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Posts posted by SwordsAreShiney

  1. "Note: This section is incomplete, and is a lower priority among other things that I have on the todo list, so it might not be completed for a while. However, I have most of FE10's sprite sheets uploaded, so if a character is incomplete here, you can look there as well to make it yourself. Click here for FE10 character sheets."

    Incomplete as in... missing mouthes/eyes. :P

  2. well your infantry can capture it right away...and it's like 2 days (move once, then move + bomb) so it's not far away...

    I like bombers though...they are very effective at killing things...plus if they attack an anti-air, they can severly wound it...and bombers are more mobile than war tanks

    No, I mean, far away from the main combat. It was just more convenient to make lots of tanks I found, cause the Airport was off in the corner.

  3. Hmm... what did I do in that chapter...

    Use the Rig and the Mech to take the factory that's further up ASAP, take out the meteor creating the plasma so you can kill the rockets... uhh... I don't know. I can't remember anything in specific that I did, really. XD

  4. I'm gonna eventually put together sheets that have everything put together, but this was the quickest way to get them all up, so that's all I've done for the moment. :P

  5. Here's some added info on bonus exp you could add:

    Note that even though the same amount of bonus exp is given in normal and easy mode, it is worth 1.5 times as much in easy mode.

    In normal (and hard, maybe? I need to check) mode, the formula for how much it takes to level up is as follows: (50 * [Character's level]) + 50 bonus exp. If the character is a Laguz, their level is multiplied by 1.5, if the character is a second tier beorc, 20 is added to their level, and if they're a third tier beorc, 40 is added to their level. For individual experience points, multiply the amount it would take for a full level by: (experience points)/100

    Example: Makalov is a level 10 Sword Paladin. To level up to level 11, he takes ((10 + 20) * 50) + 50 bonus experience, or in other words, 1550 bonus experience.

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