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Posts posted by SwordsAreShiney

  1. I used her on an easy mode playthrough, and I babied the hell out of her through all of 1-7 and had her promoted by the end, and babied her a lot in 3-6, and then by 3-7 she started to be really good. She ended up maxing every stat as a Lance Paladin though, and everything but skill as a Silver Knight. I also had her kill Ike. :)

    She's insanely durable (earth affinity, amazing defensive parametres, imbue, h4x magic...), but her offense can be a bit lacklustre due to lowish strength and poorish skill.

  2. Sorry for posting over the lock, but it was, believe me. XD I looked at the Apache status (lists the most recent files that were requested) and like... 75% at least of them pertained to its soundtrack... not to mention, this is usually flooded with people using my affiliate button, because one of the largest Pokémon sites is affiliated with me as well (which is very active, as you'd imagine) and linking to it. :P

    EDIT: And during the like... 20 hours that the soundtrack was up, it managed to accrue over 50 000 downloads.

  3. Not to mention, nobody liked AW: DoR's graphics from the initial screens, but then it looked a lot better in the final product. <_<

    Just be patient, these are only the very first screens we've seen.

    I personally like the new style, at any rate - three games in a row exactly the same gets a bit boring. It was time for a change.

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