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Everything posted by Sayyyaka

  1. The constant influx of Fates never ends. And a surprise Panne I guess.
  2. They're the ones that started the trend, so I don't see why it'd be controversial now. If anything, we need 4 more Ikes since he's the most popular FE character, and save us from all the Camilla we've been forcefed for months.
  3. "anniversary will be bigger than the 3.0 update" Uh-huh...
  4. A well deserved win for Eliwood, all I want now is to see how amazing his art will be.
  5. You and me both. Sety sounds way better, at least go with Cedric or something so he doesn't have to sound too boring. Anyway, I feel he'd be FE4 just to avoid the "canocity" issue. I forget how they handled Nanna but it'd be weird for him to not have Forseti in his FE5 version.
  6. Hope you enjoy Choose Your Legends Camilla. A recent alt won't stop her.
  7. I heard Seliph got a refine and Julia is on focus so I must subject myself to this again.
  8. Feedback does not always work. Just because you only see people complaining on here doesn't mean they aren't also sending feedback. Before I quit this game I sent feedback quite frequently, since last January actually since Christmas bothered me, mainly on things like new units, lack of character interactions, more meaningful recurring content and the terrible changes that ruined arena when that happened. I think I really went off on a tangent but all I will say at this point is that Intelligent Systems does not really care about feedback unless it has something to do with potentially making money. And honestly, that's fine, they are a company. They are supposed to make money, but it reflects quite poorly on them and FEH as a whole. Good luck to those who still have faith and want to push for a change, but I feel that it'll be for nothing.
  9. They somehow made Aether Raids worse...so much for that new mode. With Three Houses being MIA, THIS is how they tide over their fans, jesus christ. Well, bye.
  10. So...more things to summon for, more things to summon with. And Book III. OK.
  11. The first anniversary was pretty underwhelming, the best thing we got was a free 5*, which is cool, but 2.0 gave us that and so much more. CYL1 was even more exciting than the first anniversary even. I just can't see how anyone is trying to play 3.0 as something that shouldn't be big, this is something players have been waiting months for, any negativity being met with hopes that things will improve with Update 3.0. IS themselves clearly consider 3.0 important as well, otherwise we wouldn't have gotten 2.11. Beasts (aka more things to dump orbs into with nothing to use them on) alone won't be enough, there needs to be serious changes. That's cool and all, but you can't expect players to keep holding out for several months between huge updates waiting and hoping for changes to the game. They clearly need better planning. It's on them to provide a satisfactory experience and meet with feedback. There are many problems that they still haven't addressed for a very long time, and their answers this year were making arena even worse and adding arena 2.0. The best thing they've done this year is can Relay Defense.
  12. calling it anime FE Warriors 2 remake of some sort
  13. Surely it has nothing to do with women having the most alts by coincidence. People just hate females.
  14. Funny that this was mentioned but they actually just added 5* exp cards to the game, supposedly having triple the experience as a 4* card. While I do prefer FGO's method of doing things, as it gives a sense of progression I feel FEH heavily lacks, I would not recommend dropping that on the playerbase seeing as it would alienate most involved. But onto the topic at hand: The first thing I'd do is add an actual decent reason for friends to exist, an FP/support point system. In FGO and similar games you gain points when you use a friend's Servant that you can use to roll in a FP gacha full of low rarity characters and items. Not only could you add more obsolete/low priority fodder units into this gacha, but it could clear up the pool of characters that we use orbs on. Also DEMOTE MORE UNITS. The summoning pool is easily one of my least favourite things about FEH. It makes you forget that this game has otherwise good rates when you spend a whole month rolling for Halloween Myrrh only to get 4 off-focus red units and no Myrrh. I'll be honest and say I don't actually know if the awful red rates are due to the diluted summoning pool, but it's my biggest guess. It's even worse because character progression is locked behind skills that you have to roll for. Even IF you get that one unit you always wanted, your journey doesn't end there. There are certainly good f2p fodder that IS have given us, but with modes like Blessed Gardens asking you to have multiple teams of fully built units, that doesn't leave much room to fodder anyone. Skill Inheritance is the meat of this game and it's severely limited by IS' (admittedly clever) decision to lock everything behind an orb paywall. Seriously though IS, who the hell is whaling for Luke and Gray so hard that makes you want to keep them at 5* so badly?
  15. My only advice is to stop caring. Enjoy this slow-motion trainwreck.
  16. it's just comedy at this point tbh free dancer for anyone who cares is nice I guess
  17. I legitimately can't tell if this is trolling or not.
  18. I think I might be with you if Update 3.0 is underwhelming. This treatment is absolutely disgusting. I already barely login anymore nowadays. What is going to be the next few months before RD? More Fateswakening and Jugdral? Can't fucking wait.
  19. It's taken over two years for FE6 to finally get a focus of its own. I can't wait for the Roy/Lilina alt along with Rutger getting TT'd.
  20. So glad Ephraim won. He deserved it for being the first major victim of this shitty mode.
  21. I'm really not sure if I want to snipe green or not. I feel like both Quan and Sylvia are equally demote-worthy. And I really want Quan. But if he demotes, it could be wasted orbs into blue, and CYL2 drained a lot of orbs from me. On the other hand I definitely wouldn't mind a Sylvia demote either. Lene would really like to see her.
  22. Sorry, kind of just realised what the thread was about. My vote is for Hugh.
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