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Posts posted by Alkaid

  1. Found a pretty nasty defense map today.


    The Myrrh is +10 and both her and Ninian have Guidance. It's impossible to bait the team from anywhere without both Bold Fighter Jakob and charged special Ophelia warping to kill your unit. Maybe one of those roided Surtrs could survive Jakob, Myrrh, Ophelia and Aversa all together, but I sure didn't have anything that could bait all that. +9 Res from Drives and Aversa's tome preventing buffing meant I couldn't pick Myrrh off with a ranged unit either. Bonus Laegjarn could kill her, but getting everyone back out safe wasn't going to happen. It took me a lot longer than usual to figure out how to win deathless, and I even managed to get the aether.



    I managed to figure something out so I could pin the mages down while still taking out Jakob and Myrrh. Only Ninian has WoM and nobody has Galeforce, nor any horse movement, so it was tricky to do safely. I also had to do some calculating since Laegjarn needed to finish off Myrrh without taking any damage beyond Fury recoil to survive 2 hits from Aversa the following turn. For a while I was planning on leaving Myrrh alive but my Ninian would have had to stay in her range after dancing and I'd be forced to lose her.


    I slapped Flier Formation on Eir instead of a Drive buff since I thought it might be handy sometime, and it certainly was here. Warping to kill their Ninian and then getting danced to that spot to kill Ophelia made trapping Aversa easier at the end so I could still grab the last aether pot.


  2. I actually got a 5* Ogma from the free pull on his banner. I was just looking for a free Hinata/Soleil, but the game wanted be a troll.

    +atk -def though. I have both a +atk -res and +spd -res laying around I could promote to merge this one into, but I wasn't really intending to build or spend dew on him. Pretty funny pull, though.

  3. 12 minutes ago, ArgentSable said:

    Umm, don't think there's a new Legendary in December. It says in the Hero Fest that Eir is going to be in the LHB and that Legendaries heroes will alternate with Mythic Heroes. As well as the wording for heroes being gods, but I doubt they'll do this. Alot of Lords won't have alts if they do that.

    I got the impression she'd be on the banner but we'd still possibly get a new legendary hero too. Then a new mythic in January as they alternate. It would be a little odd of them to keep her as the centerpiece of the next legendary banner when she's already been run just before it on a banner with better rates.

  4. Aside from the current hero fest banner, it looks like all my orbs can be focused on Christmas and possibly New Year's. I don't think I'll care to pull on the legendary, beast or side banners coming up. They'd have to really get me with the new legendary hero or sneak Velouria into the beast banner to steer me otherwise.

    Glad we get 2 TTs to stack up orbs for the back-to-back seasonals.

  5. 8 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    I don't know about you guys, but I don't care about Aether Raids anymore... I don't care about to get the higher lift possible. I just playing for the grails.

    Fighting the same teams every single time, which is Reinhardt, Brave Bow Brave Lyn, Brave Veronica, a Dancer, and 5th random unit (which will probably be a Dark/Anima Mythic Hero in the future), is not fun. And now with the Mythic Heroes blessing...

    I will play to get the 5 daily rewards and my 1 or 2 battles, and that's it. I don't care if I lose 1 or 2 units during a attack. I don't care if I lose defensive battles. I simply don't care... I am having more fun with Arena than Aether Raids.

    More than anything the utter failure to get even a single successful defense for weeks now has been demotivating me. Every day I get more annoyed as the -80 losses stack up. It's the only mode that's made me just feel defeated in some way. (despite doing nearly perfect on offense every week)

  6. 6 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    I wish we could lock teams/skills in more mode than just Aether Raids Defense. 

    Now I have 

    • daily runs in Aether Raids offense
    • weekly runs in AA
    • weekly runs in regular Arena offense 
    • AR defense (whole week)
    • Arena defense (whole week)
    • occasional special clears (LHB/GHB/BHB and other stuff)

    All six use members of my core team but with different skills. It's especially annoying to start an AR run and recognize to have mixed up all skills and seals for stuff like arena offense (where they only support), AA (Double Rally!) or special clears (everything is possible). 

    Same here. I suppose this is why they gave us the skill set swapping system, though I find it a bit clunky still to do it that way. At the very least I wish they'd let you lock arena defense like they do AR defense.

    12 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

    People might be waiting until they have all the tickets before the go for this banner, possibly.

    That being said, I kinda don't want it to go well. I want more new characters introduced not the pitiful amount we've had of late >.< I'm guessing next banner is seasonal, so more alts -.- I don't mind seasonal alts as much but there have been so few new FE characters in -.-

    That's what I'm doing. If not for the tickets I might have splurged trying to get Ophelia and Special Spiral fodder. I'll wait until I've gotten all the tickets to include them in my summoning. I should be waiting for the Christmas trailer anyway to be sure I want to blow orbs, so I guess it's a good thing. (IS accidentally swaying me AWAY from wasting orbs carelessly)

  7. Did my AR runs for the day without even trying to use Eir. With being forced to use either Laegjarn/Laevatein as bonus units, I just don't feel safe going into matches with Eir sucking up a team slot. Laeg and Laev aren't sure things for dealing with merged bonus stat Surtrs on their own, so I need Adrift Camilla or Aversa present on all teams alongside them. Then a mandatory dancer, Camilla and sometimes Loki have to fit in too. No real room left for a point booster unless I want to risk being unequipped for some big threats.

    I can't imagine trying to run 2 mythics unless one or both happen to be Aversa/Loki-tier useful for the mode. I like Eir, but she's not a unit I want to be squeezing into AR teams when I also have to fit in a regular bonus unit that may already be a low-contributor.

  8. 37 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    Some datamined info on how the blessings affect your Lift

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    For a mode that only rewards currency to acquire more GHB/TT units, they sure are going out of their way to whale bait with it. It's even more effort to get the bragging rights of t21 for this than arena, which is kind of absurd.

  9. 7 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

    Mind you only need ~150 Lift/fight to reach T21 assuming you play literally perfectly, even if you lose 7 defense games for 80 lift each.

    And you can get 160 lift/fight with just Mythic/Mythic/Blessed/Blessed/Blessed without merges.


    I'm assuming a run cost of 80 Aether per run (100 - 20 from breaking bots), and us getting 7 (free fights) + (200 + 50 * 6 + 7 * 20)/80 = 15 fights a week with perfect play.

    Edit: Ah, wait, Aether cost is 9 + lift/100, not lift/100. At 90 Aether Per run we should get around 14 fights with perfect play, which is more like 155 Lift/fight, I think.

    Needing 2 mythics on the team is already a big detriment in my opinion. I wouldn't look forward to fighting cancer 6 unit teams with upgraded buildings down the line with 1-2 mostly-dead weights on my team. (compared to the +10s, dancers, Aversa, Loki, etc. I could use those slots for to ensure I actually win the matches)

  10. 2 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

    Oh that rolls it back from stupid into possibly genius territory. My implementation of Aether Raids would've been 2 steps of hilariously whale favored into pretending to back off by implementing the final mode as a 'concession'


    But this, this could be part of a 3 part plan:

    Part 1: Aether Raids on max difficulty---everyone feels how hard it is to get and keep lift.

    Part 2: Aether Raids significantly easier---but Whales get it hilariously easy (similar to my part 1).

    Part 3: Pretend to back off and implement the final mode as a 'concession.'


    My plan only gets grudging acceptance, but they could spin this into helping F2P as well if they just made it sound like they're only making it so unfair so that everyone has it easy in getting and keeping lift.

    I remember people were expecting them to let us upgrade the fountain soon, since we realized it was basically impossible/almost impossible to make it into tier 21 even with no defense losses and perfect play as things were. Now we see the plan was to make 21 pretty much exclusive to whales who can afford to deck out their teams with the blessings/merges needed to boost their lift gain to hit the threshold.

    Overall I like the other stuff in this update, but damn they sure were quick about dumping on AR. I thought it favored whales enough just by being able to field stronger units for offense and defense, but IS had to one-up things.

  11. 1 minute ago, LuxSpes said:

    So these are the Mythic Effects:

    So not only are the boost from Mythic Heroes a straight upgrade compared to those  granted by Legendary Heroes (+5 HP/+5 Res compared to Gunnthra's +3 HP/+4 Res) but Mythics give a stupidly strong advantage to whales that can manage to +10 them in Aether Raids. 

    Yep. I'm glad I got all the red thrones so far while I could. Just like that I'm not tryharding the mode anymore.

  12. All the new refines and units look great. Finally my Catria may see some use again besides just killing swords in AA with Swordbreaker. Eir is great, all the Kozaki are is great, the 2 edgelord generals are pretty cool, and the Askr parents are nice to finally see. (Watch them still be summonable at some point, since why not)

    Only bad thing in the update is they fucked with AR to make it worse. No thanks on mythic heroes getting lift bonuses for merges.

  13. All the new refines and units look great. Finally my Catria may see some use again besides just killing swords in AA with Swordbreaker. Eir is great, all the Kozaki are is great, the 2 edgelord generals are pretty cool, and the Askr parents are nice to finally see. (Watch them still be summonable at some point, since why not)

    Only bad thing in the update is they fucked with AR to make it worse. No thanks on mythic heroes getting lift bonuses for merges.

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