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Everything posted by Alkaid

  1. I'd be surprised. I sure do expect the new MCs from the game on some kind of banner though. I wouldn't even mind 1-2 banners with just some of the regular characters from the roster on it too. I could really go for a new banner with Hinoka on it.
  2. Arena rewards put me from 16k feathers to 26k feathers. God bless the current feather rates. Between that, TT, other quests and the twitter event I've gotten enough to promote like 3 units recently, which is great.
  3. I GIVE UP I give up. 5.25% on the CYL banner last night and rate broken by Cordelia and Effie. (Cordelia's better than my old one, which is cool, but I literally just promoted a +atk Effie the other day). Easily 200+ orbs of sniping blues and no Lucina. 0 CYL units besides free Lyn. Even the "fodder" was 90% Oboros and stuff out to mock my efforts. I feel like I'm the only person who can't pull a CYL unit off this banner. (i know that's not true, but man it feels bad) The game's like, "hey if you thought getting 3 -spd S Corrins was funny, how about you just get no banner units at all!" I'll probably throw away the last couple orbs we get in the next 3 days in vain still trying for Lucina, but otherwise I'm probably saving everything else this month until the Hallloween banner. As much as I want Nephenee (and possibly Elincia), I'll need all the orbs I can get for Halloween to have a hope at getting anything.
  4. It'd just hang onto them in case you ever change your mind about merging the 5* more. It's only 2 barracks slots. Also I think it's great to have both normal and masked Lucina. (I wish I had a regular one). Having both to make one a Renewal healer and the other a LaD/Fury + Desperation attacker seems really nice.
  5. I didn't think my luck could be much worse than the nohrian summer banner was, but it seems to be the case so far with CYL. I'm at 4.25% with no 5*'s at all, and not a single usable 4*/3* to show for it either. (every single one has been bad fodder I already had tons of (Robin, Oboro) at best, or terrible IVs) All my free pulls from the other banners have been junk as well. Outside of my free pick Lyn I've gotten zero things of worth since CYL started. All I really wanted to pull was CYL Lucina. I don't know what the RNG's grudge has been with me for the past 2 months.
  6. The Distant Def seal looks pretty sweet, and the +1 Def seal means I don't have to switch around the Ace Def seal as often too. I wonder if this mini tempest is them testing the waters to making TTs like this from now on or not. Maybe if people show they like this better than a regular 2 week run one, they'll make this the new norm. With the same rewards and a lower requirement to get all the same good stuff, I'm digging this one.
  7. It only seems to affect things from the active player's side. So it works on your offense teams, but not defense teams, and you can't see any effect of it on the friends list. (bummer about the last one, I'd love to see if people have S ranked their leads)
  8. Kinda neat I actually saw some effect of the bonuses in arena today. I paired up my Ike and Cordelia since they're always on my arena team together. I switched out my Hector, who usually runs Hone Atk, for Fae this week to try her out. Now usually my Ike can't one round an enemy Hector without a Hone Atk buff(unless Aether's up) and with the current team I don't have one for him. However, Cordelia's support with him is enough to push him over so he can one round them without other buffs. That's pretty cool.
  9. Well that's another Infernal map under Bride Cordelia's belt. Backed by Azura she just blew up basically everything. I brought Ike and S Camilla too but they mostly just Repositioned Cordelia and Azura. Killed the ninja and green mage the first turn with Cordelia, and she tanked an attack from the blue mage. Next turn Azura killed the red cav, S Camilla body killed the blue mage and body blocked an Ephraim attack. (had I used Cordelia there wasn't room to Repo her out of his range after) The siblings went down easily after. Glad Reposition was enough to get in range to kill 2 units out of that mage/ninja posse. Somebody with Smite/Reposition, dancers and an archer seems like the easiest setup for this.
  10. Yeah the amount of Rein + Lyn + Azura teams I've been seeing has been staggering. Especially in AA. In regular arena my Fae can always bait and kill Rein, but in AA I only have 1 Fae..
  11. Amen on this. Spring Camilla is great but I could always go for another good one of her to make up for how lackluster regular Camilla is. Lucina has 4 incarnations, let's go Camilla~ And I'm hoping they didn't push Xander and Camus' reruns too far off. A friend of mine loves Xander but didn't start playing until this summer, so he's been bummed to not have him still.
  12. I'm Summoner Supporting Bride Cordelia and pairing her with Azura too since I often use them together. I would have picked regular Cordelia, since I use her way more than B Cordelia, but that wedding dress is already an invitation~ Also regular Cordelia already kills everything she needs to in arena, and buffs won't matter much. My B Cordelia is not +atk, and when I do use her this way she'll be able to blow bloated infernal/lunatic enemies apart easier. I could pick Lyn too, but OP as she is I don't run my horses super often.
  13. Yes, and/or other methods to get private info. Anyways, at least the new update came out just in time to soften whatever blow there might have been at the end of this thing. Haven't seen much issue over the results here or elsewhere. I guess everyone expected Ike to win anyway, and he did, and most of team Camilla (including myself) were hopeful to pull it off, but knew it wasn't likely anyway.
  14. It means what I said in the previous post. They got a hold of personal information (address, etc) and made it public to scare/threaten the targeted people. And in this case, all in the name of a contest in a mobile game. It was just kinda messed up some people went that far over something so stupid.
  15. I'd say doxxing is always unwarranted. That's what I was referring to. Shitposting and banter is fine and to be expected from every side, but some of those Lyn supporters really snapped.
  16. They were doxxing people on twitter that were supporting Camilla. Getting their personal information and making it public all because they supported a character they didn't like. Of course. I was just still very surprised to see that behavior come out of the FE fanbase, especially of the older games.
  17. And now we've seen the dark side of some fanbases too, which was kinda sad. That nasty part of the Lyn fanbase coming out with that stuff on twitter was pretty crazy.
  18. Shame Camilla couldn't pull it off so we could see the giant nuke that would have gone off in every FE community. But she of course did great actually beating Lyn and even scaring Ike for the first 3/4 of the last round. I wasn't even sure if she'd beat Tharja in the beginning, so everything went better than expected, even if clearly caused by the multiplier rollercoaster. At least Ike winning still shows the multiplier hasn't quite managed to topple the popular vote favorite from winning in the final round yet.
  19. No. Smash Bros gave him tons of extra exposure. I'm sure there's a lot of people playing Heroes that may not have played his games, but did like him from Smash. (I'm among them, his games are indeed too expensive for me to go back and buy)
  20. Well the last multiplier still makes me think they're still out (though I personally have some left), but I'll be glad to be proven wrong and see a surprise turn of events.
  21. Even if Camilla got a last hour multiplier I doubt it could pull out a win. After the sad performance this last multiplier, I think it's a fair assumption there's not enough flags left to pass Ike even with a multiplier at that point.
  22. Indeed, I'm so glad I stumbled onto Ich Will back in the day and found their stuff~ Wow, did you miss most of the previous round multipliers or just not want to spend them? Seems like not much to gain out of saving so many for the last round unless it's a Gaius situation.
  23. This gauntlet is pitting the fanbase mann gegen mann. Ramstein's great!
  24. I challenge our fate! Had Lyn won I would have gone Ike too, and he's pretty cool. Camilla favoritism aside, I think the absolute saltstorm of her beating BOTH the top popular pick male and female solely due to the multiplier is the best chance we have at IS changing/revising the multiplier system again. With how extreme the Lyn loss reaction got, I think it might work. I embrace the dark for a brighter future!
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