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Everything posted by Crubat

  1. Unfortunately no, they're *really* taking their time with this next post huh
  2. Maybe too early to say but theres seemingly no tweet today too
  3. Its funny cause in kris' forging bonds, the gag was that they were a shadow hero and no one knows about them and there was nothing written in the library about them and no one knew them until they asked Marth and his companions about them 😭
  4. I'm of the people who think we're only getting 12 rings, not anymore than the characters they've shown so I don't think they'll have female byleth or male corrin tbh. This game wasn't really rushed but I just get the feeling that we're not getting anymore than what was shown.
  5. Unfortunately seems like no tweet today, time to wait for tomorrow ;-;
  6. I'm not talking about the aesthetic of the game, the textures in three houses look really ugly and the dull coloring did not help at all. Now I'm not saying Engage is the best looking switch game, but the style that they went it for looks miles better and the brighter colors really makes it much more appealing to look at. I've seen so many of my friends say that it's pretty and how relieved they are they didn't repeat three houses' style.
  7. np! I'm just as excited for the game and it's nice to know people's thoughts on it!
  8. I like the look of a lot of the characters shown honestly. But I'm really liking him, I hope we get a name soon uwu
  9. it was black eagles > blue lions > golden deer > church EDIT: with some exceptions like when they revealed villains.
  10. Three houses characters were showcased every 1-3 days, it depended. It ran from april 25th with byleth to july 6th with cyril.
  11. Yeah sad that there's no tweets today seems like. I'm hungry for more. And I'm guessing there is combat arts or something similar but they just havent shown it off yet.
  12. Good idea, I'll do it when it gets too laggy for me. And thank you as well for the help!
  13. Agreed! Ever since someone pointed that out I thought it was really cute and made me like em more
  14. Done, tell me what yall think. Will post a reply each time something gets released with my thoughts on the reply instead of on the main post.
  15. Of course! Im sorta new so I didnt know how stuff like these would be handled but im happy to do it!
  16. Was thinking about it earlier today and remembered that corrin will be using their dragonstone as their weapon. I know Alear is a divine dragon but his class can't use dragonstones as we saw from the status screen and also Alear's "canon" ring will most likely be Marth. Do you think we'll get a shapeshifting character that'll probably pair with Corrin? If so, what kind?
  17. Youll probably be able to speed it up through the settings.
  18. I do hope we get proper three tiers back, and yeah I do hope we get both the twins tomorrow and not only 1 of em.
  19. Looked at the translation of it and Blue-Sky Dress is not in the japanese trailer
  20. Namely, the trailer has (probably) the correct combat numbers. There are also small differences in combat animations and Vander is at 2:13 instead of Framme's brother. That's all I noticed.
  21. probably cause of game lineup for this winter, they knew they couldnt complete it for the 30th anniversay so they probably just kept it in the vault till nintendo needed a game
  22. Of course, I'm VERY excited for this game so I've been analyzing everything they've shown lmao. I'll def make a post if there's anything worth noting.
  23. People who say three houses looks better are lying to themselves. Also yeah, I hope the weapon balancing isnt as bad as fates, I want to be able to upgrade my weapons without having penalties for using it, make it small pls. also hello fellow loona stan!
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