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Posts posted by SwordsAreShiney

  1. Sure, but, tell me, which of them is Pain and which is Agony? <_< The Japanese names are Death and Hell, so I don't know which is which. XD [the files are stored in the game under the Japanese names]


  2. I just thought it's worth mentioning that the Wii encryption was broken, so FE10 sprites can be ripped now. I've been working on it for the past little while, here's what I've got so far:

    http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=spri...haracter/sheets - sheets

    http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=spri...haracter/body10 - full body sprites

    http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=spri...chibi&id=10 - chibi icons

    http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=spri...items&id=10 - items

    If you want a specific character done, post here, or IM or PM me or something and I'll do it. o_o Just make sure that it hasn't already been done.

  3. Well, forging's different - JP version, you gather forge points by selling old weapons, which allow you to forge. Units need master crowns to promote to third tier in it. Uhh... part 4 enemies are supposed to be tougher. That's about all I can think of.

  4. Well, we could obtain the FE6 supports from Firelizard.

    The FE7 and FE8 supports are being worked on. The FE9 supports are already completed.

    The FE10 supports are really incomplete, but I don't know if anybody's interested in them anyway >___<

    I have a script dump of FE6 I think, if you want it. I looked through it and I think I remember seeing supports.

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