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Everything posted by SwordsAreShiney

  1. Damn. Hmm... wanna check? :D I don't have access to my Wii right now unfortunately. :x
  2. Sure, but, tell me, which of them is Pain and which is Agony? <_< The Japanese names are Death and Hell, so I don't know which is which. XD [the files are stored in the game under the Japanese names]
  3. http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=spri...y=l&id=2954
  4. http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=spri...ets&id=2933 Tharr you go
  5. I just thought it's worth mentioning that the Wii encryption was broken, so FE10 sprites can be ripped now. I've been working on it for the past little while, here's what I've got so far: http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=spri...haracter/sheets - sheets http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=spri...haracter/body10 - full body sprites http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=spri...chibi&id=10 - chibi icons http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=spri...items&id=10 - items If you want a specific character done, post here, or IM or PM me or something and I'll do it. o_o Just make sure that it hasn't already been done.
  6. It's almost the exact same as the regular one where he's dead. http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=game...onvos&id=68 - alive http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=game...onvos&id=69 - dead
  7. Volug's amazing. <_< But I don't seem to recall anything in the description about transformation bonuses being reduced, so, maybe by halved exp they meant halved transformation bonuses?
  8. http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=game...onvos&id=36 Yay for the convo. :3
  9. They're illegal, but it's like downloading music and stuff - who the fuck cares anyhow? XD
  10. You probably won't be able to kill the Greil Mercenaries. But your best bet on Ike is to use the sleep staff on him and attack away. Really, though, just fight till they advance, and then retreat.
  11. That's what they said, so I suggested Oliver. XD OOO! Should put Oliver on the banned icon. Now that is fitting.
  12. Boo, no Makarovz for me. :( Ah well, they look nice. :P
  13. Volug + Pass + S strike -> rape. I try to avoid using the Black Knight and Nailah if possible, because they both waste the exp. One time though, I had Nailah run up to stop the thieves, and I managed to move her around such that only like two enemies actually attack her. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v166/swo...99/100_3266.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v166/swo...99/100_3269.jpg
  14. Well, forging's different - JP version, you gather forge points by selling old weapons, which allow you to forge. Units need master crowns to promote to third tier in it. Uhh... part 4 enemies are supposed to be tougher. That's about all I can think of.
  15. Ya, seriously. <_< Valtome is a different story, but Janaff = male fo sho.
  16. Skills were in 4 and 5 as well, they were just removed for whatever reason from the GBA ones.
  17. I have a script dump of FE6 I think, if you want it. I looked through it and I think I remember seeing supports.
  18. I would have loved to use Calibri, but that's only on comps running Vista, which are only ~20% of people according to the site's stats, IIRC.
  19. I hate Arial, but I didn't wanna change the font when I made the skin due to lazylazylazy. :D
  20. FE4 - Tinny FE6 - Miredy FE7 - Lowen FE8 - Moulder the Boulder FE9 - Makalov FE10 - Makalov
  21. The Gamespot review says that even easy mode is too hard, where as part 1 can be solo'd effortlessly using only Nolan, and then 3 using Ike and Haar, and such... Clearly the guy was a dumb ass. But easy mode in FE10 is a joke... not so much like FE8 or 9's easy modes, but still really easy. Normal's pretty good though, and Hard's insane.
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