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Everything posted by pumpkinspice48

  1. Good choice! Too bad Hector will probably lose too when he goes against Ike. :(
  2. It's a shame Marth isn't that popular. He's not my favorite lord but I do like him, and it'd be weird for the og lord not to be one of the faces of the franchise. I wonder why smash bros hasn't helped him as much as Roy. He's the only FE character to be in three smash games, and he's been a top tier character in each game too.
  3. You can add me, i'm team hector with a Lilina lead and I'll also be going to Ike if Hector loses. Hero ID: 3620067834
  4. It already happened to me with Leo vs Gaius. :,( You're right I didn't like it.
  5. Ay, i pulled Brave Ike in only 14 orbs. Looks like his ivs are +atk -def.
  6. The worst was in the healer gauntlet. multiple times I had to fight with 3 healers. Also I'm team Hector and going to team Ike if he loses. If anyone wants to add me my current lead is Lilina (i'll probably switch to rein if I have to join team Ike) and my heroes id is 3620067834
  7. I put escape route on my Klein and managed to beat infernal. My team was two olivias, klein and reinhardt. Klein was honestly the maps mvp and reinhardt took out the units he couldn't. The dancers were only used for dance (one was only 3* lvl 1) aside from when I used the 5* one to kill the axe cav. The map was tough but I think legion and berkut infernal were worse.
  8. I beat the lunatic version pretty quickly with horse emblem, but infernal's been kicking my butt. I'm thinking I may have to do some SI on my units to beat it, but I'm going to keep trying different unit combinations before i do that.
  9. Yes Leo won! I'm not expecting him to win the whole thing but I hope he can get to the finals! That way he can at least say he improved each time.
  10. Yes! Valter! After Berkut i was worried ghb units would stop getting prf weapons but his lance looks awesome! Hopefully his appearance foreshadows a SS banner. Even if his stats end up horrible I'm 5 starring him.
  11. Celica. I need to get some high res blues because I don't have anyone that can reliably tank her first attack.
  12. Banners looking pretty good! I don't think we've gotten six new units at once since the Fe7 banner. I'm glad the swimsuit banner isn't the only one for this month. I'll probably go or Delthea or Leon since I'm good on reds and greens. I kind of want Sonya but I already have a 5* Nino, Soren, and Cecilia so unless she has great stats it's hard to justify pulling for her. Also poor Kliff is now the only member of Alm's og crew not in the game.
  13. And Cecilia obviously doesn't mind younger men since she can marry Roy.
  14. Took a couple stamina potions but I finally managed to beat infernal. Distant def + defensive tiles op. I used a team of Elise, Cecilia, Reinhardt, and Olivia. Celica was definitely the toughest of the group to beat. I had to make it so that Reinhardt was on a defensive tile as well or else Celica would kill him.
  15. Some people translated the inscription on Tobin's sword and it apparently it reads something like: "Duma, god of war, protect the owner of this sword." https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/6lb872/tobins_sword_has_the_ancient_text_from_fe/
  16. When I saw that map I got excited and thought it meant Berkut GHB. Then I realized it was just for the tempest trials, like how Validar's map was on the first one.
  17. I beat squad assault. Had to use two stamina potions. The units are strong but since they don't change it's not unbeatable. I probably had the most trouble with the second map, and the last one was probably the easiest. I think so. The second to last map is the bridge with Chrom, Frederick and Lissa, the last one is the map with Navarre and Wrys and two ninjas. I didn't check but I think that's 4-1 and 5-1.
  18. Tobin's art: Taken from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/6lapl3/feh_datamine_v15_july_4_2017/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=new&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=FireEmblemHeroes Looks like he has the same artist as Priscilla. And unlike Masked Marth he comes with weapons and skills. EDIT: now people are saying he doesn't have any new weapons or skills, so idk.
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