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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Long haired guys include, though some are debatable depending on your definition of "long", the artist's portrayal (FE3 Xane is long, the current 12 version isn't), and what we see of the person's hair (a ponytail may or may not mean long, we have to guess what it'd be without it): FE4: FE5: FE6: FE7: FE8: Tellius: Archanea: FE13: Uhhh... Libra, Lon'qu and Den'gue? FE14: Jakob, Subaki, Ryoma, Takumi, Izana, Hinata, Azama after a torrential downpour, Yukimura, Keaton, Forrest? Am I missing anyone? FE15: Leon, Luthier and Nomah?
  2. Shinon is a bigot and provocateur (hence Provoke), but once you read his great supports and other dialogue, he emerges an Ike-hater with nuance and a soft spot in his heart, though not a heart of gold. He is different and complex and I like that. Plus I've heard some criticism thrown at Panne in Awakening for being all aggressive towards humans, despite there not being a single PC or NPC who is a Taguel bigot. Why then is she aggressive if the world seems perfectly tolerant? Shinon (and the wonderful people of Port Toha in PoR) offer Lethe (to call her Panne's equal) a reason to be aggressive. Hate to say this, but I think Nailah and Rafiel are married. RD has a wonderful cast, but outside of intra-DB and intra GM supports, there just isn't enough time for them to happen in RD.
  3. By the goddess I've never once attempted 3-6 like that! All I do is hold at the chokepoint to the north, and the one to the east. I always assume if anyone went beyond the chokes, it was tantamount to suicide. Yet somehow your Jill survived and your units were able to move around a bit without suddenly being devoured by everything (though you came close a couple times). Gutsy with your strategies. And Corrosion is a little better in this game. As a Tier 2 unit counts as 20 + their current level, and a Tier 3 40 + their current level. Most weapons have no more than 40 uses, so a Corrosion activation on a Tier 3 unit can leave an enemy weaponless. A Tier 2 unit can break Silvers (30 uses) and 1-2 physicals (25) too. Those three personal weapons for Edward, Leonardo and Nolan didn't exist in the original Japanese version of RD, they got added in the international release. Another change I'm surprised by is that those movies that show you what's coming up in the next Part were added. Things don't seem right without the transition they provide from one part to the next. They also made foraging easier, in the Japanese version, you need 50 forge points to one forge of any kind. How do you get them? You sell weapons! E = 1, D = 5, C = 10, B = 25, A = 50, S = 100. Back when Aimee was saying you couldn't sell weapons when you had the Silver Card, she meant you couldn't sell them for the removed forge points, since you farm them infinitely by buying and selling back weapons. The number of uses a weapon has left when you sell it doesn't matter, a 3 use Hand Axe gives the same number of points as a full 25 use one. The idea is you sell scraps to Jorge, who passes them to his brother Daniel, who uses them as the base materials for the new weapons you order. Here is a picture of Kezhda, Lethe's replacement if she's dead: Not bad for a generic boss Laguz. Your Jill is amazing! She is considered the best investment unit in all of RD for a reason. Her start is shaky with low HP and problematic Str, she's almost a Peg Knight on a dragon, but if her Str keeps up and so does the rest, she is very useful. In a sense she's better than Haar since the GMs have plenty of power even without him, the DB on the other hand would be hurting without Jill.
  4. Ever heard of spectator sports? You don't have to be the NBA to like basketball. Not that this is a sport, it's less a sport than professional poker.
  5. Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren, Soren. Soren! One of my all times favorites is in! Yes, he is so very well fleshed out and developed! Don't like him? Think he's just a jerk? I'm sorry you're soooooooooooooo incapable of getting past an abrasive exterior. How can you not see how he changes in a most realistic gradual manner going from PoR to RD? He has good reasons for being a jerk, more than some others in this garbage series called FE can say! I guess you just don't get what complexity is. I pity you. (No hard feelings, this is just the time to let me mud sling a little- and I love FE, it isn't trash at all.) I will be praying from the sidelines. Don't want to give Ryoma a multiplier. I shall also be working on mottos and victory cries for Soren should he win any given round. By the way, if it comes to Takumi vs. Soren (quite reasonable), which of the two insecure, antisocial, plot relevant, wind-affiliated young men will win? No Lucious is a shame indeed. He needs to find Aureola and crit all of DeNA. Stupid? No. Ordinary? Yes. But isn't that nice for a change of pace? I saw in the best to worst FE plots topic you dislike the assassins subplot (or is it a rumor to you?), care to explain why?
  6. Well that would be very different, reviving an old idea instead of just using the current one. In a sense, it'd be a conservative remake, since it'd only be giving us what the game was originally going to be. But it would cause an uproar, particularly if the game really didn't have Elincia in it. Then again, this was found in TearRing Saga's data: Which looks like: TearRing was released in 2001, PoR 2005. Who knows? Maybe Elincia was destined for importance, we just don't know from the notes. I'd play it for sure. Sephiran would get a nice big role again, he is more or less a favorite of mine. Edit: These aren't in perfect order. 1 Sephiran 2 Jill 3 Dheginsea 4 Shinon 4 Soren 6 Reyson 6 Naesala 6 Stefan 9 Ranulf 10 Rolf 11 Skrimir 11 Bastian 13 Calill 14 Hector 15 Matthew 15 Nils 15 Lucius 15 Canas 15 Pent 1st cousins though? 2nd, maybe once in a while, but 1st? PattyxLester is pretty close to incest.
  7. Well that would be very different, reviving an old idea instead of just using the current one. In a sense, it'd be a conservative remake, since it'd only be giving us what the game was originally going to be. But it would cause an uproar, particularly if the game really didn't have Elincia in it. Then again, this was found in TearRing Saga's data: Which looks like: TearRing was released in 2001, PoR 2005. Who knows? Maybe Elincia was destined for importance, we just don't know from the notes. I'd play it for sure. Sephiran would get a nice big role again, he is more or less a favorite of mine. 1 Sephiran 2 Jill 3 Dheginsea 4 Shinon 4 Soren 6 Reyson 6 Naesala 6 Stefan 9 Ranulf 10 Rolf 11 Skrimir 11 Bastian 13 Calill 14 Hector 15 Matthew 15 Nils 15 Lucius 15 Canas 15 Pent 1st cousins though? 2nd, maybe once in a while, but 1st? PattyxLester is pretty close to incest.
  8. This was from the real early days of PoR, when Elincia might not have mattered/existed, Sephiran executed Greil and adopted Elena, Ike's family was from Begnion, Stefan came running to Sanaki's aid, Tibarn was Leanne's fiancee and she was voiceless, Mist was going to be a magic using lord for at least part of the game, and the world map looked like this: I for some reason recall, maybe I'm wrong, some level of relatedness between Aurelis and Archanea? It'd be distant incest though.
  9. They avoided this by making siblings unable to support. Which is a questionable move. Although it is saying something about FE that this beta profile of Mist had this in it: Specialty/Hobbies Always smiling. Always takes over the conversation before anyone can do anything about it. Always thinking of her brother (not romantically). Here:
  10. Priscilla fan? I like her design and of course I use her in FE7, but her personality a little too fair maiden for me. Serra can be annoying, but I'm a sucker for her Hector and Lucius supports. The former makes me wish HectorxSerra had a paired ending. And the latter makes me go "celibate opposite sex best buddies, yay!". Well there is RD. *Equips Mantle just in case* Supports are nifty, but never really necessary. A little broken in Tellius with the EarthxEarth combo, but nothing so bad otherwise. If we get Greil, can we get Zelgius? Anyone know what his stat spread and skills would be? All I know is he'd have an Iron Sword+++++++ By the way, has anyone done RavenxSelena in Heroes? The edgelord redhead mercenary and the angry redhead mercenary.
  11. RD really doesn't need new characters, it has enough as is. Maybe another unit or two for the Dawn Brigade- provided they don't add to the competition for oh so precious EXP Micaiah's group faces. PoR is fine too. Maybe another raven though, a normal one to flesh out Kilvas a little more. Beyond that, I just want more Supports in this game with the present cast. SS would need a truckload more if they wanted to do a Ephraim and Eirika simultaneous route thing, which they should totally consider in a remake. Even if they didn't, the cast is small by FE standards, but that might be part of the game's charm. FE7- I think the cast works as is. The game is rather balanced and no class is horribly lacking. FE6- I don't need that many if any FE7 chars playable, but toss in some NPC references to a bunch of them, particularly Pent and Louise. I wouldn't mind Nils showing up again either. The cast for FE6 is already plenty big. FE5- I haven't played, but it seems okay. FE4- Just throw in a bunch of T776 references including playable Saias and NPC Mareeta and Eyvel. An avatar could work possibly in an interesting way, but I doubt IS would handle it well. Another Gen 1 flier would be neat.
  12. Reminds me of Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume Plume o'er the battlefield, unto thee thy power yield! *A level 1 Villager Mozu suddenly gets 40s across the board* Then again the Plume was more of a "you failed to meet the minimum Sin quota last fight, now you must either plume to win, or you lose" provided you haven't already hit your plume use quota before Freya GOs you. You could buy Jamke- but Einherjar are cheating! Archers are useless barring a massive grind for everyone in Awakening I shall admit, the enemy phase is just too big.
  13. Wow. I always enjoy a well written critique with an edge to grind. I've never played FFXIII so I can't say how accurate it is. That the "critic" reviews were all pretty high scores suggest they're a farce from what the fan reaction was (no surprise- a big franchise like FF is bound to score well on the name brand- an unfortunate fact). It looks like the "this isn't actually good" thing sunk in by Lightning Returns. FFXIII sounding like a train wreck has put a passing interest into my mind about picking it up and trying it myself. But on the other hand- if it is a real crash accident, even if I get it cheap, it'll be a regret buy. I don't have a PS4, but I've heard a little that XV has been tumultuous too. Have you played that and have any comparative opinions between XIII and XV? By the way, how can a JRPG plot happen in just two days? How does one go from starting out on a journey to offing the final boss in 48 hours? In a movie or book, two days can work like it was nothing, and I'm not denying that it could possibly work in a JRPG, but a full length one?
  14. Jaffar is the real master of ellipses. And somehow killing things as a baby. Sophia tries.... too hard. Maybe if she... had a... res...pit...tor...y...condition from being...ha...lf...d...r...a...g...o...n...I...'...d...like her more. It'd also reconcile her and Ninian a little more. (I exaggerate her ellipses use.) By the way Vax, you like Micaiah's wardrobe, correct? Of her three different outfits which is your favorite? Light Mage, Light Sage, or Light Priestess?
  15. I might be a little overly cautious, but do try to spell out "Japanese" in the future. Use the abbreviation in the wrong place, and you'll be accused of using a racial slur. Just a tip. Well they are childhood friends. And FE4 begins with Sigurd having to rescue Edain. Mayhap he thought she owed him a favor? They have too many blondes in both Gens. Beowolf and Chulainn anyone? I hope they make one of them another hair color in 4 Remake, probably Chulainn since otherwise they might have to tweak Fergus. And then we also get Dew, Claud, and Naoise. 5 blonde boys. That is one more than the 2nd Gen.
  16. Well racism towards Africans (and slavery), Native Americans (and land stealing/wars), and Asians have all existed in the US for its history, plus sexism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, elitism, and other bad things. They've existed elsewhere too, but it isn't so bad if it happens in the premodern world. Putting Theodore Roosevelt in would be awesome (and on you can always emphasize his pro-environmentalism), but he, one of the more sterling Presidents and fairly modern at that, did say leaving Cuba and the Phillippines to Spain would be "like leaving Arizona to the Apaches". So in one quip he displays racism to like 3 groups (but he was for the time pro-African Americans as his Booker T. Washington White House invite symbolized). Add the Gentleman's Agreement with Japan for this (it shut down Japanese immigration to the US overnight) and the Big Stick. I'm chiming in not because I play Fates, I never have. I just want to talk this additional mythological/historical characters stuff. Pardon me if I mention someone who is actually in the Fates universe. Code Name STEAM managed to make a 12 character roster out of just old American/English literary characters. How about Dorothy and her trio? Maybe someone out of Edgar Allen Poe's works? Moby Dick characters? Why not just make Henry David Thoreau himself a hippy? For historical- Benedict Arnold is 100% a hated traitor- so he's pretty uncontroversial. Molly Pitcher, the Revolutionary War woman who handed out drinks to the men and manned a cannon when her husband fell in battle never existed as a single person, she's an amalgamation of many women. She could work.
  17. Well 1st Tier enemies do show up in Part 2. But the real reason the 3rd Tier exists is because it'd be weird to reset everyone from PoR to the 1st Tier when the Mad King's War clearly gave them experience. Really, just return the Master Crown promotion requirement, fix Haar, and or tone down those broken Mastery skills. Fiona's availability makes sense in the narrative (they could alter it without that much work true), keep it and just amp up her bases. True for the 2nd Playthrough stuff, no reason it can't be available on the 1st. The DB does need more EXP that is true. An extra Part 3 fight or two and some more Part 1 ones would seriously help. Regular Laguz (well the ones that are good) are perfectly usable and not worthless until the Tower of Guidance. Ranulf, Janaff, Ulki, Skrimir, Mordecai, P2 Nealuchi, Volug, P1 Muarim and Vika, they can all fight quite well with just their bases. And the Royals only show up in Part 4, with each Army getting just one so there is room in each force for strong normal Laguz to help out. Once the Tower comes, then the good normal Laguz are completely inferior to the united army of Royals. Edit: By the way, give the Black Knight and Dheginsea innate Nullify. Being able to Hammer the BK to death is not right! And Dheg should be immune to Wyrmslayers too.
  18. Buy her an Angelic Robe or two from the 16 Secret Shop, and she can't be OHKO'ed. With Nosferatu (you can load up on them in one chapter), she has 14 AS, and only really fast enemies like have 18 AS or more. She'll have 31 Res-hitting Atk, with 125 Hit between the tome, her 20 Skill, and 15 Luck. Most enemies have 40 Avoid tops, so she'll have 85 Displayed, 95 True. Resistance values are 10 tops for most physical units, so at least 21 HP will be healed per hit against them. Long story short, Niime can Nostank with a little investment. Would Raigh or Sophia outdo her? Sure! But they'll be much more an investment with all the training needed. Just a little money is needed for Niime. On the character front, she is the mother of Canas and grandmother of Hugh, with that hermit thing going for her too.
  19. 3-4 is a little sad since the tide turns, but to be fair, would you want the Laguz Alliance to just own Begnion at every turn? It'd make Begnion out to be incompetent and things would be boring. This said, the map is good, if not for Haar as you pointed out. He is slightly less broken in Japan since Master Crowns are absolutely needed for going 3rd tier in that version, EXP alone can't get you to it. Master Crowns being rather limited, giving Haar one would be favoritism, but he'd so deserve it since he breaks the game harder with it than anyone else. So really, he wouldn't be any less broken unless you purposely gimped him for someone else, Shinon and Titania would be a little less good once they cap level, since Rolf and Oscar would have a chance to catch up. Also, Laguz have their internal level (not the one you see on the status screen) increased when shifted. It means they less when shifted than untransformed. Have Ranulf kill someone with a kick on counterattack, and it'd be more than what he'd get when clawing them to death. It's unfair to Laguz I think, but those with solid bases can handle it, and stat boosters are effectively twice as effective on things other then HP and Luck due to transformation doubling stats. Using Lyre and Fiona? I like your style. Changes things up a bit from the usual. Just as preemption given you play ahead of your most recently posted video. This is rather important: On 3-7, read this only when you on are on the Preparations screen for 3-7 or after starting the battle. It'll ruin the surprise if you read it sooner. The time limit on the BoydxMist Support (the reward is nothing that amazing), is, if you really want to know: Supports in FE10 use a system that blends the GBA and PoR styles. Being fielded in the same chapter gives Support Points. Having two units end their turns next to each other, shoving, being carried around via rescue, and healing all give Support Points too. IkexSoren and BoydxMist gain 16 points per chapter together, 2 per Shove, 4 per turn adjacent, 6 for being carried around, and 5 for healing. It takes 50 points to rank up. Points for the level beyond the next cannot be acquired. Keep fielding Boyd and Mist and they should get the A, put them near each other and heal Boyd with Mist to make it happen faster. Ike and Soren should have zero problems getting it as long as Soren gets fielded all the time. There is a chapter in the future before the deadline where heal spamming is pretty easy (you'll be able to identify it once you start playing it). Said map has a fairly easy BEXP turncount limit, so Mist and Boyd could possibly get a rank up just from that battle alone. If they end each turns adjacent and Boyd is healed on each by Mist, you'll get 9 points a turn, plus the 16 for just being on the map means it'd take 4 turns of heals and being adjacent to get the rank up. Of course, you could do this on any map provided you didn't mind gluing Boyd to Mist for a few turns and have a way to get him hurt.
  20. It makes sense for certain units, namely Ilyana, Haar, Brom, Nephenee, Heather, possibly Jill and Zihark, and for everyone during the Part 4 three army split. But otherwise it does fail. It doesn't help support building that the constant team swapping limits the time you have for supports to develop. I mean the paired endings of Naesala and Leanne and Lucia and Bastian need to be made while in the Tower of Guidance. Well you could make generic ones for certain character pairings, and non-generics for others. Easy. No! Do you want magic to be even worse off? These power weapons are partly to blame for the weakness of tomes, the different between Steel Poleax and an Elfire tome is 8 Atk, that exceeds the 4-7 Def vs. Res gap the majority of non-high Res units have. They did autoleveling in FE8 and 9 (Rhys joins with some autolevels strangely), don't see why they couldn't have in RD. Masteries on normal enemies would be a bad idea unless they were toned down, as in without the extreme damage. Some distribution of normal skills like Cancel and Adept somewhat randomly among standard enemies would be good too. Micaiah getting the final blow on Ashera would be very annoying from a gameplay perspective, since at with capped Magic, Nasir and Rexaura, she'd do only 7 damage. If you didn't get Rexaura, or recruit Nasir, or train Micaiah heavily, you're doomed. Honestly, the final blow should be open to anyone to deal, and then the real final blow is dealt afterwards in a movie clip. By Ragnell, with Micaiah (not Yune talking in Micaiah) providing the Chaos that gives it's killing power- equal representation and equally important roles for Miccy and Ike in the killing of Ashera. Afterwards, Micaiah and Ike alike chat with Yune before she vanishes. Micaiah calls Yune a big sister at one point, it's shame we never see them talk to each other and that is the one moment they had when they could have. By the way, ever read Sephiran's 4-Final-5 chat with Micaiah? If you haven't, you should. I wish we could see the aftermath of it.
  21. These aren't what I'd call underwhelming exactly: Fire: Attack + 0.5, Accuracy + 2.5, Avoid + 2.5, Critical + 2.5 Thunder: Defence +0.5, Avoid + 2.5, Critical + 2.5, Critical Evade + 2.5 Wind: Attack + 0.5, Accuracy + 2.5, Critical + 2.5, Critical Evade + 2.5 Ice: Defence + 0.5, Accuracy + 2.5, Avoid + 2.5, Critical Evade + 2.5 Dark: Accuracy + 2.5, Avoid + 2.5, Critical + 2.5, Critical Evade +2.5 Light: Attack + 0.5, Defence + 0.5, Accuracy + 2.5, Critical + 2.5 Anima: Attack + 0.5, Defence + 0.5, Avoid + 2.5, Critical Evade + 2.5 Assuming two characters share a particular boost (Attack, Avoid, etc.) you can get +3 or +15 at an A. Those aren't Tellius EarthxEarth broken, but still rather good.
  22. PoR is simpler in its plot, RD is more ambitious and complex. Each has things to like about them, each has things to critique. RD might be convoluted and all over the place to one, and while PoR's is well executed and clear. PoR might be condemned as generic by another, and RD by that person much more unique and successfully grand. Likewise, we may find some who praised Marth/Roy for being subtle in personality and development, rarefied like an ideal noble/monarch. This person may loathe Hector as overly emotional. Another may find Marth/Roy too subtle for their own good as it makes them dull and flavorless. Hector's emotional and brash nature may be more appealing since the development and thoughts and feelings of him are more palpable. Simplicity vs. complexity, subtlety vs. vibrancy, realism vs. fantasy, these are things we find debated frequently in Fire Emblem games nowadays. They are debated in the stories, in the gameplay (there are a few who like BR more than CQ on the grounds that the gameplay of CQ is too gimmicky- in this case meaning complex), and in the characters. Shall I borrow Soren and contrast him with Miriel? Or Boyd with Vaike? Or Tauroneo with Effie, Benny, and Kellam? How about Jill with Cherche and Beruka and Camilla? The Telliusians are more realistic and nuanced, boring to critics, while the 13/14-ites are bursting with extraordinary personality, one-note and gimmicky to critics. Of course, there is no simple division between old and new here, Ilyana could seamlessly become a 13/14-ite, while one could make a case for... Leo? Shura? Takumi? Kaze? Gangrel? moving the other way (my inability to name a single character with certainty from 13-14 reflects more my lack of personal experience with 13-14 character personalities). I'm kinda disenchanted with FF as a whole. I think V has the best gameplay by far (I like Bravely more, but I hear some prefer V over Bravely), and for its time IV wasn't bad, and VI did its narrative best in the confines of the era. VII tried something really different, if still simple and cliched, plot-wise. And VIII went even more modern (I haven't gotten to IX yet, or XI and beyond). VI and VII's gameplay (they're quite similar) is serviceable, but not great, and VIII's is an experiment gone wrong. FFX does have a great world setup in Spira as a whole I admit, but the plot's religious angle wasn't done right, it was too "religion is an evil lie" cliched. Having "Sin is Tidus's Dad" known from almost the start was different, probably better than hiding the reveal for the shock value. Having a hero who isn't a natural warrior or leader is distinct, I liked Yuna's journey and Seymour is, well not a total failure, if not the biggest success either, I don't know where to put him between the two extremes. As for the romance, better than Rinoa and Squall, but worse than Cloud and Tifa, Rosa and Cecil, Locke and Celes. Of course the best romance is the Onion Knight's- the one that doesn't exist! Blitzball was bad, not to mention the one forced game you're almost guaranteed to lose. I did like it as a part of the world though. Hiding the ultimate weapons behind the minigames was a really bad idea. So was the Break 9999 Damage Limit- makes the superbosses, almost all recolors, HP sinks needing the Celestial Weapons to beat. The Arena too is Tidius, and so is the grinding to beat the superbosses. Never completed X-2, but again, too many minigames, with the plot and character designs too fanservicey (Rikku I'm looking at you). I did like the dresspheres though, a good class system is never bad. Points for being different with so much being optional. Is FF the absolute worse in JRPGs? No. The very best? Highly debatable for sure.
  23. But doesn't Saleh deserve Sacred Excalibur more? She does mention a "Tome of Nazania", a mythology book or something in Chapter 4. And in her Artur support she mentions a "Glossary of Falibrian Entomology", and a "De Floris Mystici", and a "A Young Girl’s Primer to Nazonian Magic" sought out by the Demon King. Or Lute can just get a non-personal tome, expanding the pool of the good stuff already in the game for anyone to use isn't a terrible idea. Anima being a hodgepodge in the GBA games means she can be whatever color they want her to be. And I just had a revelation: Lute and Artur might be inspired by Mae and Boey! Both are mages who have known each other since childhood, one male and one female, have a paired ending, differing personalities, appear when monsters show up, and are in the game which takes Gaiden as its inspiration.
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