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Everything posted by ScarletSylph

  1. Hey guys, I need some help in building NY! Corrin. I know he is not astounding or anything but I really like him so I wanted to make an arena assault team with him. I plan to pair him up with Fjorm so she can take care of magic units that NY! Corrin can't take, not sure yet who the other teammates will be. From what I've searched, CC with Slaying bow+ is his best set but I don't have CC fodder nor DD3 fodder and I don't have much resource atm to give him slaying bow+ so what kind of build can I use to make him viable in arena assault? On a side note, can weapons be refined if it was inherited from someone else? Like I inherit slaying bow+ to corrin. Can I refine the weapon while its with corrin or does it have to be with the original owner?
  2. Which H!Jakob is better? +spd/-hp or +hp/-res? Would it be worth building him for Armor team with those IVs? I planned to use Hector, H! Henry, BK for my armor team and Jakob would potentially replace my bad IV Effie(-atk) Also what B skill should my Henry have? He is +res/-def and I plan to give him gronnowl, fury and iceberg.
  3. Alright, guess I'll stick to moonbow then. Thanks both of you for all the advice!
  4. I don't use Felicia, Setsuna, or Saizo xD I was never really a big fan of dagger users because of their low atk. Olivia is an exception because she is a dancer. I guess I will just hold onto the sorens. Don't really plan on merging since I have a 5* +spd one already built. As for Shigure, I would probably stick fury 2 on him since I got no hinatas but a bunch of jagens and bartre. I want him to mainly survive a bit better in case I put him out of position singing for someone. One last question, could Luna work on Olivia? I've seen builds that uses Luna instead of Moonbow on Olivia.
  5. I don't think I will change her weapon for poison dagger since I really like the debuff her original weapon does. Guess I will skip out on the Watersweep. On a side note, I'm curious as to who would make good use of watersweep. I got a bunch of 4* sorens that are just sitting around in my barracks. Will try using both their own B slots and WoM2 and see which I prefer. I don't mind spending the sp since warrior maps is around and I do have a lot of WoM2 fodders. Does Shigure have other alternatives other than triangle adept? I don't have any TA3 fodder and not a lot of TA2 fodders left but if it is really necessary for his survivability then I am willing to have him inherit it.
  6. So I've been lucky with this performing arts banner and I got an Olivia +spd/-def and a Shigure +res/-def. What kind of builds could I do if I want to use them for AA? I know the usual WoM for the B slot, but does it have to be WoM3 or will WoM2 suffice? Only got 1 fodder for WoM3 and was planning on giving it to my PA! Azura. I might keep the weapons for both of them cause I kinda like the idea of them being a healer & support at the same time. On that note, what A slot & specials should I be using for the 2? Another thing, would watersweep be useful for Olivia since I got a +spd boon? I've seen builds using windsweep but I don't have alm and I was just wondering if watersweep could be just as useful?
  7. Yup, she has Brave axe and drag back. Will have to train up the other 3 then so I would be able to do the flier quest for next month. Thanks! Got lots of leveling to do now xD
  8. I guess what I want is a dancer to support but can kill occasionally when needed to. In that sense, a TA/WoM build should do it correct? I've actually never really had a WoM dancer(never got around to building my Olivia and my ninian is -atk so grinding for the SP is abysmal so never really built her either. Both are technically on their default set) so I don't know how well a WoM dancer build is. Its just the thing I see when I research dancer builds that's suggested. Alright, nice to know Amelia is not needed for a armor emblem. Will probably do a Hector, Zephiel, Double BK and go for green stratums. Thanks! Flier emblem though is a bit tougher since I don't have any mage fliers. My only unit I really trained in flier is Cherche since she was +atk. Who would be good to go with Cherche? Maybe Michalis or Narcian or Camilla? And maybe with Palla as well for the goad flier? Btw is a +atk/-hp Palla better or +spd/-res?
  9. I guess that's true. Especially since she is -def I wouldn't put her in the front lines. I just kinda wanted someone to bait mages to make the AI start moving so I can move my units in for kills and it would be nice if the baited mage was weakened/killed already. I guess her best skill set is still the usual WoM/ER with TA build huh?
  10. I like having a lot of movement for arena so I hardly doubt I'll use him for it and I don't really overachieve in arena anyways. I just get the min arena score needed to get the 2.5k feathers. I would probably only use him for armor emblem quests so I guess his extra one can be used as SI fodder maybe? On a side note, been meaning to start both armor and flier emblem teams but is it possible to do armor w/o amelia and flier w/o hinoka? I've only got 1 extra hector. Would it still be worth or should I just stick with a different A skill or maybe even her default TA?
  11. I'm probably a little on asking this but I just got my 5* BK from the tempest trials and I was wondering if I should be upgrading the 4* to a 5* then merging them or should I keep them separate? Another thing, I got performing arts azure with +res/-def IVs. I got an extra Hector sitting around so I was wondering if it is worth giving DC to azura so she can be a mage check for my team? Or should I hold out in case I'm ever lucky enough to get another one. Planning to summon more in the month to try and get the other dancers. But still want to know if its worth since knowing my luck, this will be the only azura I will ever get.
  12. Seems similar to my normal Ike build. Although I was wondering if aether is worth on brave ike since he has special cd on his weapon? I guess I will promote my good IV then. Thanks
  13. So I finally got a Brave Ike but with my luck, I ended up with a -atk/+spd IV (of course all the Ikes I get are -atk xD) Question now is what kind of build should I use to build around the -atk? Will his standard kit still be fine even with -atk? Another question I have is that while pulling for brave Ike, I got a couple more Reinhardts and was lucky to get a +atk/-def one. My question now, is it better to upgrade my good IV one to 5* or upgrade a bad IV one then merge it to the 4* good IV one to get + stats and the 5* skills at the same time?
  14. Alright thanks! Will take you up on that advice. Will just work on another Nino for my 4* merge. Just gotta find one that has at least a +spd boon as well. I did actually promote my better IV nino(+spd/-res) to a 5*. I just need to look at my pile of other ninos to see if there are any other +spd IVs. I've been blessed with a lot of Ninos, not enough for a +10 but quite a bit of them. Though I might actually do what eclipse said and keep that 5* and start another 4* nino merge. I really don't like merging down a 5* to a 4* especially since I made that 4* into a 5* xD
  15. Why? Isn't more mt good to increase her damage more? I wanted to optimize her to be as strong as possible since I have an Eirika to pair with her.
  16. 1. Alright I may give him a try then. If it doesn't work out will just switch Camus back in. 2. Well that sucks but I didn't invest any 5* exclusive so I'm still good. Just sad that I couldn't have her inherit the gronblade+ as a 4*+ merge Thanks for answering all my questions!
  17. 1. Even though I have a res bane? Also if I do make him somewhat of a baiter, would fury be viable to add to his bulk? Or will sticking to the meta Death blow still be better? 2. If I do that do I have to start all over with her SI? Or can I just transfer skills from my 5* one to the 4* one?
  18. 1. I do like the idea of baiting. That is normally the strat I do. Though will Reinhardt be bulky enough to take hits without dying? 2. So what if I want to make merges for my Nino? I have multiple 3*/4* but I had already upgraded the one I use to 5*. Should I merge her to a 4* one with similar IV, get the learned skills and start the merge from there? Or do I just keep her as a 5* and maybe have the patience to upgrade other ninos to 5* and merge? Or would this be a waste of feather resources? I know its easier to get feathers now but 20k is still a lot.
  19. Hi, I started playing FEH again because of the new brave heroes that came out. I was able to get roy (+atk/-def) and I chose lyn as my free summon. I want to now remake my horse emblem. Was using Xander, Camus, Ursula, and Cecilla before. Who should I switch around for the 2? I also got a 4* Roderick with good IV, +spd/-res and I also had a +spd/-res 4* Reinhardt. Idk if I should add them to horse emblem or maybe just use them for off horse teams. Also idk if my reinhardt is worth upgrading to 5* because of his IV. Edit: forgot to mention I also have 3 4*Titania(+def/-hp, -atk/+hp, -def/+atk) if they can be on Horse, but if not as good as my other unit then its fine. An off topic question though. I have read that it is better for F2P players to get +merges at 4* rather than 5*. My question is should I be doing this to improve my troops? What if I already upgraded people to 5* with good IVs? Should I be merging them to a 4* to get those 5* skills and added sp? Or do I just go ahead and leave them at 5*?
  20. Looking at the info you provided, I have no one currently to pass DC to. I don't have any exceptional Fliers or Armors (they have terrible IVs) If only my Effie or Cordelia wasn't -atk or -spd respectively I would have considered putting it on them so I guess this Hector will just be sitting around collecting dust until a Hero that would make good use of it appears. Thanks for all the tips.
  21. Alright thanks, will SI for his DC then. Is it recommended only on armor units or are there any notable heroes that make good use of DC?
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