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Posts posted by SwordsAreShiney

  1. Well, if Josh imposes such a rule, then I'll gladly follow it and donate if he asks. But he does not; nor does he state anywhere that I have to pay money in order to have a voice. You really don't have a place to say when I am allowed to comment, especially when the comment I made has hardly much. If something irritates me, I'll say so when I please.

    No, but it's generally more tactful to not complain about a completely free service that someone provides to yourself and others at large cost (dedicated hosting isn't exactly cheap, in general) to themselves, asking nothing in return. There will always be downtime associated with server moves, just live with it. If Josh feels the need to get a new host, be it because the site had outgrown the previous host, or because they found a better deal elsewhere, or whatever the case may be, accept his decision, and quit whining about it. :)

  2. I'll admit I have no clue what's up, besides a possible link to the wrong date of 2nd December that keeps appearing, however I'll continue to look into what's up. Maybe when another admin comes on, they might have an idea.

    Probably that. I dunno why the server's time would be off by two days, though. o_O

  3. Bollocks. FESS is closing down because I didn't want it going down the road of FEFF and FEP. If I kept it going, it'd still be going right now.

    Jyosua is stricting up now because he feels he has to. Just like I did back then. The mistake FESS - not just myself - made was not loosening up in time, but that's not the reason we're closing.

    "the road of [FEFF and] FEP?" What's that supposed to mean? FEP's growing tons faster than this place, or any other FE forum that I can think of for that matter, even with the influx of former FESSers. <_<

  4. That's because your computer caches the location that the domain points to, so when there's a DNS server update (like there was overnight), it can take time for your computer to check to see that the location it has cached is the actual location.

    If anyone else has this problem, they should open up the command prompt (Start -> Run -> type in cmd) and type in ipconfig /flushdns and press enter. If they're using Vista, they'll need to run the command prompt as an administrator.

  5. Comma separate text files is even worse, actually - if you have to choose between getting data from the database or from other files, your best bet is the database.

    However, what I'd recommend is what I do, which I'll show you the next time I can get on AIM when my internet decides to stop acting up. D:

  6. You mean last night at about midnight EST?

    That was someone (or more likely something) spamming pages on Serenes like crazy (as in, for any page, image or any other file that was loaded across any of the websites on the server, which is several, there were dozens and dozens of hits on Serenes from this one IP), but as soon as I caught on I banned the IP.

    But the work that was being done is done now, so you all don't have to worry about it now. :)

  7. I agree, and plus, Class Swap is just extra, so you don't have to use it. But, I'm guessing people don't like it because people will abuse it during wireless/wifi.

    Well, there isn't exactly anything to abuse because there isn't some god class you can change all your characters to or anything. <_<

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