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Everything posted by MisfitMiju

  1. Marth- "My Prayers are with you." I like how it captures his character in a single line Caeda- "Throw down your weapon!" Indifferent most of Caeda's quotes but I like Cherami Leigh's delivery of this one Tiki- "No no NO!" It's such a nice contrast for a 1000 year old to sound and sometimes speak like an indignant child
  2. I understand this since I know for a fact soren and shanna should've been creamed 1st round but like I said earlier we went 10 hours without a multiplier and it was up to the normal value of flags. It's fine to dislike the multiplier but don't be tilted just because Shanna miraculously won by edging the previous ladies and takumi who I personally was rooting for. Honestly though I'm not angry it was a well fought match for both sides all I hope is fan art for the finalists
  3. Ok rigging implies that someone i.e Intelligent Systems went out of their way to insure a particular person was guaranteed to succeed which isn't the case it's a coin toss. The victor cannot be rigged if nobody knows who can will wind up benefiting from it and how it may contribute in the fight. Also the multiplier wasn't active for 10 hours so there is no point in saying it was rigged in her favor. Also it's a gauntlet over hair this shouldn't be getting anyone overly upset
  4. This is my favorite gauntlet so far and it's even funnier once you realize she did what roy, sophia, and fae couldn't do
  5. Im not even salty props to Team Shanna for making everybody take notice
  6. With the battles concluded all that's left is the crushing anticipation and inevitable salt
  7. Honestly I'm fine with the gauntlet in it's current state, I think Shanna making it to finals and Camila overthrowing Lyn are perfect examples of why you should just pick your favorites. Nobody liked blowouts and if we won't get balanced matches then at least everyone has a fighting chance, and I think asking for the mode to be removed is pointless at this stage just because you're personally dissatisfied with it.
  8. Oh yeah I forgot that the gauntlets continue after the hour mark guess all I can do is hope
  9. Team Takumi needs to get within range so we can trigger a multiplier for Shanna next hour, if that happens we can win
  10. Takumi's habit of deadlocking matches is making me anxious I really hope he comes out on top
  11. Wow has any gauntlet been this close in the final hours after the multiplier was implemented, since neither time has been given the multiplier for about two hours and the scores are ridiculously close.
  12. It's fitting that we get a deathblow banner after Ryoma and Hinoka get destroyed, guess it's up to the prickly prince to bring glory to hoshido #TeamTakumi
  13. Now that I think about it couldn't he have been named Elroy with Roy being his preferred name
  14. Lissa-Determined Pixie Appearance-Garbed in the same sage attire as her "late" sister Emmeryn Stats: HP: 37/40/43 ATK: 32/35/38 SPD: 27/30/33 DEF: 14/17/20 RES: 29/32/35 Weapon: Mjolnir (15 mt) Effective against Fliers,Foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) are nullified during combat. A Skill: Calming Breath:If attacked, unit granted Res+4 during combat; also gains Special cooldown charge +1.(If using other similar skill, only highest value applied.) B skill: Live For Bounty:If unit survives, get 1.5x shards/crystals from a Training Tower map.(If similar skill effects also used, only highest multiplier applied.) C Skill: Morale Boost:Grants adjacent infantry allies Atk/Spd+6 through their next actions at the start of each turn. Support: None Special:Moonbow: Resolve combat as if foe suffered Def/Res-30%. Skill Activation Quotes: I May Surprise You, For Emmeryn!, Above All Odds, Time to Start Punching stuff Character Tap Quotes: Emm If you're watching, just know I'll make ya proud I promise. Hard to believe anyone would think so highly of me, honestly it's kinda nice. Snorting laugh From the Shepherds to the Order of Heroes it seems like the wackiness never ends. My brother can be a bit thickheaded at times but I love him all the same even if he thinks I'm delicate. It may be my imagination but you seem oddly familiar I'm gonna be a maiden that puts everyone to shame Now that I think about that Odin guy reminds me of *realization gasp* No Way
  15. I Love how Wrys decides to show up for me on the long hair husbando banner, never change heroes. That aside this gauntlet is so goofy and I love it, Katarina is one of my favorites but I'm fully supporting the pineapple this time and hopefully he takes home the win for Hoshido and leo the gauntlet meme
  16. Favorite Part: Awakening's music is one of my favorites in the entire series even after going back to play the other games the only thing that rivals my love for the ost is Robin himself. I love his supports with the other shepherds and his relationship with Chrom feels so genuine. By the time the I finished the game I realized I was fully invested in this plegian amnesiac and his merry band of goofy idiots. Least Favorite: Without question it would have to be the poor difficulty balancing. Their is no middle ground when playing this game it's either ridiculously easy or extremely reliant on rng and is so heavily stacked against you that the only hope I had to survive the first four chapters was through frederick and live on a prayer tactics. World building is also a bit lacking
  17. So I calIed Henry and Nowi being on this banner and they seem like the best units to pull. Even better is Sakura's inclusion with Halloween being the best season to feature her, and Im glad she wasn't shunned in favor of gaius/asugi. Although I'm disappointed that jakob shares her color since I dont care for him and I bamboozled myself by getting hyped up to believe little witch fae was a possibility. Oh well Good luck everyone
  18. The person on the right looks like Henry to me, a coffin being his weapon of choice is pretty fitting considering his personality. If this banner follows the same trend as the other seasonals the other unit is most likely witch morgan or nowi. Witch Fae would be a nice alternative if this isnt the case
  19. Utility Fir- Poor attack stat and I lack the resources to optimize her skillset Titania- Quite honestly I have no idea how to build her and has been pretty underwhelming from what I've used Alfonse- He's surprisingly unremarkable in comparison to the other sister and I have plenty of good reds coupled with his poor res and speed leave him on the bench Ryoma- Definitely a good unit but he doesn't click with me so more often than not he's left in the barracks Art I'm fine with most art in heroes and just enjoy it as a playable anthology of series but I have a few exceptions Est- The size of her eyes stand out way too much and she's looks even younger than nino Lachesis- I didn't like her art since she looks like a moe blob and after stumbling upon her cipher art and looking up her character I dislike a lot more
  20. Chrom x Sumia: Admittedly this was done by accident but I like how efficient they are as a pair plus Lucina and Cynthia being siblings is a bonus Lucina: I dont pair her with anyone usually except for that one instance with yarne i guess Robin x Lissa: My favorite pairing in the game the union of two doofuses who continue to pass down the hilarity to their children. It's also nice that the other ylissean royals and frederick become his new family.
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