Laguz- they could be forgiven for their transgressions, if they didn't mind enduring discrimination that culminated in enslavement. The Herons, being pacifists who stayed out of the war, were not subject to slavery. The Dragons led by King Dheginsea are also immune to slavery, declaring the independence of the Kingdom of Goldoa in year 3. However, it is suggested that Goldoa existed in all but official independence since the founding of the Kingdom of Begnion. You certainly can't see Dheginsea getting involved in the civil war. The reason for their isolation that those long dragon lifespans make their kind not well suited to living among other species, so Dheg intentionally brought his people to remote deserts far away where they'd never be bothered. Lonnngggg story short- the Senate and the Apostle were once on the same page and the Senate helped bring the Apostle to power. That Sanaki has had issues with it isn't new, since Caradock and Hengist were Senators so powerful they could get a bunch of colleagues together and form Crimea and Daein respectively (and the former being pro-Laguz indicates not everyone in the Senate's history was a bigot). Chances are historically, the Senate and the Apostle have had their ups and downs and all the other tumult typical of politics in any age. Wow you hate this map, and yeah pitfalls on a bridge aren't the best of ideas, and if it is to be an thing- the holes should just send the victim plummeting into the ocean below dead on impact. I agree it can be quite frustrating yeah, and the total blockage those Shine Barriers impose for several turns just pads out this map and makes it unnecessarily longer and more frustrating. Leanne's starting position ain't the best either. I don't think the idea of the map is bad, a bridge battle is cool, it's just the way they chose to make it more than a boring rectangle- those pitfalls- which really hurts it. Why not do something more with those sandbags instead? Just something other than pitfalls. Two chapters after 3-13, you'll have to make a number of decisions at that chapter's beginning as I said before, here is my advice in advance of it. Don't read it until you reach that chapter/the moment of decision making though for the sake of spoilers.
  11. To be fair, what would it take to trick Ryoma? Doesn't he more or less run off to do espionage in Nohr at the start of BR and half the route is about getting to him? I'd be more concerned about the Hoshidan ninja network. That is something Soren would worry about. Soooorrrrren flyyyyin'! The Silent Master of Winds has landed himself at least a bronze! May the Brainy Branded, the Tactician of Tellius, the High Priest of the Church of Ike, the Reformer of Skrimir, and Archsage of Strategy, may he put up a good battle against his next foe. And should he lose, it will now be with honor (not that Soren cares about such a petty thing as honor). So Round 2 is Takumi vs. Soren? Two wind-affiliated young men who tend to be quite abrasive to others blowing each other in the bits. Sounds fun.
  12. I've heard some people mistake Soren for a girl before, somehow. But everyone knows the Luciuses of Tellius are Reyson and especially Rafiel. I head Manith also gets called a girl for some very strange reason. Just give him his FE6 growths and we're good. Oddly though he comes at level 39 when summoned. We could use some quirky summons. Like Farina if pulled taking an extra 10 orbs from you no matter what. Mitama being asleep half the time and thus unusable. Or Ilyana snacking on on the horse of a random ally for sustenance.
  13. If this is what you call intense bias, then this voting gauntlet really is super mild in flavor. This wouldn't count as even 1 degree above absolute zero in the "hot as the atmosphere above the surface of the sun" CYL VG. Also, Soren wouldn't exactly look like granddad, since he's young (and unathletic). Granddad makes it work because he's old, Soren would need to age another 100+ years (his lifespan is apparently about 300) before he could look really good bald. You see? I'm not so biased.
  14. The General Discussion Board is ----> way. Also, loose hair looks cool in antigravity. Unless you specifically set it not to, like mine. I just got a wonderful idea- if a guy loses, they humiliatingly get shaved bald with a polish by the victor. If a girl loses, they get Rapunzel-long hair plugs forced into their scalps. On the bright side, were Soren to lose, he could try to mimic granddad's appearance. Granddad don't look bad. FE4 Remake should add Fates's Priestess class, since minor Ulir and a minimum 25 Str growth would work well with a bow. Genny looked like this originally:
  15. Say it as often as you want, you're no Africanus, much less Rome itself. Your cry shall fall into obscurity. I pity thee. I just finished sacrificing 100 lobsters to Soren, and a few lambs too, since I know he likes the meat. My shrine smells delicious, I pray he delights in the offering and that it empowers him further. By the way, how about some music to amp the mood?
  16. But Glade is a grey-ish brown/black. Oh wait, his official artwork is blonde Why the color disparity between ingame and official?
  17. Well your target is going to be located in the back of the battlefield. There is no "hard" time limit, but there is a limit on how long the battle goes, which you have some, but not complete, control over. I guess you could have dear old Haar bum rush through the back area and then ferry Soren safely into it to trigger the convo. But again, I personally don't think it is needed for what is being talked about. Two of the more intimidating enemies visually speaking won't move I believe, so don't worry about them. But do, when you get to 3-13 pick the choice which is different in outcome from the other two (which I believe is the bottom one since it gets added on a 2nd playthrough). This I know is needed. In case you want to be absolutely sure of which choice is right, the exact wording of the right choice is: Also, there is another available siege tome by the time you get to the map with the battle conversation we're talking about. In 3-13: 3-13 gives you another different siege tome too. Try to keep at least 1 use on all siege weapons, why? Well I won't say right now, but I'll explain more later. Do consider removing Pass and any other skill you can from Ike the next chance you get. I don't know what'd happen if you left skills on him, but to be on the safe side just remove whatever is on him. Also, the next time you post, I'll offer my advice on some decision making that comes at the beginning two chapters after/beyond 3-13. Don't view said information until you reach said decision making moment, since it will be a little spoilery if you read it sooner. It is a very different decision making from the one you have to do in 3-13. Edit: Because I dislike Valtome for using the same laugh as Final Fantasy VI's Kefka (who I like), I once left the game running for a few minutes while Zelgius was holding him in the air, just watching his feet struggle.
  18. I stand corrected then. Given some people overplay the role of incest in royal families and whatnot (but you can't deny its at times strong effects), I guess I was just underplaying the risks a bit. Yeah MicaiahxPelleas works better. I wish I could see how MicaiahxBK would work out though. MicaiahxEdward if we had Edward fleshed out more would be good.
  19. And seed that old gives you the worst Kana ever. Reason not to have kids so late, or you know, adopt instead. Agreed. Percy/Midori. Gunter having a family before isn't a problem if he can move on without issues. Your big sister/mother turned coequal sister- aka Micaiah and Sothe. One generation of incest won't cause webbed feet. This said, a family shouldn't make it a habit. I thought you were in the Lylat System Panther.
  20. Both of these instances sound tame to me. Honestly, I wouldn't have a problem with BoydxTitania. Since both are rational mature adults able to consent. Why does age matter under those circumstances? Neither would be digging for gold or lusting for sex insofar as we can tell. Nor is it a granny and a 21 year old, which is just weird as to why one would want marriage as the exact form of close relationship under those circumstances.
  21. Yeah the A support is probably optional too. But I don't believe I ever did the Micaiah battle in 3-7 or the other fight and still got the scene we're discussing. That info has been up on SF since the game's release, I question how accurate it is now. People believe it to be true largely because they've just been following directions to get it, not truly checking to see if it is needed.
  22. Well I just yesterday finished a little polite discussion with someone who absolutely disliked Soren. But that is partly the nature of being abrasive I guess. It's also true of any character with some level of popularity in FE that they'll have ardent lovers and scathing critics. You just can't let it get to you and you have to acknowledge people have different opinions. That and it's just a video game character- not a serious political issue, no reason to get super terribly angry over it. This said, if Soren wins by some chance, I shall have to concoct a good bunch of victory quips. If not, I shall prepare a paean for him. Either way, he has already won my heart.
  23. Actually, I don't think you need to attack Micaiah or do the other thing you're alluding to for that scene. That is outdated information I believe. All you need, I think, is the A Ike and to pick the bottom option during the spoilers pre-battle decision of 3-13. That will get you the little spoilers thing you're referring to. Also Deltre, the "Mastery skills can't trigger at range" thing applies to Swords, Lances, Axes, and Daggers, Bows can activate from afar and Magic from either range.
  24. I guess the "popularity" of Tellius only really extends to Ike, that and maybe cute chicks (which appeal regardless of what game they come from). A large chunk of SF has played them, but overall few people in the greater FE fanbase have. Hence Soren not doing so well. His opponent on the other hand is one of Fates's posterboys who I don't think when more critically analyzed has that much popularity, but being a major mascot of a game does a lot. I shall take solace in knowing this really isn't what people think of the "True Soren" as experienced through the actual duology of PoR and RD, only the Heroes snippet of him.
  25. Time for the good old Tellius Recollections (should've brought them out before): Titania is put at 30 for her "apparent age" in PoR Boyd has an apparent age of 18 in PoR Add 3 years for their RD apparent ages "According to the book, the “designed appearance age” (literal translation) is just the sort of appearance they were designed to have with a relative age. They are not absolute ages (such as Ike has on his profile)." So with an approximate age difference of 12, the relationship is kinda inappropriate.
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