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M.T. Cicero

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Posts posted by M.T. Cicero

  1. 4 hours ago, Motendra said:

    Lemme tell you the story of the proud Michalis

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    The entire spheal with him is basically to make Macedon Great Again (no seriously) and was willing to do whatever it takes to get there. Murdering father wasn't without reason, even though the two of them did have a bit of a sour relationship.

    It started when he was 10. At the entire continent was under a famine and Archanea was exploiting Macedon by taking their crops, leaving thousands to starve to death, which he (King Macdeon, his father) did nothing about; from this, he saw him as weak.Then Medeus comes back and asks Macedon for an alliance, which the king refused in hopes of getting reinforcements from Archanea. Michalis knew they'd never come--which they didn't-- and proposed that they take up the alliance since at the time Macedon didn't stand a chance against Dolhr, and if they did try and inevitably fail, their kingdom would fall with the citizens living as slaves. After many arguments, he had his status as crown prince revoked, followed by a rumor (spread by Gharnef, taking advantage of the situation) that Minerva would take up the throne instead. And those who lost their succession rights would normally be executed. Twas after hearing this where he had no more fucks to give and killed the king to take the throne for himself.

    Then, allied with Dolhr to take out Archanea, which afterwards, planned to join with Camus to take out Medeus. Minerva obviously wouldn't agree, but she was under no position to resist, as that would both brand her a traitor and risk Maria's safety. Tho why he even had Maria agree to become hostage is uncertain (maybe to ensure compliance with Dolhr?), it was his sole regret and he even shed a tear for her. Then he "dies" in the War of Darkness to Minerva. Except he actually survives, but barely, thanks to the efforts of Maria and that Minerva couldn't bring herself to finish him off. From seeing the tears on her face, he decided to repent for everything he's done

    During the War of Heroes, he does this by rescuing both Minerva from the rebellion to be found by Marth (despite not liking him) and to find Maria, who went missing after the rebellion. He dies trying in the latter attempt, but managed to salvage the Starlight tome from Gharnef and waited for Marth in a village outside the Dragon's Altar to hand it to him, knowing that held need it before succumbing to his fatal wounds.


    As for the topic? Idk... most of my best units are from the ones I've played to completion, which are 11 and up. I was close with Fe7, so idk if it counts, but if so, I'd go with Priscilla? Purely for being the only healer that worked out for me.

    Thanks for his bio, he really seems like a great villain character. I just remembered the reason I didn't play Shadow Dragon DS, even though I own it. My DS charger broke years ago and I still haven't replaced it. Time to find one for sure!

    And good choice on Cilla, She is my main healer in Heroes too and just amazing in FE 7.

  2. My barracks are full all the time and some good banners came up recently, so I decided to start building my heroes with skill inheritance. And while at it, I made Zephiel my first 5* three days ago (and it felt great). Yesterday Sharena followed, as I think they will complement each other. Currently sitting on18k feathers after using some for skill inheritance. 

    I somehow don't want to spend feathers on a hero, when I have the chance to pull a 5* version of him. So Michalis will probably be the next one or maybe Xander depending, which one will be better for my team. 

  3. I still haven't played a lot of FE games (especially the older ones) and Heroes does a great job introducing me to new characters. Some of them even make me want to play their respective games and know more about their story.

    As for me: Lucina seems like a genuinly nice lord, great design and her story with Chrom etc. seems interesting. (I will probably buy Awakening after playing through Shadows). Jeorge for that matter is also good, but I don't use him.

    And I absolutly love Michalis and Zephiel, making the latter my first promoted 5*. I know they are baddies, but they both fascinate me and I can't wait to kick their *** in the future. And they both look rather glorious.


    Do you have some favorites of the ones you've never played before? And what makes them appeal to you? Artstyle/Quotes?

  4. Got absolutly nothing out of the Wyvern Banner (Amazing pull rate doesn't help, if you got zero green orb 6 times in a row).

    First pull Ike Banner: BOOM! Julia!!!

    2nd round: BOOM! Soren

    3rd round: BOOM! This beauty 



    Finally great luck again. After that I decided not going for Ike anymore and saving my orbs for Celica.


    And after waking up today and seeing that new crazy banner, I'm happy that I restrained myself. Also bye Celica

  5. 58 minutes ago, Jave said:

    GAME, SERIOUSLY, STOP GIVING ME BARTRE. I have like six of them now.

    Oh, I know that feeling just too well. He just doesn't stop showing up. Usually together with Barst. Honestly I pulled both of the duo around 10 times already, but never Beruka. And no 4* Bartre either.

    Nevertheless, congrats to your Lucina. About the worth? Thought so when I got my Nino, but after spending over 100$ and not pulling Ninian I was not so sure anymore and decided not to spend more money. But the high drop rates are tempting as hell.

  6. Just did it! But unlike the Ursula and Michalis one, my experimenting lead to nothing but failure, so all the credit to Mkv. (Awesome Swap-Drag back combination) Put Swap on Effie and used her together with Eirika/Klein/Olivia. 



     This makes all my GHB will Olivia and Effie. Smite was great in the Michalis one, but I recently used her with Pivot. It somehow never occured to me, that swap would also be a perfect skill for her.

  7. I don't know if that helps, but I would just wait until you have amassed a fair amount of Orbs again. Then use them on a single banner, which has a high drop rate for one or two colors and only pull them (e.g. I've read that the current Wyvern Banner got a green drop rate over 16%). Try to use them on a banner that has a hero you like as a focus character.

    It won't guarantee a 5 star, nevertheless it worked quite well for me.

  8. After my Ninian Desaster some weeks ago I finally decided to pull again (amassed 170 Orbs)Just told myself that a Bunny Character would be nice so i tried to get one by going for Blue and Green. And I'm quite happy with what I got:D:. Easter is saved and I can use my remaining 90 Orbs on the Wyvern Banner.




  9. I gave up on Ninian. Last week I used over 150 orbs trying to get her, wasted to much cash for my financial situation and had a revelation, when I decided not to spend money on this game again.

    My ratio did go up to 5% and then I pulled a 5* Ephraim (already got him) and later a 5* Effie, which I already had one as well.

    Btw. There is a guy on Youtube that shows you the odds of summoning a 5* hero based on stone colour. This banner is quite good for colourless ones.

    Edit: Thanks Ice Dragon. We can always count on you.

  10. Honestly, I don't know how I just beat the Lunatic map, as I was just experimenting. Probably thanks to my strategic brilliancy a.k.a AI exploitation.

    Started the 3rd turn with Olivia beside Lucina to make use of Hone Atk. Then Effie pushed her up on the right side. Because of the extra ATK she could kill the rider in one turn and Falchion would heal her in the next. And I just needed this extra HP because the red flyer decided to come for her, what a weird move. The rest was Klein/Olivia (with a little help from Effie) cleaning the battlefield.



    Needless to say, I'm just happy that I managed to do it. I was already going through the skill list to find some useful ones for inheritance, as I don't have enough variety in my strong units.

  11. After spending the orbs you get from the Normal Campaign (and a few from the Hard one), the Family Side Quest and Special Maps I only got one 5* unit, Roy.

    So I decided to spend money for the Siblings Banner. First pull = 2 Kleins. On the princes and princesses Banner I got Lucina, Eirika and Ephraim. 

    Spent for Nino, got her, Effie, Setsuna and Camilla on the way. Till that point, I thought that I had the money well spent.


    But this week I tried to get Ninian (should have stopped after Cilla) and after using my orbs I bought more for around 80$ (but not in a single purchase), all gone and no Ninian. (Could have used the cash to get myself a Zelda Limited Edition)


    So after some awesome pulls I really got the feeling that I can buy my luck, which resulted in a total waste of money. One reason is, that your odds get higher if you don't pull a 5*, so you tell yourself that some more pulls will do it.

    But I'm finished with spending money on the game. I will enjoy it and if Fortuna wants it, then I will pull Ninian or Azura another day. 


  12. Got my precious Cilla with the third pull and should have stopped there. I got greedy and thought I could get Ninian as well.



    This was the result........     not to mention, that I haven't had Jagen or Florina before



    Edit: And while I'm at it, can somebody tell me how to keep the screenshots as hidden content.

    Edit: Thanks a lot


  13. 17 minutes ago, Directive Mayhem said:

    Rebecca is one of the few characters with a properly redrawn special attack frame. Kudos for not being lazy, Hoshino Lily, though the bow is not bent enough on the regular attack frame.

    Wow, I somehow missed that. Props to the artist. Do you know some others. Even if it's minimal, I remember Serra taking one hand off her staff. 

  14. I absolutly love Cilla and Becky, so I will try my best to get them or at least one of the two. About the design, it's just the eyelashes in combination with the big eyes that make her look weird. Her attacking pose looks badass and collected, exactly how I imagine her as a sniper. Not to mention her bruised art, she should totally wear her hair down more often (how did that happend in the place) 

  15. Priscilla and Rebecca  are two of my favourite characters in any FE (Archers and Troubadours being my 1st and 2nd preferred units) . I'm gonna try hard to get them.

    So I'm happy with the bored-face chiefdaughter, nevertheless this would have been the perfect time to introduce Rath to Heroes, as we're still missing a mounted archer.

    But with that, we got a fair share of Blazings cast. Still hoping for Canas, Wisdomseeker, Dragonslayer, Member of Two-Scholar Army and simply the greatest dude on a battlefield.


  16. Woke up early this morning and decided to spent my remaining orbs, trying to summon my favourite sister-lover. I already failed miserably on the Siblings Banner, but I thought this will be my best chance to get him, so why shouldn't I go for it.

    And look who has decided to show up. 


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