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Posts posted by SwordsAreShiney

  1. The Gamespot review says that even easy mode is too hard, where as part 1 can be solo'd effortlessly using only Nolan, and then 3 using Ike and Haar, and such... Clearly the guy was a dumb ass.

    But easy mode in FE10 is a joke... not so much like FE8 or 9's easy modes, but still really easy. Normal's pretty good though, and Hard's insane.

  2. Yes, that's what it's for - you'll notice that it changes from a + to a - when you click on it.

    You can even quote across multiple pages or even multiple threads, too - it remembers which posts you have quoted if you leave that thread, or go to a different page or something.

  3. I've had special experiences at my work too. Two power outages (one at like 9PM too, so it was pitched black - luckily we have ~30 mins of backup power for the refrigeration and some lighting) come to mind, as well as a time when there was an arson incident near by, so they nearly had to shut us down due to the smoke making it hazardous to be in the store. Oh, and one time they were hunting down some armed robbers that had robbed a nearby bank, so there were cops patrolling the parking lot and stuff.

    Fun stuff. :)

  4. This was in Normal mode, IIRC.

    There could be more, maybe something like "He was a powerful warrior blah blah blah blah emo blah emo blah blah" before the memory scene. When I get to mom's and get to my Wii on the weekend, I'll be starting part 4, so I should be able to find out for you soon enough.

  5. I'll try to remember to kill off Lethe (and Mordy, why not, though he's probably just replaced by a generic tiger or just doesn't exist) in my next playthrough, though that might not necessarily be anytime soon. :x

    This is the only instance where there's a replacement character for a dead playable character, right, or are there others?

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