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Everything posted by SwordsAreShiney

  1. That remark had nothing to do with you, I'm just not supposed to do adminny stuff other than the skin. <_
  2. Luckily there's WiFiness in it. To what extent we don't know, but hopefully it'll be something cool.
  3. I also put it on the registration page, so that people see it right off the bat. I hope you don't mind. ;_;
  4. Of course. Actually, I'll be getting it the moment it comes out in Japan. Yay for having a Flash Cart~
  5. Nope. :P They never told me to centre it, so I just left it.
  6. Easy mode saves cause Radiant Dawn to emocide. But the bug is supposed to be fixed now, so if you send your old copy to Nintendo you can get a new one, or, if you're just buying it, I'd imagine that the new ones are fixed as well.
  7. Are you sure? It doesn't say that it's set for admin/mod only or anything...
  8. It does repeat. Just the background doesn't move as you scroll down, as you'll notice, as opposed to it scrolling down like it normally would. :x
  9. 2-F and 3-13. Ironically, I found them easier the second time on Normal than the first time on Easy. :x
  10. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?...rCP&CODE=01 My Controls -> Edit Profile Information
  11. I just kill them all. 200 bonus exp isn't that much anyhow.
  12. I can sympathise with him. <_< Having a wide res and a page that's set to fill the entire screen = ugliez. My screen's 1920 wide, so, it spreads everything out and looks atrocious. :x
  13. Cause Josh didn't want it any wider than what I had set it as. :P
  14. It's set to width: 98%; max-width: 981px. This means that it'll fill the full width of the page, to a maximum of 981px.
  15. Yes, that's what I meant. The default is 98% (so that it leave a little bit of space on either side), but he wanted a fixed width instead. o_o
  16. The default setting for the skin is to have it automatically fill the full width of the screen, but Josh had me set it to a fixed width instead. :x As for the background, I can set it to be attached, just gimme two seconds.
  17. Alright, I think that I'm done everything, as far as the HTML/CSS components to the skin go. Anything that needs to be changed, let me know. o_o
  18. I've worked with IPB's skins a lot, I know them well. :P
  19. Nope, still got a bunch of things to do.
  20. <? echo "urmom"; ?> Don't mind me. <_<
  21. Prologue is Chaos Named Endgame is Rebirth
  22. MAKALOV Or maybe Oliver fondling one of the Herons. XD
  23. Nobody wants your ugly baby here. DX
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