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Posts posted by Eridras

  1. 1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

    Running two Dancers and a Healer might help a bit more.  That's what I run, and it's come in handy quite a few times, since soloing a map can wear down even the strongest units.

    Since you have Ninian, I'd suggest having her as one of your dancers and Olivia as the other.  That way, once you get higher level, if you get walled by a high-def unit or something, you can finish them off with Ninian.


    I'm debating whether to work on my Horse Emblem team a bit more.  I've got tons of units to level up, but this double SP sure is enticing.

    You're right. In practice, the third dancer usually had nothing to do. Now that Hector has Pivot, mobility is less of a concern. 

  2. 124 orbs(all paid through overtime this past month) later, my nightmare is over. 

    Sheena was the next to last pull, with Hector being the last. I almost flipped an imaginary table when I thought all those orbs amounted to a dupe Sheena. 

    Hector is +Atk, -Def, and Sheena is +Res, -Hp. 

    As overjoyed as I am to have Hector, that Sheena has me thinking. Thirty-six Def and Res has potential.


  3. 7 minutes ago, chirp said:

    I tried to pull a Hector from the Hero Fest and got three Ryoma instead: neutral, -Hp/+Def and -HP/+Atk. I'm trying to assemble a Pegasus Knights squadron usable in the arena. I would like to keep one Ryoma and give one Rajiinto to Caeda. The base idea is to turn her into a mage bait. I have two questions:

    1. Does this idea make sense at all ?
    2. Which Ryoma should I keep ?

    I'm also playing with the idea of giving Palla the capability of handling archers. This seems to requires heavy editing, she will need Bowbreaker and Iote's shield at least. Would a Rajinto make sense in that context ? Or, should I choose another unit for this role, e.g. Clair or Cordelia ?

    Raijinto cannot be passed on. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

    Well I would just wait to see How Xander actually looks when we get him.  He would replace every Red in the game if he came with his final chapter stats!  But a near identical Eldigan with Siegfried would still be better than Ike or Ryoma baseline AND he could receive cavalry buffs making him God mode, heres hoping...

    Eldigan is trash vs ranged units as he cant kil them all in one round, greatly reducing his effective spread, so I would say Distant is more useful overall.  Xander would still be able to Moonbow kill in one round as well, or at least heavily soften an attacker enough for followup.  I just use Eldigan as the Hone Bearer and only swap in to cover Rein or Cecila from a melee attack, those two mages kill nearly every one!  I would probably prefer Xander with Distant counter receiving a buff from Cecilia to bait a green mage, one of the few units those two don't fight well.  Eldigan has way better art and is slightly better at his kill melee role though for sure!


    My worry is that the data mined Xander has 17 Res. He's likely going to get doubled by everything and take a ton of damage doing it. But you're right, I should probably wait and see. 

  5. Having failed miserably to get either Ike or Ryoma this last week, I'm left to ask this question: just how useful is Distant Counter?  I ask because I've been very happy with running Eldigan in my Horse Emblem team, and I'm wondering if Xander would be better. 

    Released stats(which have been slightly off in the past) has Eldigan and Xander being nearly identical stat-wise, with the big difference being their weapon special ability. I love firing off Bonfires nearly every round of combat. But is Distant Counter that much more useful?

  6. 3 hours ago, eclipse said:

    With the weekend orb login bonus, I had just enough for a pull on the OP banner.  Total pulled units: 153

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    . . .and we are DONE with the OP banner.  Now, for boons and banes!

    - Ogma (+Spd/-Res): It's the second good Ogma I've pulled!  This variant reminds me of a Lucina who traded somewhat balanced defenses for physical bulk.  Might yank his Brave Sword, so he can go to town with 37 Speed.  Wait, I have a spare M!Corrin that can also donate Dragon Gaze. . .or perhaps he'd like a Killing Edge better.  Decisions!

    - Lon'qu (+HP/-Spd): I wonder who wants Vantage?

    - Azura (+Def/-HP): I'll take it!  Tempted to give her Swordbreaker for giggles. Definitely giving her Hone Atk over Fortify Res.  I don't think she can fully replace Ephraim - instead, she'll be another option, and definitely a mainstay on the defense team! That's 12 5* units, and one of the two I was looking for (the other one was Takumi).  Xander's gonna be in for a themed walloping!

    - Barst (+Def/-Spd): If I have a spare Cherche, she's getting his axe.

    - Kagero (+HP/-Atk): Ranged units are great for countering dagger users.  Someone's getting Daggerbreaker!  I just need to figure out who!  Maybe that +Atk/-Spd Rebecca?

    Overall, this was an amazing pull.


    That's my exact Azura. I gave her Hone Attack from an Olivia, and New Moon/Wings of Mercy 2 from a Palla. That's plenty for her to do her thing. 

  7. Just now, Anacybele said:

    I actually would prefer to give him a Brave Axe+ if I give him a new weapon. He'll hit twice! And thankfully, I hate Camilla, so I'd be just fine with dumping a 5 star version.

    True, I have a 4 star, +Atk, -Res Fredrick I'm considering giving that treatment to. I think I'd want to give him Deathblow, though. Two 52 attack hits is nice!

  8. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, it's almost always a guaranteed 1-hit KO for him! lol He's also barely scratched by even sword units thanks to his high def. Only two or three units in the whole game can have a higher base def than him.

    Maybe a Killer Axe + in the future, should you ever get fodder for it?  If Fredrick gets attacked once, he'll have Bonfire ready for your turn. Or if you attack first, it'll fire off when he gets attacked on enemy phase. 

  9. 27 minutes ago, Tactician Robin said:

    After being discouraged about not getting Alm on the last banner, my luck turns around! I took the 20 orbs I had from saving up from the Ike banner and took a shot.

    Apparently the file size is too large but it ended up being:

    5* Takumi (-HP/+Def)

    4* Reinhardt

    3* Odin

    3* Serra

    3* Clarine

    The pineapple has finally come home!


    Depending on his nature, that Reinhardt might be more useful in the future. Congrats, though!

  10. 55 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

    My score of 4,790 gets me Rank 4,149. Currently at 8 defense wins with my highest getting me a score of 288.

      Reveal hidden contents

    One of them is led by a T-Adept Wings of Mercy Ninian. How...


    Interesting. Score of 4788 ranked 4443. Two-point difference means a rank difference of nearly 300 spots. We're really clustered together in this range. 

  11. 12 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    It's a bit funny, if pulling lots of -Atk units makes you want to Pull.

    At this point I'm around 60 orbs into both focuses without a 5*. I'm in that area where I just want the streak to stop.  Besides, Hector can function just fine with -Atk. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    It's a bit funny, if pulling lots of -Atk units makes you want to Pull.

    At this point I'm around 60 orbs into both focuses without a 5*. I'm in that area where I just want the streak to stop.  Besides, Hector can function just fine with -Atk. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    +Atk -Def Hector I think might be a bit better.  -Spd actually doesn't hurt Hector much, but his Res isn't that great, so I'm not sure how much +Res would be helping you.

    This topic is dangerous. I spent $100 this past week and got nothing. Seeing your pulls makes me want to try to redeem my luck. 

    Edit: Dammit, quoted the wrong person. Sorry!

  14. 6 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    Managed a deathless run finally.

    Score of 4,780 is rank 4,963 right now. I'm pretty set to stay in top 10k.

    My current defence team is Sharena, Reinhardt, Ninian, and Nowi. Of course, no wins yet. Any suggestions?

    I run a slightly similar defense team of Sharena, Reinhardt, Azura, and Eldigan.  Reinhardt has Draw Back, while Eldigan has Hone Cavalry and Swap.  The extra movement options, plus the possibility of Reinhardt(Deathblow 2 and Hone Cavalry) running around with an effective 54 attack is what has likely gotten me 5 defense wins thus far.  Eldigan also has Vantage and Bonfire, so anyone attacking him generally just dies, too.

  15. I have 5 starred, in order:

    1) Sharena, with no regrets.  I still use her in the arena long after her promotion.  Even SI was relatively painless for her, just QR 2 and Luna.  

    2) Cherche, also no regrets.  She cost a lot in terms of SI (Brave Axe +, Death Blow 3), but I like her as a character and she's been the reason the recent story/paralogue missions have been so easy for me.  Even pulling a 5 star of her during the flier banner didn't dampen my mood, as it was my first merge.

    3) Effie, many regrets.  I 5-starred her in anticipation of moving up in the old arena ranks.  Whelp, soon after that, the arena change went in and I found she did more clogging up of spaces than actual help. At least I haven't fed her Brave Lance +, yet.

    4) Raven, to give Cherche Brave Axe +.  It still feels wrong to have done this, despite how well Cherche has done for me.

    5) Cecilia, TBD.  I'm still leveling and SI-ing her, but so far I'm optimistic.  All the Takumis soon to be flooding the arena makes this a tentative win until I get some actual experience with her.  

    Some feathers spent here and there to 4-star units for SI, no regrets there. 

  16. Hone Cavalry Eldigan, Reinhardt, Brave Axe Cherche, and Azura got me a deathless run of 4788, which currently ranks 3902. With the entire weekend still to come, I'm quite certain I'll drop out of the top 5k. Still, much easier this week to get the deathless run. 

    The half color stacked, half Horse Emblem team of Eldigan, Reinhardt, Sharena, and Azura have gotten 5 defenses this week, topping out at 287. 

  17. Having spent $53 for Ike and gotten a single 5* -Atk Caeda, I decided my luck couldn't possibly keep being that bad and spent another $40 hoping for Hector. Got nothing. 

    I'm glad this happened, actually. I needed this run of terrible luck to force me out of buying orbs forever, so mission accomplished, I guess. 

  18. 6 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

    It was about $70 total for all 3 books, so not bad in my opinion. Was just saying it's not terribly out of reach if you ever feel like trying.

    And on-topic, now I don't know what to do with the few orbs I have. I could really use Azura to have a non-shit Olivia dancer, but Hector and Ryoma would be great to have if I actually pulled them. I guess I can pass on the mage banners, at least, since Linde would be the only thing I'd want and don't have off of them.

    This is also my issue. I have Azura, but I'm not sure if I want Hector or Ryoma. Maybe I'll just go for both and take the first one I can get. 

    And as an aside...fuck, fuck, fuck. I've spent $200 on this game and just earlier today disabled IAPs to save my sanity. Now this. 

  19. 32 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Haven't finished a full run yet but I've already gotten a defense win, which is nice to have out of the way so early.

    It's almost relieving to have a defense win within the first day or two, isn't it?  Less stress for something you don't have much control over. 

  20. The only good thing about the load of hot garbage I pulled today was that I was able to send home enough units to 5-star my Cecilia(sticking with Gronnraven +).  My question now is what B-skill to give her. Escape Route seems handy enough, but I wonder about G Tomebreaker for the many Ninos and Julias I'd have to deal with. Or any other suggestions would be appreciated. 

  21. 34 minutes ago, Levin's Scarf said:

    Decided to summon again in my quest to get Alm:

    5* Roy (+Spd/-HP)

    4* Caeda (+Spd/-Def)

    4* Hinata

    3* Henry

    3* Adult Tiki

    3* MRobin

    I'm totally ok with this. It still hurts to see my 5* percentage reset without getting Alm, but I like Roy and he's not -Spd as was the case with my previous Roys. I also wanted to get Caeda at some point as well. 

    As soon as I pulled my umpteenth Adult Tiki I inched closer to getting an aneurysm. Seriously, I lost count of how many times I've gotten her.

    That is a fantastic skill fodder pull. I've only ever had one Hinata and have never seen a Henry on my main account. Very jealous. 

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