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Posts posted by SwordsAreShiney

  1. Where would Nino be, huh?

    In the pit of failure and suckage, where she belongs. :P

    As for Fiona's lance, I just progressed slowly through that chapter, and gave her a Bronze, Iron and Steel lance (or maybe two of each, don't remember), so that she could always do damage, but make sure she doesn't double, and stuff. Basically, treat her like you would Nino, only she's more of a pain because she's physical.

  2. I disagree. Leonardo is the only subpar unit of the Dawn Brigade, but even he isn't horrible. The others (Micaiah, Sothe, Edward, Nolan) have always been very reliable for me.

    Yeah, but they end up super underleveled, and most of them are outclassed by their GM counterparts. Shinon >>> Leo; Mia >>> Eddie (though Zihark is debatable); Haar >>> Jill; Anyone >>>> Fiona; Anyone >>>> Meg; Mist >>> Laura; Nephenee >>>> Aran; though, Nolan's really good, Micaiah's h4x, and Sothe's cool too, though he starts to suck in part 4. Volug's awesome as well. Gatrie >>> Tauroneo, but Tauroneo's amazing as well, though.

    That's not to say that the units are terrible (well Leo, Meg, Fiona, Laura...), just most of them compare poorly to their GM counterparts.

  3. This stuff was kinda already known. o.o; If you add up the character's growths that aren't capped and they're ~250 or higher, then you're better off levelling normally. 300's more exact, but obviously if it's just below 300, then it doesn't make much of a difference.

  4. No, clearly the game is both, but it varies by characters.

    Anyone in the Dawn Brigade is a 1 RN

    Most of the Greil Mercs are 2 RN

    Nephenee is a 3 RN

    how else do you explain her ability to dodge eight 30% or betters in a row? While no one in the Dawn Brigade could dodge more than one 40% per chapter.

    Seriously, in 3-6, Aran got critical-ed by a cat with a 34% hit and a 1% crit, then he got hit by the cat's second hit! He was left with 1 HP, very fortunately for me...And in all of Part 1 (excluding BK), my characters dodged maybe 10-15 attacks. For ALL of it. I healed a lot.

    Do you actually have proof of that though, or is that just your speculation? o.o; Because I somehow don't think they'd go through the trouble of doing a different system for each section of the story. <_<

  5. Actually, because bonus exp only does three stats, using it on characters at lower levels (when they don't have much capped) can be detrimental to them, unless you reset lots, hoping for the best stats and stuff like that. For example, Fiona, with bonus exp, will mostly gain speed/defense/res/luck, so, if you boost her a lot, her offense will blow, even though her strength growth is decent.

  6. In the article about the RNG, you mention that FE10 uses the 2 RN system - in playing it, I was under the impression that it was 1 RN, though, because I had a hell of a lot of 80+s miss (and on one occasion, two in a row and stuff like that). Did you find this out through the game data or something, or just a guess? o.o

  7. Even with his bow, his speed is still below the other snipers for the most part, and most of your other units... and then he still has his sub-par strength and defense as well.

    Not to mention, being a Crap Brigade unit, he's basically automatically at least 10 levels below Shinon at the start of part 4, which doesn't really change without massive Bonus EXP investment.

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