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Everything posted by ScarletSylph

  1. Hmm, I didn't see any codes as rewards in the current events, only in resonant battles. I guess I'll keep playing and slowly save up. Thanks!
  2. Oh I didn't even know I could use code 2 on code 1 paths but yea I was saving the code 2 for better fodder. How can I get more codes quickly?
  3. I have those 3 mentioned so I'll just using those 3 + bonus on the next tempest xD On a seperate note, I got another unrelated question. How do I get more code 1? I only have 1,500 since the beginning and I have never gotten more. All I've been getting is the 2nd code and the limited ones. I wanted to get some of the normal 1 manuals for fodder and merges.
  4. Any good f2p healer specifically for autobattle? I mainly want to use them for things like Tempest trials, forging bonds and leveling new units. I was looking at Lindhardt(+def) since he seems to have a good mixed bulk. I was using Lissa previously but it seems Lindhardt is a direct upgrade to her. I'm just concerned of his lack of spd in getting doubled constantly. Is there any other person I could use or is Lindhardt my best option? I didn't consider the cav healers since it seems their defensive stats lean to either def or res and not both which I want. I'm not concerned for movement though since I plan to put WoM on them.
  5. Makes sense, either way I will definitely use him in Aether Raids xD Thanks.
  6. Thanks, I am thinking to use him for things like Aether Raids or those Lunatic+ so if he is good there, I will definitely build him. Which Boon do you think is better at +10? Speed or Attack? I have enough copies to instant +10 him xD Maybe speed so he doesn't get double'd? I just went with speed after doing a bit of googling xD
  7. Is it worth to build Eliwood to +10 when I have a Brave Roy+2(+atk)? Reason I'm asking is I'm debating on getting Eliwood's Resplendent outfit since I plan to buy the FEH pass when Micaiah's resplendent outfit is available and thought I might as well get it. I also hear that Eliwood requires a lot of investment to be good. That's why I'm still a little hesitant to build him but if he is worth it, I'll build one since he is also one of my fav characters. But I don't have a lot of resources since I just came back to the game not too long ago. If he is worth to build, is +spd or +atk better? I have both that I can use. I'm also curious on how good Eldigan is as well since I also like his resplendent outfit and I'm wondering if its worth to get XD Another question: what's the best way to get divine dews? Almost all the units I want to improve on requires it.
  8. @Xenomata @XRay I have some of those units so will match her with them. Thanks!
  9. Ah ok. I got to consider that when making a def team with her then. Thanks!
  10. Why does my Thasir keep giving penalties to allies? I'm quite confused. I'm currently leveling her for next Aether Raid season but I noticed she kept giving penalties on my own people. Does she have a skill that does this or something? I keep rereading her skills but I don't see a mention in any?(at least from my understanding) It doesn't happen all the time but every other time, I noticed.
  11. Oh he does have the skill, I'll try using the free tickets 1st before I even decide to use orbs for it xD It will really depend how much I want to try this double save super tank strat. He was actually the other Calvary unit I was thinking of. I got an Atk+ Merge+1 right now. I think he was my +10 project before I stopped playing. I also got Fluorspar Selena in one of my free summons when I came back and she seems to be a pretty good player phase unit when I was leveling her up. I also got Brave Lyn which I remember is a good player phase as well.
  12. Isn't this a limited unit? Meaning I won't have access to this skill then until its in a banner again. 😞 Well, I'll look out for its rerun when it comes around I guess or if more units with the skill will come out. I do like the idea of it though. I'll probably work on player phase for now since @XRay mentioned those units require less resources(I barely have any). I got a ton of the older dancer/singers and a few decent player phase Calvary units I know of that I can use. I can't seem to recall any good infantry player phase units for some reason though x.x
  13. @Othin Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when I start giving away Mythic Blessings. @XRay Among the armor units you mentioned, I have Eldegard and Hector. I did tell Othin I would get Dimitri but decided against it because I do like tanky units and I like how she can move like a infantry unit even though she is armor. Btw, I don't quite understand when you say double save double tank. I assume the save is some sort of skill I am unaware of? So far, I do like both Eldegard and Brave Hector, especially since Brave Hector is no longer weak to armor-effective weapons after his upgrade. I have him paired up with Corrin(M) as suggested and it seems to work pretty well so far but I haven't used it in any of the harder content yet (Lunatic, etc)
  14. @XRay Dang that's a lot of info! I got a bit of information overload but will definitely look back into this xD I do have Brave Roy with Galeforce but he tends to die a lot cause he is so out of reach. I'll try the WoM gimmick cause I don't think I took full advantage of that. I think in general(I realized after playing again) that I like enemy phase gameplay more. So I'm enjoying the team Othin suggested to me. But I do notice Brave Hector still dying a bit even with buffs. Probably cause I don't have Flayn and 0 merges/flowers. I got a question about Aether Raids though. Do the Legendary/Mythic buffs stack? Like can I have 1 unit buffed with a bunch of Legendary Water units? So it would be 1 Mythic, 3/2 Legendaries, 1 Blessed unit for maxed bonus/lift. I got more Legendaries than Mythic blessings so I might use them until I get more Mythic ones.
  15. Ok I got a lot of training to do. I'll probably be asking here again if I run into anything I don't understand as I play xD Thanks for answering all my questions!
  16. 2. Edited: Nevermind, I do have some apparently. I have Thasir and Eir as Mythic heroes. 3. Yea I pretty behind in doing them. Especially on lunatic level. I think I've only done the 1st book on lunatic so I got a ton of orbs there. 4 & 5 Edited: Because I just realized Flayn is a flying healer so Eldegard wouldn't really be a replacement xD (I thought Flayn was a green unit) I have both Brave Lucina (+hp/-atk) and male corrin (+spd/-res). Who is a good replacement for Flayn? Does it need to be a flying healer? I don't think I have any of those but I do have flying dancers(Legendary Azura comes to mind) or cavalry healers like Veronica 6. Yea, sounds like a plan. I gotta learn this game again xD 7. I'll save up then especially since Idk if I can get a new stock from Aether raids for a bit. 8. I got a lot of untrained ones because of bad IVs, are they still worth training? Some I saved aside for SI as well but maybe their skills aren't worth much anymore? Things like Bold fighter and such.
  17. 1. Thanks, this is good to know since most of the units I like are 5* which are hard to merge xD 2. What kind of teams for Aether Raids? I would eventually like to do that too. This mode was relatively new when I stopped playing so I don't remember much. 3. Sorry, It is the CYL banner. I didn't see the other main banner though. Is that one also giving away a free unit? I'll take any free unit at this point xD 4. Among the 2, I like Dimitri a bit more so I may just choose him then xD 5. Honestly, with all the new skills and seals and units, I don't know how to build any teams anymore xD Since you said Brave Hector(Neutral IV btw) is my strongest unit on that list, is it worth building a team around him then? If so what kind of units should I be looking for to support him? Or should I just try my luck in summoning for newer units? I can get some orbs going through the story and such. I'm like at book 3, chapter 10. I should be able to get a bunch of orbs from there. 6. If anything I guess a team to get me going in both Arena(offense and defense) and Aether raids. Basically the modes where I can get orbs to summon to get more units. I got an additional question as I'm exploring the UI of the game again. I got 437 Heroic grails to use and I am wondering which unit I should pick to help me along the way? I also have a list of all the units I have that are 5* above (Though it is quite long) Is it worth any mention to make a team of out them or should I just look for the newer units?
  18. I'm a returning player(haven't played in years) and I am utterly confused about everything. I have a bunch of questions and I remembered using this site to ask so here I am. 1. Is it worth to use unmerged units? Or are +10 merges a must for things like PVP? (I don't need to be in the top but at least a decent rank to get some orbs) 2. How are team synergies now? I remember using mono teams like all armor units w armor march, etc. 3. Who should I pick as a free unit in the banner currently if I cannot get any merges and don't have a lot of the newer skills (no orbs) 4. What are some easy auto units? I know this is a tactic game and the AI can be dumb, but there are times where I don't really want to think and kinda just brute my way through(This is for PVE btw, I won't do this in PVP) From what I remember, I did this a lot in those tempest trials. 5.I don't mind using meta units (especially if it helps me in PVP) but I have some fav characters that I do want to build and use. I am wondering if anyone knows a good team/build for them? (doesn't have to be together and most probably doesn't have the most optimal IV. Also at most +1 merges). Fallen M Robin(absolute fav and currently my support), Brave Eliwood, Brave Micaiah, Owain, Hector(OG, Brave, Legendary), Exalt Chrom. You can probably tell that most of my Fav units are from Awakening and The Blazing Blade. I'd appreciate it if I can get some team synergy and build for these units(or if I should go for any better version of them when they come in a banner) 6. What in general should I be focusing on to get stronger in both PVP and PVE? With so many different modes and characters, I am just confused on what to do. Sorry for the wall of text. I just got so many question and the UI and all the new game modes doesn't make it any easier. Any help is appreciated!
  19. @XRay@Ice DragonOk Thanks for the advice! Will see how good the team is before I decide to merge Robin and will probably go Julia then because of the lack of CC xD
  20. Good to know that its safe to merge her then! I will go with +atk since that seems like a generally more useful IV. Also another question, who is a better dragon killer? Deirdre(+spd/-atk, +def/-hp) or Julia(+res/-hp, +res/-def)? Or are Falchion users better? Planning to add one dragon killer in my team on AR for those times I encounter dragons. I don't have much problems with armor and horses since I've got Micaiah +4
  21. With the upcoming changes to merges, I was thinking of maybe merging my good/not so good legendary robins(+atk/-spd & +def/-spd) to get rid of the bad banes. I'm planning to place her with Naesala and Tibarn and maybe Adult Tiki(or any future beast unit) in a team. I'm just wondering if Legendary Robin had any skills that are worth foddering off and which IV is better as the main one before I decide to merge. I'm torn between the two since +def will help her fight off archers(adult tiki might not be a permanent member of the team) while +atk is much appreciated for legendary robin. Another question is who is a better dragon killer? Deirdre(+spd/-atk, +def/-hp) or Julia(+res/-hp, +res/-def)?
  22. Hmmm maybe I'll just wait for that perfect IV Nowi then xD Also thanks for the explanation of the BST! @daisy jane Since I decided on waiting for a better IV Nowi for arena, I might take the +spd one now since I will probably make her a debuffer support now xD
  23. Probably since I plan to use her in arena. I don't know how the BST calculation works so I'm not sure if the superboon will make such a difference with her. I just know that superboons are preferred for max arena scoring xD But if she is not worth using for arena then I will not be +10 merging her and I will just take my time and play around with the 2 IVs.
  24. So I was looking through my barracks and found I have some good IVs F!Corrin +atk & +spd / -hp and I was wondering how good is F! Corrin for arena now? I have read some posts that F!Corrin was good before in arena but those posts were months ago so I don't know how she is now. I have yet to find a +def / -spd Nowi for a +10 merge so I was considering if maybe a F! Corrin can be a replacement Nowi and for some future dark breath builds. Also which IV is better, the +atk or +spd?
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