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Everything posted by SwordsAreShiney

  1. Probably, something of a malicious nature obviously. The IP address didn't resolve to anything either.
  2. You mean last night at about midnight EST? That was someone (or more likely something) spamming pages on Serenes like crazy (as in, for any page, image or any other file that was loaded across any of the websites on the server, which is several, there were dozens and dozens of hits on Serenes from this one IP), but as soon as I caught on I banned the IP. But the work that was being done is done now, so you all don't have to worry about it now. :)
  3. Expect about 20 minutes to a half hour of downtime sometime later on today.
  4. Well, inbox size is linked to your group, and I wouldn't be surprised if mods' inbox size is a bit bigger. :P
  5. SwordsAreShiney


    I don't really care. He's ultimately just making an ass out of himself, so what's there to forgive? lol
  6. I'm from everywhere, I go to every noteworthy FE site. <_<

    Most notably FEP though.

  7. Well, there isn't exactly anything to abuse because there isn't some god class you can change all your characters to or anything. <_<
  8. http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/wfc/en_na...mp;locale=en_US "Our experience has shown that this error message is typically caused by WEP Key issues."
  9. Class swap adds a ton more depth and replay value to the game, I don't see why anyone would complain in the first place. <_< I'll admit that I thought it was a bit weird at first, but it's actually a great idea.
  10. Definitely not. I loathe sites with background music. Just open your media player of choice and press play. <_<
  11. It's impossible to get every character in one playthrough. So yes, it is.
  12. Then play easy mode/hard mode below 5 stars and ignore the gaidens. It was impossible to be a perfectionist in FE7 as well, just thought I'd throw that out there.
  13. To respond more throughly to the first post... If you've played this game, you'd know that the hardest difficulty is basically impossible to beat without losing units - the Gaidens are to help you out when you inevitably lose them. It's obvious that they made this game with the intention that it would be too hard to keep everyone alive; the gaidens, and also, the fact that when a character dies, its items return to the storage, for example. Characters do have their own colours, just not to the extent that they have been in recent games. ...who replace characters who are defeated. Just don't use them if you don't want to...? Again, not forced on you at all. Don't use it if you don't want to. It's sad how much people complain when the game isn't a carbon copy of FE7 =/ People complained about different magic triangle in FE9, different supports in FE10, as well as the game being split in to parts (which FE7 was anyhow, lol), and now a few tweaked mechanics in this game as well. The game is largely unchanged on the whole, people just need to stop getting caught up on such minor details and play the damn game. <_<
  14. If you don't like class swap, then don't use it, lol. It isn't forced on you at all; I have no idea why so many people make such a big deal over it. <_<
  15. If you do the text size inside the spoiler, then the background will be sized for the smaller text. However, if you do size, then spoiler tag on the inside...
  16. I'm always online. o.o;

  17. Reyson joins at level 15, and I'm fairly certain he doesn't have Sorrow when he does.
  18. Check your personal statement. ;)

  19. Wouldn't happen. They're using the last free version of IPB.
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