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Everything posted by Alkaid

  1. It's not really fair to just leave out 3DS characters for that reason either. If we axe 3DS characters and disallow themes like fliers/movement emblems, etc I think it'd quickly end up with just "units from X game" and not really any more options, and even then it'd still be lopsided on who's most popular within their game in many cases. I think the answer that train of thought to balance gauntlets would just lead to is dropping the idea of them entirely. (not that I'd be opposed) Basically it seems like if you don't force balancing them, they're no good, but if you do force balancing them, they're no good.
  2. The flier and mage gauntlets were fine, given the pool of units to choose from in Heroes at the time. And Cordelia and Minerva are among the other most popular fliers in the series and still got obliterated. I don't think anybody else from the flier selection would have fared any better against her. The mage gauntlet was also decent enough given the available choices. Who else would they have picked(who was in the game then) besides maybe Nino that would have been popular? Tharja and M Robin would have still likely come out on top. I think Elise was an obvious favorite, but Ninian I agree was more of a surprise. I agree with your overall point, but I think those examples were fine as themed gauntlets. The only way they wouldn't have had blowouts was to not have those themes in the first place. I'd give a pass to the first gauntlet purely for being the introduction. You know they 100% knew Sharena or Alfonse weren't winning in there but did it anyway for the sake of it.
  3. Looks like I lucked out on my flags! Those 1200 I was worried about seems to perfectly line up now with how the multipliers have turned out. I used 400 last hour and I'll have the last 800 for the final 2. Not sure how my army rank will be since I'm still quite low even after spending like 700 so far this round. It seems like a lot of people on team Corrin blew their flags way early compared to last round.
  4. Guess I should have spent more flags, if there might not be enough multipliers for Corrin now to use all 1200 I have left. (figured 3 other hours of multipliers between now and he end seemed likely, but maybe not.)
  5. Never played FE4 but Dierdre and Sigurd look really good, so I might do a full summon at least. I'm scared at the idea of a FE4 TT since unless I luck out on this banner somehow, the only likely 40% bonus unit I'll have is a trash IV 4* Seliph I've never even touched. Not looking forward to a TT of using that.
  6. I sure hope he manages to hit the sweet spot. It would be the cherry on top of this wild gauntlet. Such a victory would easily overshadow whatever happens in the finals. I really want to see a Corrin vs Corrin for the memes.
  7. I just realized I don't actually have an A Tiki sitting around like I thought I did. I really hope at least one Corrin makes it to the final round, or I'll have no army bonus unit next round.
  8. I just realized I don't actually have an A Tiki sitting around like I thought I did. I really hope at least one Corrin makes it to the final round, or I'll have no army bonus unit next round.
  9. I don't think the spreadsheet is handling the new multiplier system too well. It correctly predicted Tiki's multiplier at 4am, but keeps failing to anticipate when the back and forth might end. I think there's been only one "same" hour all day long since then. The slugfest just won't end. It's probably gonna be a true tossup of whoever gets the last multiplier for this one.
  10. Yeah, that's pretty much what I was saying. While people have been vocal about the roster here on Serenes and in other online FE communities, I just don't think it's the issue for why the sales aren't a lot bigger. I think the other reasons I listed are much bigger contributors.
  11. A lot of this sounds like me right now. (especially that -atk Rein part, it hurts) Plus most of the units I'd like to upgrade I'm either severely lacking the right fodder for (especially TA 3 and Fury 3) and/or have bad natures and better ones have refused to show up. I gave up hoarding feathers lately and out of impatience splurged on merging a couple 4* Cordelias into my main one, making her +3 now. I'd usually prefer to expand my roster or SI units over merges, but I figure I'll want to merge her more eventually since she's my favorite unit.
  12. Guess I'm just gonna save all my flags till tomorrow for team Corrin. The back and fourth multipliers seem like they'll stay pretty constant so hopefully I can hold off for bigger multipliers near the end and we don't get caught in a no multiplier stalemate or something. How big does the team size between F Corrin and A Tiki seem anyway? Back and fourth almost every hour makes me assume they'd be similar?
  13. 3* Barst for my free pull. I had more greens in the session but I didn't bother to spend orbs on them. I'd really like Minerva, but I'd rather not waste orbs and keep saving for now. Halloween, a Kagero banner, or a Hinoka banner are what I'm waiting for to blow orbs again.
  14. I don't think Sophia will muster 800 mil+ to pull ahead in just 1 multiplier hour. Plus with so many bonus hours all round lots of players probably dumped flags all over the place instead of lots saving them.
  15. Rip Fae, that's a bit of a shame. I was hoping she'd be the little chicken that could. How could Ninian be such a mean bully to her?
  16. Oh I know not everyone who supported less popular characters got angry about it, but we know the ones who did are what pushed for the multiplier implementation. For those people, I just find it funny the multiplier has only really served to bite them in the ass more than anything. It didn't manage to upset Tharja, caused Camilla to ironically upset Lyn (and even came close with Ike), and now Ninian's being trolled by a chicken. I guess watching the mess caused by it can be entertaining in its own way.
  17. We'll never be able to go back, but I find it funny the multiplier just flips popularity stompouts on their head and now underdogs seem more favored with this latest change. And so many who complained about the original system for their less popular picks losing are now equally upset at their more popular picks losing.
  18. Welcome to the "just wanna watch the world burn" club. This new multiplier system seems to put things even more up in the air for who will win than before.
  19. Sophia is basically about to be executed now that Corrin has a second to last hour multiplier.
  20. I love seeing Beruka get the love she deserves! I'm considering Steady Stance for mine too, thought I'm indecisive between that or Close Defense.
  21. Since my total score has been rather low on gauntlets where I'm on a top team all/most of the way through, I thought I'd give this a try for once to see if it would make much difference or not. :P Since it was just Corrin, this seemed like an okay time to experiment. 'Cause you can bet I wouldn't if it was Camilla.
  22. I upgraded Distant Defense to 3 and bought the Reflect Magic one. They seem like they'll be great to have right now. I'd really like Hardy Bearing 3, Atk +3, and Spd +3 too. And finish the Reflect Magic one too. I think the only ones I don't feel much urgency for is the spurs and hones. Even if a full-fledged hone would be nice on some support units.
  23. Sounds good! I'm on Sophia right now to dirtily grab some multiplier points for my cumulative score, but I'll be on team F Corrin next round! I have my B Cordelia leading as usual but can always change it if needed. Right now @Vaximillian's Sharena is plowing through lvl 1 enemies while I cheese with a lvl 1 Sophia. I feel bad for both Sophia and Fae getting destroyed so hard. I expected it of Sophia, but I was surprised to see Fae actually being the biggest punching bag. Especially when she's the only character in this gauntlet I actually have at 5* and use often. Poor chicken..
  24. Feels like a hard choice between Deflect Magic 3, Deflect Missile 3, Hardy Bearing 3, and DD 3. They all seem insanely good to have right now. Counter Rein, Lyn, vantage users or make your own DC user/tank extra super bulky. Not to mention I'd like Spd +3 to further bandaid my -spd S Corrin. I'm curious how many quests will reward us with coins, since all my efforts getting in the top 5k of AA every week since it started has only built up enough coins for me to buy 1 fully maxed seal, which is a little saddening.
  25. I had all 3 of the characters for the new quests as only untrained 3*s, so it took a bit of effort but I'm done with them now. Fir's was actually the easiest to get done since she actually had a speed stat (relative to the tower enemies) despite still being 3*. These quests have also reinvigorated my desire to promote a Sully to 5*, even if I only have use her as an extra anti-red in AA. I might promote her on my next 22k feathers.
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