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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. You got that wrong I think: Expect a Silver Axe to lodge itself in your head soon. Isadora has an okay personality, a better Midia, and she has a couple good supports in Renault and Legault. She's flimsy though from a gameplay perspective, with awful Con hindering her good speed. She's the most balanced horse unit in FE7 for sure. Harken rocks in the gameplay department, if a little low on HP. His backstory, the lone Knights of Pherae survivor who then joined the Black Fang to kill Nergal, is good. But his supports are generally quite dull, he's a quiet, dutiful, honorable shell of a soldier tormented by not having protected his liege Elbert. Same here! Ideally more than one for spreading the Celerity around.
  2. I'll agree Incandescent Glow is rather filler-ish. I don't mind the stuff that happens before and after the fight, but the fight itself is eh. I think your sentiments on 3-9 are true as well, the idea wasn't bad, just the map is short and small. They could run with it again in another game. By the way, since you know the BK's identity (spoiler tags for no reason other than someone else who might be reading this): And just in case you never heard, in the Japanese version of the Ike-BK conversation, the BK has a different reason why he survived/Ike won. Rather than let Ike win and hold back, the BK apparently had a "Warp Powder malfunction" his soul and armor were warped into Nados Castle where the duel was fought, but not his body. This was changed in the English release, because it sounds a bit farfetched. Reading the bits of extended script here on SF that are available (which is far from all of it sadly) there are other lines that the English version modified, sometimes for the better, others not so much, some lines got dropped, but a few small ones were added too. I'll comment on these when they come, which won't be a long while. By the way, that line Lyre said "the general's love is mine!" is interesting, since Kyza got tweaked in the English translation. The "tweak" wasn't made in some of his generic support lines though: Type 15: Why it’s Princess ___. Fabulous outfit, I daresay. I hope you are holding up well. Type 18: Oh…Captain ___…hello! If only we could secret away and…catch our breath! I trust all is well. Type 1: Good to see you! I hope you’re feeling as fabulous as I am. Type 18: Must survive and complete my mission. Must not let anyone else die. Captain ___, especially you. Hold on, tight, dear sir! Type 1: If that’s what you want, then that’s what you’ll get. I’ll do whatever you say…and then some! In case you can't tell, there is a certain... flamboyance? To put in succinctly, in the Japanese version, Kyza is a stereotypical gay guy. Odd they turned him into a studious uptight soldier in the English version while leaving Heather perfectly the same. Devdan I heard speaks like a coy woman in the Japanese too, IDK whether he's trans or gay. Kyza and Lyre are mentioned in Ranulf and Lethe's PoR support by the way, in case you never noticed. (Taken from their B Support): Lethe: Relaxing on the battlefield will get you killed. So…is Lyre in your unit now?Ranulf: Yes, she is. She and her friend Kysha are giving me quite a hard time.Lethe: Kysha [The European English version of RD uses Kysha, NA got it "wrong"] is big and strong. You’ll have your hands full if they decide to give you trouble. Regardless, I’d still like you to show them the ropes.Ranulf: So you haven’t seen Lyre in a long time?Lethe: …Ranulf: I see you’d rather not discuss it. Fine. But you should still try to settle your differences. She’s your only sister.Lethe: Mind your business. One last thing, the Tellius Recollection gives us an average lifespan on how long all the Laguz species live, barring the Wolves: Beorc have an average lifespan of 60 Lion: 180 (so 3x the average Beorc's) Tiger: 192 Cat: 204 Hawk: 207 Raven: 210 Heron: 300 Red Dragon: 1002 Black Dragon: 1020 White Dragon: 1050
  3. RD had the issue of not getting this supposed 20% of the script called the "Extended Script" (available on Hard difficulty, and maybe Normal) translated. Although it did add a couple minor useful lines and change a couple others for the better, like replacing the BK's warp powder malfunction with a generally better excuse of "I was holding back". As for Blazing, it was the first time an FE got translated. The translation was incompetent, but give them a break for the first time. Sacred Stones is better, but I heard the supports have a number of typos. PoR had Devdan changed, and in RD Kyza too, the former is possibly... trans? Gay? The latter is campy gay in Japan, though the lesbian Heather wasn't touched.
  4. Insofar as I can reason, Reyson, Leanne and Rafiel, knowing they are herons and sensitive to chaos, know how to manage their condition. Micaiah doesn't know where her powers stem from and doesn't quite know why she loses them. It doesn't help she's under massive stress commanding an army against overwhelming odds, whereas the heron trio aren't military commanders, all they have to do is sing (and on that note, Micaiah can still fight, she isn't so fragile as to lose all her abilities). And I do recall Lehran in one of his memories scenes, the one where he learns Misaha was killed and the herons are being massacred, is put under such heavy stress that the magic hiding his wings comes undone. He then utters a cough of sorts when he holds the Medallion because of the chaos. Furthermore, note Micaiah regains her powers in Part 4, not just because Yune is inside her, but because Ashera's judgement banished the chaos, which also made it possible for Reyson to heal Renning without anyone's help, which he wouldn't be able to do under normal conditions. All I'm doing here is looking at what I know of the Tellius world, both PoR and RD, and trying to compose a logical explanation from this. Whether that logic is truly logical and reasonable, that is for the individual to decide. PoR should be assumed to be the same as RD by default, since are in the same world just 3 years apart, the "magical physics and biology" should operate along the same lines. If they didn't, it's bad writing barring a good reason why the magical physics changed. To assume the same magical physics in Shadow Dragon and Awakening, or Tellius and Archanea, would be problematic, due to the big time difference/being in totally different worlds. I guess it differs on an individual basis to some degree. Though do note she was in a trance of sorts when the Medallion was about to break, and had to sleep afterwards Yune says in 3-F. As for losing foresight so fast, since Reyson loses his heart reading only two fights into the Daein campaign, I think its fair to say that the clairvoyant powers are quicker to be lost than others. If you can't read the hearts of those with two feet that quickly into a campaign, losing the ability to read time's flow itself, or whatever future sight involves in Tellius, sounds feasible. Now Part 1- why doesn't Micaiah lose her powers until the end of that? Well I have reason to doubt the scale of Part 1's war was anywhere near as that of Part 3's. Only towards the end did the generated chaos reach a high enough point to cloud Micaiah's mind I could hypothesize. I already addressed the herons- they can manage their condition knowing it (and Micaiah could too if she knew more). Mist is Order-inclined, but not a heron at all. She is a pure Beorc, which may make her less fragile than the herons, never in PoR or RD is it suggested she is as fragile as one. Well in Soren's case, does being the son of Almedha and Ashnard do anything for him? He quite possibly never finds out his parentage, nor does anyone else. I don't think he inherited anything from Ashnard genetically. All Almedha gave him was a Brand, longevity, and maybe some extra magical talent? But he is never made out as being that incredible a mage, barring that little P2 end scene- but every Greil Mercenary barring Rhys and Mist is a badass in that, not just Soren (and let's face it- it looked cool, like Micaiah's light burst in her opening movie clip). One could give Soren any parents, and it wouldn't make a difference so as long as he ended up Branded with the same crummy childhood ending in Gallia. Micaiah, note I'm not arguing against her, I'm just trying to explain why people might criticize her. Micaiah has to be the True Apostle. If she wasn't, how would one explain the heart reading, the Galdrar of Release singing, the future sight, the possessing of Yune in her body, and her fragility? Her powers only make much sense as the True Apostle. Sure some of them, like Sacrifice, could be justified without being the Apostle, but several big ones would have some hurdles to jump through if she wasn't the Apostle. Micaiah has to be the Apostle, Soren doesn't have to be Almedha and Ashnard's child, thus potentially explaining the difference in opinion between the two you see. Nitpicks could then be made relating to Micaiah. One, why the ~10 year gulf between Micaiah's birth and Sanaki's? Why did the Senate not just kill Micaiah and instead did something else when they had no qualms killing Misaha? It's a bit of a suspension of logic. Two other comments. As much as I like Soren, seeing him lose, it'd hurt, but I acknowledge it would be a good thing, since it'd be more realistic- no strategist has a perfect record. Why many FE main characters (Marth, Seliph, Sigurd, Roy, Ephraim, Ike, Corrin, Alm) are lambasted by people, including myself, as being too perfect, and hence unrealistic. The other, people like it when Micaiah loses her powers because it forces her to struggle, unlike those above FE MCs mentioned. She's a normal girl in Part 3, no formal military training, stuck fighting a far stronger enemy, for a cause that is bad, but she must fight because she has a dagger being held to her beloved home country's head (the Blood Pact). In Part 1, Micaiah's powers guide her to victory and after victory (though she does get some development in spite of this). In Part 4, she gets Ikejacked and Yunejacked, the latter due to those special powers. I've enjoyed this exchange with you. A little off-putting, but the ego deserves some smashing by contrasting opinion- being in an echo chapter breeds arrogance and ignorance- evils of the highest order. It forces me to reexamine my own opinions, sharpening and or reforming them in the process. Hopefully this futures my personal intellectual development.
  5. Your Ike has legendarily bad Strength, the rest is fine though. If you're playing on anything less than Hard, don't worry too much. As for not using Mist, it makes winning a certain fight easier, but you don't have to win it. The plot will be a little sadder for it and you'll miss out a on certain character, but you'll get a replacement character. And, on anything less than Hard, you'll get another character who can do what Ike and the optional character/their replacement need to do. Worse comes to worse, you can just use BEXP to level Ike and reset whenever he doesn't gain Str once he promotes.
  6. We aren't removed from the Forest at all. The forest is all around us, it is everywhere and anywhere. In fact we are all part of the Forest! Then why is it we cannot recognize this? We cannot because we live unforesty lives, filled with things that guide us away from the fresh, clear, energizing air of the Forest. Through proper thought and action, we can bring ourselves to see the Forest for what it is. We should all seek to attain this recognition, and in the process become the emerald saplings which fill it (and which in fact we already are and cannot cease to be, we can only futilely deny this), our boughs locked in harmony. Because everything American football related would spontaneously combust if everything had to be converted from yard lines to meter lines. And I take particular issue with yards to miles. Does anyone remember on a daily basis that 1760 yards equals a mile? Such an arbitrary number.
  7. After seeing this little flashback (Glade is the one on the far right): I would have to agree. SRPG Maker is a thing. A thing in Japanese alone, but it is a thing. And it's what Vestaria Saga was made on.
  8. Except the territory that the three P4 armies were passing through wasn't "homefront" for all but the few Begnionites among them. Nor were they hiding in fortresses or on cliffs. The enemy could also warp in from just about anywhere without notice. And, the enemy most frequently warped ahead of the hero armies in an ambush while they were out in the open. It was basically raid after raid on an open "convoy". And then there is the unplayed battle in Sienne, in which the Disciples of Order were probably on the defensive, not the Hawk Army and Giffca and Caineghis. Heck the three heroes armies are invaders in P4 when you think about it.
  9. Then why did Soren and Ranulf make such a huge deal of the invincibility of the Begnion Central Army in Part 3? Ranulf and Soren aren't stupid people.
  10. From PoR in Chapter 20, long before the end and thus before chaos gets that terribly bad (the bold is my emphasis): Who does? The people who just don't like Micaiah at all? I'm not one of them, so I don't. Micaiah haters exist, like Ike haters and Soren haters, and haters of pretty much any and all characters with popularity in FE. That part of Begnion was rife with chaos from all the prior battles in P3, chaos can endure for a while after fighting is done. If chaos didn't endure beyond the immediate battle, how would Lehran's Medallion ever break from chaos? Ignore shippers. I actually don't ship Soren with Ike, since we have no idea if he actually has sexual thoughts of Ike or sees himself as gay.
  11. The US emerged physically unharmed from WWII, it had the ability to flex its muscles afterwards. Britain and France could not because they had been bombed and occupied into ruin. The Soviets were injured, but were bigger than B and F and could extract resources from Central and Eastern Europe under its control. Crimea is like France/Britain, Begnion is the SU. Mind you France and Britain lost their empires after WWII and also needed the US to bail them out with the Marshall Plan. There is no country, other than Begnion that could provide Crimea with a Marshall Plan- Gallia is hunter-gatherers, not an advanced superpower economy. I don't believe Ashera destoned the entire Begnion army to fight for her, only a small chunk of it. Their blessings were relatively weak and some of the soldiers were inexperienced too.
  12. Well when Lyn Mode ends, Wallace will go missing for a long time, for forever if your three main characters (Lyn, Hector, and Eliwood) are equal to or greater than 50 when you add their levels together when you reach Chapter 23. Don't worry about missing Wallace though, you'll get a different character instead of him. Anyone is usable on Eliwood Normal Mode, which is what you'll be going through on your first play of FE7. So you can use Wallace if you wish. Pick a core of, say 10-15 units you want to use and stick with them. Make sure you have basic variety- a flier or two, a thief (you don't need them to do much fighting though), a magic user or two, a healer, plenty of physical units. Cavaliers tend to be great, but other melees are good too. Pick your favorites, pick those who are doing well for you, you have room for flexibility. As for Marcus, if you can't balance your use of him, just don't use him early on. You can survive without him. If you find it difficult to survive or make it to all villages/chests/recruitable characters/unlock certain hidden chapters in the turns needed, then Marcus can be helpful in rushing to achieve those goals. Kent, Sain, another Cavalier named Lowen can all do his job too once trained. Also, when promotion comes up later on, it's better to wait. Many choose to wait until level 20, but for FE7, healers gain EXP so slowly most of the time that 10 is okay, and if you don't obsess over every stat point, level 15 or so is fine for everyone else.
  13. How about we make it an actual fire, but "chilled" to a solid form? We could call it the Frozen Flame!
  14. Thanks for reminding me we don't have a translation yet. The game looks so radically different from standard FE, but fun! I really want to try it. Well the Bargains of RD were good, non Bargain variation was bad though. By the way, PoR was originally going to have proto-My Castle, as the "Making of Fire Emblem" book mentions: My Castle is okay-ish. Plot-wise it's a bad idea. The battles be it generic fixed 3 encounters or PvP are never fun. It is much better than Awakening's world map when it comes to shopping, and cooking isn't bad later on when you can get everyone buffed, the Lottery worked. But I wasn't fond of forging in this game, nor was I of the arena or Lilith or the Hot Springs, Private Quarters, or Accessory Shop- since I didn't pay attention to character models- the 3DS not being a graphics machine. Visually, I liked the different castle layouts, if not the limited selection of things to place inside the castle. Either flesh the idea out more, or just go back to the Tellius solution.
  15. Nope. You can just skirt the northern edge of Serenes. There is little logic as to why the Laguz Alliance + Crimea pass through Daein, it's one of the missteps at the end of Part 3. Crimea should have just held the Oribes Bridge (since its the only point of contact) and moved back through Begnion as it did early in Part 3. Micaiah would be forced to either ram Crimea over and over, or join the Senate's forces in Begnion. If she got smashed in the big B, it'd take her a while to get reinforcements. Look closely and you can see dotted lines on this map:
  16. Ike has Daein parents (his father never said it though), but was born in Gallia, and spent the years of his childhood he can remember in Crimea. He never stepped foot in Daein until he came to defeat Ashnard. He really isn't Daein after all. Crimea is more his homeland, just as Miccy's is Daein, when she should be the star of Begnion.
  17. Also what healing places you spend your money at, at least in SMT I. After doing the Yama-Ikebukuro alignment shift, I tend to use this to correct a "bad" alignment. I don't kill Yama until later (which gives no alignment), instead I spam Traport with the Heroine (which won't work while Yama lives, but still costs MP), and continually visit Gaean heal spots and heal off that 2 MP over and over. This is a kinda cheap, fairly fast way of correcting things, faster than the selective demon killing.
  18. Your blanket dislike here is saddening. You also ignore Soren as an archetypical Merric, the best one yet. Not to mention Hardin has a little edge in being so heartbroken by Nyna not truly loving him that he goes all possessed. His Janaff support suggests he has room to change though. Read it if you haven't, I felt it was well done. It's called character development. Being around people lots in PoR meant his razor tongue and behaviors were by force of the constant presence of others and their criticism, dulled. It's a gradual, but noticeable improvement brought up in a Base Conversation even. He isn't made into something he isn't, but you never hear this out of him in RD, he does become, as he puts it "more diplomatic" indeed. As the last line of the first block of text (taken from Blood Runs Red- the chapter in a port where the villagers are all happy) indicates, Soren is bothered throughout PoR by his past and Branded background. Nasir blackmails him with it, and in Begnion, Soren is said to be looking off- later explained in his A support when he says that is when he learned exactly what he was- a Beorc-Laguz mongrel said to hasten the end of the world by 100 years when born. Also, compare his Aimee Base Convos and how he talks in both- the RD one is an improvement over the PoR one in that it drops some of the dry logical tone for more casual flirting, although used for the logical goal of getting Aimee to slash prices so it isn't 100% out of character. PoR: RD: Not to excuse it, he should have kept his cool, but it was the first time he encountered a Laguz since leaving Gallia over a decade ago. He probably had a lot of pent up rage against the people who, you know, denied his existence and would have let him starve to death. He just needed to vent it at long last. He has no positive experiences with Laguz until PoR progresses further. Unlike with Faye/Catria/Cordelia/Tharja and etc., Soren has an actual good reason to be so devoted to Ike. Ike literally saved Soren's life by giving him food when nobody else would. That was also the first act of kindness Soren ever received in life. Saviors tend to be worshipped you know. ✝️ Honestly, Micaiah losing her foresight can be argued to be a good thing. It does a lot for her I think. Also, Micaiah is a Heron Branded, Herons feel weak when too much chaos is around them, Micaiah losing her powers is because the chaos is too much to see through, there was less chaos when it was just the Daein Liberation War, and even then her powers started to fail her at the end with Jarod's sparing. Except for the fact it's pretty well integrated into the greater narrative and world. Not a logical necessity, but no egregious outlier in it either, it fits in readily enough. And it's proof he can be more than just cold to everyone not Ike, and I wouldn't say he means to give offense always either. I don't sense offense, just a stating of blunt reality which is harsh to the normal person who knows social cues and norms, in this Gatrie PoR chat: Soren doesn't necessarily want to be cold or have to be, he just had a genetic inheritance and upbringing that very much inclined him to be that way. But Soren wasn't in command of 3-12, he was off with Ike, the Holy Guard is more to blame for the 3-12 disaster. And how does one prepare a large army, with the intent of passing peacefully through a country that might want to fight it, protect oneself from all forms of attack? How do you defend against oil? And unfortunately, we never get to see them devising battle strategies all that much because of the plot of PoR and RD not giving either much screentime. Soren is so good, partly because we rarely see people to compare him against. There is also the fact that Soren is Branded, Skrimir is Laguz, and Soren doesn't want to be found out. And, some of us introverts (including myself) may sometimes act against expected social standards due to our "sensitivity". And we'd rather have a good bit of personal space, or be near those we're close to than people we aren't. It happens all the time with me, I like having a empty seat between me and strangers in public places when possible. And mind you my tongue, though I try to show sensitivity to others, isn't perfectly so either. I tend like Soren to be a bit blunt and tone deaf, not doing so because of wanting to be cold, as expressing reality. Actually Soren and Zelgius were on the same page- both thought a peace talk would be ideal. It was the Laguz who forced Soren not to mandate that, and then it was Skrimir who ruined Soren's plan.
  19. My bad. It's just that people (at least on GFAQs) have long railed that Chaos has been given a better portrayal than Law, so I thought you were being serious. The freedom of Chaos has been shown plenty, but Law hasn't had its good principles emphasized as much they say (although if we called the Ashura Kai Law-aligned, I think it was well done). It doesn't help that Lucifer, who in truth cares as much about ideology as YHVH (or as little as YHVH), and openly admits he doesn't actually care about humanity in itself in SJ I believe, is much more personal and frequent in his appearances.
  20. Gameplay-wise, the value of alignment varies from game to game. In SMTs I and II, if the MC is Law aligned, you can't use Chaos demons. If Chaos, you can't use Law demons. Neutral demons can be used by used by everyone and a neutral MC can use all demons. Having the same alignment might make recruitment easier, but it won't affect fusion. In Strange Journey, the Law/Neutral/Chaos alignment affects Demon Co-op Attacks. If you target an enemy's weakness and deal damage, if there are allies of the same alignment as the attacker (demon or the MC, it doesn't matter), they'll deal an element-free follow up attack, like Sessions in Tokyo Mirage Sessions except less fleshed out as a mechanic. In SMTIV and probably Apo (I haven't opened by copy yet), there are three late coming Almighty element spells: Sea of Chaos, Holy Wrath, and Judgement. Each is weaker than Megidoloan, but stronger than Megidola. Sea of Chaos deals 50% more damage to Law foes, Holy Wrath the same to Chaos, and Judgement to Neutrals. Note that there is the secondary alignment of Light-Neutral-Dark. Light and Neutral alignment generally don't matter, but Dark demons in most games can only be recruited via fusion or under certain conditions, like a full moon. As for the role of alignments in story, sometime towards the end, your alignment, determined by the choices you have made, does affect the ending and final dungeon and or bosses faced. Not all games use a point system, Devil Survivor 1 is not just about agreeing with Naoya all the time if you want to go Chaos, you do have to complete his timed battle challenge too. Lastly, not all games use Law Neutral Chaos in the narrative. Nocturne and Devil Survivor 2 (and I've heard Apo) don't really use it, although you could say it exists, just in an altered form. Brashs-sounding choices generally are Chaos boosting ones though. And Chaos is just as bad as Law. The majority of excrement you go through in most SMTs is chaotic. The difference is people generally hate justice freaks more than random Onis that want to eat them.
  21. I'm guessing Shanna and Karel are going to be the infinite nonstop multiplier maniacs this time? As in those who lag so far behind they get the multiplier practically every hour. By the way, why isn't this happening? VS. Lucia Lucius The two different gendered versions of the same name, with each character fitting the criteria for this gauntlet.
  22. Learn something every day And on that note, I wouldn't mind a body swap as in what they plan to do with Shovel Knight (I only just DL'd the game, it hasn't been added yet right?). Keep the personalities and general ideas the same, just change the forms. Imagine Camilla as a man, Lucius as a girl. Florina as the super shy boy. Nowi as the favorite of priests behind bars. I wonder how much Takumi and Leo would be liked if young women instead? Arthur as Wonder Woman (IDK on the superheroines)? Think on the possibilities!
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