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Everything posted by Alkaid

  1. I'll probably do the same with mine. I could probably do with having another tanky blue in my barracks since I don't have many. I thought Tobin wouldn't even be worth leveling, but I trained him up when Arena Assault dropped and I've already fielded him a few times to deal with Hectors, so I'm sure Clive with have his uses as well.
  2. That's true. I'm only trying this though since doing the opposite with the strongest/most reliable team I can manage hasn't gotten results yet. I may end up 5*'ing my Anna to help my offense score (again, best bonus unit option I have this week if Nohrian Summer doesn't come through soon), but I doubt that'll help out my defense team much. She's really not much of a threat.
  3. LOL Maybe I can be part of the no-defense cool club this week! I tried taking off Ike's skills besides Vantage, switched his special from Aether to Luna, took off Hector's Hone Atk, and switched in Cordelia with Desperation and her C skill off. Maybe with less point value my team will get some weaker people who can't finish off both Ike and Hector.. I usually don't use Hector since he's bait for a good team, but with the current maps and my 2* Hana bonus unit I'm trying to bait weaker opponents, maybe he'll work out.
  4. I'm starting to get worried about my defense win happening this week. I don't think the current maps lend themselves to the lvl 1 3* bonus unit + 3 real units strategy I've been using of late, as after a couple days I still didn't get anything. I have no good bonus unit this week so I just boosted up my Anna to 4* and got her to 40 so I can try using her as my bonus unit on offense. I also threw her on a defense team now with Ike, Cordelia, and S Camilla. But still no dice since the other day. I got 7 defenses last week, so things are being erratic again.
  5. So strong! How will her sisters feel? +10 Palla up next
  6. Doing great with my team of Sonya, Alm, Tharja and Cordelia. Sonya can kill boss Sonya with Hone Attack buff, which is fun. Some maps are a little sluggish thanks to being the slow Valentia ones where AI doesn't usually move toward you.
  7. Made it to 4,850 today, putting my at rank 858. Pretty satisfied with that for now, and seems like it could be enough to stay in the top 5k by the end of the season. I don't expect to be in the top 1k the units I've got, so I'm okay with that. I used @Whistle's advice (helpful post by the way!) about farming items on easy with 1 lead unit. So I stocked up on some items first but surprisingly didn't end up having need for them just yet.
  8. I somehow ran into only 3 Reinhardts total in 2 7 streak runs. Meanwhile the number of S Corrin's I saw was pretty numerous.. and usually on fully decked out flier teams. I've run into a ton of Annas and S Corrins, so it still feels like it's normal arena defense teams to me. But of course I could be wrong.
  9. Not as major as some of the past updates, but still a good one. I really didn't expect that stratum refresh feature. That's great. The catalogue is fun to mess with a bit and Arena Assault is a decent new mode. Not much for gameplay changes this time, but the game just keeps getting better.
  10. Got 4,692 from a 7 win advanced streak on my first attempt. I did lose 2 units in 1 match, though. Nasty flier team and I had already used up what would have countered it best. My Takumi and 3* Olivia didn't make it out alive of that one, but it was a victory. The matches were all in about the 690-695 range. (I didn't lead with Hector + Ike in my team like usual to boost points so I could have them available for later maps, so I lost a little in point value) Considering I didn't have any items to use I don't feel too bad, at least.
  11. Yep. Counts as the same first 5 orb pull, followed by a 4 cost one, etc.
  12. It's great if you give it to a Falchion user. That plus Reciprocal Aid (can get from a 3* Donnel) can make them a healer for your team while still being a good red unit on their own. May not be the best in the arena, but it's super useful for multi-map modes like Chain Challenge and the Tempest.
  13. Mhm. A chance at getting anything is better than nothing at all. Especially on banners you otherwise would have never touched. And hey, pass me one of those Mathildas. I still need her :(
  14. Why are there complaints about free pulls? I used mine, got a garbage -atk Cecilia I promptly sent home. Really shit luck pull, but at least it was free. I'm far more triggered today by hitting 20 orbs and pulling for Corrin again. THREE sessions in a row with no blue orbs. And the first 2 were all reds/colorless. I was scared as hell I'd get spooked by a fucking healer or Leo, but ended up with feath- I mean 2 3* Wrys. The last one had 4 reds and 1 green and I got a 4* -atk Fae. At least that's Renewal fodder. I gave up on pulling more, my luck blows today, as usual.
  15. Managed to beat it with Bride Cordelia, Bride Caeda, Azura, and a 3* lvl 32 Olivia. I ended up with something similar to @VincentASM's run. I needed to put an HP seal on Cordelia and Azura had the Fortify Res seal (she runs Hone Atk). After breaking the wall, Cordelia moved up and killed the flier, then Caeda used Drag Back, then Azura waiting next to the wall danced her to do it again. Enemies moved up, and Cordelia killed Lillina, then Caeda did Drag Back, and Azura moved down away from the wall, while Olivia moved to her spot to dance Cordelia to kill the blue cav. The next turn the red mage attacked Caeda, didn't do too much, and Cecilia attacked Olivia who barely tanked it. (she's even a -res one) I knew Cordelia would be safe since with the HP seal Cecilia couldn't kill her. After than I just killed Cecilia and the archer with Cordelia + dance, and Caeda killed the blue mage. A lot easier than it looked at first, but took 2 tries since I'm usually not a heavy dancer user and didn't try using both at first.
  16. Official RIP to my score. I really wish I had just joined team Gaius at this point. My cumulative score got trashed even worse than I anticipated, and I'm out of even the top 10k. And in team Corrin I'm ranked like 60k since I came into the round with 0 flags held over from the previous(still probably for the best, with 0 multipliers all round). So I think I'm missing out on like 2.5-3kish feathers had I joined Gaius instead and just hit the big multipliers to also get a higher army rank there too. These 500 victory feathers aren't going to cut the difference this time.. Bummer to get punished more for being on the (basically assumed) winning team. (and this was a pretty extraordinary case too, with the sheer number of multipliers to crash the cumulative rankings like that)
  17. That took a few tries, but I managed to beat it. I was a bit worried about the last level with Ike, but turned out I could beat it pretty easily with basically the same team as I beat the original lunatic map. (I just had to actually save those units for the last map) I'll post how in case it actually helps anybody get some ideas. Most builds are pretty standard, except the 4* units are vanilla. I guess the seal seems like it could be pretty useful. I'll probably give it to a tank unit with Bonfire.
  18. Palla sounds like she's in some real hurt. Est sounds kinda lewd..
  19. Oh man the Pokede- Herodex is pretty neat. If I keep poking Catria she keeps doing her damaged grunt
  20. I've watched my cumulative rank drop from in the top 1000 to 9,700 since joining team Corrin. Plus I'm unranked in Corrin itself (with 900 flags left to spend) No multipliers is really just true suffering.
  21. Do it, and let the Whitewings all show their true power! Maybe Minerva will come home if you do
  22. I just got a +1 5* Berkut with Brave Lance+, Deathblow, Drag Back, and Hone Cav as my random ally. I was impressed to see the dedication for him.
  23. Collecting your favorite characters Getting to use your favorite characters from multiple FE games together in the same game The gacha system isn't as painful as a lot of other popular gacha games, plus they give out free orbs relatively generously The simplified Fire Emblem gameplay is still fun It's kinda got the Pokemon vibe of building your teams and character builds alongside the collecting aspect Also, after looking at your avatar, I'll tell you building Peri into a monster is a lot of fun
  24. So basically it's a lose-lose. If the multiplier causes an upset, people are upset the win wasn't deserved. If it doesn't cause upsets, all it does is screw the people on the bigger team out of getting more points/feathers due to less multipliers. (at least when there were no multipliers it didn't matter much what team you joined if you battled enough) It's not a very fair or good system all around, and either we have to just deal with it being kinda pointless like that, or we hope for a total revamp which probably won't happen. (since why bother on their end, unless it caused a lot more ire from players than it does)
  25. Well, I've only moved down about 400 places in the cumulative rank, to 1,755 now. I hope I can still managed to be in the top 5k by the end, despite few/no Corrin multipliers.
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