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Everything posted by Alkaid

  1. No shame in enjoying your favorites. I'm ready for that Christmas Camilla, IS. Aside from a couple on my friend list, I haven't seen her anymore either, while she seemed pretty common last year. I feel like it's partly since she's still just an infantry blade mage that hasn't gotten anything new to play with since.. ever. I rarely even see Ninos anymore these days, and the few I do are from G Duel access. Plus she got directly powercrept by her own bride alt both in stats and art, which I get the impression whales who like her jumped to. Meanwhile Camilla got a refine and flying teams just keep getting better.
  2. I've been doing pretty well on offense, especially considering I haven't bought the offensive tactics room and everyone seems to have a leveled defense fortress now. All these +10's with bonus stats are pretty nasty. I've only been missing out on breaking some aether pots, since most maps have at least one I can't reach before I'm forced to kill their last unit. Still feels bad to see my progress keep getting dragged down by failed defenses, though. I see the top players are getting very far away from everyone now. Probably with near-perfect play + no or little lost lift from defenses. I lost another 80 yesterday from somebody rematching me, and another 60 sometime this morning. They second lost a unit to WoM Azura surprising them, but like everyone else who challenges my team they had mostly whale +10s and otherwise trivialized it. It should be cool to see replays of people fighting you, bit with how it affects your score I instead find myself hoping for no defense results at all anymore.
  3. Cecilia got her niche back with this mode. I've never built one since I never got the +atk -hp IV I was wanting, but maybe I should promote the +atk -def one I've got. I'm also probably going to put Loki on almost every team I have once I unlock the 5th unit slot. Her staff is absolutely godly to help keep all the Veronicas, BLyns and Reins in place while I snipe out other units from their teams. Even with mine being -atk, she's still worth her weight in gold for this mode.
  4. Nice. I just missed out myself. Totally forgot it within the last couple hours while doing other things and missed the top 1k by about 60 places. At least it was just stamina pots that got wasted, I guess. Pretty annoyed at myself, though.
  5. No, I was just at 4,060 and it doesn't drop you lower than 4,000. So what would have been -80 just took -60 as that's the most it could take before hitting the bottom limit. Maybe that's it, since the loss that counted happened like an hour and a half before the daily reset. Maybe that actually counted as the first for today instead of last for yesterday? It's a bit confusing.
  6. I'm sure he'll get in, either as the next legendary or in some other unknown way at the moment. I agree he did next to nothing in the story and all he really has to him is liking his design, but I don't think he'll be skipped. I think he has even less reasoning to be a legendary than Gunnthra was if going off what we witnessed in the story, but maybe just the fact he's the prince and did stuff off-screen will be enough to be legendary even if we didn't get to see him do anything ourselves.
  7. Trying to make up a new defense team and mixed thinks up a bit. How's this looking? Kagero gets +6 to everything but speed from tactics buffs. If she won't be effective on something trying to bait her, Veronica attacks instead, with either one getting danced. Peri is backup and helps cover the left side. She has Lunge and Galeforce to hopefully make a mess of things for people crawling up the left side instead. I've hopefully got it so it's hard to snipe out Veronica over the wall without leaving somebody in range of a danced Kagero the following turn. A red mage that gets danced in to kill Kagero and can survive Veronica and Azura is a problem, as is some careful baiting on the left side, but I'm out of better ideas for now.
  8. I started yesterday at 3,960 before I did my daily free battle like 12 hours after reset. Then the last loss of the day chopped off 60 lift to bring me to the 4000 bottom.
  9. Reminds me of a map I ran into with a DC Vantage Dark Missiletainn QP Eldigan, where if you stepped on the shock trap near him it put him in Vantage Bonfire range. Pretty sneaky if I didn't have a Firesweep Cordelia.
  10. 3 more defense failures today, so I guess I have to try to make a brand new defense map again. Everyone apparently has a merged Cecilia or res tank to trivialize my team.
  11. I don't know, since the previous 2 before this one were also losses, so I don't know why one of those didn't seem to count already. That's why I thought the first one being a success had been what counted.
  12. Congrats! (don't forget to max HM her before you feed her to Cherche)
  13. Got a 3* Soren on my free summon and almost stopped, but there were 2 other greens. Decided it was just 8 orbs and pulled them to get a +spd -def Surtr. Crap IV, but better than -atk and totally worth 8 orbs. Since the banner runs so long, I'll wait to see how I do with the legendary banner and see the Christmas preview to decide if I want to spare orbs trying for a better one. I could fodder this one to Beruka or Xander if I do.
  14. Lost 60 lift (since I was at 4,060) from a defense loss in the past hour. I guess none of the others earlier today counted as my daily win/loss , though I could swear I did my free run for the day and ranked up before I got them.(and the first against my new defense team was a win, so I thought I'd dodged lift loss for the day) Guess I'll be waiting till the end of the day tomorrow to do all my runs so I minimize risk of losing more lift gains.
  15. Honestly, I'd like 3 of him. 1 to use since his skills look fun, disgusting stats aside, and 2 for fodder to give Beruka and Xander. I'd love Steady Stance 4 on both of them. As great as this 2-man banner is to get him, Legendary Lucina and preparing for whatever Christmas units we get is still priority with my meager orb stash..
  16. If you guys don't spend on Surtr after all the effort they went through, IS agents will arrive at your house tonight.
  17. Correction, it's "whale right now" BST.
  18. I'm sure we'll still get him somehow. They just certainly subverted expectations with this random GHB. Honestly, going by his stats it feels like he's out of time and was meant to be added last year or something but they just didn't do it for some reason. Maybe Hrid really will be on the legendary banner, or a Book 3 unit, or even added randomly on an upcoming banner.
  19. I'm only surprised that they're unleashing this into the normal pool, and on a banner with a very good rate to pull him at too. Either powercreep is about to ramp up even more, or they wanted serious whale bait just before 3.0 and Christmas hit with more stuff.
  20. Unit stats (and the GHB, spoilers) Surtr is minmaxed as fuck.
  21. Datamine spoiler on the new GHB. No, it's not Hrid.. Edit: Added picture.
  22. People have been expecting Alm as a bow user legendary for months now. It reminds me of how every seasonal last year people were sure we'd get a Hoshidan theme with a Hinoka alt and it kept not happening, including when we did get a Hoshidan theme one for New Year's. She and Ryoma did get alts eventually(still no seasonal Hinoka, dammit IS), but IS sure took their time. At this point I kind of have a gut feeling like we just won't get a legendary Alm at all, but I won't mind being wrong.
  23. My bet's still on him as the next GHB, or he's somehow still part of the story so he doesn't get to be thrown into the "book 2 cleanup" they're doing. I'd say it's a positive for anyone who wanted him if he's actually a freebie, especially when we know merges are a thing now. Maybe lolis and whale armors sell better than a pretty boy sword unit so he didn't make the cut to actually be on the banner. (if so, it feels similar to how Groom Marth got TT'd while we got Bride Sanaki)
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