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Everything posted by ScarletSylph

  1. Even as a F2P player? As much as I love her. I haven't used her in a while and I want to make sure my resources are well allocated If she didn't have good SI skills I would have merged her in a heartbeat xD
  2. hi just need some 2nd opinions but is it worth to merge micaiah? i have like 4 extra copies and I love micaiah as a character. Reason why I'm hesitant though is cause she has Distant def and drive atk for skill inheritance. But then I watched a phoenixmaster1 vid saying that those skills are not as premium anymore since there are seals for it. Any thoughts?
  3. Ok thanks! Was hoping to use in arena but AA works as well. Will probably wait till I get a much better one before making him built for arena.
  4. The firesweep bow build looks fun to play but sadly no Faye to fodder for firesweep bow :( Might go with the last one since I also lack CC fodder. Will any IV work with that build or is my +spd/-hp better than +hp/-res? Since it looks like I want to keep my res at least neutral?
  5. So I just randomly summoned my 1st WT Reinhardt but he has the worst possible IVs, +spd -atk. Is he worth using at all outside of horse emblem? Or is it still possible for him to powerhouse his way through enemies like he should? Also I have asked before on how to build H!Jakob when he was released and now I want to rebuild him as his old build I had advise on seemed too squishy to my liking. I was hoping someone can help me as both my jakobs since the beginning have less than optimal IVs, +spd/-hp and +hp/-res. Any builds that could work with these IVs or should I wait to get better ones?
  6. That could be why my Arena defense is terrible xD From what I remember, they died from either colorless and disadvantage. Though I understand why they die to disadvantage but they also seemed to die from colorless. Reason why I loved my armor team before cause they could all take so many hits and still stay alive. Now I feel that is less so since there seems to be so many armor slaying weapons.
  7. I had an armor team as well with BK, H! henry, W! robin and FH robin but they don't get me enough wins for def so I stopped using them. Is Zephiel better than BK? I have A!Tiki +atk/-spd and Nowi +spd/-hp with similar builds except for drive res. Does that drive res make such a big difference? I remember my nowi and tiki kept dying when I tried dragon emblem team with Ninian and Myrrh
  8. @HumanoidThanks for the breakdown of the points! Seeing that its so minimal I'll just do what I did before and just add them to team and have them hang back and support xD @XRayTy for the detailed explanation as usual! How good is Effie with DC? I have only 1 DC fodder so I have always been so hesitant in foddering it off. I will probably give the dragon team a try as well since I have A! tiki and nowi built but no merge yet. I just felt they were lacking even when I placed them in a full dragon team. Will have to double check IV and try your above builds.
  9. @XRay 1. Thank you for the explaination! Nice to see that arena has not changed much. 1 question though. Since you mentioned that bonus units need to kill to get the bonus, I assume the trick of bringing one askr unit along w/o the need to fight no longer works? They now need to kill at least 1 unit, is that correct? Is it also still worth to get that bonus points? I always did it before to reach that 4k mark but now it feels less revelant. 2. I have always done the enemy phased playstyle. Any tips on those? Though i used to play horse emblem w reinhardt but ever since the installment of stairs, a full horse team just feels like a hassle to me. I also have a +def Myrrh that can help robin's mobility with guidance but I was hesitant since they are both green units.
  10. 1. So I have been coming and going with this game and I have become active again since CYL2 has been released. So I'm out of the loop on how arena is now. I only logged in or did some events but have not done arena in months. Can someone explain to me how arena works now with the 5 wins and how advancing to higher tiers work? 2. I also need help in building an arena team. I would really like to use my Fallen Robin(M) as a core in my team since I have almost perfect IV for him (+atk -hp) and since he is my favorite character. Who are some good teammates to use with him outside of armor teams or dragon teams?(or are these teams still good to use in arena?) Any easy to merge units that work well with Fallen Robin? I have a ton of feathers stocked up since I have been so inactive in managing my units so I am willing to start a 5* merge project if they are good partners for fallen robin.
  11. Ikr. My first bunches of Shiros too and all the IVs suck. Was hoping to get good IVs too since all my lance infantry have the worst IVs (most of them are -atk :c) Got no Fierce Stance fodder so I might just bench them all for now then. Though I was thinking of foddering one of them to my +def Myrhh. Would she greatly benefit from steady stance instead of fury? She is currently using fury 3, QR2 and hone dragons and is part of my dragon team.
  12. So I got 3 Shiros from the legendary banner but none have the most optimal IVs. Which among these are usable or should I just have them fodder off? +spd/-hp | +hp/-def | +def/-atk
  13. @XRay Thanks for the info! I had to reread the skill again after reading your explanation and it does say what you explained. I should read things properly xD Will probably fodder off my -spd Siegfried to someone who can use atk tactic then. Will also send a feedback about the team reserves. Thanks for answering all my questions!
  14. 1. Got another Siegfried in the legendary summon but with bad IVs. One I had already has bad IVs so which is better among the 2 poisons? both are + def and with spd and atk bane. 2. Also was reading the above about the tactic skill and the explanation made me confused on what I thought was right. Why does the 3 infantry units not get the buff when their movements are 2 spaces? Why does the cavalry get the buff when its movement is more than 2? I thought only units with less than 2 movement spaces get the buff? 3. Is there any other way to edit your reserve teams? I always have to go into 1 arena assault stage then at the 2 stage I edit my teams then surrender. Is there a better way in doing this?
  15. @XRay @Ice Dragon Will check to see if I got any +atk nowi. I would prefer to use TA since I got a ton of roys but If i don't have a +atk then I might go swordbreaker and use my current nowi for that build. Last question though, what is nowi's best bane as a falchion killer?
  16. Hmmm, I guess her position in the team will depend on what kind of IV i get for myrhh whenever I get one. Though which IV would be better in dealing with BH lyn? In my team now, I don't think anyone can deal with her. Edit: another question I thought to ask. What's nowi's best iv to deal with falchion users? I've built a more general use nowi that has a +spd boon. Can't remember exactly her bane but i think it was hp. With that iv can she be built to deal with falchion or should i look for a new nowi?
  17. Will ask again since my question was skipped but what adult tiki is better? +def/-spd or +atk/-spd with heavy blade seal? This willl be for a future dragon team if i ever get myrhh.
  18. So I saw the new upcoming heroes and saw that hone dragons will be coming soon so i thought to build up some of my other dragon units for a future dragon team. I've got both ninian and nowi ready and started looking at adult tiki. Now my question is which iv is better? +atk or +def? Both have -spd bane. I would have probably picked def before but with weapon refinery and sacred seals, I'm considering +atk because of the heavy blade seal. Her atk gets up pretty high and if I add more to her atk with something like atk+3 or fury it would make procing her special much faster right? Would this be a good idea?
  19. Ohh ok I get it. Guess I'll leave the bonfire and get the resources to give him a slaying bow to do what I want him to do. Thanks!
  20. If I want the special to proc on 1st hits. It is Bonfire that will do that? I get a little confused on how the specials proc. Its by every hit the count goes down right?
  21. @mcsilas Which breaker skill is better for him? Bowbreaker or G tomebreaker? I probably wouldn't use sword or R tome because I have Fjorm in the team to deal with them. Also should I just keep his default A skill or is the a better alternative? One last thing, if I use the QR seal on him, would bonfire or ignis be the better special? I have yet to see NY corrin in the damage calc I use so I can't figure out how effective the build would be.
  22. @Ice Dragon I'd like to use him to bait anything that deirdre can't and to support my other units. He will probably act like a 2nd physical wall if Fjorm gets too low. If he is not acting as a wall, i want him to be able to support but be able to kill if needed. I'm thinking of using him in a team with Fjorm, Deirdre and either siegbert or lucina. Fjorm being my main wall for everything and deirdre being the main attacker. Things deirdre can't finish off completely will be done by corrin or my sword user depending on what color. I'm planning on keeping his C skill but I'm debating on using a reciprocal aid + renewal combo so he can act as a healer as well. Not sure if its necessary with my team set up or not though.
  23. @Usana Ohhh thanks. @Ice Dragon Now that i know where guard bow is from, is it better to invest in slaying or guard bow? Also is bowbreaker the only B skill viable for corrin since i dont have CC?
  24. @Ice Dragon I have seen builds using a guardbow but i dont know who i inherit it from. Also does that require a lot of feathers? If so would it be better to invest in a slaying bow instead? Im gonna be saving up feathers to upgrade units to 5* to inherit the + variant.
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