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Everything posted by SwordsAreShiney

  1. FE8 was indeed extremely easy... but if you play it without abusing the tower/ruins, I've heard it can be challenging.
  2. Sorry for posting over the lock, but it was, believe me. XD I looked at the Apache status (lists the most recent files that were requested) and like... 75% at least of them pertained to its soundtrack... not to mention, this is usually flooded with people using my affiliate button, because one of the largest Pokémon sites is affiliated with me as well (which is very active, as you'd imagine) and linking to it. :P EDIT: And during the like... 20 hours that the soundtrack was up, it managed to accrue over 50 000 downloads.
  3. I had to take the soundtrack down, but everything should be fine now. <_
  4. The server is getting pwnt by all the people that have been downloading the SSBB soundtrack. XD;;; I rigged it up so that you need to be a member with 10+ posts to do so, now, so hopefully that should help.
  5. I already solo'd part 1 with Nolan. It was a piece of cake. <_
  6. Any only high-level laguz have the capacity for both, anyhow (Or Astrid/Geoffrey), which means that they're either gaining pathetic experience to start with and have shittastic growths as well, or are just plain crap.
  7. Are you sure that you've had no-stat level ups? O_o They're supposed to be impossible in this game (unless everything's capped).
  8. Did you look in the Mess files that I sent you? (I think I sent all of them, right?) I'll take a peek now, actually. :hmm:
  9. Sword Knight/Paladin, for that's the class to which my precious belongs~ Bishops are pretty cool too. Oliver, Riev and Moulder ftw
  10. Just post them here, or PM them to Vincent I suppose. o.o
  11. I had thought of something like this in the past as well. By the way, the French did win, but Joan was captured before they did, tried for heresy and burnt.
  12. Not to mention, nobody liked AW: DoR's graphics from the initial screens, but then it looked a lot better in the final product. <_< Just be patient, these are only the very first screens we've seen. I personally like the new style, at any rate - three games in a row exactly the same gets a bit boring. It was time for a change.
  13. I stay awake till 3 because I'm just like that. XD 2 AM for SSBB updates, and then after that I don't sleep right away. XD
  14. Me too. But at that point it was indeed 6 AM. I had just woken up. O_o
  15. Someone on FEP posted that Micaiah's apparently in it too, though I wouldn't exactly call it a reliable source. O_o And FAAAALCON IS FINALLY CONFIRMED.
  16. Mist and Rolf fucking suck. Others are rather terrible as well. Tibarn didn't sound nearly as badass as he should have. The voice acting in this game was a joke. :(
  17. He isn't one of the villagers though, is he? <_
  18. The search bots were out to kill me and I was all alone. :(
  19. He isn't. He gets attacked by a Begnion soldier earlier on in a cutscene, and Micaiah heals him, but that's about it.
  20. 3 guests, 1 members, 0 anonymous members Makarov, Google.com, Google Adsense, Yahoo.com :(
  21. Don't forget the potential to spam skills like Pavise, Disarm, Corrosion and Cancel, all which essentially provide evasion boosts.
  22. "Note: This section is incomplete, and is a lower priority among other things that I have on the todo list, so it might not be completed for a while. However, I have most of FE10's sprite sheets uploaded, so if a character is incomplete here, you can look there as well to make it yourself. Click here for FE10 character sheets." Incomplete as in... missing mouthes/eyes. :P
  23. Uhhh they are all in the English names to my knowledge. Not the full bodies, but that's just a temporary page anyhow, as I said in my little note there IIRC.
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